At the beginning we see how William grows from a child to the current him, how hard it is for people to understand him, how is his relationship with his other self the elf self, they have a common understanding of each other and William also talks about him not only sharing the same body but there is also a neutral understanding between without telling each other their thoughts they would know what each other was thinking, William bids farewell to his other self...
His elf self, bids him goodbye and goes on to castle to settle this once and for all...
Meanwhile Rades and the others were very pissed and they go on to look for the Black Bulls telling them that he will using them to get their revenge...
The chapter it self, the fact that we get to see William been torn who to help and all, shows that he did tried he best to stop this but wasn't able to do so, let the two confront each other was the only way for him as he didn't want to get caught in the middle of it all, as it was hard to see either one of them die...
Rating: 8.5/10