Chapter 184: 'Deku' was told by 'Eraser Head' that Eri will be in their care from now on as she has nobody to take care of her...
They also gotten a visit from the Wild Wild Pussy Cat, aling with Kota who is here to thank 'Deku' in person and tells him his new thoughts about hero, and 'Deku' learns that Kota have the same shoe was he has...Kota now looks up to 'Deku'...
'Deku' also learns that the Wild Wild Pussy Cat returning to their work...
They also learn their new ranking...
As they announces the new Top 10 Pro-Heroes, Tokoyami tells 'Deku' that during the time when they save Eri, he was working under the new No.2 'Hawks'...
There were also some new ranking...
Rating: 8/10
Chapter 185: One by one the Top 10 gave their comments, and the nakama was asked to comment on their thoughts too...
'Hawks' comments during the event pissed 'Endeavor' off, that he told him off...
'Hawks' goes on and ask him if he knows about Nomu and that there is one there is growing and is able to think...
Rating: 8.5/10
Chapter 186: 'Hawks' asked 'Endeavor' out as they talks about the Nomu, and on the way to place where they having their lunch they encountered a no-name villain that was been made used off...
'Hawks' help out the people around him and took photo and sign for his fans...
'Endeavor' tries to do the same but his fans tells him no thanks, as that is not like him at all...
While they were having lunch, they will soon attack by that Nomu......
Rating: 8/10
Chapter 187: Meanwhile Todoroki's sis and older brother when to visit their mother...
Todoroki's sister Fuyumi who appeared in an earlier arc reappears, along side with her brother Natsuo, he was one of the two brothers of Todoroki was mention in Sport Festival Arc...
They were there to visit their mother, and they talk about many things, mainly about their father, and that he is not even the least bit sorry for what he did to them, as well as not visiting his wife at all...
But Natsuo learns that their father did came visit but did not the face to see his wife, as he was afraid that seeing him will trigger her, so he send flowers whenever he visited her...
The battle between that Nomu which was called High End which was mention in an ealier chapter become more and more hard, as the Nomu has many Quriks...
They were having a hard time...
Rating: 9/10
Chapter 188: 'Endeavor' having a hard time fighting against as High End can talk and thinks...
High End was thinking a way to counter 'Endeavor''s attacks and tries to analyze his attack pattern and was able to avoid it...
'Endeavor' uses more powerful attacks on High End, the battle was be air live on television...
As 'Endeavor' learn that High End has more then 5 Quriks...
Many people saw the broadcast on television, 'Endeavor' been defeated by High End shocking many people...
'All Might' curses his inability to help and Todoroki looks very shock at his father defeat...
Rating: 9/10
Chapter 189: This chapter was very emotion for me, as we see 'Endeavor' tries very hard to defeat the Nomu in front even through he has fallen to the ground...
The news outlet commented some negative comment about him, and even goes on saying is this what it means without 'All Might'...
Fuyumi and Natsuo were discusses about their father, Natsuo says he should just give up and wait for re-enforcement, Fuyumi tells his brother their father will not give up that easily as he never did give up, Todoroki looks somewhat shock at what is happening to his father, a fan of 'Endeavor' tells the media to not say bad things about and that he hasn't given up in protecting the town from that Nomu...
'Endeavor' give chase to the Nomu and 'Hawks' gives him an hand, after thinking about the past saying no one wanted to take 'All Might' on as NO.1 only he, and states that he is dumb to not realize that 'All Might' can't never be replace that easily...
Rating: 9.5/10