This chapter beginning was kind of boring at first, but we learn a little bit more Hawks, and what was his driving force as a hero.
Afterwards, we see Enji having a chat with his sons, and daughter, Natsuo still pissed with his father can't stand looking his father in the eyes they have a fight and Natsuo said that even if their mother and sister has forgiven him for what he did he past, he still can't forgive him for what his did and Natsuo also talked about Toya, he big brother, Fuyumi did not know what to do and tired to get Todoroki to said something nice to their father, but he too states that he can't forgive for now, but still sees him as a good hero that will do whatever it takes to protect the city.
Near toward the end we see 'Deku' having a dream, that dream shows all the past One for All users, and a confrontation of the first One for All with All for One.
Rating: 9/10