uIn this chapter, we see both Aizawa and 'Vlad King' giving advice to their students, well actually Aizawa did like of tell them off a little while 'Vlad King' scolded his students for not having a leader to lead the team... At the same time 'Midnight' show another side of her that is kind funny and a bit scary if you look closer at it... Shortly after that, all teams started planning on what to do for their match... Most of Class 1-A are planning something new or some kind of a combine attack or something like that... Class 1-B on the hand, Monoma been his usual annoying self... He tries to get close to Shinso and O don't know what to said about this guy... Match 2, match up was been made known as we see one of them near toward the end, while the other match up was hinted at, and that match up is Yaoyoozu and Kendo...
Rating: 8/10