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Hunter X Hunter Arc by Arc Review (2/8) Part 1

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Gon and Killua arrive in Heaven's Arena, a place where fighters gather. Their objective is to train, earn money and find Hisoka so Gon can give back Hisoka's badge during the Hunter Exam. They start off in the lowest floor, easily winning their matches. They notice a fellow fighter, a boy named Zushi who is around their age.

Later, Zushi faces off Killua in a battle. Confident in his abilities, Killua doesn't try his best to knock out Zushi. To his surprise, Zushi is able to withstand Killua's attacks on him. When Zushi is unable to take another hit, he releases an energy that sends Killua backwards. The feeling reminds Killua of his older brother Illumi and he thinks they are somehow using the same technique. Zushi's master Wing, who is watching with the audience, shouts loudly to warn Zushi not to use "that". Killua wastes no more time so he gives Zushi a powerful punch which throws him out of the arena. Although defeated, Zushi can still get up despite the attack.

Gon congratulates Killua for winning yet another match, but Killua is wondering about the technique Zushi used. He tells Gon that he overheard Zushi's conversation with Wing, and he apologized for using that. Gon suggests that they should ask Zushi instead. Later, Zushi explains to them everything. Gon and Killua are unable to understand what Zushi is saying. Instead, Wing approaches them and Killua asks him if he can teach them about a technique called Nen. In their quarters, Wing starts to explain what "Nen" is and its principles. He demonstrates the same energy Zushi used before. When they got back in the tower, Killua tells Gon that Wing was lying to them.

They finally arrive to the 200th floor. The hallway leading to the register is blocked by a strong aura. As they move forward, an employee shows herself. She informs them that they only have until midnight to register for the fight. Hisoka shows himself, and tells them they are not yet ready to set foot on the floor. They try to force their way through, but Hisoka is stronger. Wing appears behind them and volunteers to teach them the "real" Nen.

Back in Wing's room, he demonstrates Nen and makes them feel the pressure. He opens their aura nodes so they can use Nen's technique called Ten. Two hours later, they come back to the 200th floor to face Hisoka. They successfully pass through his Nen barrier. After Hisoka leaves, they are confronted by 3 fighters, Gido, Sadaso, and Riehlvelt who challenge them to a fight.

The next day, Gon faces against Gido. Gido has already 4 victories and 1 defeat. He starts the match with taking out his "Dancing Tops". Unaware of what the tops can do, Gon keeps on getting hit. He tries to dodge multiple times with no avail. Gon states the tops are strong as hammers. Gido continues on hitting him, and gets 5 clean points. Gon tries to feel the movement of the tops but still fails. When Gon was thrown out of the ring, he sees a top near but not attacking him. He deduces that the tops are moving in all directions and shock themselves.

Gon finally realizes how to dodge the tops. He then tries to kick Gido but Gido himself spins like a top. Gon gets hit again which earns Gido another 3 points. Gon stays calm and uses Zetsu. Wing, who is watching from the sidelines, is shocked because he didn't teach Zetsu to Gon yet. With Zetsu, Gon is able to dodge the tops with his eyes closed. He can feel the movements of the tops and he can still fight. Hisoka also watches Gon's match, and gets pumped up.

After his fight with Gido, Gon earned three fractures and twelve cracks on his ribs. It will take him 4 months to recover. Killua starts ranting to him about his recklessness. Wing enters the room and slaps Gon. He proceeds to rant all the things Killua said before. Wing forbids Gon to fight for 2 months and will not let Gon practice Nen or study it. Gon promises and Wing gives him "a wire of pledge". Wing then asks Killua what are his objectives in competing. Killua replies that he wants to earn money and Gon wants to train and ultimately fight Hisoka, noting that their plans changed slightly upon meeting Wing and Zushi. Killua then comes back to see Gon meditating in his room so he joins in with Gon.

Meanwhile, Kurapika approached the Sengi Guild Hunter Agency only to be rejected by an agent. She tells him that Kurapika is a rookie and smart, and clients don't bother having rookies but Kurapika is beyond being an amateur. She states Kurapika's exam isn't over yet and asks if he can see something right beside her. And since Kurapika can't, she suggests for him to come back again after he learns it. On his way back, Kurapika meets a man whose name is yet unknown, who steals his Hunter License and so enters in on a match with Kurapika. After being utterly defeated, Kurapika receives his Hunter License back, whilst the stranger tells him that he's going to teach him about Nen, to which Kurapika accepts, and as such the older man becomes his master.

One month later, Gon is perfectly healed, which surprises Killua because it needs four months for him to recover. Killua then presents two tickets for Hisoka's match. He claims that he's able to get reserved seats because they are fighters in the 200th floor and Hisoka's matches are quite popular. Before they can proceed any longer, Wing says no. Wing tells them that watching a match is like learning Nen. Killua leaves alone.

One hour before the match, Killua uses his assassination skills to approach Kastro's room. He spots him sitting on a couch but before he knew it, Kastro is already by his side. This left Killua surprised yet he stays calm and lies to Kastro that he's there for his autograph. Kastro praises Killua for his Zetsu, although he already knew Killua was there ever since he arrived at the floor. Hisoka's match against Kastro is about to begin. Kastro states he has gone through vigorous training in able to defeat him. Kastro attacks first and hits Hisoka, while Hisoka wonders what just happened. In the sidelines, Killua deduces Kastro made an illusion.

Kastro charges at Hisoka again, this time Hisoka dodges the first punch, yet gets hit by the second. Kastro continues to attack Hisoka through punches and kicks and with the help of his speed, Kastro is able to knock Hisoka down. The score is now 4-0. Hisoka stands up and begins to deduce Kastro's fighting ability. Kastro states he will take Hisoka's arm by using his signature move, the Tiger Bite Fist. Hisoka then gladly states he'll give his arm. Kastro is able to cut off Hisoka's right arm. Hisoka finally realizes the secret of Kastro's strength, Kastro actually has a double.

Kastro shows off his Double ("Doppelganger") ability and tells Hisoka he'll take his left arm next. Hisoka then hides his right arm with a piece of cloth. Out from the cloth, cards came out flying. He tells Kastro to choose a card and memorize it, and asks what number would he get if he applied following formula: [(x + 4) * 2 - 6] / 2 - x. He pulls a card out of his broken arm and shows an ace (which is "1") of spades. He gives the card to Kastro as a souvenir telling him that he knew that his answer would be 1. Kastro charges again and takes his left arm. To their surprise, Hisoka's right arm is back and he starts to approach Kastro. Kastro continues to attack Hisoka with his double. Hisoka sends his cards towards Kastro which hits Kastro's left arm. Kastro continues to dodge but he eventually gets hit all over his body. Hisoka wins the match, leaving a dead Kastro behind.

Back in the shadows, a female awaits Hisoka and lets him show his wounds. She comments on Hisoka being a stupid jerk, and proceeds to treat his wounds as she is getting paid. Machi begins to stitch Hisoka's left arm with the help of her Nen ability. A few seconds later, Hisoka's left arm works perfectly. Machi proceeds to treat his right arm and charges him 20,000,000 Jenny Currency Symbol for the left arm and 50,000,000 Jenny Currency Symbol for his right arm. He uses a combination of Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise to hide his wounds.

Machi then tells Hisoka she's leaving, and not to push himself before his wounds are fully healed. She reminds Hisoka the most important thing, be on Yorknew City at August 30th before noon, all members must be present. Hisoka asks her if the boss will be there and she replies that he most likely will and also if Hisoka doesn't show up, the boss will probably go after him. Hisoka also asks Machi if she could stay with him, but she had already left. Later, Hisoka takes a shower and removes the Phantom Troupe tattoo on his back, with the help of his Texture Surprise.

Wing tells Gon and Killua that they'll start training again with Zushi. As part of their training, Wing lets Gon watch Hisoka's previous match with Kastro. Wing orders Killua and Gon to do Ten, while Zushi does Ren. While Zushi uses Ren, Wing tells him to use Gon and look at Hisoka's aura in his body during the match. Then, Wing tells Gon that he has 28 days left to register in another match and Killua has 27. Gon will have his match on June 10th while Killua on June 9th. Until then, they'll master using Gyo.

Later, Gon, Killua, and Zushi arrive at the 200th floor and are confronted again by Gido, Riehlvelt, and Sadaso. Killua expresses his irritation to them, and Sadaso tells him they want to know when Gon and Killua are able to fight. Gon tells Sadaso that he'll fight on June 10th. However, Sadaso can't fight after May 29th but he assures Gon that they'll fight. In their room, Gon and Killua continue to practice and Zushi is watching them. After training, Zushi leaves and is followed by Sadaso. He uses his Nen ability to stop Zushi from moving. Killua approaches them and agrees to be their opponent. He assures them that he'll let them win and will offer victory to each one of them. However, Gon will not be able to fight them. The trio agrees and the match date is set on May 29th. Sadaso gives Zushi back to Killua. Meanwhile, Gido is talking to Gon about Zushi's case.

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