The next day, Killua hears a man selling out tickets to Sadaso and Gon's match. In their room, Wing thanks Killua for looking after Zushi last night. Killua lies to Gon that someone called Killua on the phone saying his friend fell asleep on the main entrance. Then, Killua asks Wing to let him see Hisoka's match again, as he can do Gyo. Wing praises them for being able to learn Gyo in one evening. Killua tells Wing he already decided what date he's going to fight, which is May 29th, his birthday, which is also a mega lie.
Gon approaches Killua because he knows they threatened Killua too. Gon is willing to lose on purpose, but Killua has another plan. In his room, Sadaso is delighted, believing he will gain a 6th victory against Killua and will soon become a Floor Master. Killua enters his room and threatens him; if Sadaso moves, uses Nen, or makes a sound, he's dead. Killua makes Sadaso swear that he'll never appear before them again. A few moments later, Killua wins his match by withdrawal.Sadaso contacts Riehlvelt through a phone and informs him that Killua is like the person who lives on the dark side. By just looking through his eyes, Sadaso knows the difference between their strength so he decided to quit, rather than die. Riehlvelt claims that Killua will not be able to scare him but to his surprise, Killua is already in their room. He tells them to respect the rules. Out of fear, Riehlvelt and Gido agree to fight fair.
The day of their matches has come. Gon thinks of using his father's old fishing rod as weapon, to which Wing agrees. In the arena, Gon is the first one to make a move. Before Gon could come any closer, Gido spins himself like a top. Next, he sends his "Dancing Tops" charging at Gon but he simply blocks the tops. Gon successfully pulverizes the tops which makes Gido surprised how his Nen increased. Gon makes the next move by attacking with his fishing rod and it seems ineffective against Gido. After a series of attacks, Gon lifts a flagstone of the ring with his fishing rod, and smashes unto Gido. Gido is knocked down and Gon delivers his finishing punch and breaks Gido's metal leg. Gon threatens Gido not to lay a finger on Zushi again.
Shortly after Gon's fight, Killua faces against Riehlvelt. This time, Riehlvelt is completely confident. Killua starts off by jumping too high and fast as Riehlvelt thought he disappeared. Killua appears behind him and tries to punch him but Riehlvelt is able to dodge it using Aura Boost. Killua merely shrugs this off, thinking he jumped too high.
Riehlvelt takes out two bullwhips, calling them "Twin Snakes". He rapidly circles himself within the whips and it looks like a perfect defense, called "Twin Snakes' Sons of Defense". While boasting about his abilities, he sends the whips towards Killua but he simply catches them. Albeit surprised, Riehlvelt then switches "Twin Snakes' Thunder Snake" which electrocutes anyone who has made physical contact with it. Riehlvelt begins to laugh and boast about his abilities again. This time, Killua sends him soaring through the air. He states that electricity doesn't hurt him as it was a part of his training and torture. Riehlvelt begs for Killua to save him and Killua agrees. Riehlvelt falls into his arms, while Killua is holding the "Twin Snakes". Due to the electricity, Riehlvelt gets electrocuted and loses the fight.
A few days later, Gon faces off against Riehlvelt. This time, Gon didn't bring his fishing rod. Riehlvelt starts the match by using his "Twin Snakes' Song of Defense". Gon crouches on the floor, picks up a flagstone with his bare hands, and smashes against Riehlvelt. However, he manages to dodge the attack. Gon runs after him and grabs both of his arms which made Riehlvelt drop his whips. Gon takes the whips and wraps it around Riehlvelt's neck. Gon pretends to switch on the "Thunder Snake" and because of fear, Riehlvelt passes out, making Gon the winner.Hisoka congratulates Gon in the sidelines. Hisoka agrees to fight Gon, and lets him decide when their fight is going to be. Wing says it's time to see what Nen type Zushi, Gon, and Killua are. Using wine glass filled full of water with a leaf on top, Wing demonstrates the Water Divination by using Ren around the glass, he reveals he's an Enhancer by increasing the volume of water. Gon is an Enhancer, Zushi is a Manipulator, and Killua is a Transmuter. After training, the three come back to see how they've improved. Killua's water tastes like honey, Zushi struggles, and Gon creates an amazing amount of water, impressing and scaring Wing. Killua and Gon pass the final Hunter test.
When Hisoka and Gon finally fight, it's a huge deal. The place is packed. Gon starts with a barrage of attacks, but gets hit quite a lot and the score becomes 1-0, Hisoka. Gon comes up with a plan by flipping part of the arena floor, much like he did in the previous fight, but this time punches it, causing a wave of rubble to fly toward Hisoka. In the rubble, Gon is able to get a very hard punch to Hisoka's face, scoring two points, and fulfilling his goal to... hit Hisoka in the face, 2-1, Gon. Hisoka casually walks toward Gon, and Gon does the same. Gon finally hands Hisoka his #44 tag from the Hunter Exam, because he just punched him in the face. Hisoka then takes some time to discover Gon is an Enhancer since he's simple minded and tells everyone the personality analysis method for discovering a person's Nen type (although Hisoka admits that this is not an exact science):
Enhancers (e.g. Gon and Wing) are simple and determined;
Transmuters (e.g. Hisoka and Killua) are whimsical and liars;
Emitters are short tempered;
Specialists tend to be independent;
Conjurers are high-strung and nervous;
and, Manipulators are argumentative. Hisoka gets serious, attacking Gon at will, with Gon barely able to even dodge.
Hisoka eventually scores a critical hit, Gon must back off and the score becomes 3-2, Hisoka. Gon tries to think of a strategy, but Hisoka gets bored. He wants Gon to attack him, but Gon refuses. It is revealed at some point Hisoka put his Bungee Gum power on Gon's cheek. Hisoka pulls him over, giving a devastating punch, 6-2, Hisoka. The crowd doesn't seemed pleased at the scoring. Hisoka explains when he attached the power, and Gon realizes the Bungee Gum can't be taken off. Hisoka becomes turned on like always and allows Gon to punch him repeatedly. Hisoka then punches Gon using the Bungee Gum, is about to again, but Gon blocks the second punch. The judge gives Gon 2 points and 3 points to Hisoka, 1 for a knockdown. Gon argues he never was knocked down as the crowd begins to boo loudly.
Gon realizes he only has 1 point till he loses when suddenly a piece of the rubble from the arena floor smacks him in the face and he loses. Hisoka used the time Gon argued to attach the Bungee Gum to it. Hisoka is pleased with how strong Gon has become. Gon is upset, but realizes he still has a chance one day of defeating Hisoka. The judge admits he was in favor of Hisoka winning because he was worried of Gon dying during the fight. Killua and Gon say goodbye to Wing and Zushi and head to Whale Island.
Rating: 8/10