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Hunter X hunter Arc by Arc Review (4/8) Part 2

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Gon continues practicing, having excelled at creating an Enhancement Hatsu: Rock. However, he struggles with the Emission-oriented Paper as it is not his affinity. Gon desires to learn Scissors, a Transmutation attack, but Biscuit is unsure that it would work. Gon explains that Biscuit indirectly helped him create the Hatsu by explaining the history of rock-paper-scissors, and that his enjoyment was a factor. Biscuit is glad, since his emotions would make the Hatsu stronger. Killua shows off his electricity, scaring Biscuit as she deduces that Killua must have had a rough childhood. She decides to have the boys take a break from training, and during the break, Gon remembers that the Hunter Exam would be taking place soon. They go to Masadora to find out how to leave the game, and they are told that they have to use a "Leave" card or bribe or defeat the Harbormaster. They go to the Harbormaster, and Killua easily defeats him and leaves the game to take the 288th Hunter Exam. He is taken to Dolle Harbor by Elena. Gon and Biscuit run into Abengane while training, and learn of Genthru's status as the Bomber and the curse he has inflicted upon the members of Nickes' Alliance. He asks them to warn everyone they see about Genthru, and to avenge the deaths of his victims. Abengane is under the suspicion that Genthru's deal is just a setup. At the same time, Nickes meets with the Bomb Devil trio. He gives Genthru the cards and begs for his life. At the same time, elsewhere, Abengane begins an exorcist ritual, getting a worm to eat the bomb off his shoulder. Genthru, Sub, and Bara lock fingers, claiming in that it will deactivate the bombs. In actuality, the formation triggers them. The still-counting bombs detonate, killing all of the alliance members except Abengane and Cuzco.

Killua takes part in the Hunter Exam, defeating all the other applicants and easily becoming a Hunter. He returns to the game, where he is updated on the events that have transpired since he left. Killua tells Gon to use Contact to look at the people whom they have met, and they notice Chrollo Lucilfer. They are utterly confused by this as Chrollo is supposed to be incapable of using Nen after his confrontation with Kurapika. The Phantom Troupe themselves also notice this, laughing at it for being a fake. Out of the shadows comes Hisoka, who reveals that he is the one using Chrollo's name as an alias. When Killua informs Kurapika of what happened, Kurapika confirms that Chrollo has not rid himself of the chain on his heart. Gon is contacted Kazsule, who previously stole Gon's cards, in an offer for an exchange. They do trade, and then they go to Dorias, where Killua uses a Risky Dice to make big winnings. Meanwhile, Tsezguerra's team barters with Genthru's team. Unbeknownst to them, Genthru has disguised two random players as Sub and Bara, and when the trade takes place, the real Sub and Bara ambush Tsezguerra's team and steal all their cards. Seeing the level of threat Genthru poses, Tsezguerra beings to formulate a counter-plan.

Gon and the others go back to the sick villagers. Gon uses Paladin's Necklace to transform them to "Healthy Villagers" cards, earning him the Wild Luck Alexandrite. They are once again contacted by Kazsule, who wants to meet them in person. They do meet, with several other teams, and talk about the Bombers. They trade information regarding the cards Genthru lacks, and after some tension between Killua and Asta, they decide to co-operate. They go to Soufrabi to find the "Plot of Beach" card, where a lady NPC informs them that pirate have taken over and will kill anyone who leaks information regarding the Plot of Beach. The united teams decide to go confront the pirates.

The teams locate the pirates' base at a tavern. One of the pirates, Bopobo offers to take them to his boss if they manage to force him out of a circle, which is surrounded by fire. Zeho attempts to do it but Bopobo effortlessly overpowers him. Killua takes over, using some alcohol and electricity to ignite Bopobo's hat, burning his head. Bopobo leaves the ring to extinguish the fire, earning them both the right to see the boss and, to Killua, Bopobo's hatred. They meet the boss, Razor, who challenges them to several sports matches where the first team with 8 points wins; should he lose, he will leave Soufrabi. The first match is boxing, where it's a Pirate boxer versus Montreux. Montreux is easily defeated by his opponent's Hatsu, which allows him to teleport his punch. The next match is juggling soccer balls; Biscuit vs. the Pirate footballer. Biscuit loses, so the third match is Killua vs. Bopobo in sumo. Killua forfeits, giving Razor's team a third point. This string of losses continues, and Goreinu loses the basketball match, giving Razor 8 points and sealing Gon's loss. The other players leave, believing their objective to be accomplished. Gon, Biscuit, Killua, and Goreinu go in search of stronger players. They decide to go look for "Chrollo". They teleport to his location, to find that it is Hisoka, who is currently bathing. While Biscuit is infatuated over Hisoka, Gon and Killua ask him his intention. He lies, stating that it is to find Chrollo (in actuality, it is to find an exorcist). He asks what Gon's intention is, and Gon says there is none. Hisoka recommends going to the city of Aiai to find more partners.

As they travel to Aiai, Biscuit alerts Killua that Hisoka is indeed lying. Killua becomes mores suspicious of Hisoka's testimony. They reach Aiai, where they meet strange characters. Hisoka remarks that Aiai won't bore him. Killua picks up on the nuance and realizes that Hisoka is looking for an exorcist, and that he has already met the other members of the Troupe. They leave Aiai, and Gon decides to recruit Tsezguerra. Killua uses Hisoka's binder to test whether Hisoka has the Troupe members' names or not. Gon uses it to call Tsezguerra, but none of the Troupe members' names are there. Gon manages to schedule a rendezvous with Tsezguerra. It is revealed that Hisoka used Texture Surprise to mask the names of the Troupe members.

With Tsezguerra's team, Goreinu, and Hisoka, as well as some random players, Gon decides to re-challenge Razor. After a week of training, they go back to the tavern and easily defeat Razor's team in the sporting matches. Razor requests his teammates to stand down. Bopobo decides to hold a mutiny in order to settle his vendetta against Killua. In response, Razor uses a Nen ball to blow up his head. After 4 matches, Razor suddenly changes the rules and decides that there will be a dodgeball game involving all players that is worth 8 points, with 8 players on each side. The random players with Gon decide to retreat after seeing Razor's deadly force, leaving Gon with only 6 players. Razor refuses to have anything other than 8 players, angering Gon, as Razor had so callously killed his own teammate. When Gon asks Razor his reason for killing Bopobo, Razor reveals that Bopobo was a death row convict for rape-murder and torture-murder. In fact, all the pirates are death row convicts, and Razor reserves the right to carry out their sentence if they disobey him. Razor also reveals that Greed Island is a location in the real world. Gon asks if Ging is in Greed Island, but Razor only says that Ging ordered him to not hold back. Goreinu creates two gorillas in order to compensate for the missing two players. After explaining the rules, the match begins.

Razor initially gains the upper hand, managing to destroy an ape and incapacitate Tsezguerra. Hisoka uses Bungee Gum to attack the opponents, alerting Killua to its potential advantages in the game. Hisoka and Killua decide to take out the Devils, leaving only Razor in the match. Before Hisoka's attack lands, two devils combine to withstand it, managing to regain possession of it. They pass it to Razor, who throws it at Gon. Gon uses Ko to block it, sending him flying but otherwise unharmed. Gon is now out. Goreinu throws the ball at Razor to avenge his demolished ape. Goreinu hits Razor, but Razor's devil catches the ball before it hits the ground and throws it back to Goreinu, knocking him out. Razor throws the ball at Killua, but at the last minute, has it change trajectory such that it goes for Biscuit and Hisoka. It hits Biscuit's dress, which is counted as a part of her body; as a result, she is now out. Hisoka, having managed to gain possession of the ball, has sustained damage to his hands. Gon uses Back to return to the game, aiming to beat Razor at his own game. He has Killua hold the ball while he hits it with his Enhancement Hatsu, Jajanken. The force generated is enough to send one of Razor's devils out. He tries it again, this time using more concentration, and aims it at Razor. Razor deflects the ball to the ceiling, and while waiting for it come down, Hisoka uses Bungee Gum to move it away, so that Razor is out. Razor uses Back to return. Tsezguerra requests Gon to not have Killua hold the ball as Killua's hands are severely injured from Jajanken. Killua is adamant on staying in because he is Gon's friend, and likewise, Gon believes that he feels most confident when Killua is there. Biscuit takes out the last Devil in the game, leaving only Razor.

Razor recalls all the devils, since they are out, in order to maximize his power. He throws the ball, but Gon, Killua, and Hisoka make a formation that allows them to regain possession without any outs. Gon uses an even stronger Jajanken than before to hit Razor, impressing the man. He does what he did before, except he returns it to Gon this time. Gon falls unconscious, but Hisoka uses Bungee Gum to catch the ball and send it back to Razor. The Bungee Gum causes the ball to stick to Razor while pushing him out of bounds. As Razor is now out, Gon's team is victorious. After the game, Gon and Razor have a discussion, with Razor revealing his past with Ging. He admits that he does not know where Ging is. After defeating Razor, they leave and return to the woman who informed them of the pirates' invasion. She presents them with the "Plot of Beach" card. Hisoka then leaves the group.

They are then called by Genthru, demanding that they give him the Plot of Beach. He had murdered the players that were formerly on Gon's team. Gon challenges Genthru to a fight, one to which Genthru accepts, once he's finished with Tsezguerra. The Bomb Devils decide to go after Tsezguerra, believing him to have the Plot of Beach. Tsezguerra agrees to buy time while Gon concocts a plan to fight Genthru. He rebukes Gon for impulsively provoking Genthru, noting that Killua would have been endangered if Genthru accepted the challenge then and there. After leaving, Gon and Killua heal and train with Biscuit.

Hisoka and the Troupe monitor Abengane, interested in his exorcism. Hisoka meets the member of the Troupe that serves as his replacement: Kalluto Zoldyck. Tsezguerra participates in various confrontations with Genthru, using a hit-and-run strategy to keep him occupied. In turn, Genthru becomes much more belligerent against other players, forcing them to collect cards for him, or even murder them. Goreinu remotely monitors Genthru's actions, informing him that the Sub and Bara with Genthru are fakes. After Tsezguerra's team uses their last "Accompany" card, they return to Battera's mansion. There, they find no one except Sabazushi, who tells them that everyone Battera employed has left. Tsezguerra finds Battera, who is visibly shaken, and demands an explanation. Battera divulges the story of his lover, who was in severe condition following a grave accident. The only thing that could heal her was the "Angel's Breath" card; however, now she is dead.

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