Among the four remaining candidates, Mizaistom goes first and inspires the Hunters to vote for Cheadle instead, hoping that his announcement would knock Pariston out of the competition. Cheadle comes next and briefly announces that she supports Leorio as the next Chairman. Everyone in the hall, including Mizaistom, Pariston, and Ging, are surprised. Leorio then steps on stage. Although he admits to himself that he is not ready, he honestly claims that he intends to make the whole Association his private property, and that his first act as Chairman would be to save Gon. His heartfelt confession about being unable to help Gon earns him the support of all the Hunters within the room. After the thunderous applause he receives, Pariston steps forward to give his speech. Cheadle seems so sure that Leorio would become the next Chairman.
Back in the hospital, Alluka finally awakens. Killua explains that a friend of his is sick in bed and he wants to make him feel better again. When Alluka refuses to transform into Nanika, Killua assures him that they would always be together thereafter. Elsewhere, Illumi contemplates on the power of Alluka and finds out that the rules actually do not apply to Killua at all. Tsubone refers to his ambition to control his siblings as sinister and cruel, to the point of straying from the path of an assassin. Killua wishes for Nanika to bring Gon back to normal, with Nanika responding positively.
On the podium, Pariston delivers his speech and declares that Mizaistom should win the election. He explains that strength, experience and caliber are the characteristics of a good Chairman, all that Mizaistom possesses. After his speech, the four candidates begin their debate. When Cheadle glances towards Ging's direction, she finds him dozing off in his seat, much to her annoyance. Mizaistom sternly proclaims that he does not want to be a Chairman, but Pariston intercepts him, saying that Mizaistom initially claimed that he did not "necessarily" wanted to be Chairman. Cheadle and Mizaistom come into a conclusion that Pariston needs to be defeated.
While the results of the election are in progress, Nanika touches Gon and proceeds to heal him. The tremendous amount of aura surprises the people outside the hospital, the Zoldycks who are currently watching the live video, and Illumi, who is waiting nearby. Illumi becomes delighted and is confident that Nanika would be his. The results of the election end with Leorio in first place, Pariston in second, Mizaistom and Cheadle on third and fourth places. Alluka's aura reaches the Hunter Association, and is felt by the three candidates (except Leorio), and Ging. A re-election is needed, thus Pariston convinces Leorio to repeat his objectives when he becomes Chairman.
Leorio does repeat his previous statement about saving Gon, while Pariston looks at the doors, seemingly waiting for something. Then, Pariston suggests that the Hunters rethink about the rules of the Hunter Bylaws and abolish the current Hunter Exam regulations. From the audience, Kanzai angrily disagrees and reminds him that the commandments are absolute. However, Pariston disagrees and argues that "now" is the perfect timing for it. Cheadle interjects and declares herself to become Leorio's adviser, if he ever wins, and she would improve the rules of the exam. Leorio immediately refuses the motion, as he is only interested in saving Gon's life.
Finally, the time Pariston has been waiting for arrives. Morel bursts through the door, crying profusely, and gives Leorio a thumbs-up sign. Leorio's tears show when he sees Gon striding towards down the staircase, all healed up. He rushes to his friend and gives him a tight hug. Morel makes Leorio promise not to tell Gon that it was Killua who saved him, and Leorio agrees. Everyone in the hall then applauded. Cheadle realizes that Pariston intended to save Leorio for last, knowing that Gon would appear, so that Leorio would lose his motive for running as candidate. When she asks how Pariston knew he would win, he only laughs it off, but later answers that it was when Ging announced he'd run as a candidate. Ging was confident Gon would live, and Pariston trusted Ging as an enemy.
Gon astounded at the overwhelming applause, he sees in the crowd, Dwun and List waving to him over pointing at someone seated between them. Gon wonders if it is Ging; Ging on the other hand looks uncomfortable and realizes meeting Gon is now unavoidable.
Left with no other choice, Ging waves his hand and greets Gon for the first time. Gon immediately rushes towards him and apologizes that Kite turned into a little girl. He begins ranting about the events during the Chimera Ant crisis, which overwhelms and flusters his father. Ging explains that it was Kite's fault for misjudging the situation, and that it is Gon's responsibility to apologize to Kite, not to Ging. Gon agrees and asks Ging if they could talk more later, which Ging doubts. The crowd within the election hall goes wild and begins calling Ging names and insults. When the crowd did not stop, Ging takes them on in a playful fight.
Pyon orders everyone to be quiet, since the election is still ongoing. Before Gon could leave, Pariston asks him whether who Gon should vote between him and Leorio. After a slight tension on Cheadle's part, Gon simply answers that he would vote for Pariston, because Leorio intends to become a doctor and therefore, he could not be a chairman. Leorio and Gon proceed to leave, but not before Ging explaining that he taught Kite his Crazy Slots ability. It may have been the reason why Kite is still alive, driven by his strong desire to live.
The ninth and last election for the Hunter Chairman declares Pariston Hill as the new Chairman. He announces that Cheadle would be his vice chairman, while he himself would step down from being chairman. All Zodiacs are surprised, including Ging who admits he did not anticipate the outcome. Enraged, Cheadle confronts Pariston in the hallway. Pariston explains that he only wanted to play with previous Chairman Netero. He tells Cheadle to reform the commandments and Hunter Exam, and if the Association becomes dull under Cheadle's leadership, he would become serious about toying with her.
Meanwhile, Illumi arrives at the hospital in pursuance of both Killua and Alluka. He deduces that Killua has not "wished" to Nanika, but rather issued a command to it. Once he confronts Killua again, Illumi states that he is the only one who could safely use Nanika's ability for the Zoldyck Family. He promises Alluka would also have freedom under his supervision. Killua, however, replies that he would be the one to protect Alluka, and commands Nanika to teleport Illumi back home. In Kukuroo Mountain, Silva, Kikyo, and Milluki, who were all watching, are surprised to see him instantly teleported. Illumi confidently confides that there would be no more risk of Alluka's requests, as long as Killua commands him.
Back in the hospital, Killua also asks for Tsubone and Amane to leave. Nanika requests to be patted on the head, but Killua refuses and tell Nanika he could not come out any longer. Nanika cries and goes back to sleep, as Alluka awakes. Alluka cries as well and scolds Killua for making Nanika cry, and insists that he should apologize. Though he thinks he may still be under Illumi's control, Killua agrees and apologizes to Nanika. He tells Nanika never to grant other people's wishes any more, so that Killua would pat him on the head. After a tearful exchange, Nanika forgives Killua. In the corner of the room, Tsubone is revealed to be watching and crying, as Kikyo orders her that the restrictions upon Killua are cancelled.
In a mansion, Koala remembers the red-haired girl he killed. According to him, shooting people to death has always been his job and he repented the day he was reborn as a Chimera Ant—that the cycle of him killing people still continued. Yet he also admits that the ones he should have killed were the Ants hunting the red-haired girl. He thanks Meruem's twin sister, the reborn Kite, for listening to his story until the end. However, Kite orders Koala to keep on apologizing and never to lose his resolve, unless Koala wanted to be killed by her.
Spinner Clow appears by the doorway and announces that a visitor has come. Gon sits in front of her and confesses that he was not strong enough so they could fight together, and that he would protect Kite next time. Gon acknowledges the help he received from Killua and the others, who helped him recover after his battle with Neferpitou. Smiling, both Gon and Kite concede that they did not have enough training. Then, Kite shifts the conversation to Ging, after hearing that Gon and his father have already met. She encourages Gon to hurry back to Ging and promises that she would contact Gon and Killua if ever she needs their help. As Gon finally departs the mansion, Koala also apologizes and assures Kite that he would live his life to the fullest now.
In order to meet Ging again, Gon is instructed to climb a World Tree. Together with Killua and Alluka, Gon travels to the foot of the tree and learn information about it: standing on 1,784 meters, it is the tallest tree in the world. Before parting ways, Gon thanks Killua for everything he has done, which prompts the latter to enumerate times when Gon annoyed him, but only as a tease. Killua informs his friend that Alluka was the one who healed him, and also calls forth Nanika; Killua explains that it is Nanika's wish granting ability that caused him to be imprisoned back home. Alluka assures to return Killua once both of them have had enough traveling together. Finally, with another farewell, Gon and Killua part ways.
Gon proceeds to the information booth and gets access to climb the World Tree. On the way up, he encounters a fellow climber calling out for help. Gon requests for aid and sees the climber rescued, before going on his own way. After a few minutes, he reaches the top and is surprised to find a large nest. Ging awaits on the other side and tosses an apple for Gon to eat. As they both enjoy the view at the top, Gon asks his father what he truly wanted. After a while, Ging explains that he wanted something that was not before him, which was a royal burial site that time, and could only be achieved if he had the means to do so. Before and after he became a Hunter, Ging acquainted himself with various archaeologists. According to him, the journey before reaching his goal was more important the the goal itself. When asked about what he wants now, Ging claims that the World Tree they just climbed is only a sapling that stopped growing; the real World Trees are located somewhere else and needs magma and mountains to grow to its full height. Currently, the one Ging wants is "something" he could not see in front of him. According to him, he still does not have the qualifications to explore the outside world, but he could wait for the time to come.
As the day wanes, Gon returns his father's Hunter License, the one he received from Kite long before. They continue talking about their adventures to each other. In Whale Island, Mito receives a card and picture of Gon and the Small-billed Swans. Morel and Knov finally take their bets, and spend the money buying wine and toasting for the former Chairman Netero. After talking with Ging, Gon returns to Kite and her group of Amateur Hunters. Knuckle, Shoot McMahon, Meleoron, Ikalgo, and Palm are back in the hospital and are enjoying the picture of the Small-billed Swans as well.
Elsewhere, Gon's other friends receive the same images; Leorio simultaneously tries to call Kurapika, but receives no response. Kurapika is revealed to have found five pairs of his brethren's Scarlet Eyes. In Kukuroo Mountain, Canary and Amane erect a grave for the recently deceased Gotoh, while a Kiriko disguises as the former butler. Canary convinces Amane not to tell Killua. Lastly, back in the barren Republic of East Gorteau, a dead Komugi and Meruem are seen holding hands.
Rating: 9/10