Hanzo returns to his bedroom only to discover that Biscuit and his own body are missing, discovering that the rest of the room is empty. He finds Marayam's Nen beast to be smaller, but more menacing, believing that the Nen beast will not distinguish between friend and foe.
Camilla approaches her guard and announces her intention to kill Benjamin. She threatens the guard to co-operate, or be killed, prompting the guard to think that she is joking.
Musse aims his gun at Camilla, ordering her not to advance. Camilla disregards his command, leading Musse to believe that she has confidence in her Nen ability. He shoots her, believing that that will lead to the best outcome. The bullets pierce her body, supposedly killing her. As he goes to inspect her corpse and activate his Nen ability, a large cat suddenly appears behind him, scoops him up and crushes him. It then drips a liquid from its tail into Camilla's mouth, resurrecting her. Some of Camilla's guards, alerted by the gunfire, rush to her aid, and she announces that she will be pursuing the assassin belonging to Benjamin who attacked her. Her guards dissuade her, but she goes regardless, threatening to torture and kill their families if they disobey.
She is confronted by Furykov and another guard outside of Benjamin's room. Benjamin gives his guards strict orders not to attack her, and to let her pass. Camilla uses the opportunity to shoot the two guards, though Furykov's Nen ability protects him from fatal damage. Camilla enters Benjamin's room, where he commends her for her courage and informs her that she will die. She states that she is only interested in finding her assailant. She tries to shoot Benjamin, but he defends himself with his aura, though he does not retaliate. Furykov then arrests Camilla, and Camilla threatens to torture and kill his family. Furykov replies that Benjamin is his only family. With that, she is placed in solitary confinement under the supervision of Balsamilco and Furykov. Furykov receives permission from Balsamilco to leave as Musse's Hatsu had already been activated, and it conveys information to Benjamin via Benjamin's Hatsu.
Hanzo tries to enter Momoze's room, but he is blocked by the security personnel in front of it. As he has no other way to get into contact with Marayam, he goes to Kurapika, who surmises that their disappearance is tied to a Nen ability rather than a malfunctioning phone. Hanzo explains that only a lower prince and their personnel cannot contact a higher prince, and he asks Kurapika if there is a more surreptitious method of contact. Shimano receives a call from Marayam's personnel, but when Hanzo enters Marayam's room, he is missing. Marayam's guard Vergei requests to talk to Kurapika.
Benjamin and Camilla are in court. One of Camilla's soldiers states that she was attacked by Musse and later shot Benjamin to defend herself. Balsamilco, however, states that it was Camilla who attacked Benjamin. The trial is postponed, as both soldiers demand the other prince's room to be investigated, and, until the trial is resumed, Cleapatro has both princes under surveillance. Balsamilco finds it frustrating that Camilla could get away with her assault, but Benjamin does not think it is a problem, since he can keep an eye on her using Secret Window.
The next day, Kurapika and Sakata find that three more bodyguards were killed by the Silent Majority user during the Nen teaching, including Myuhan. Kurapika thinks this will raise suspicions against him even more. In fact, Maor and Satobi express their belief that the Nen course was nothing but a plan of Kurapika's to eliminate other princes' personnel. Kurapika finds himself unable to defend himself, as their claims are very plausible, but Belerainte tells them they should simply be more vigilant. Maor says that they don't trust Hunters, since there are rumors that the Hunter Association got involved in the Succession Contest in order to gain position close to Kakin's royalty. Belerainte concludes by saying that the Hunters are there simply to do their job as Hunters, and that, if the course is cancelled, the assassin will escape and they will have failed their mission.
Kurapika thanks Belerainte for his help, and Belerainte asks Bill's help for ten minutes to report information to Hanzo, Vergei, and the others in room 1013 without seeming unnatural, by discussing the matters with him next to the door. He also encourages Kurapika to go on with the classes and help save as many princes as possible.
Kacho pretends to ask Melody to help her study, while she is actually trying to communicate with her through Morse code using a mosquito sound toy device adults cannot hear. As Melody secretly confirms she understands Kacho's message, Kacho secretly messages her to look in a certain place in the kitchen. There, Melody finds another of that device for herself and realizes how hard Kacho is working in order to survive the contest.
Zhang Lei finds another coin, now aware that it came from his Guardian Spirit Beast. Coventoba reasons the coin grants special abilities to the person who has it once certain conditions are met, though neither the conditions nor the abilities granted are known yet.
The next day, Fugetsu confirms that her ability activates once per day. She also plans to investigate what properties it has and gather as much information about it as possible so that she can use her "magic powers" to escape the ship with Kacho. She finds out that the exit door does not appear right after she chooses a destination.
Danjin reports Myuhan's death to Tserriednich, who is still learning Nen from Theta. While he says that they are unable to know whether the assassin is someone from Woble's staff or someone else, Danjin believes he must keep attending the classes, since Kurapika's group is certain they can teach them Nen in two weeks, and he believes Kurapika is speaking the truth. Plus, he remarks that Hunter Association members are there to prevent harm to the princes during the voyage. Tserriednich thinks of the possibility of Kurapika being a Manipulator who must teach Nen as a condition to activate his ability. The Prince's fast reasoning greatly astonishes Theta, who starts thinking about the wound his Guardian Spirit Beast caused on her, and that it must also be a condition to activate its abilities. Tserriednich tells Danjin that, if he is still attending the classes, by the last day he must bring him a "present" to prove he is not being manipulated. Danjin reluctantly agrees.
Tserriednich wants Theta to let him do the Water Divination test. She firstly believes it is better not to do so, but realizes it will be easier to take counter measures if she knows his Nen type. The test reveals Tserriednich to be a Specialist. The water in the glass boils, becomes filthy and releases a putrid smell as a manifestation of his sinister nature, much to Theta's horror.
Prince Kacho shares her plan with her mother, Queen Seiko, about putting a music show for the next banquet. She elaborates that she and Fugetsu can play the glass harp together, while Melody can perform with her flute. Queen Seiko agrees and proposes to tell King Nasubi about it, but Kacho says the queen does not need to do that. Then she declares her resolve to fight in the Succession War and reassures her mother not to be worried. However, when she parts ways with the queen, Kacho exclaims that Seiko is an old hag and is only trying to make herself feel better.
While Kacho gives out orders for her bodyguards, she communicates with Melody through Morse code. They plan to use the speakers so that everyone in the first tier can hear their performance. Kacho also plans to meet with Fugetsu. Melody then observes the Tenth Prince and wonders to herself about Kacho's pretense of hating her bodyguards, so when it comes to saving either her or Fugetsu, her guards would choose to save Fugetsu instead. Melody swears to herself she would not let it happen and promises that both Kacho and Fugetsu will get off the boat.
One of the Hunter bodyguards for Kacho approaches Melody. Keeney shares that he sensed someone appeared before Kacho using a Nen ability, though he cannot discern the person despite his En. He concludes that due to Kacho's calm reaction that it must be Fugetsu. He also thinks that the ability Fugetsu used might be able to save her from the danger, and asks Melody to handle it. With this information, Melody think that the combined forces of Kacho, Fugetsu, and herself, they can prepare. However, she is worried about Kacho's Guardian Spirit Beast, which is yet to show itself, making it a mystery for Melody whether it is battle-oriented or not.