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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 Stone Ocean Arc by Arc Review (04/11)

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Savage Garden Strategy

After retrieving Jotaro's Stand Disc from Whitesnake's stash, Jolyne uses the prison's phones to contact the Speedwagon Foundation. They tell her that they will arrive in the prison courtyard in twenty minutes, and that will be her only opportunity to hand the Disc over. As she hangs up the phone, Emporio appears and introduces her to Weather Report. Weather agrees to help Jolyne reach the courtyard, but the two notice that an enemy has started following them. Jolyne and Weather run to the factory, the enemy, Lang Rangler, close behind. Lang manages to spit on Jolyne before losing them. Jolyne and Weather pass by the guard at the factory entrance. When Jolyne gets by, she notices various objects floating and attracting to her. Once she enters the entrance hallway she becomes suspended in air. Lang appears, revealing his Stand, Jumpin' Jack Flash is behind the loss of gravity. He takes the Disc and tries to run away, but Weather appears and fights Lang with his Stand, Weather Report. During the fight, the alarms go off and the hallway seals itself off. Before the gates close, all three Stand users manage to get through into the factory. Lang gets through first and hides. Weather and Jolyne try to look for him, but everything they touch loses it's gravity, including the air. To protect themselves from the lack of gravity and air pressure, Weather creates cloud suits for the both of them. They discover that Jumpin' Jack Flash has a limited range, where the gravity remains intact. Weather tries to approach this space, but Lang appears and begins attacking. Jolyne tries to protect Weather, but he is eventually incapacitated. By hiding a string in Lang's ammo box, she is able to connect Lang to his projectiles which were launched at Jolyne. Jolyne pulls Lang toward her. In order to escape, Lang releases the zero gravity, but the rush of air pushes him into Stone Free's punches. With Lang retired, Jolyne and Weather resume heading to the courtyard. However, Jolyne runs into Father Enrico Pucci. Weather hides behind a barrel. Unaware that he is Whitesnake, she pleads to let her go to the courtyard. When asked if she is alone, Jolyne lies and says she is. Pucci notices her trying not to look at the barrel as she says this, and lets her go in order to prevent suspicion from her hiding friend. When Jolyne reaches the courtyard she notices a lone man standing in the center. She approaches this man, but he is revealed to be a guard. He shoots her in the abdomen as it is revealed that he has a Disc in his head.

Rating: 9/10

Flash Flood Warning

Pucci recalls a conversation he once had with his close friend, DIO, over a way to get to heaven. DIO tells him that he had written the instructions down in a notebook. However, in 1989, just a year later, DIO was defeated by Jotaro Kujo. Jotaro found the notebook, and in order to prevent anyone from learning of its contents, he burned it to ashes. Now, thanks to his Stand, Whitesnake, Pucci was able to steal Jotaro's memories along with the invincible Stand that defeated The World. However the Stand Disc containing Star Platinum was taken back by Jolyne Cujoh, and is about to be returned via the Speedwagon Foundation in the prison courtyard.

In the courtyard awaited a guard under Pucci's control. He shoots Jolyne in the abdomen a few times. The guard attempts to retrieve the Disc, but is stopped by a poison dart frog that fell from the sky. The guard looks up to see hundreds of frogs raining from the sky. The frogs break through the windows and land dangerously close to Pucci. He recognizes this as the ability of Weather's Weather Report. He uses his Stand to keep the frogs away from him, but drops his pass card underneath the mass of amphibians. Jolyne creates a net of strings to prevent the frogs from landing on her. The guard under Pucci's control tries to rescue the priest, but dies from coming into contact with too much poison. On the other side of the gate, another guard approaches. Instead of helping Pucci, he runs for his life. Using Whitesnake, and a frog, Pucci manages to blind the guard and force him over to the gate. The guard opens the gate, and Pucci makes his exit, leaving the guard to die. Whitesnake enters the courtyard in search of Jotaro's Disc. He finds what appears to be Jolyne's corpse covered with frogs. Whitesnake finds the Disc, but Jolyne reveals herself to be alive and uses a string to take the Disc from Whitesnake. He tries to kill Jolyne, but its too late as the messenger from the SPW has already retrieved the Disc. The messenger is in fact a pigeon named Savage Garden. Hearing guards approaching, Whitesnake makes his retreat, but Jolyne attaches a string to the Stand in order to discern its user's identity. Pucci consoles himself, claiming he has no need for the Stand Disc, and that everything continues to go according to plan.

Rating: 9/10

Kiss of Love & Revenge

In the prison cafeteria, Jolyne and Foo Fighters talk with each other as they get their meals. When Jolyne asks where Ermes has been, F.F. tells her about why Ermes came to prison in the first place. Ermes had a sister who was ten years older than her, Gloria Costello. She had inherited the Costello family restaurant and ran it with her sister. At seventeen, not wanting to be a part of the restaurant business, Ermes ran away one night. Gloria ran after her, but along the way accidentally witnessed a murder. In order to protect her sister she called the cops. A few weeks later Gloria's body was found in a gutter. Due to the only witness being dead, the murderer, Sports Maxx, could only be charged with tax evasion and aggravated assault. Ermes wasn't satisfied with a five year sentence, so she entered the same prison in order to find him and enact her revenge.

In the prison chapel, Sports Maxx converses with Father Pucci. Ermes watches from a distant. As he leaves the chapel, Ermes follows. For the past few days Ermes has been following Maxx's every move. As she follows Maxx, Jolyne and F.F. follow her, but decide to stop believing this to be Ermes' own fight. Maxx walks by a pipe with a picture of Gloria stuck on it with a sticker. When he grabs the picture, two duplicate pipes merge together with Maxx inbetween. Ermes walks over and explains herself to Maxx, using Kiss' stickers to further trap Maxx. On a table in the nearby taxidermy room, a taxidermy bird falls over. An invisible being flies over to Ermes and starts attacking her. It puts up a good fight but Ermes manages to defeat it with her Stand. Ermes deduces that Maxx must have obtained a Stand from Whitesnake, and wonders what the villain had planned for him. Maxx remains trapped in the pipe, slowly drowning. She notices the table in the taxidermy room has flipped over. She sees an alligator corpse and quickly making the connection runs away. She leaps and hangs on to a pipe on the ceiling. Hearing the commotion, Jolyne and F.F. come to check out what is going on. The gator charges at them and bites off F.F.'s leg. Jolyne uses Stone Free to fight the invisible zombie gator, utilizing strings to discern its location. Jolyne doesn't stand a chance so F.F. sacrifices her arm to shoot the gator in the mouth. With the gator destroyed, Ermes checks on Sports Maxx, to see he has crawled out of the pipe. Feeling thirsty, Maxx walks over to a prostitute. She gets upset when a man seems to touch her without paying. Maxx beats up this person, but the prostitute isn't able to see him. She begins to freak out as she isn't sure whats going on. When Maxx tries to inject drugs into his arm, he realizes that he had died and his Limp Bizkit turned him into an invisible zombie. Upon discovering this he promptly devours the prostitute's brain. In search of Maxx, Jolyne and Ermes come across the dead girl and fight off her zombie. The two realize that they are in the prison cemetery so Jolyne creates a string barrier to fend off the horde of invisible zombies. Certain that Maxx will try to kill her himself, Ermes stands adamantly in the center of the room. Zombies grab and bite Ermes all over, but her prediction was right as Maxx goes directly for her head. By using Kiss to duplicate her own head, Ermes manages to survive the attack and finish off Maxx with a flurry of punches.

Rating: 9/10


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