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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 Stone Ocean Arc by Arc Review (11/11)

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Made in Heaven

As everyone wakes up, they realize that time is accelerating at a phenomenal rate. The entire world is affected by the time acceleration, ensuing chaos.

In Cape Canaveral, proceeds to hunt down the heroes. To Jotaro's surprise, Pucci's acceleration even shortens his timestop. The party flees out to the ocean, using Kiss and a pistol to fly at high speed. Nonetheless, Pucci attacks. As Jotaro stops time, he sees that knives are falling toward Jolyne, wistfully remembering his past battle with DIO. He pulls her out of danger's way and attacks Pucci, but fails to hit him when time resumes. Despite the team's extensive efforts, horror is in store. Jotaro's head is split in two, Anasui is impaled, and Ermes's arms are sliced off. Jolyne still receives a knife to the stomach, sinking into the water.

Emporio takes a stand against Pucci, but Jolyne hasn't died yet. Blinding Pucci partially with a knife, Jolyne ties Emporio to a dolphin to swim him away. Jolyne sacrifices herself to delay Pucci, not standing a chance. Time accelerates to an astronomical speed, causing every living thing to be brought into a vortex.

Emporio awakens in Green Dolphin Street, meeting bystanders whom he mistakes for Jolyne and Jotaro. He is aware of the future but cannot escape it. Pucci appears and tracks the terrified child, explaining that he accelerated time to a singularity point and brought everyone into an universe succeeding the original one, in which everyone witnesses their future. Pucci reveals his will to have everyone at peace by accepting their face. As Emporio enters his ghost room and Pucci extends his arm, Pucci realizes that he has pushed Weather Report's Stand Disc into Emporio.

Emporio now finds himself on the side of a road, near a gas station. Walking toward a bus, he hears someone complaining about being unable to pay a ticket because they have no change. That person, going down the bus to make some change, asks Emporio if he has any. Emporio is stunned to meet an alternate version of Ermes, who sees the bus leaving anyway and yells at it. Suddenly a stranger in a car proposes the alternate Ermes to go in his car. Ermes refuses at first, being cautious around stranger, but the stranger remarks that a storm is coming. Emporio looks at the stranger and his companions with amazement, as they look almost exactly like Anasui and Jolyne, although they are named Annakiss and Irene. Irene gently proposes Emporio go with them, asking where he comes from and his name. Emporio begins to weep, only able to say his name and they shortly meet another hitchiker with a strong resemblance to Weather. Finally, the car drives into the horizon as a heavy rain covers the scenery.

Rating: 9/10


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