In episode 33, due to this Gnaglar everyone has been turn into kids and that includes Kairi, Tooma and Umika due the fact that were very careless, later Noel appears to help them and he manages to not get turn into kids, meanwhile the three of them change their cloths so that their identity will not get out but at the same time Umika forgot to take her VS Changer

to which the Sakuya took it and he and Tsukasa when back to their HQ while Keiichiro and Noel when to look for the Ganglar, later Kairi, Tooma and Umika tries to get the VS Changer back to which they did with the help of Kogure not only did theytake back the VS Changer, he also help them by complete the lies that Tooma told Tsukasa about her look like their 'mother', to which Jim Carter said that she looks just like Tsukasa... Later, Noeland Keiichiro found the Ganglar they defeat it with the help of Tsukasa and Sakuya who arrived slightly late due them handling Kairi and the others...
Rating: 7/10
In episode 34, Noel when to take one of Lupin's collection that was missing and was not sure where it when back then but now he knows where and got trap in one of the trap set by Lupin, Good Strike when to Kairi and the others for help, meanwhile Keiichiro, Sakuya and

Tsukasa was fighting agianst a Ganglar that loves Guns and goes around collecting guns and with the power of the collection he was an enemy that was too hard for Keiichiro and the others, that Ganglar picked up a sense of a gun and when to look for and it just so happen to be the same item that Kairi was looking, Kairi and the others manages to the spot where the collection was at but wasn't able to do a single when they saw someone important to them, only Kairi manages to get out of there and passed the test that Lupin set in place and he give that collection to him, to which Kairi uses it to defeated the Ganglar... Later, Kougre was asked if they can keep the collection to which he agrees and have them keep it as it will come in handy very soon...
Rating: 8/10