After getting out of the forest, the reach the point that was given by the pen, and was at a lost as there was nothing there, soon thinks that the pen maybe the key into opening the door somewhere, and it did...
Once they enter the place, they found a man, he tries to get them to back off, and the food there are all his...
As he is not willing to share his food supply as they are running low...
They fought with the man, and tries to convice him into letting them stay...
They also learn that there are other plants out where like them, and which plant did this man come from...
He soon gives in to them on the surface, and agrees to take them to the next destination that was given...
Before leaving Gilda tells that man that if any of the two is missing she will not forgive him...
They let out to their next destination, on the way there the men wanted to kill them, but fail to do so in multiple times, and he somehow gives up in the end, and agrees to take to them there...
As they were almost there, Emma got taken away leaving Ray shocked...
The man tells him that its over for her and she is as good as dead...
Ray tells the man that he is not going leave her be hide and tells him that they must go after her...
The man tells Ray that then you must be prepared to die as its not going to easy escaping there...
Rating: 7/10