In Chapter 101, we see Emma's group try their best to look for clues to founding what they are looking for, as they look at the clues that was given to them as trying to figure the riddle, Emma had a vision, and she was the only person who have seen the vision of the past and there are a demon there telling to come and look for this place... Emma asked the rest of the gang if they saw the vision too, to which all of them told her that they did not see anything at all, Emma took off and look at place from another view after seeing it she confirmed it and she tells them its time to go back home... It took them about 2 months to reach this place and will take about the same time for them to get back...
Rating: 8/10
This week's chapter we see present time at the beginning of the chapter, we saw a demon talked about Bayon's death and the Plantation under his name has been attacked for some unknown reason, and they too thinks that Emma's group are all dead by now to which, we see a flashback of Emma going back home, Ray did some research and they head out once again this time they are heading toward the east side, they returned as there were no finding... They then head out for west shortly after that, to which they founded a few places that may met the requirement that they are looking for as they head back to home to report this to the others, but Gilda tells Don off for being careless as they almost got caught once again thanks to him, hinting that this is not the first time this has happened... The manage to hide themselves as they pretend to be a demon, but the leg is the only issue as they were almost caught because of Don's leg...
Ratong: 8.5/10