Chapter 001: A blond girl cloaked in black is being hunted down by Anti-Skill. She enters a familiar hospital, and the Anti-Skill follow, warned by his comrade over their comlink not to bother a certain patient. Running in its empty corridors, the girls finds the room of the worst possible patient in the entire hospital, the Accelerator. She flinches at her mistake but quickly tries to make the best of it, asking him of a whereabouts of a certain patient while giving him a photo, though Accelerator did not make any regard for it and continued to read his book. Then, the Anti-Skill caught up to her, and though she essayed many attacks on him the Anti-Skill was victorious. The Anti-Skill notices that the person inside the room is the Accelerator, and though fear he wishes to take him in, he has a mission to do and collects the girl before shortly leaving.
Now Accelerator finally ends his concentration on his book, and have not heard a single ruckus for he had used his powers to turn away all sound from coming into him. He then notices the photo the girl left behind and sees a familiar face, and thus his face became grim in shadow.
Meanwhile, the girl has been bound and silenced in bondage, and the Anti-Skill looks over her. However, Accelerator comes forth and ask him to let her go for he has questions that did answering. Bold is the Anti-Skill but in need of wisdom for he wishes to confound Accelerator's plans, though he accepts this challenge and easily overpowers him. Injured however, he continues to resist and pushes a button. Suddenly, a large mechanical object arrives and great destruction is on his wake, now Accelerator is intrigued of this and challenges its might.
Before the powerful beasts meet in battle, the Anti-Skill mocks him on how he isn't as powerful as he used to be after his brain damage. He then says that mercilessly destroying is evil is the DA company's policy, and tells him that it is time that he, the Accelerator, learned the foolishness of evil. With that fire gathers around the great machine, a fire born out of esper power, leading Accelerator to think that there is someone inside the machine. Accelerator is engulfed in a hail of fire, but he remains unaffected by it. Still though, the damage to his surroundings is of great magnitude. The Anti-Skill brags about this, but Accelerator just mocks Academy City's terrible taste. The Anti-Skill however points out that the machine isn't of Academy City's doing but the DA. Regardless, Accelerator just mocks him as an Anti-Skill and warns him not to become full of himself. The Anti-Skill however points out that he is not a mere guard dog but a hound that bite into all evil within Academy City, and brags about the fangs of DA that will tear evil to shreds. Accelerator laughs at his justifaction and say that if (using the biting metaphor) they took a bite of him and of himself they will both taste the same. But the man insists that they are not the same. Dropping the subject, the man says that though Accelerator still has his reflection he asks him how long it can last against his machine. Accelerator however points out that he has no reason to wait until he can't use his reflection, as such he'll just kill him right away.
With a light tap of his feet, a fissure opens up before his feet towards the machine and the man. They fall in and the man wonders how Accelerator could still have that much power even after getting brain damage. Despite their fall, the machine takes the man by its appendage and leaps out of the hole. Landing back, the man wonders if the prototype machine isn't enough to oppose the Accelerator. Without notice, Accelerator throws the two vehicles earlier towards the machine and then charges towards it. As he draws closer, the man orders the machine to protect him. And that it tries, using its powers to make wall of fire. He then orders it to buy him some time until he can withdraw. Seeing the fire wall, Accelerator's interest is piqued and just blows it away just so he can charge back towards the machine. There the machine forms fists of fire and tries to attack him but it is no use. He stomps on the ground again and propels himself into the air, changing his position midair. There, he reaches the machine's great "eye" and with a slap from his palm the machine falls apart. However, as it does, Accelerator notices a girl connected in the machine. The pained expression of that falling girl reminds of the face of certain girls. Shocked, Accelerator lands after the machine finally falls apart and the place settles down.
Accelerator finds that the man has escaped, and so is the girl that he wanted to inquire information from. He comes toward the girl and finds that she is a corpse, wondering if they shoved her into the machine.
Later, the frog-faced doctor is talking with Accelerator, and tells that he has contacted Anti-Skill. The officer in charge of this operation is Yomikawa Aiho. She approaches Accelerator casually, though he wonders who she is and asks her. Aiho laughs saying that she knows him because he's famous, but that doesn't mean he knows her. This however irritates Accelerator. Aiho then talks to him about the incident he was just in. She says that the person he fought was not a proper member of Anti-Skill. Accelerator doesn't understand, he then asks about the corpse. Aiho relates to him that the corpse is that of Hitokawa Hasami and that there was nothing odd about her corpse. She says that she died three days ago through suicide by jumping into a river and that there were many witnesses. However, she says that her corpse was never found, until now. As Aiho's face is shadowed, Accelerator takes a glance on her tablet and discovers that she is merely a Level 2 despite the great power the machine displayed against him. Aiho says that she doesn't know how a corpse's brain can use its power. She references that the machine causing destruction in the area they are in, but tells him that it would require powers equal to that of a Level 4. She then asks if he isn't mistaken. Accelerator however leaves, and says that investigating it is her job, waving goodbye.
He returns to his room in the hospital, and finds a shadow lurking behind some drapes. It moves and he discovers that it was the girl from before with a really mean look on her face. Accelerator tries to ask her a question but the girl interrupts him, saying that she needs to talk to him about the girl in the photo from before, the photo of Last Order.
Chapter 002: And now.. the blond girl and the Accelerator confront each other. Accelerator smiles, glad that she had come to him and uses his power over wind, he pins her form down upon the wall, surprising her for he did not save her. Accelerator however says that he is not on her side and just wants to hear what she knows. The blond girl says that there is danger approaching the "specimen" Last Order. Hearing such technical words used on Last Order, Accelerator tightens his powers around her, asking if she wants to be crushed like a bug. In pain, she says that it fine if that happens, but tells him that he will have to use that power that will crush her for something, as the world is at risk. She blames herself for giving into them and says that everything will be lost, saying that they are trying to add a new layer to the world using Last Order. She then says that the enemy, DA, is a rogue Anti-Skill group, telling him that after he kills her he needs to do something about them. She then says please. Hearing this, Accelerator releases her from his grips and turns off his collar. With a smile on his face as she chokes, Accelerator comments on the thought where she would beg for her life.
Last Order comes before Accelerator's room's door, woken by the ruckus. After a little banter, Accelerator manages to have Last Order go back to sleep. Going back to the girl, Accelerator tells her to go back to talking. The girl says that "they" are after Last Order for the same reason she came to Academy City. Accelerator comments on how he doesn't care for what he is talking about and just tell him where the Anti-Skill group is so that he can just destroy them. The girl is surprised but manages to tell Accelerator that she only knows of the place where she is restrained, believing that it was one of their headquarters. Though Accelerator is concerned of his battery power of his Calculation assistance device for his esper mode being only 5 minutes left, he tells her that it is fine and tells her to take him to the place.
Meanwhile in that warehouse, the Anti-Skill from before talks to a colleague of his regarding the recent battle. The man complains to the man on the other line that the "coffin" was useless and that he can't fight espers with it. He calls out to his colleague, Hishigata, for lying to him, but the person on the other line reveals to him not to do that, showing that he is the Hishigata person. He tells that the power of the prototype is based on the esper's level, as such it can't do anything much. He tells him that he was the one at fault as he used it without permission. He however says that there was nothing it could do against Accelerator. Hishigata however says that at least he captured Estelle and asks for her. This forces the man however to tell the truth, but says it was an unexpected situation. Hearing this, Hishigata deems the man, known as Nishio, a liability, making Nishio plead to him, but he does not listen. Another person asks Hishigata if he can handle this "new evil", the fragile justice that has pervaded the man, to which Hishigata says that he can because it is his job. Hishigata asks if the Qiong Qi would be sufficient, turning towards a dark figure in the other side of the room with many tubes connecting to the person. The person merely gives a sinister smile. Nishio prepares for his termination. Suddenly, a black sphere appears on the corner of the room.
Later, Accelerator and the girl arrives at the warehouse. Accelerator notes that he smells something familiar and goes to another part of the warehouse where the girl says is not the way to the entrance. Accelerator doesn't listen and knocks down the wall his power, astounding the girl. Entering, they find the mangled remains of Nishio, to which Accelerator comments on how not even a mind reader would of any use. Suddenly from out of the shadows a large robot appears before them just like the one Accelerator fought earlier that night. Hishigata speaks through the machine and calls out to the girl, Estelle. She sees the machine before her, to which Hishigata says is the Qion Qi and is not a prototype. She asks if Hirumi intends to begin. Hishigata says that he and Hirumi are aiming for the perfect body and perfect brain, as such they have no reason to stop. Despairing, Estelle asks about the Taotie and Hundun as well, to which Hishigata confirms her suspicion. She then asks if he included the "evil spirits" of the numbers, to which Hishigata says he did as well as the Coffin wouldn't function. He says that the prototype were disposable, though higher-ups don't know about it.
Tired of their cryptic conversations, Accelerator tells them not to have a chat without him. Hishigata now has focus on him, saying that he would love Accelerator as a specimen. Accelerator then mocks them for using a doll, and says that he isn't that bad. However, the man then mocks Accelerator, saying that it is the way they're respect his murders, angering Accelerator. Hishigata comments on how when Accelerator uses his power information increases, and says that it might be the key to his powers. He however states that it is too soon to fight him, as such he will have to repeat. However, electricity begins coursing around Accelerator, not wanting the machine to leave. A great gust of wind formed by Accelerator whirls towards the machine, but it dissipates before it can reach it. Hishigata claims that he has plenty of data on him, saying that his powers work on anything he touches, but he can't touch anything long range. He tells Accelerator that the machine has Psychokinesis boosted to that of a Level 5-class. With that, the machine somehow uses its powers and smashes a large hole on the ceiling. As it leaps, Accelerator rushes towards it, but stops and the machine has already left. Accelerator curses Hishigata.
The next day, Estelle and Accelerator are in his room as Last Order arrives, bringing three bentos for Accelerator. There, Estelle finally meets Last Order. She tries to introduce herself to her, but is interrupted by Accelerator, forcing her to say that she is but a mere classmate asking for advice. Last Order says that it is nice to meet her despite having no idea what's going on, and seeing Accelerator's secretive look angers her. She throws one of the bentos she brought for him to his face, and quickly hides behind Estelle. Accelerator asks what Last Order throwing food when she is so hungry. Last Order then suggest they go to a family restaurant. Accelerator stands up and says that he is sick of family restaurants. However, he isn't mad, which Estelle notes. Accelerator says however that he doesn't waste is efforts in pointless things. And with that Accelerator and Last Order leave the room, with Estelle following with a smile.
Chapter 003: The story takes place just after "Anti-Skill" retrieves the body of Hasami right after she has committed suicide. She survives however, and as she laments on her failure in even killing herself, the "Anti-Skill" comments on how her being a Level 2 Pyrokinesist would be useful and that she committed the evil act of suicide. And so, they have done what she could not finish—killing her. Through her oxygen mask, she is drowned with a liquid and, as she dies, she is told that her body would be used for justice, for they are DA.
Back in the present, Heaven Canceller can only frown as he begins his check-up on Hasami's corpse. Meanwhile, both Last Order and Estelle are enjoying their meals, with the latter amazed with the food. It doesn't take long before Accelerator leaves them both. He then contacts Yoshikawa Kikyou to ask her if she knows anything about DA. Kikyou says that she does mot, but will look it up for him. Accelerator thanks, to which Kikyou comments on, and guesses that it may have something to do with Last Order, much to his annoyance.
Back in the restaurant, Estelle apparently made a mess of herself in the drink bar, and that she and Last Order had already went back to clean Estelle up. Returned to the hospital, Accelerator passes next to two armored men in a corridor, but he ignores them. Accelerator comes into the room, only to be greeted by a pillow to his face from Last Order. Apparently, she is protecting Estelle's dignity as she changes herself. However, while being half-naked, Estelle comments on how she doesn't mind, much to Last Order's embarrassment as girls of her age should have concern for such things.
Heaven Canceller then arrives and tells Last Order that it was time for her scans. After much teasing towards Accelerator, she leaves. Heaven Canceller then tells Accelerator about his check-up with Hasami's corpse, and though Accelerator doesn't care for her at first because she is a "weakling", his attention in piqued when the Heaven Canceller hands him a parchment with strange symbols on them, stating that he found it in Hasami's mouth. After he leaves, Estelle comes over and states that what he is holding a low-level spiritual rank charm, confusing Accelerator. Estelle tells him to wait for her to freshen up and says that she wants to give Hasami a proper end.
In the morgue, Estelle comments about Hasami's corpse, that despite her being be used in an ugly way she is still human. With her magic, she checks up on Hasami and says that her "residual memory" still wondering and her circuits are still open, commenting on how even if she was buried, she will still crawl back up, and that her body will never pass through the gates if heaven. As she performs her flashy ritual, Accelerator, ignorant of the world of magic, comments on how Estelle may be using history and tradition to delude herself in order to expand her Personal Reality, believing it to be an esper power. As the ritual continues, a hazy fluctuating brain materializes before them, Hasami's residual data. Curious about this, Accelerator switches to esper mode and tries to touch it, prompting Estelle to shout at him on not doing it. With it, Accelerator sees the events of Hasami's life, from birth to her demise. The ritual then ends, and Accelerator recoils, having experienced first-hand the power of magic. Worried for Accelerator, Estelle asks him if he is fine to which Accelerator says he is.
Rating: 9/10