Chapter 004: Resting after Accelerator's little episode, Estelle is amazed on how Accelerator suddenly touched Hasami's memories. Suddenly there is a flash, and the charm that was rested on Hasami's bosom floats up. Estelle says that it has worked and that once the Huotou is attached, she can close the circuit. As Estelle tries to do so, Accelerator contemplates what just happened, and compares seeing Hasami's memories as a mind-reading type esper ability that only works on corpses. He then remembers the face of Hasami's killer.
Then the door opens to which two Anti-Skill appear, the same ones that Accelerator noticed before in the halls. The two orders Accelerator and Estelle to get out, saying that it isn't a date spot. Knowing who they are, Accelerator tries to confront them, but Estelle stays his wrath. There, the two begin to check for anything left behind.
After shutting the door of the morgue, Accelerator remarks that the situation is strange. Then Estelle speaks up that things aren't good. She says that since her Huotou has already attached to Hasami, she might begin to move in front of the men. Accelerator then hushes, saying that the two guards have let their guard down.
Meanwhile, the two guards have laid down Hasami's naked body to the floor and begin to pour a protein solvent on her body. Suddenly Accelerator kicks the door down with his ability. Noticing Hasami's body, Accelerator mocks them for playing around with a corpse. One of them says that they'd rather have them not see what they're doing. He then says that the #1 can only protect himself, and that if they destroy the corpse and the girl (Estelle), they can cut all ties to them. He then says that they have plenty of chemicals to destroy corpses. The other agrees and activates his backpack. Out comes out a bladed weapon equipped on his right arm. He calls it a Random Number Ultrasonic Blade and it cuts through the metal bed and the floor tiles. As he approaches, the other one notices something, as do Accelerator and Estelle. It is Hasami's body rising unnaturally from the floor. In a robotic-like speech, Hasami declares herself to be a Huotou of Estelle. Seeing that her master (Estelle) to under threat, she begins to move, quickly closing the gap between her and the man with the blade. With a kick, she destroys much of the floor tiles of the room and the man's weapon, breaking his right arm. As the man cries out in pain, Hasami turns her sights towards. In fear, the man steps back and tries to get his gun, calling her a monster.
Seeing that the man is gonna try to fire on Hasami, Estelle tries to go to her. Hasami tries to defend the charm that keeps her moving, allowing for her to be damaged by the bullets. But then Accelerator swiftly goes in front of her, deflecting the bullets with his power. With that, Accelerator says that they should not be so quick to call someone a monster, and that he'll show them what a true monster looks like.
Chapter 005: Continuing from last time, Accelerator tells the DA agent that it's over for him. He tells him that he wanted to question him but doesn't care anymore. Accelerator says that Estelle at least have some respect for the dead while he just wants to dissolve or chop them up. With that he charges towards the man and smashes his body to the wall. Accelerator says he was thinking about his bloodflow and bioelectricity to make him into a nice piece of art, but says that he'd be dead and couldn't see it. As Accelerator pushes him further, the man faints out of fear and Accelerator remaks that he is a disgrace to villainy for doing so.
With that, Accelerator looks upon the other one with the Random Number Ultrasonic Blade. In terror, the man tries to run but slips. Accelerator continues to smile as he tries to approach the man, but suddenly something happens: his senses have become blurred and he can't even properly stand, making him fall on the floor. Estelle is shocked as well, leading to Accelerator to discover that his forehead is bleeding. Accelerator recalls that it is because Amai Ao shooting him was still recent, hence the reason for his bleeding. Regardless, a little bleeding won't stop him. However, the man does not want to wait, and as Accelerator is still preoccupied, takes his chance and destroys a wall in order to escape. Estelle notices this and tries to charge toward the man. Seeing her, he throws the blade and it is enough to crack the ceiling. It then collapses on top of Estelle. Seeing her master in danger, Hasami goes toward her and tries to protect her.
While they're busy, the man quickly escapes through the hole he made. Meanwhile, Hasami manages to lift a slab of concrete so that the two of them are freed from the pile. However, the hole has been blocked, and Estelle wonders if there is path they can take. Hasami notices the hole on the ceiling, to which she calls to her master, asking for her hand. Noticing what she wants to do, Estelle takes off her cloak as she doesn't want Hasami to go out naked.
As the DA agent runs around trying to escape, a crack on the wall appears above him. It is Estelle being carried by a cloaked Hasami looking towards him. As they land, the man decides that he needs a hostage. Looking around he finds a mother and her child. As he approaches them, a certain clone throws a box at him. The clone comes between them and the man, saying that what had happened was a type of unacceptable violence. The clone is of course a Sisters.
Chapter 006: The Sister clone appears and advises mother and daughter to run away. The DA member, annoyed, tries to seize her as he sees that she will do as a hostage as well. The Sister dodges and manages to use her powers on him, but discovers that his clothes insulate him. Seizing this chance he uses one of the tentacles of his Random Number Ultrasonic Blade to grab her. The Sister notices that it is mechanical and tries to hack it. In the meanwhile, the DA man notices that she is from Tokiwadai through her uniform, and seeing that she may be a high level esper, punches her and knocks her out.
Suddenly, other members of DA arrive in a van, and tells the man to get in, to which he obliges, carrying the Sister with him. Estelle and Hasami finally arrive, but they are too late as the van speeds away. Hasami asks if she can pursue, to which Estelle asks if she can do safely. Hasami points out that she can catch up if she sacrifices 70% of her muscle fibers. Hearing this, Estelle says that they should pursue them without sacrificing anything, as she doesn't want to create an even more unfortunate existence.
Back in the hospital, Aiho remarks on how the van was registered to Anti-Skill but sees that it was supposedly out on another mission. Seeing this, she can only conclude it is DA's doing once again. At the same time as this, Accelerator is wheeled into the operating room, much to Heaven Canceller's chagrin. As he complains about his patients not staying put, he begins his operation on Accelerator, remarking on how it is his job to save those patients as well.
Meanwhile, in the subway station, two girls who wear flowers on their hair discuss on how there is another urban legend in Academy City. The urban legend is that there are so many subways running underneath Academy City that the city can't keep track of them all. Moreover, one of the subway trains is said to continue on forever without stopping at any stations.
In the shadowy tunnels underneath Academy City runs a subway train with queer markings on its side. There are men in suits working there. One of them complains on how their boss needs to stop the train running at all times. He mentions that the purpose of that is to prevent anyone from knowing his exact location, though he questions who exactly he is afraid of. His colleague hushes him, saying that if their boss hears him, he will turn him into one of his disgusting meals. Realizing this, the man quiets up in fear. Inside, the train there is a grand room lavished in fine decorations, and at the center, sits a man before his table. The man is eating a fine meal, which is then however interrupted by his blonde assistant with a call from a satellite phone. This stern looking man is Nakimoto Rizou, one of the Academy City Board of Directors.
Rizou communicates with the person over the phone. Apparently, the person over the other line believes that DA has now gone too far with what had happened in the hospital earlier. He comments on how DA must've been bad food to make them overboard. Regardless, Rizou accepts the person over the phone's opinion, seeing as they too are a member of the Board of Directors. Rizou contemplates on how he took control of DA thinking an organization with technology and mobility would be useful. However, seeing that they have now become difficult to control, it may be time to get rid of them. The man then glances on a device on his table, and thinks that it could be a good chance to test the "Scanvengers". Rizou gestures to his assistant that the medical chef's work was satisfactory and tells her to bring the next dish in. The assistant says that they've brought whale shark fin that can be used for the dish, which greatly pleases Rizou. And thus the train keeps on chugging on.
As a researcher girl who looks down from an elevated control room, into a lab where four capsules are placed. She then receives a call, to which she then pushes four buttons. At that moment, the four capsule's doors open, with smoke billowing from it. There inside are four girls wearing stitched-like bodysuits. The researcher announces to via an intercom to them that they have a job to do. The girls narrow their eyes on the researcher, who gives a small grin.
Chapter 007: Accelerator wakes up to a ceiling, and finds out that he is in a hospital bed. Shocked, he immediately tries to get up. Looking around, the hospital and sounds fine as the hospital address system asks for some doctor. Accelerator thinks the thugs ran off when he collapsed. Looking around the room, he finds Estelle's clothes hung upon a rack and wonders if she went off to purse the thugs, and wonders if she remembers that she is the one being pursued. Then he hears a noise to his side and finds out that Last Order has been waiting on him. Last Order wakes up and is visibly angry that she fell asleep at the most important moment (Accelerator waking up) as she stayed up for him because she was worried. Last Order touches his hand and asks him if he is okay, to which Accelerator confirms. Last Order then asks if he wants something to eat. Accelerator tells her that he doesn't need anything but notices that a clone is waiting outside. Seeing this, Accelerator tells Last Order to get him a can of black coffee that can be found in a vending machine in the first floor. Last Order agrees and as she leaves notices that she has no money, prompting Accelerator to give him his credit or debit card.
After Last Order leaves, the clone enters the room. Accelerator asks what she wants, and wonders if she is there to laugh at this pathetic state. The clone says that Accelerator is too painful to look at to even call pathetic, though references that she is talking to someone who was injured to save a Misaka. Accelerator says that he didn't do it to save her, but because he wanted to, though the clone smiles with a knowing look. The clone says that she is temporarily refusing to share her memories so that Last Order will not notice, though it is only a matter of time. With that, the clone takes out a piece of paper from her pocket and gives it to Accelerator, saying that it is a letter from the blonde foreigner (Estelle). The note says that a normal person has been abducted and that she will retrieve them. Accelerator is more preoccupied with the childish writing, to which the clone reveals that it is hers as Estelle doesn't know how to write Japanese and had the clone write for her. Hearing Accelerator calling her writing childish gives her confidence as cute writing makes for an effective love letter based off her knowledge in shoujo manga. Accelerator can only look on in silence. Reading the note, the clone reveals that the normal person that was abducted was Misaka 10046, and says that she hasn't revealed the information yet to Last Order. This shocks Accelerator and the clone's expresses sadness. As the room is filled with an awkward silence, Accelerator's phone rings.
Accelerator answers his phone and on the other side is Kikyou. She casually teases him for causing trouble for the Frog-faced doctor, to which Accelerator tells her to shut-up and tell him what she wants as he is busy. Kikyou says that he should be treating her better as she is calling because of something that he asked her to do, to which Accelerator tells her to hurry up as Last Order may become suspicious soon, though hearing that Last Order is involved gives Kikyou a regretful look in her eyes. She divulges the origins of DA, and says that the organization has many sympathizers, from Anti-Skill members themselves to people from the higher-ups, funding them and giving them technology. Lastly, Kikyou says that dangerous neuroscientists are also involved. Kikyou however says that these sympathizers start opposing them when they are fed up with their actions, and references that one (Nakimoto Rizou) has begun eliminating them not too long ago. Kikyou says that everything around DA is dangerous right now and says that the higher-up may change his mind in keeping Anti-Skill from getting involved. She warns that if Accelerator wants to get involved then he needs to be careful. Accelerator however states that it doesn't matter, saying that he doesn't care who it is as long as he doesn't like them then he will crush them.
In the streets, Estelle is with Hasami, apologizing for what she is having her do. Hasami, having allotted 60% to her brain's processing power allowing her to increase her sense of smell, is saying to her not to worry as she sniffs for the scent of the abductors. Having completed it, Hasami tells Estelle to follow her.
In an unknown location, Hishigata enjoys his sucker, as his colleagues and/or superiors are dismayed by Rizou's backing away his support for them and are now trying to hunt them down. The voice conference makes no secret that they are willing to challenge the Board of Directors themselves if they are to get in the way of their ideals. One of them says that they have enough equipment to oppose the Board of Directors, and says that the time has come to use it against all evil, and then says that they show them the power of their justice and bring true justice to Academy City. Hishigata can only comment on how the people in the voice conference seem to have a lot of time in their hands. Then a tone comes from his computer. He goes to check it and is surprised to what he sees, a clone bound and gagged. Hishigata asks a man with a ring that is part of the conference if he can have the hostage that one of their thugs captured during a botched up mission. The man with the ring allows it, but asks for what purpose. Hishigata replies that he is doing it for justice as he dramatically crushes his sucker.
Back in the Anti-Skill station where Aiho works, she finds that information on DA can now be accessed despite being hard to find not too long ago. Aiho comments on how DA technology surpasses their own, and reflects on how she still doesn't know what's behind the machine with a corpse (Hasami) inside that uses a Level 4 power. Then she is shocked as she looks into the information — familiar former Anti-Skill members that have been accused of committing actions that are against the rules. Aiho notes that DA is like the entire Anti-Skill's darkness gathered into one place. Suddenly, one of the Anti-Skill present there shouts that there has been an explosion in one of sector 3's warehouse district, and as Aiho looks, those are one of the places that DA apparently uses.
In the ruins of that place, girls unperturbed by the destruction stand about. One of them with wearing cufflinks and carrying an umbrella concludes that they have finished earning their money, though the girl wearing the flu mask asks if she truly counted the bodies. The girl replies and asks if the job is normally over if the place has been destroyed thoroughly. The girl in the sailor school uniform says that the place they destroyed is not the only target location. She comments that there is enough for everyone and asks if they saw the person carrying a bag big enough to carry a girl inside. As the girl with the flu mask and the girl with the cufflinks banter about, the girl with the hat and gloves says, as they know, that there were ordered to eliminate the organization known as DA, and says that if they let them escape not only will not get any money but they will be charged for breach of contract. The girl with the cufflinks then asks what they should do, to which the girl with the flu mask says that they shouldn't worry as no mere human can escape her Predator. With a knowing look the girls watch as their comrade begins using her mysterious ability. She clutches the air and as if the sky is covered with countless eyes, she finds what they were looking for as the eyes move. Thus begins the scavenging of the Scavengers.
Chapter 008: In an unknown place, there is a conference occurring between the colleagues and superiors of Hishigata, reporting on how Branch 05 of their DA is also under attack. Despite their better equipment, the rate of the attacks on them will crush every branch. Another one says that he would like for them to gather their forces to get a definitive attack and force their enemies to negotiate with them. But another one of them says that they still don't have enough to attack the Windowless Building, and should go for the Anti-Skill headquarters instead, and another one agrees, as theirs and Anti-Skill's forces are about equal.
Finally, one of them asks Hishigata if he has finished the weapon that would "settle things on the battlefield", saying that he should send it out. Hishigata says it is not working now that Estelle has escaped and that they have failed in taking Last Order to act as its core. He tells them that he has told them to do something about it already, and says that they're the ones who keep failing. The person on the other line says that he doesn't care if it collapses partway through as they need everything they can get. Hishigata says that, in spite of those setbacks, if he can get his hands on a Sister he should be able to pull it off. He then asks about the hostage, Misaka 10046, to which the man on the other line realizes that Hishigata needs her for the weapon that will "settle things on the battlefield". He then quickly gets to it, but then says that the base of Branch 03 was destroyed in a mysterious explosion and their comrades transporting the hostage were attacked. He says that he will send reinforcements immediately, saying that the units will gather at Seiin High School's Sixth Chemistry Building and hold out there. He then tells Hishigata to quicken his completion of the weapon.
After the end of the conference, Hishigata tells Hirumi, a girl connected to several mechanical tubes, that it is about time for them to cut their ties with DA.
Meanwhile, the remnants of DA's Branch 03 are locked in furious firefight with a group of Anti-Skill, which Yomikawa Aiho is part of. There, they receive the order in transferring Misaka 10046 to Seiin High School. Though the leader is reluctant, he is forced to do so and orders the use of the Tarantula. He tells his men that it will only last 30 minutes after activation and that they need to use that time to get Anti-Skill out of their way and carry their hostage to the high school's Sixth Chemistry Building. They nod and the cease their firing. Seeing this, the leader of the Anti-Skill unit orders his men to advance. With their shields the advance, including Aiho, into the dark tunnel where the DA is held up. Suddenly, there is a flash of light, "eyes" look out from the darkness, and an instant, a torrent of shots are fired toward the Anti-Skill, ripping through their shields like paper and shredding their bodies into meat. All of the Anti-Skill forces are taken aback at this event and this drastic change in the flow of battle as a mechanical behemoth comes barreling down at them, the Tarantula cometh.
Rating: 9/10