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Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Vol.03 Review

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Chapter 009: Continuing with the battle, despair overtakes Anti-Skill as they face the Tarantula. However, one of them tells them not to give up as there are those behind them that cannot even use shields to protect themselves. Seeing this, Yomikawa Aiho and the others once again continue firing against the machine. They then find out however that DA have climbed on top of the Tarantula and began firing on them. With the advantage of the high-ground, the Anti-Skill are pinned down by heavy fire from DA. With the situation dire, Aiho volunteers to go up the Tarantula and take the DA members above, and asks for someone to give her covering fire.

At the start of their maneuver, the Anti-Skill fire their rifles on DA, freeing Aiho to run towards a comrade of hers. Seeing her run to him, the man immediately picks up what she intends to do, and gives her a boost as she jumps on top of him and onto the Tarantula. The DA are surprised by this as Aiho says that she can go all out on them as they are not kids. DA starts firing at her but her shield gives her adequate protection. Aiho continues to push forward and manages to get in range of a DA gunman, smashing her shield on him and throwing him off the Tarantula and to the ground. Despite this, the other DA gunman carrying Misaka 10046's body bag attacks her with her rifle, but Aiho simply shields herself. In the end however the DA gunman runs out of ammo and throws the body bag in frustration. The force of it however is enough to open the bag and reveal to Aiho that there is a human inside of it, angering Aiho.

Down on the ground the Tarantula begins attacking again, forcing the Anti-Skill to take cover behind the trucks. With DA's superior firepower one of them asks if they have gotten hold of the reinforcements yet, to which the Anti-Skill with the phone is trying to do so. He connects to someone on the other line, reporting that they are up against a large machine and in need of reinforcements with rocket launchers. However, the answer he gets is not what he anticipated. On the other line there is a girl wondering about who the people who they killed were and it is showed that they are Scavenger and that they have killed the reinforcements, further dooming Anti-Skill's engagement against DA. What is worse is that Scavenger has killed the reinforcements because they don't want anyone to see their operations, and now they are after DA and will kill the Anti-Skill present because they were simply there.

Meanwhile, Accelerator is charging his calculation assistance device, and recalls that Misaka 10046 has been kidnapped. After the charging finishes, he takes it out and puts it back on his collar. He begins walking away from his room with the intent to kill.

Chapter 010: As the battle between Anti-Skill and DA continues, the Tarantula operator whine and rants about the Anti-Skill's determination. Enraged at their continual vehemence, the DA uses the Tarantula's String Juicer. The machine deploys several disks toward the Anti-Skill, which easily hews down their shields, not to mention their bodies. As he savors his victory, there is an alert from his monitors, telling him one of the String Juicers as been taken out. This news surprises him as it is supposed to cut through even reinforced ceramic.

Suddenly, several paper airplanes above them, and as soon as they land, they explode, killing both DA and Anti-Skill indiscriminately. One of the paper airplanes pass by Aiho, still on top of the Tarantula, which soon explodes. though she is able to protect herself with her shield. When her sight clears, she sees, much to her horror, the carnage that has been wrought. Meanwhile, one of the DA spots girls nearby. He contacts the Tarantula operator, telling of it, to which he himself checks it out using the Tarantula's monitors. One of the girls holds out her tongue on the camera, where a tattoo can be seen. Much to his horror, he discovers that they are Nakimoto Rizou's "cleaners". The masked DA tells the Tarantula operator that they need to retreat as their weapon can only run for so long, and that they should continue with the plan and retreat to Seiin High School's Sixth Chemistry Building. The operator, though agreeing with the assessment, attacks anyway, enraged at the "Darkness" that has appeared before them. One of the Scavenger girls that is simply observing the slaughter says that Seike is making a mess out of things, and that it is going to be problematic for the "DA guy". Indeed, despite ordering his Tarantula move forward, and doesn't move onwards at all. It is stopped by the girl named Seike. The operator shouts over for them to hear that even if the girl has Psychokinesis, she shouldn't be able to stop the 120 ton machine. Seike hears and says that her power isn't Psychokinesis but the ability to control the coefficient of friction within a meter of herself. She states that the machine can't break a wall of air with the coefficient of friction set at max, and that any material that hit it will melt as the energy is converted to heat. The masked DA then tells him that since the girl is blocking the forward path then he should use another route. The operator then backs up and then has the Tarantula run on the incline of the highway. The masked DA remarks on how that it is a crazy way of escaping the "Darkness". Little did he know however that a large slab of debris is hurtling towards him. It hits and kills the man. Meanwhile, Aiho tries to lift herself back on top of the mecha, worried about the person in the bag. The outside forces, however, is sufficient enough to open up the bag, and much to Aiho's horror finds that the a child, a young girl, is inside it, recognizing Misaka Mikoto's figure in her.

Cahpter 011: Aiho recognize the person in the bag, and in her despair wonders why she is there of all places. Meanwhile, the girl with the flu mask uses her Predator to spot Misaka 10046 from afar. Confirming her to be the one that was in the ruined DA base, she gives Seike a gun and to start chasing the mobile weapon that's trying to escape. Seike complains that it is too far away, though her colleagues will have none of it. The girl in the maid outfit says that it would not be a problem using her friction coefficient manipulating powers as it would allow her to as she can transform all her thrust into speed. Seike continues to say that using the gun really hurts, though the others are still adamant in her doing so. Annoyed, Seike gives in and fires the gun. In an explosion, Seike propels herself towards the fleeing vehicle. She catches up to it and using her powers on the ground to turn its friction coefficient to zero in order to make the vehicle spin.

Meanwhile, Aiho holds on for dear life as she clings on the spinning vehicle. She notices the body bag where Misaka 10046 and quickly goes for it. She grabs her hand but they are near the very edge of the vehicle. As she tries to slowly pull her up, debris rolls toward and upon the bag. It was a close call for Aiho and Misaka 10046. Aiho tries to drag Misaka 10046 back up again but a corpse of a DA gunmen slides down and falls, taking the body bag and Misaka 10046 with it. Aiho tries to desperately grab her but it is too late and she falls.

All of a sudden, Estelle Rosenthal charge towards the falling Misaka 10046. With a piece of paper with a magic circle on it, Estelle makes a chant and throws the paper forward. As magic circles appear before her, she jumps on it, propelling her high enough to catch Misaka 10046 midair. However, she has no plan to land as she sees that they are about to collide with a parked truck. At that moment, Hitokawa Hasami intercepts their fall. She asks Estelle if she is all right, much to Estelle's relief. She checks up on Misaka 10046, and finds out that she is still breathing. However, her attention turns to the four girls of Scavenger. They relate that the girl on the bag was the one that was being mentioned on the radio. Estelle and Hasami can only stare as the girls say that they are about to get back to work.

Chapter 012: In the billowing dust and smoke the four Scavengers gather and look down upon Estelle and Hasami. Sensing malice from them and the danger they pose to Estelle, Hasami attacks and with one powerful kick separates Naru of the Scavengers from her other comrades. As Naru wonders about the fate of her comrades, Hasami presses her advantage but Naru manages to evade, smiling all the while. Naru attacks as well but Hasami is able to block her and counter her movements. Grabbing her, Hasami manages to throw her with great force, but still she endures. Pieces of paper rain upon the battlefield, and Naru remains unscathed, paper cushioning her fall, though states that the attack was a close call. Still smiling, she stands up again and takes the paper that protected her and compresses them into her furled umbrella. Immediately, Naru is able to close the distance between them, complimenting Hasami's skills and forcing her to jump away.

There her other comrades appear and note how it is rare for Naru to be praising someone. Hasami is by Estelle's side as she wonders what the Scavenger's allegiance are. Here however Estelle discovers that Hasami has been injured, though Hasami tells her to pay it no thought. The Scavengers then tell them that they are willing to make a deal: give them the bodybag where Misaka 10046 is and then leave, then they will spare them. Aiho, who jumps in front of Hasami and Estelle, doubts that they could be trusted to keep their end of the bargain. She gazes upon Hasami and notes that she knows her face as it bore a resemblance to a corpse. Aiho then tells the two to leave the battle to her, an adult. Estelle then asks who she is, though she doesn't answer, saying that if they are allies of Misaka 10046 then she is her ally as well. Aiho thinks to herself that it would make some people sad if anything were to happen to her. With that, Aiho tells them to leave.

Meanwhile, the girl in the flu mask looks at Aiho with a frown and recognizes that she is of Anti-Skill. The girl declares Estelle as a Teacher's pet. The others note their disgust and decides to kill them. Naru volunteers and notes that she doesn't need help. Here, she uses her paper-controlling powers to strip herself of her clothes, which is actually paper, and create a large rabbit-themed Powered Suit-like armor.

Chapter 013: Aiho orders Hasami and Estelle to get behind her as Naru and her paper armor show its power before them. The others call out to her to complain as she is not holding back, she apologizes. Naru shows her excitement again in killing teachers and wonder how she will do it to Aiho. Naru takes Ya and plays around with her to demonstrate the ways she can kill Aiho, much to her chagrin. Aiho however asks why they hate educators so much. The girls are all in agreement to this question: teachers are the source of evil in the city. Ya explains as the city is a giant school then it is the teachers' fault they are unable to control it. Naru then says that they will eventually reach the principal of the "school" we crush teachers one at a time, believing that the city will truly become better if they are gone. Aiho becomes angry and tells them that they are doing their best to protect the city, though they fall in deaf ears.

Meanwhile, the DA operative that drove the Tarantula escapes the downed machine. He fires his gun at them but Naru's power over paper creates a shield, leaving everyone unharmed by the attack. Naru uses the attack by the DA operative as an example of teachers being evil and scolds Seike for not having made sure to finish him. Seike then suggests that they could use the chance to enjoy killing a teacher twice. Naru however turns her down as she would rather deal with Aiho and has Ya deal with the DA operative. Though annoyed, Ya does what she is told and pours liquid upon the man. It is a coolant. Aiho's warnings are too late and the liquid begins freezing and eventually covering his entire body. To the last of his breath his thoughts was on bringing "justice". Aiho tries to run over to him but Naru anticipates her and destroys the frozen body of the man into pieces.

Naru tells Ya that she should finish them off, though she tries to defend her position by saying that when someone's heart and brain are frozen then they are already dead. However, the girl with the flu mask lectures on her, telling her to do it right. Ya is compelled to agree, though Seike tells her not to worry about it. Ya however gets mad as Naru tells her to watch and learn on how to properly crush "vermin". In an instant Naru closes the distance with her armor and strikes at Aiho, sending her into the air, her shield of no use. Naru tries to press on her attack but Hasami attacks and kicks Naru back. Seeing her, Naru calls Hasami a teacher's pet. Here, Estelle tells Hasami not to let them kill Aiho.

Rating: 8/10

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