Chapter 019: Qiong Qi appears before Accelerator and the others. He prepares the fight determined to settle the score, using a wall of wind to surround them. Meanwhile, as Hishigata monitors the events Hirumi appears to watch as well. Hishigata determines that Accelerator is using the wind as a medium so that Qiong Qi won't get away, though questions how he'll defeat it if Accelerator doesn't have any weapons. Accelerator simply charges and says he will uses his bare hands. But Hishigata is confident that the general purpose Psychokinesis power that Qiong Qi has will able to repel and it does, sending Accelerator into the air and injuring him.
With the wall of wind gone, Hishigata believes the Coffin can now move freely. However, it is revealed that Accelerator had manage to damage the Qiong Qi in turn. Estelle tries to check on Accelerator's injuries but he is too busy focusing on the machine who had managed to injure him, comparing to a certain Level 0. Meanwhile, as Estelle and Hasami tend to Accelerator, Hishigata becomes excited and wants Accelerator to be in a Coffin. However, Hirumi comes along and reminds him of something, forcing Hishigata to focus on their initial goal. Suddenly, the Coffin moves again with hexagonal honeycomb patterns appearing around it and grabbing Misaka 10046, much to Accelerator's shock.
Chapter 020: As Estelle and Accelerator watch in horror, Hishigata unleashes Hundun and Taotie alongside Qiong Qi. Hundun tries to leave, taking Misaka 10046 with it, while Qiong Qi and Taotie deal with Accelerator. Estelle is horrified, but Hishigata speaks through Qiong Qi and say that he will leave a little payment at her grave, more than enough for a used clone.
Suddenly, the earth cracks around an angered Accelerator, and in his rage black wings surround him, but they quickly dissipate. Accelerator then tells Estelle and Hasami to leave, for their likes are not suited for a battlefield that is only for villains. Accelerator then leaps on top of Qiong Qi, then toward Hundun, getting both Qiong Qi and Taotie's attention. Hishigata is surprised but not shaken, for he believes he is the hunter, not Accelerator.
Chapter 021: Accelerator successfully lures Qion Qi and Taotie, though he wants to catch up to Hundun first. As he does so, Taotie tries to fire a missile at Accelerator but he successfully evades it. He tries to attack Hundun first but it surprises him as Taotie uses a material type teleportation to swap places with the missile that missed him just before he was able to touch Hundun. The missile explodes in Accelerator's face but he survives.
Meanwhile, Hundun has begun making use of Misaka 10046, and data is being transferred to Hishigata as the battle continues. He is however interrupted by DA, still battling against the forces of Academy City in Seiin High School after Nakimoto Rizou ordered their elimination. Requesting the "decisive weapons" Hishigata promised, but he ignores them and cuts off their communications with him. Taotie then fires multiple missiles, all of which are somehow teleported and connect together in front of Accelerator. Moreover, Taotie appears before him, and with its arsenal, begins firing at Accelerator while the missiles shoot toward him. But it doesn't work because of Accelerator's power, Redirection, and it is this power that destroys Taotie.
Hishigata is flabbergasted, still somehow unaware how Accelerator's powers work, and concludes that it must be automatic. Here, Accelerator realizes he doesn't have time, and leaves, much to Hishigata's chagrin as he wants to fight with Accelerator more. He is, however, scolded by Hirumi, reminding that they should move on to the next stage so that they can fulfill their greatest desire. On the screen, the transfer of data regarding Misaka 10046 is continuing, and Hirumi grins.
Meanwhile, Aiho finally wakes up after the battle, laid down on the ground with the rest of her colleagues, being treated by Anti-Skill. One of the workers tell her that someone already did first-aid, and that they only showed up because someone reported what had happened. Meanwhile, Estelle and Hasami are watching close-by, with Hasami wearing Aiho's Anti-Skill uniform. Estelle tells Hasami that they are the only ones who can stop Hirumi, and the two girls once again enter the battlefield.
Chapter 022: With Taotie destroyed, Accelerator continue onwards, with Qiong Qi chase. Hishigata notes that Accelerator will catch up before long. However, Hirumi interrupts him to have look at monitor where it shows Estelle and Hasami breaking into their headquarters.
Hasami checks the perimeter, while Estelle stabs her dagger into the ground, a magic circle surrounds it, preparing for a ritual, just in case. Hishigata finally makes contact with Estelle. Hishigata says that he wants to make up with Estelle and have her and Hirumi become friends agian. Hishigata relates on how Hirumi was a normal girl attending Seiin High School, and that they were researching on how esper powers reside in the human body. He reveals that Estelle joined their research team as a supervisor, but Estelle protests, saying she was tricked. But she aided them regardless, and in the end the research made headway, and Hishigata decided trying to increase esper powers by reinforcing the physical body. The result was the Coffins, the reinforcement only working on corpses, though Hishigata wants to create the perfect esper. That is Hirumi's dream, and through that, everything will work out for them, him, Hirumi, and Estelle.
Estelle refuses, because the girl beside Hishigata isn't Hirumi but the evil numbers spirit Taowu, though Hishigata doesn't understand. Hishigata says that Estelle brought Hirumi back from the dead, and if she died then he says that he would've gone insane. Estelle however regrets doing so, and to take responsibility, she will stop them. Estelle then orders Hasami to destroy the camera, ending their talk. Hishigata tells Hirumi that Estelle will come to them and that they can put her corpse in a Coffin, reuniting her with Hirumi. Hirumi, on in this case, Taowu just smiles.
As Estelle continues her ritual, she thinks that the Taowu is developing techniques, like the Coffin, to toy with reincarnation, something that will surely change the world in its deepest level. And to that, they must remove Taowu from Hirumi's body, using the spell of Emperor Shun's blade. With the ritual finished, Estelle takes up the dagger, though she starts crying, her tears falling upon its blade. Hasami asks if she is crying, to which Estelle says she is not.
Chapter 023: As expected, Accelerator nearly catches up to Hundun while Hishigata was talking to Estelle. Seeing this problem, Hirumi points out to Hishigata to use the high muzzle velocity cannon to buy them some time. Meanwhile, Seiin High School is barricaded by Anti-Skill, preventing students from going in. Suddenly an explosion occurs, then a shadow looms above them and Accelerator is in hot pursuit of Hundun with Qionq Qi close behind.
Qiong Qi sees a building in its path and decides to use its high muzzle velocity cannon on it, not minding the people nearby. Qiong Qi shoots, and Accelerator is forced to rescue the people below the collapsing building by using his powers on the collapsing building itself, destroying it. The bystanders thank him, but Accelerator tells them not to trust people so readily, ordering the Anti-Skill present to evacuate the civilians. Then Qiong Qi appears before Accelerator, and he attacks it.
Meanwhile, back with Hishigata, Hundun arrives with the package: Misaka 10046, with only a few seconds left to compile the data from her. It would seem the Taowu would finally attain her desire, but suddenly the wall behind Hishigata explodes to reveal Accelerator with the Qiong Qi having defeated it. Seeing Misaka 10046 on the Hundun, Accelerator approaches and damages the machine allowing Misaka 10046 to be free from its grasp. Misaka 10046 wakes to find that it was Accelerator that saved her. Their meeting is interrupted by Hishigata who declares that the data transfer has been completed.
Angered by his words, Accelerator finally faces the man who has been annoying him, proclaiming that it is the end for him.
Chapter 024: Thinking fast, Hishigata transmits the data he had gotten to Qiong Qi and Taotie. Waiting for them to restart, he tries to buy some time by talking to Accelerator on why he ended up with the Coffins, a culmination of his 5 years of research. He says how they tried to figure out where esper powers come from in the body, eventually concluding that it comes from the soul as no matter what they did, the esper still had their powers even if they were chopped up. Hishigata says that he made the brain think that the machine that eventually would become the Coffin is part of the esper's body, dramatically increasing the power of the esper ability. However, Hishigata says he still can only do so in dead brains.
Accelerator is sickened by this, and tries to attack, but Hishigata tries to bluff him by saying that he will make Accelerator face off against an even more powerful Qiong Qi and Taotie using the transmitter to send the data he had gotten recently. Accelerator destroys it quickly with a kick of a rock. However, Hishigata finally reveals his ruse, saying that he had tricked them and that Qionq Qi and Taotie have begun restarting. Before him, Qiong Qi rises. With that, Hishigata and Hirumi leaves Accelerator to contend with the Coffins, as they prefer to create the perfect being.
Rating: 9/10