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Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Vol.08 Review

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Chapter 038: Accelerator makes no regard for what just happened. Meanwhile, the girl in the suitcase awakens to find her in a precarious situation, and nearly falls to her death. When she is safe, she finds Accelerator and accuses him of touching her because he is an adolescent and she claims to be a beautiful girl that was unconscious, as that normally happens in a manga. Accelerator ignores her and tries to leave, but the girl follows him, asking help from him to get her down. But her right heel breaks and in her attempt to save herself drags Accelerator down with her. As they fall, Accelerator notes her strange heartbeat. Meanwhile, the girl is fearful for her own life, wondering if she's gonna die despite just escaping.

Her fears are allayed however when Accelerator uses his powers to save them both. The girl wonders what happens and Accelerator reveals to her that he is an esper, to her at least being a Level 3. Seeing that she could use him, she tries to have him "repay" her for touching her, though Accelerator doesn't care. She tries to threaten him by saying that she'll say that he touched her but once again Accelerator doesn't care and says she can do whatever she wants. In the end, she just simply follows him, much to his chagrin for her dress gathered too much attention. When Accelerator asks why she's following him, she says that she is doing whatever she wants as he said. She then tells Accelerator that she is hungry though he ignores her.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital, explaining to the girl why Accelerator had such a bad taste in clothing. Realizing that Accelerator may have ran away as well like her she starts spouting that she didn't run away but instead flew towards the future. Once again, Accelerator ignores her as he enters the hospital first. In Accelerator's room, Last Order demands that Accelerator explain to her why he has once again brought another girl with him. The girl explains that Accelerator is indebted to her and is basically her slave, much to Last Order's consternation as she demands to know what Last Order's connection is to her slave. As Last Order gets angry, Accelerator asks for a doctor, not for him but for the girl.

Chapter 039: Heaven Canceller checks on the girl's x-rays he finds a spot on it and says that it is not his area of expertise. Meanwhile, Last Order brings a box of brand new clothes for the girl, who is relieved that Last Order bought something to her taste as she didn't like Last Order's sense of style. The girl says it was time to fight, impressing Last Order on her coolness. But first, the girl takes Last Order out for some food.

Heaven Canceller checks into the girl's room and find no one there. Accelerator arrives and asks for his spect scan, which Heaven Canceller says he will do, but first he says that there is something wrong with the girl. Back with the girls, after going to a restaurant the girls go to a park and eat ice cream. Here, Last Order who the girl is, though believes she isn't a bad person, but fears that her position with Accelerator as his "proper wife" might be displaced. As Last Order eats her ice cream in her worry, the girl notices something beyond the crowd. Some thugs are accosting a young man and dragging him into an alleyway, and she immediately goes to them.

The thugs see her and warns her not to get involved, but she throws her ice cream at one of them and tells the would-be victim to stand up. She lectures him that being weak is nothing to be ashamed of but says that not trying to conquer it is weakness. The young boy bows as he hurriedly leaves the alleyway. The thugs come toward her, but then the girl lectures them, saying that though they look strong they are squandering their strength. Then she says she is an esper, putting the thugs on alert, and asks if she's a high-level esper. The girl denies this and says she is merely a Level 1. This momentarily stuns the thugs as she continues to remind them she is a Level 1. But this was just enough time for Last Order to come in and smile them. With that distraction, Last Order drags the girl and runs away from them.

The girl and Last Order later lose them in a park, much to their relief. After Last Order complains how Anti-Skill and Judgment never show up at times like this. The girl agrees but say that at least it was fun. Last Order then asks who she was referring to when she said it was time to fight. The girl stands up and says there is someone she needs to save.

Chapter 040-041: Nothing much happens as I can't remember so I can't write anything all, but I know that the chapters itself is very good...

Chapter 042: Accelerator awakens following his collapse to find out that Himegi Matsuri has allowed herself to be taken by an organization masquerading as Anti-Skill two days prior.

Chapter 043: Through Accelerator's suggestion, Last Order returns to the location where Accelerator first met Himegi Matsuri but tells her prior that she should just give up as it may have already been wiped of any evidence. Last Order is disappointed as she cannot find any way to find Matsuri. Suddenly, a stylish girl enters the gates of the abandoned construction site, seemingly also investigating the seen. She sees Last Order, and tells her that little kids like her shouldn't be here. She approaches Last Order, grabs her, and starts playing around with her, much to Last Order's chagrin. Still being lifted up, Last Order notices that the girl smells of something, like oil. The girl says that she it's because she's a cook, and that Last Order may be smelling some kind of her. Last Order is amazed by this, but then the girl notes that she can also cook things that little kids would enjoy. With that, the girl continues to lift Last Order up while spinning her.

After the girl is satisfied, Last Order tells her that if she follows her she will report her to Anti-Skill. Much to Last Order's indignation, the girl says the authorities can't stop love.

Last Order later meets up with Yomikawa Aiho in an Anti-Skill office, and asks her about Himegi Matsuri. Hearing this, Aiho quickly takes Last Order into a private room away from prying eyes, covering her mouth on the way as so she would not say anything more. Aiho asks Last Order where she got the name Himegi Matsuri. After Last Order recalls Aiho what had happened. Hearing what had happened, Aiho becomes frustrated by Accelerator getting into trouble again. Last Order then where Matsuri is, to which Aiho says she can't tell her because she doesn't know who might be listening in. Last Order says that Accelerator have predicted this may have happened. Aiho asks Last Order what Accelerator was on about. Last Order then says that he said that Matsuri is a person of interest being pursued by Anti-Skill and that they are trying to keep it secret even within the organization itself. She said that he believed that he might have something to do with the Board of Directors that it may have caused discord within Anti-Skill. Aiho's expression says it all, confirming Last Order's suspicions and Accelerator's preditions. Last Order states that Accelerator worked it out after seeing the drone and the conversation he had with Aiho on the phone.

Aiho is at the end of her rope and finally gives in to Last Order. Aiho tells Last Order that Matsuri is a person of interest because she once helped a suspect escape. Aiho says that during the confusion, Matsuri started doubting Anti-Skill, and that she had to take measures to regarin her trust. Much to Last Order's relief, Aiho confirms that they have Aiho and that she is safe. But Aiho denies Last Order's request to see her. Finally, Aiho gives one more warning: Matsuri is being pursued by an organization from the Dark Side of Academy City called Full Course; she then instructs Last Order to return to Accelerator.

As Last Order walks back to the hospital as so to report what had happened to Accelerator. All of a sudden, the stylish girl from the adjacent street sees Last Order and begins playing with Last Order again, saying it is destiny, much to Last Order's shock.

Rating: 9/10

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