Chapter 037-039 and 039.5: The scenes here are about the same with what the readers have seen in Index Novel/Manga as it has the same ending and the same way of telling the this arc. The only thing that was added was Misaka visting Touma in hospital and her making him cookies.
Chapter 040: August 27th: Kongou Mitsuko begins her days at Tokiwadai Middle School, and immediately becomes lost. Getting directions from Shirai Kuroko, the two manage to offend each other and immediately start to argue (thus setting the basis of their relationship for the rest of the series). Refusing help from Kuroko on getting back, Mitsuko is once again completely lost.
Meanwhile, Misaka Mikoto is looking for a way to politely ditch Unabara Mitsuki, who is accompanying her against the her wishes. On meeting Mitsuko for the first time, Misaka sucessfully uses meeting Mitsuko as an excuse in order to leave Mitsuki behind. However, when Mitsuko asks for Mikoto's name, Mikoto mistakenly thought she wanted to know Mitsuki's instead of her own, and gave it as such. Mitsuko thus believes Misaka is Unabara Mitsuki (海原美月). On learning Mitsuko is a transfer student, Mikoto decides to give Mitsuko a tour of the school, with Mitsuko never knowing Mikoto's real name.
After an eventful tour, Mitsuko begins to notice Mikoto is greeted by everyone she meets, and realizes she is someone who is admired by all. On reaching the internal dormitory, Mikoto abruptly leaves in order to make her own dormitory curfew. Mitsuko is left dejected, feeling she and Mikoto were still just pretending to be friends.
September 1st, the first day of the new school term: Mitsuko is once again lost in the school building and accidentally bumps into Wannai Kinuho and Awatsuki Maaya. Mitsuko quickly becomes acquainted with the pair, and the two swim club members suggest Mitsuko joins a faction to better adjust to the school. Mitsuko however after seeing Shokuhou Misaki's faction move past decides instead she wants to form her own faction.
Later, on September 14th, Mitsuko tries to recruit Kuroko into her new faction. Kuroko however not only refuses but warns Mitsuko about the foolishness of such a moves as she would simply be crushed by the existing factions and the academy's most power espers.
Chapter 041: September 15th: Kongou Mitsuko is determined to form her own faction, and refuses to let the Railgun stop her. She runs into Misaka Mikoto, who she still believes is named "Unabara Mitsuki". Surprised, she drops her purse and the netsuke her father gave her falls off. Misaka invites Kongou to walk home halfway with her, but Kongou declines. Kongou goes off to recruit people to her faction. Misaka sighs, and begins to leave when she notices Kongou's netsuke laying on the ground.
Kongou tries unsuccessfully to recruit people to her faction. After a while she gives up and becomes depressed. Misaka, after searching for Kongou all over school, returns with the netsuke. When Kongou asks why she would go to so much trouble for her, Misaka simply replies "We're friends, aren't we?" They decide to return home when Misaka realizes that she forgot her bag in the classroom. She runs off to fetch it.
Wannai Kinuho and Awatsuki Maaya approach Kongou and ask if they can join her faction. Kongou says that she is no longer trying to form a faction and asks if they can be friends instead. Wannai and Awatsuki gladly accept.
Misaka returns and Kongou is surprised to learn that she is the Railgun. The four of them, presumably, then leave to go visit Shirai Kuroko in the hospital (as pictured in the opening panel).
Later, presumably the next day, Misaka Mikoto is studying in the library. Shokuhou Misaki sits down across from her and begins to tease her.
Chapter 042: This chapter features Uiharu and Saten as well as their classmates, I don't remember much for this chapter as there isn't much to remember in this chapter as there was no key events in this chapter...
Chapter 043: The Daihasei Festival planning committee is trying to get the Level 5s to take part in the festival's opening ceremony.
Case #1: Accelerator
Case #3: Misaka Mikoto
Case #2: Kakine Teitoku
Case #4: Mugino Shizuri
Case #5: Shokuhou Misaki
Case #7: Sogiita Gunha
Chapter 044: Its the opening day of Daihasei Festival, thing are about the same as with Index Novel/Manga counterpart...
Rating: 7.5/10