Chapter 051-056: Various events happened in this chapters, and it seems that Saten, Uiharu and Kuroko all got invloved in this battle was they really cares about their friend and wants to help Misaka in any way that they can.
Chapter 057: Uiharu Kazari awakes from her little scuffle with Kouzaku Mitori as Saten Ruiko and Shirai Kuroko investigates on how they were brainwashed. Meanwhile, Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki working separately, finally subdues the enigmatic Kihara Gensei. As Kazari and Kuroko continue their investigation as members of Judgment, Ruiko is left alone, but an unforeseen event not before seen in the Toaru Majutsu no Index may befall upon her, as Kamijou Touma passes by looking for something that Ruiko coincidentally has.
Chapter 058: Kamijou Touma looks for a protective charm for one of the Daihasei Games. Coincidently, Saten arrives and she also has what Kamijou is looking for. She hesitates before giving him her charm. Kamijou takes it with his left hand, since he's afraid he'll nagate the charm's "power". They agree to meet in front of a station in an hour so he can give Saten her charm back. Saten suggests that if he can't find her then if he could give it to Judgement's 177th branch office. They exchange names and leave.
Shirai Kuroko and Uiharu Kazari are at a library only to discover that Kouzaku Mitori is dead. Apparently the cause of death was a hearth failure. Kuroko finds it odd that her body was incinerated immediately after she was found. The librarian interrupts and says that she might've not have had a body since they were probably trying to hide something. The librarian even thinks that she might not even be dead. She goes into the rumor of Academy City's juvenile halls and explains that students have been disappearing. The guards ignored this issue and they found it odd that only high level espers would. People say that Academy City make a deal with them and release them in secret.
Saten enters an abandoned building and finds out that there are a couple of people doing things here, that there's power, and an entrance. As the entrance closes Saten makes a dash for it, but then questions herself why she came in.She tries to call Uiharu but two people were coming her way so she made a run for it. Eventually a mysterious girl puts a sword on Saten's neck and tells her to forget everything she saw and leave. Saten turns to leave, but then realizes that she can't get out. The girl calls her an idiot since she told her not to turn around. She notices that a blob comes out of a pipeline, and the blob becomes somewhat of a human being. The being tells the mysterious girl why she let her get away, and she replies that the "plan" is in its final stage and there's no way anyone can interfere. The being still wants to kill her. A man approaches, and the being orders him to find the girl(Saten) and capture her.
Meanwhile with Misaki uses her ability to ask Gensei about the project. She notices that this is a fake, and pulls off his mask. Mikoto looks shocked and it doesn't take her long to figure out that it's a disguise. She asks Misaki whats going on.
It goes back earlier to Gensei talking to someone (colleagues) and them pretending to be him. Gensei says that he must be somewhere immediately, and his colleague understands by reading his mind. Gensei then says that can he protect "Exterior" like that. His colleaugue doesn't understand what he's talking about, and Gensei says that it wasn't meant for him.
Misaki then questions herself how he knew about "Exterior".
The man catches Saten and she struggles. The being asks that they ask er why she came here and then says to dispose of her. The being says there is somewhere she must go as the lady with the sword arrives.
Chapter 059: Shokuhou Misaki rushes out of the laboratory and drags Misaka Mikoto inside a cab. She tells the driver to drive as fast as he can, only to be stuck in a traffic jam. With her Mental Out ability, Misaki orders everyone in the highway to move their vehicles to the side. Misaka, amazed by this asks her how she sent her power over kilometers. While in the cab, Misaki has a flashback to her past, where she met a clone named Dolly.
Chapter 060: Shokuhou Misaki recalls her memories with Dolly, and how over a period of time, she began to become truly friends with her. Due to the suggestion of the researchers in the Exterior Project, Misaki brainwashes Dolly in order to make her think that Misaki is actually Mi-chan, her friend who had previously visited her, but who had stopped visiting after seeing the machines on Dolly's body. Dolly asks Misaki (who she believes to be Mi-chan) to use her powers on the large clear container(?) of what appears to be some liquid that she is holding.
Shokuhou says that she was told not to use her powers that much. Dolly is saddened. She asks Misaki about the world outside of the research facility and asks her if she can take her to see the ocean one day. Misaki says that she can in the future when she is free. Dolly is delighted at this. The two of them play some games for a period of time. Then Dolly drinks a glass of (some juice?), and tosses the empty bottle into the trash can. Misaki scolds Dolly for throwing her juice. She says that Dolly should have more class and remarks that it may be fine for Dolly to act the way she is acting within the research institute, but that for when she is outside of it, she needs to act with more class in order to impress the boys. Dolly playfully accuses Shokuhou of being unable to throw her own juice bottle into the trash bin. Misaki becomes indignant and exclaims that she can. She finishes her juice and attempts to throw the bottle into the trash bin. It suffices to say that she fails in her attempt to do so. She fails again and then finally scores the juice bottle in the bin after moving closer and closer and closer to it.
At this point, Dolly collapses and Misaki frantically calls for researchers to help her. The two researchers at hand discuss between themselves that they knew this would be happening to Dolly relatively soon. Dolly whispers something to Misaki and Misaki asks her what she said. Dolly asks Misaki for her name: revealing that Dolly figured out that Misaki was in fact not Mi-chan. Misaki hysterically (out of sadness and guilt) tells Dolly that her real name is Shokuhou Misaki. Dolly is carried away by the researchers. Soon after, Misaki asks if Dolly will be alright. One researcher explains to Misaki that Dolly's lifetime cannot be extended anymore even with the advanced technology of academy city and that Dolly already knew and was prepared for this. Misaki becomes somewhat withdrawn and behind on her curriculum after learning this sad news and a heavy rain beings to fall in academy city. Misaki is then told that Dolly had died. In this way, Misaki loses not Mi-chan's friend, but her own true friend that she had trusted.
At this point, Misaki is very saddened. The higher up researchers in the institute discuss Misaki's depression and contemplate the possibility of revealing to Shokuhou that Dolly is merely a clone, a creation, so that she is not emotionally burdened. They reveal that the higher ups (presumably of academy city) had already removed all physical traces and evidence of the project cloning and that no one would believe testimony from Shokuhou anyway because she was a mind-controlling esper. One of the researchers decides that they will reveal this fact to Shokuhou if her depression does not improve. Another researcher explains that the Dolly Clone workshop is not some project merely handed down from above, it is instead the crystallization of their greatest wishes and desires. The researchers worry that Misaki will eventually become too powerful for their mental guards to be effective against her brainwashing powers. One researcher eventually says that this is not a problem because as soon as Exterior is complete Misaki will be disposed of anyway. At this point, Misaki is shown holding a remote and she exclaims that she had expected that this was the case.
Misaki thinks to herself that she had used a lower level researcher during the experiments by wielding two remotes at once in order to mind control him. This lower level researcher then tampered with the other mental guards of the other researchers and eventually Shokuhou had brainwashed all of the researchers involved with the Exterior Project by the time she had entered Tokiwadai. She made sure to remove all memories of this project from the researchers and make it such that the researchers would not be able to reveal the details behind the project even when subjected to torture. The flashback ends and Shokuhou asks the question in the present: So then how did Gensei find out about Exterior?
The chapter finishes with a scene between Saten and Xochitl. Saten asks Xochitl about the details of what is happening. Just as Xochitl is about to reveal the details of the situation to Saten, Touma returns from the race and notices Saten. He heads in her direction and slowly climbs a fence to get to her and return the charm just as Xochitl is about to reveal the details.
Chapter 063 was released here but I will post along with Chapter 064...
Rating: 9/10