Chapter 061-063: It seems that something has happen to Misaka and got help from a doctor and that doctor told Misaka something about the sisters, as seen in one of the chapters here she comes close to becoming a Level 6 Esper just like Acccelerator did, but Misaka was much more closer of becoming a Level 6 Esper, of coruse she did not have control pver herself...
Chapter 064: Mental Out Misaki goes off to find out more about what is happening and she saw Kihara Gensei, he made used of one of the many esper ability he has gotten and shows it off to Misaki...
Chapter 065: With Misaki trapped like a rat, Gensei rambles on regarding Clairvoyance, he states that by incapacitating her he can bypass the mental blocks she placed on herself to prevent Mental Out being used on her. While doing this he becomes distracted with his Clairvoyance power not only noticing the arrival of Touma, but also the fact that Sogiita Gunha has shown up as well. As he is caught up in thinking about the effect the combination of the two will have on the experiment and recording the latest development, Misaki manages to escape.
As she escapes she comments to herself that with Gunha now interfering as well Academy City should survive, but still believes that Mikoto will perish. As she escapes using the Graviton Panels, she stops and contemplates something. She later uses her powers on herself. Misaki makes a gamble with this. Misaki considered that she would unlikely be able to trap Gensei with the facility's defenses, whether or not she still needs Exterior, the need to heal the Sisters of the virus and that it is likely her last chance to capture Gensei. Thus, Misaki makes a small gamble that will turn the tide of battle to her, though even she doesn't know it.
Back with Kuroko, she finds out where Mitori puts the camera on her Liquid Shadow puppets so she can see, which is on her neck. She attacks it with her darts, disabling Mitori's secondary senses, and forcing her to use echolocation to grasp the situation, Mitori's primary sense for her puppet. She then uses a small device to deafen her ability to echolocate. Kuroko then teleports away as the puppet is preoccupied, trying to search for Mitori. However, the facility is so vast, she requires the aid of a clue. Back in Judgment 177 Branch Office, Ruiko manages to find Mitori in one of the cameras. Kazari contacts Kuroko, telling her of Mitori's moving into an alleyway three minutes ago, though she can't tell what building she's in as she hasn't been seen in the other cameras. Kuroko then rushes toward the likely location of Mitori. Kuroko asks if they're sure Mitori hasn't been seen in any other camera, to which Ruiko confirms. Kuroko notes that Mitori would show up in the cameras if she moved into another building. Seeing this, Kuroko manages to pinpoint the building where Mitori is likely hiding in. She orders Kazari and Ruiko to turn all nearby movable cameras toward the building as she teleports in.
Back with the puppet, Mitori is able to pierce the device, but then realizes that the security cameras likely gave her location away. She then has her puppet slice and enter a sewer pipe to head to where Kuroko is going. Kazari notices this as well, and reports it to Kuroko, confirming to her that the place where Kuroko is in is where Mitori is hiding. Mitori, turns her attention to Kuroko, and uses the cameras of the Homing Cameras that is used for Daihaseisai events to target her. Mitori observers the battle directly during the puppet's confrontation with Kuroko in the building. After Kuroko uses the anti-listening device on her puppet again, Mitori uses the puppet to attack her, and seemingly gets a clean hit.
Chapter 065.5: As the skies darken above, Kuroko continues her struggle against Mitori. Injured, she retreats into an abandoned place to treat her wounds. While doing so, she believes that Mitori is in the building based on the puppet's actions and that she is in the upper floors as she thinks Mitori could only spread her attack as she could not tell how high up Kuroko is during their battle where Kuroko was injured. After treating her wounds, Kuroko pursues Mitori from below, though notes that she may be overlooking something.
Meanwhile, back in Judgment 177 Branch Office, Ruiko and Kazari becomes worried of Kuroko's injuries. Kazari, as she watches the cameras, later catches the Daihaseisai Homing Cameras surrounding the building where Kuroko is in despite being no events. Kazari researches that Anti-Skill apparently used them to see if anyone has yet to be evacuated but notes on how the powerful electromagnetic waves there are too powerful for the cameras to approach. Ruiko then gets the idea in having them use the cameras to aid Kuroko, leading Kazari to eureka moment. She asks Ruiko how long the cameras were there, to which she says that they have been there since Kuroko entered the building. Kazari then reports this to Kuroko, giving to her the possibility that Mitori is not inside the building but somewhere else.
Not being aware of her own ruse, Misaki confronts Gensei in a hallway. The game of cat and mouse continues as Misaki makes a bluff against Gensei, who sees right through it. However, Misaki tricks him, though using his Multi-Skill ability, specifically the Aero Shooter, allows him to escape the pit that Misaki hidden through the Exterior building's Graviton Panels. After being hit by and downed by Gensei, it is seemingly over for Misaki. However, she once again uses the Graviton Panels to inexplicably appear at the hole Gensei was going through, trapping his hand.
Chapter 065.75: Gensei is trapped by the Graviton Panels. Believing that she has achieved victory, Misaki gloats at the trapped Gensei. However, her relief only lasts for only a moment as Gensei reveals to her that his hand is merely a prosthetic from one of the times he nearly died when to focused on something else. Gensei says that it is due to his experiments that lead to this state. Moreover, Misaki cannot fool him, for he knew that she still had hope when she was running away and had relied too much on her power to read peoples motives. With that Gensei used his Multi-Skill to choke Misaki, making her pass out. At last, now the limiter release code is in Gensei's hands.
Meanwhile, Kuroko continues her pursuit of Mitori inside the building. Kuroko finds the last blindspot of the building, only to find that she isn't there. Kuroko goes over thoughts once more, and discovers that Mitori may be hiding in the sewers and that she was led into a trap by Mitori. Mitori's puppet later catches up to Kuroko through a ventilation duct. As Kuroko uses another anti-listening device to seal her echolocation, Mitori turns one of the Homing Cameras she has hacked toward the blind spot. Considering the lag when Kuroko teleports and the locations where she is likely to jump to, Mitori has her puppet fire a knife hidden inside it towards Kuroko. However, unbeknownst to her, Kazari has hacked that particular camera to display dummy footage, allowing Kuroko to escape. With this, Mitori then sees Kuroko teleport behind her puppet, the only safe spot for her to teleport to, as she predicted. She then sees Kuroko hit by it through the camera, and later has her Homing Camera roll to see Kuroko's body on the floor below. In the sewers, she laughs madly. Mitori apologizes, saying she wouldn't have killed her if she didn't interfere, though she added that she'd still meet the same fate when the city gets destroyed.
Left alone with Gunha unconscious, Touma witnesses another of Mikoto's transformation. Mitori then senses that the time is ripe for her to use Mikoto again. Mitori then guides Mikoto into creating a black sphere aimed at the Windowless Building. She mentions that though Mikoto could destroy the city she had to make sure that that person would definitely be eliminated. Mitori tells them to apologize to "her" in the afterlife, yelling for Mikoto to blow them away. Back with Gensei, after retrieving his hand, he also sense Mikoto's tranformation, something he claims as her "Opening Stage" and then uses the release code to fully open Exterior.
Chapter 066: Kuroko ambushes Mitori in the sewers. Mitori is shocked that her camera, out of the thousands around, had been hacked with dummy footage, to which Kuroko replies that she had the ultimate partner for that. Kuroko then declares that she has nowhere left to run. Cornered and with no time to call her Liquid Shadow puppet, Mitori reaches for her knives, thinking about how she didn't just come down there to hide but also in case she was tracked down, as the passage limited teleportation. She then plans to shoot Kuroko with her ballistic knife when she teleports to avoid her first knife, taking advantage of her lag, taking both of them down if she attacks via teleportation instead. As Kuroko moves forward, Mitori throws the first knife, but to her surprise instead of teleporting Kuroko intercepts it with her hand. Not reacting fast enough, Mitori is then punched and then kicked down by Kuroko. Screaming, she lunges at Kuroko with the second knife but Kuroko teleports and kicks her in the back of the head. As she falls in battle, Mitori could only think of Dolly before losing consciousness.
Back with Gensei, Misaki's gamble pays off. Gensei collapses upon activating the release code, as Exterior begins to dissolve. Misaki's consciousness comes to after he does so, figuring out what she must have done, that she used her powers on herself. Misaki considered that she would unlikely be able to trap Gensei with the facility's defenses, whether or not she still needs Exterior, the need to heal the Sisters of the virus and that it is likely her last chance to capture Gensei. As such, her gamble was switching her own concepts of the limiter release code with the self-destruct code, hoping that Gensei will destroy Exterior himself using the self-destruct code as she cannot do so herself because Gensei has the access rights to Exterior.
Thus Misaki wins against Gensei.
Chapter 067: Now that there is now no one to control Mikoto's psyche and that Exterior is no longer able to connect her to the Misaka Network, Mikoto's subconsciousness wakes up, but she has no control over her transformed body, as the great black sphere of energy continues to grow, and energy exudes from the ground. After she wakes, her surroundings that have been black before slowly crumble, however, at the same time, tendril like objects coming from the darkness form a hand and try to grab her, likely coercing her to continue to destroy Academy City. This likely represents that part of her that wants to destroy Academy City. Moreover, Mikoto describes it as not her power.
As the sphere continue to grow, Touma notices the change, and later explains it to Gunha who has become conscious again this and that Mikoto cannot suppress her power. Gunha tries to convince Touma, saying that the thing that hit him before was compressed energy, but the sphere now is made of something not of their world and cannot be understood. Gunha says that he should be able to stop it with a self-destruction technique, sacrificing himself. However, Touma convinces him that he will deal with it himself and that Gunha should cover him. Impressed by his “guts”, Gunha uses his power to “part” the black mass of energy that covers the ground where Mikoto is floating on, allowing for Touma to move.
Meanwhile, Mikoto seeing that there is no way to stop the sphere, which she says that can now destroy more than the city, formulates a plan to compress it enough so that her body can cover the ensuing explosion. Then Mikoto notices Touma coming towards the sphere, Mikoto screams towards him, saying that what he sees before him is not an esper power, and since it was called in by her desire to destroy the parts of the city she doesn’t like she should be the one to stop it. It is implied that Touma heard all that Mikoto says to him. Touma then touches the sphere with his right hand, but the power is too great for his arm to bear and it is ripped from his body intact.
At that moment, a dragon appears from where the right arm was ripped off, and then bites the sphere. It bites the black sphere and destroys the black sphere, making Mikoto's transformation crumble away.
The halo cracks as well as the “starry sky” form of her head and chest as if it was dried paint chipping away. Touma then taps her head with his left fist. He says that, although he knows that there is a side of Academy City that is bad and is being controlled by important people that they can’t touch, even if she eliminated it by force he doubts that it would bring about the kind of world she wants. He says that he is sure that there are people other than him who are working to help her, and that they will help her change things bit by bit, including him. And Mikoto agrees with tears in her eyes. With that Touma gives her his jacket, as the dark skies part away to make for the blue sky.
Touma’s arm later regenerates, much to Mikoto’s surprise. Meanwhile, Gunha, Touma, and Mikoto all notice the metal that has appeared on the ground.
Chapter 068: Kouzaku Mitori is a good girl, because she pretended to smile for the researchers to get on their good side. One day, she was asked to play with Dolly, who has taken a liking to her immediately, calling her "Mi-chan". Although she thought she was stupid, only with her did Mitori smiled genuinely unlike with the researchers. As she begins visiting Dolly everyday, she becomes suspicious with her situation. Mitori asks Dolly why she can't go outside, to which she confides to Mitori that she is being healed, so that she can help her little sister, which she has never met. She then says that if they can heal her then she can have many little sisters.
One fateful day Mitori came in as a check-up on Dolly was being conducted, and was shocked to see the life-support machines that were embedded into her body to keep her alive. She is then told to leave the room by a researcher, who explains Dolly's situation with her. Suspicious of this, Mitori began to investigate using her Liquid Shadow ability. Here, she discovers that Dolly is a prototype clone, where she is researched to get more data in creating more long lasting clones. She finds out that the researchers have been neglecting her health and was just giving her drugs to gather data, shortening her already short lifespan. Mitori confronts a researcher regarding this, threatens to go public with the information she gathered if they do not stop the medication on Dolly. The researcher refuses and tells her that the experiment was requested by the Board of Directors, pointing towards the Windowless Building. Mitori is then beaten up by two geared men, and put alone in a room. Her life spared because her latent ability being useful for Exterior.
Mitori later finds herself alone in the building, everything left to abandon. She returns to the floor where she was shown the Windowless Building, swearing revenge. In spite her efforts, she discovered that the Chairman of the Board of Directors is untouchable.
The fact cannot be taken away from Mitori, because she tried and was caught for her terroristic actions and sent to the Reformatory. Some time later, she was secretly removed from the Reformatory by some special forces geared men to bring her to Kihara Gensei. There, he enticed her with the prospect of being able to gain the necessary power needed to annihilate Academy City. After explaining to her his plan, Mitori asks why she was chosen, to which Gensei points out that it was because of her hatred. From then on, she works for Kihara Gensei.
In present time, Mitori wakes up after being defeated by Kuroko. Utterly beaten, she finds no reason in escaping her handcuffs with her powers. She is later visited by Misaki, and tells her that there is a clone, Dolly's younger sister, that has been transferred with the memories and experiences of Dolly. She tells her that though she isn't Dolly, she just can't let her be, and tells her to come with her. Mitori escapes her bonds and asks why she didn't just use her powers on her instead of explaining things to her. Misaki asks if she needed to use her power, to which Mitori says she didn't. Thus with a mutual understanding, Mitori stands once more to bring an end to the tragedy that has befallen on Dolly.
Chapter 069: Thus ends the long day. It is currently unknown what had transpired between Misaki and Mitori, but Misaki uses her power to restore the memories of Kuroko and the others' memories of her, though modified the events somewhat for them, making them believe that they were out trying to catch terrorists targeting the festival to avoid contradictions. Apparently all to hide the existence of both Exterior and the Sisters from public knowledge, as well as passing along the information on the virus to Heaven Canceller to treat the Sisters. Mikoto's not participating in the festival events on the second day was changed as well to that of her eating too much and having her stay in the bathroom all day, much to her chagrin.
With that Tokiwadai Middle School continues to participate in the remaining days of the festival. Mitsuko makes a recovery and is able to participate in the festival with Mikoto as her partner again.
Now with the waning days of Daihaseisai coming, one night the girls come upon the bonfire where the folk dance is happening, where they note on how they cannot participate. Mikoto goes away to buy them all drinks. In the meanwhile, Kamijou Touma later meets up with Ruiko, and thanks her for the protective charm she lent. Touma offers her to buy her some food to make it up to her, though she says that it is all right. Mikoto later comes around with the drinks, and finds Touma talking with Ruiko. Touma says that he borrowed a protective charm from her, confusing Mikoto though later figures out it was for the borrowing race. Mikoto's stutters and awkward way of presenting herself to Touma does not go unnoticed before the eyes of Ruiko and Kazari.
Capitalizing this new found knowledge, Ruiko approaches Touma and asks him to dance with her around the bonfire as a way to thank her for lending him her protective charm. Touma is fine with the idea, though asks if she is sure with it, to which confirms. Ruiko then tells Touma to go on ahead, leaving the girls alone. Mikoto is utterly shocked by what has transpired, but with a knowing look between Ruiko and Kazari, they make their move. Ruiko fakes an ailment finally catching up to her, prompting Mikoto to ask her if she is okay. However, Kuroko suddenly figures out their ruse and tries to tell Mikoto, but Kazari comes up behind her and covers her mouth. With this ruse finally set up, Ruiko says that she can't move but tells Mikoto that she can dance with Touma in her place. Mikoto becomes embarrassed by this, and makes up a bunch of excuses. Fed up with this, Ruiko forces Mikoto to say that she wants to dance, to which she does.
Touma later sees Mikoto coming up to him and drags him to the dance, much to his surprise. Ruiko, Kazari, and Kuroko later observer Mikoto's dancing with Touma. Back with the couple, Mikoto tells Touma that he saved her once again, though, ever his personality, points out that other people helped out as well, with him helping a bit in the end. Mikoto says that she was saved by a lot of different friends, and says that she can't forgive the unpleasant parts of Academy City that view espers as guinea pigs, but it was coming to the city that allowed her to meet everyone, and that those meetings are a treasure to her. She then says to Touma that next time, she wants to protect everyone, because she thinks that's the only way to pay everyone back.
Touma teases that she must also consider meeting him a treasure as well, as the way she said it included him as well. Before a flustered Mikoto can reply, Ruiko and Kazari fails in restraining Kuroko and she teleports away to kick Touma in the head, ending their dance.
Chapter 070: As Misaki and Mitori enter the building where Dolly is kept, Misaki tells her that Dolly perceived her as Mitori, as at the time she still didn't have the ability to manipulate memories. Misaki says that at some point, Dolly noticed that she was a fake, to which Mitori notes that Dolly had surprisingly good intuition. Mitori then says thanks as the elevator comes to their intended floor. She says to Misaki that with her at the end of Dolly's life, at least she wasn't alone, and says that was her biggest regret. The door opens to reveal the capsule where the clone of Dolly is kept, and runs up to it. The clone's consciousness wavers until finally it awakens and calls out to Mitori's name at the sight of her. There, after a terrible long count of years, the two friends, Dolly and Mitori are finally reunited. Dolly, seeing Mitori, asks her if she is Mi-chan, to which she confirms. Breaking down in tears, Dolly says she missed her and the two girls embrace. Dolly says that she thought Mitori hated her because she found her creepy, to which Mitori denies. She then notes that she remembers Mitori's scent and notes on how nostalgic it is. She then says that she loves her.
Meanwhile, Misaki, who is hiding in the shadows watching them, finally tries to leave. However, Dolly calls out to her, knowing who she is. Misaki tries to play it off, but Dolly says she knows she is Misaki because they are always together in their dreams, and says the time they've spent together is the only memories they both have. Misaki is at loss for words, and then finally, she apologizes to Dolly. With emotions overcoming her, Misaki says that she is sorry for deceiving her, manipulating her memories, and her getting lost in the comfortable lie of being her friend. She says that if she had looked into who "Mi-chan" was then she could've reunited her with Dolly, and if she had known the truth of the experiment she is sure that Dolly wouldn't have died. Misaki says that it is all her fault for selfishly putting herself between the two of them. And then states that she'll do anything to make it up to her.
Then, Dolly with Mitori, come from behind Misaki and embraces her, telling her that she wants her to take her to the beach, let her ride a roller coaster at an amusement park, let her see a hippopotamus at the zoo, ride an airplane, and see an aurora in Finland. She continues on with many more requests, to which Mitori says that it is way too much. But Dolly can only help but laugh. She says, as she leans on Mitori, that if they are all together, anywhere is fine, and asks if they can do that. Hearing this, Misaki says that Dolly still ignores what everyone says and force her opinion on them. She turns to them to reveal the tears upon her face and says that Dolly is selfish and that there's no arguing with her.
Back with Mikoto, she checks up on her Sister, Misaka 10032, declaring that her fever is down. Misaka 10032 laments that the festival ended while she was lying in bed. Mikoto says that she shouldn't sulk, and tells her that she should take her somewhere at some point, and asks where she would want to go. Misaka 10032 immediately answers the beach, to which Mikoto says that the beach is season has ended. Misaka 10032 says that she doesn't know why, but says that she wants to make an exciting promise with someone important with her, describing it as a sentimental sense of deja vu.
Rating: 8/10