Chapter 071: After having their swimming class, Misaka Mikoto goes on a conversation with the Ringlet curl girl, who quickly talks about a limited-edition Gekota merchandise available through a particular promo. Moments after, Shokuhou Misaki, who seems to have skipped PE class as usual, shows up and notices that Mikoto is acting close to a member of her clique, much to Mikoto's chagrin. Sparks begin to fly between the Ace and Queen of Tokiwadai, and despite being an upperclassman of the two Level 5s, the Ringlet curl girl helplessly watches as the two girls bicker on. Misaki did make a hasty exit as soon as she sees the school's dormitory supervisor, leaving Mikoto at her mercy.
Mikoto's pride was left hurt after the encounter with Misaki, but the Ringlet curl girl meets her once again to apologize, giving a card to make up for the incident. Mikoto has no idea about what the card is, but Saten Ruiko quickly identifies the card as an Indian Poker card, a popular card used to peek into the dreams of someone. Ruiko explains how the card works and relates the system used in the card with a toy used by children to move a ball using artificial psychokinesis. She also adds that there are people who are capable of supplying interested people with pleasant dreams. With her interest piqued by Ruiko's introduction into the system, Mikoto decides to use the card on herself.
That night, Mikoto finds herself in a dream where she is whisked away by a group of Gekota into a castle. To her shock, the castle is inhabited by Shokuhou Misaki dressed like a queen. Mikoto then suddenly finds herself dressed like a maid, and is pressured into serving Misaki after seeing the Gekotas' sad faces when she refuses. Misaki finds Mikoto's reluctant service adorable enough that she wants Mikoto to serve her for the rest of her life. The sheer rage of being Misaki's slave is enough to drag Mikoto back from her dreams, inadvertently destroying Kuroko's plans of molesting her in her most vulnerable state.
Elsewhere the next morning, ambulance sirens blare as an incident of someone who tripped down a flight of stairs take the attention of students passing by. Here, they talk about a particular app that they suggest is related to the accident.
Chapter 072: Ruiko meets up with Mikoto and Kuroko, the latter still being emotional and dejected after what happened the night before, and asks Mikoto how she felt about the Indian Poker, to which Mikoto says it is horrible, confounding Ruiko as the color of the card should've been that of a happy dream. Ruiko then states that Indian Poker is a great way for sleep-learning as one can use a dream to learn about new things or skills, making cards like those very valuable. Ruiko agrees and that is why people who give out those dreams, the Dream Rankers, are also ranked, and that are also rumors that the cards highest ranked cards from S-ranks and A-ranks are sold for lots of money. This makes Ruiko excited that she can sell her Urban Legend cards for money even mentions to herself that she has also come upon another Urban Legend while looking into it, but before she can tell them what it is, notices Kazari nearby. Ruiko bids them farewell as she goes to her with her usual antics.
Later, the Ringlet curl girl asks Mikoto what she thought about the Indian Poker, remarking that Mikoto should start doing them as well. Mikoto hesitates to answer as the girl invites her over for tea. Not being able to turn down her sincere kindness, Mikoto obliges her. Much to her surprise however, Misaki has also been invited as well, with the both of them not amused. The two of them as the Ringlet curl girl they're here, to which the girl reveals that she thought that they could use the chance to deepen their friendship, to which both of them immediately reject. The girl tries to continue about the conversation, asking Misaki if she knows about the Indian Poker fad going around their group. Misaki says that she is aware of it, leading to the Ringlet curl girl to say that Mikoto wants to invite Misaki as well, despite the fact that Mikoto hasn't said anything. Misaki plainly tells her that she is not interested and tells the girl that she should stop too even adding to tell that to all the girls in the group, to which she agrees. Mikoto is surprised by her decision, to which the Ringlet curl girl says it is because the Queen asked her to do so.
Suddenly, just before they continue, there is shouting nearby. Over the shrubbery is Aogami Pierce and three suspicious-looking blokes, calling him BLAU and thanking him, an S-rank Dream Ranker, for giving them wonderful dreams. One of them, Hikoichi, offers Aogami with money in exchange for one of his cards. However, Aogami declines it, saying that knowing that his dreams gives other people happiness is enough to satisfy him, impressing the men, as well as Mikoto who wonders what kind of dreams Aogami gives to them. However, her impression of him is crushed when she discovers that he sells erotic lewd dreams of various girls much to Mikoto and Misaki's horror. The Ringlet curl girl, however, is apparently too pure and ignorant to understand what they are talking about. Meanwhile, the boys all praise Aogami Pierce for his services, and that it is only a matter of time before his dreams spread into the city. Aogami notes that it isn't just entertainers, and notes that he can dream of the two Level 5s of Tokiwadai, piquing both Mikoto and Misaki's horrified silence into a tranquil fury, as he talks about the lewd things he has them do in their dreams.
As the boys celebrate, the Ringlet curl girl, who's still clueless what's going on praises them for being famous until Mikoto finally snaps, stands up and walks out noting to them that she is going to visit the next shop over. This scares the Ringlet curl girl knowing her intentions and asks Misaki to stop her but much to her surprise Misaki decides to help Mikoto saying that she'll do her the favor of her erasing witnesses' memories while she handle the security cameras. Shocked, the Ringlet curl girl notes that the two of them can easily pull off the perfect crime.
After Mikoto beating them unconscious and destroying the cards while Misaki altered their memories, both Level 5s are tense after the little incident. Seeing this, Ringlet curl girl offers a topic for them to discuss, asking them if they have dreams of a gentleman they like. Hearing this, the two Level 5s are silenced, and later make up terrible excuses to leave, much to the girl's disappointment.
Meanwhile, Kazari and Kuroko are in patrol. After Kazari snaps Kuroko out of her daze, she asks Kuroko if she knows of the treasure hunting app, to which Kuroko shows that she does. It is an app that has set points in locations around the city. If the user takes a picture of the proper scenery on those set points using the app's special camera they will get a reward. Kazari adds to Kuroko's explanation that when taking a picture using that app in a certain location, instead of treasure as intended, it can apparently show images of an accident that has happened in the scene. Kazari shows an example on a set of stairs that had an accidental fall that morning of September 27. Kuroko remarks that it is in bad taste, but Kazari says that if it was then they would just mark it down as such. However, she points out that the app also shows accidents that can happen in the future.
Chapter 073: Continuing with before, Kazari tells that there is an app going around that can predict incident, be it a crime, accident, or something else. The app indicates the time and the place where the incident will happen when its camera function is pointed in a specific location. Kazari notes that it may be possible that all the data was made before the accidents. Kuroko questions how many of the pre-registered "accidents" ended up actually happening, to which Kazari says it is 100% accurate. Kuroko asks if a Precognitive esper is involved in the creation of the app, but Kazari says that the internet says that someone is setting up the incidents on purpose, though she says that there is no connection between the suspects and the victims and as such it might not be true. Kazari mentions other incidents that were not registered in the app and as such claims that there may be a pattern before an incident can be registered in the app.
In their investigation, Kuroko decides to download the app herself and they come upon two vending machines, which the app claims an accident would happen there in 15 minutes. Having no proof that something is going to happen, the girls are unable to block the traffic as there is a road next to the vending machines, forcing them to observe for the moment. While doing so, Kazari notices the Judgment recruitment poster nearby, and notes that the time for recruitment is almost over. She wonders if their branch will get a new member, and becomes very excited at the thought. Kuroko then notices people converging on the vending machines: a motorcyclists, two schoolgirls, a man on the phone, and hooded man with a flu mask. The girls steel themselves, preparing for the worst, though Kuroko is unsure if an accident or crime is about to take place. She takes out her nails in preparation, but nothing happens, much to their relief.
Time passes as they observe and still nothing happens at the vending machines and Kuroko becomes increasingly agitated. Kazari tells her that events happens 10 to 20 minutes off the indicated time, though Kuroko wonders if it was just a fake. However, at the same time as this, Kuroko notices a kid playing a soccer ball. She also notices a truck coming, though slowly. She believed that the truck may not be involved in anything, in which case she is correct at the worst possible way. A car speeds pass the truck to overtake it and at the same time the kid follows his loose soccer ball. Kuroko thinks that it is the prediction of the app, though remembers that it is at the wrong place. Regardless, Kuroko acts quickly as the car's driver tries to avoid the child, only for it to speed right into the path of a schoolgirl passing by the vending machine. In the meanwhile, a boy looks over from above as Kuroko rescues the schoolgirl and the car crashes into the vending machines.
Everyone is safe, the schoolgirl, the banged up driver, and the kid who is in Kazari's arms. Kuroko notes that if she wasn't prepared, she wouldn't have acted so calmly and would've teleported the kid on reflex. Kuroko tells Kazari to redirect traffic until Anti-Skill arrives. Kazari wonders what Kuroko would be doing as Kuroko tries to find a place where there would be a good view of the vending machines. Kuroko later comes up to the boy up on a roof, and asks if he is the esper with precognitive abilities. Kuroko says that whoever was watching the app would probably watching nearby. Kuroko notices that the boy is an elementary schooler as he faces her. The boy introduces himself as the creator of the app and says that he was planning on contacting her regardless.
Chapter 073.5: Near a bus stop, Musujime Awaki accosts a little boy, who is known as the creator of the treasure hunting app, about the bag he is using. She points out the good points about the randoseru and how she has one and can give it to the boy. The boy wonders why she has one and adds that he doesn't want a randoseru for girls. Awaki says that she has a boy's randoseru and tells him that she has one because they are fashionable overseas. Hearing this the boy says that he doesn't really know much about adult fashion but says that the bag he has to carry is required in his school, as he rests his book upon the top of the bench he is sitting on.
The book falls, and instead of going around to pick it up, the boy goes over the top of the bench to pick it up. Seeing the boy in this position, Awaki stares him down, to which the boy felt as if a carnivore was after him. Awaki excuses herself by saying that it has gotten chilly lately. Using that subject, Awaki asks why he is wearing his winter uniform despite the change in uniforms still being October, to which the boy says that they are allowed to wear them to "break them in". Continuing with this, Awaki asks what his summer uniform looks like, and much to her surprise, he reveals that the uniform has shorts shorter than the one he is wearing and a top that is sleeveless. This makes Awaki angry that the boy is wearing his winter uniform.
The boy then becomes thirsty and takes out his thermos. However, as he opens it the contents spill upon his lap, and wonders if the lid was loose. Like a cat on a mouse, Awaki pounces and tells him that he can go to her place for a change of clothes and in fact can spend the night with her. Despite her ramblings, the boy ignores Awaki as he notices that he is in the wrong stop and tries to leave. He tells Awaki that he is thankful for her minding but the spill should dry soon and later leaves. Foiled, Awaki can only be grateful for what she has seen.
Chapter 074: The child's name is Miyama Shaei, and is a precognitive esper. He explains that he uses a camera that is gone through a research laboratory's special equipment to produce a "thoughtograph" that shows the instant of an incident that will occur. Kuroko says that his power is not enough, to which he says that the if he focuses enough then he will be able to determine the time and location of the incident through if the thoughtograph is run through the app. This is what he calls a "second stage" of his powers.
Shaei then asks Kuroko and Kazari to keep the "second stage" of his powers secret as it may be misused if people knew he could determine the time and location of an incident. Shaei tells them that he used the app to hide his identity as well as to find an esper that can change the fate of what was predetermined to occur. His predictions are apparently set in stone even if he tried to intervene with it, with only the place of the incident changing. Shaei then tells however that only once was fate overturned and that was when Kuroko intervened. Shaei believes that it may have something to do with Kuroko's teleport, as it uses 11 dimensions, interfering with the 3 dimensions where the incidents occur.
The child then takes out a pen light to demonstrate the "second stage" of his ability as it allows him to focus. After having the light in his eyes, Shaei quickly uses the thoughtograph camera to create a thoughtograph. He tells them to run it through the app so they can find an incident not registered in it. They arrive at the location where a kid nearly drowns in a canal, but is saved by Kuroko and Kazari. Later that day, Kuroko is now convinced of Shaei's predictions as well as Kuroko's teleport being to interfere with it. Kuroko then agrees with Shaei's sentiment that being able to save victims beforehand is good.
Later that night, a group of girls stab the base of a tree with a water dropper, saying that people wouldn't mind if flowers bloom there and that she learned it in her dream. The next day, there is a crime of passion about to be committed by a disgruntled former lover, but is stopped by Kuroko. Kuroko later does several good deeds and prevents the incidents from occurring. Days pass and Kuroko changes her uniform for winter. Kuroko and the boy later sees a news report regarding a group coma incident the other day, something that Shaei couldn't predict. Shaei says that the people are only sleeping and as such wasn't a real danger that could've triggered his powers to predict it. Shaei tells Kuroko that his powers picks up things more easily if it is close to him, though says since he can't change it doesn't do him any good. Noticing Kuroko get a scratch on her leg, Shaei gives her a handkerchief. Shaei then asks why she joined Judgment, but Kuroko just gives a haphazard answer that is basically summed by Shaie as being for "justice". Shaei states that he doesn't understand it.
Shaei makes another prediction in secret, but his nose bleeds as a result, obviously straining when doing so. He returns to the office with a new incident that is going to occur in a park.
Chapter 075: Kuroko and Kazari discover that the next accident will take place in a park. However, they are surprised to find out that there will be two in different locations in the same park, a few minutes apart. Shaei notes that one of them was something predicted before he met up with them. Shaei notes that the thoughtograph shows that the next incident maybe fire-related. Hearing this, Kazari notes that there may be a large fire that will happen in the park. Fearing the worst, Kuroko notes that they will not be enough to stop it.
With that Mii, Aomi]], and the other members of Judgment Branch 117 are deployed to the park in order to prevent the accident. Mii and Aomi are aware of what Kuroko and Kazari are doing on account of how they have been in many incidents as of late. They are relieved that the other Judgment branches are willing to help them but laments how they cannot notify Anti-Skill without any real evidence. Finally, they wonder why they don't just seal off the entire park. Kuroko discusses with Kazari on how they don't really know how when her Teleport begins to interfere in the incidents and that sealing the park will only move the incident somewhere else. With two hours to go, Kazari gives Kuroko a monocle with a real-time satellite image of everyone in the park.
As Kazari discusses on how there are many stray cats and dogs in the park, Kuroko notices something: a cherry blossom is in bloom despite being October. Kazari says that it is not impossible if one merely tricks the tree to believe it is spring by raising the temperature. As they wonder about it, Shaei gives Kuroko a call. He gives her two new predictions which will occur all in the park. However, the strain of using his powers has taken its toll on him and he collapses. Taking him to a hospital, the Heaven Canceller notes that his red blood cells are breaking down on account of using his esper powers too much, and that he recommends him not to use it for a while as it could cost him his life.
The scene flashes back where he was in a different school. A girl by the name of Ookawachi Megumi and her posse taunts him for his power as it brought misfortune. After school he meets up with a dog named Pero. As plays with it, he jokingly hopes that he will able to use his powers to help people and protect them. Later, he gets one of his thoughtographs analyzed and finds out Megumi is going to be in danger. Shaei tells her this and she becomes scared, begging him to do something. Shaei agrees and says that they should find a way to change the future. However, the accident happens and Megumi is severely injured. She blames him for the accident as if he didn't predict it in the first place the accident would not have happened. Shaei later decides to go to a different school, reassuring the dog in the park that he will still be able to visit.
However, in another thoughtograph he finds out that the dog will be consumed by fire. Falling into despair his ability's "second stage" activates for the first time and he is even more determined to stop the tragedy from happening using his newfound power.
Chapter 076: After making a short recovery, Shaei regains consciousness. However, in spite of his weakened condition, he runs out of the hospital in panic. Meanwhile, Kuroko and Kazari remain clueless as to which would trigger a fire at the park. As Kuroko gathers the information from their search, a frayed wire from the nearby vending machine generates sparks which ignite the fallen leaves it touches. These ignited leaves soon spread to a tree where an ampoule of an unknown fluid is stuck on the ground, causing it to burst into a larger fire.
Judgment quickly prepares their operatives for mass evacuation with the help of Kuroko's Teleport ability. Afterwards, she discovers that only a single cherry tree, notably the one with a bottle near its trunk, is engulfed in flames. Kazari suspects that the bottle contains a flammable substance and she uses this information to predict the movement of the fire. Meanwhile, Kuroko performs additional rescues while her colleagues retrieve the ampoules found in different areas. As Judgment gathers, a quick experiment reveals the volatility of the substance inside. Although Kuroko has left the investigation to Anti-Skill, she wonders about who is responsible for what happened.
Soon, Shaei appears in the park, asking Kuroko to bring him to the center of the park, where he saw his dog Pero's life in danger in one of his earlier predictions. Kuroko quickly asks Mii to come with her in the search. Shaei is shocked at the urgent response, although both Mii and Kuroko wonder about Shaei underestimating Judgment's sense of duty.
Seeing the fire reminds Shaei of the accident that gravely injured his classmate Ookawachi Megumi and he decides to risk his life in hopes of altering his own predictions. However, Kuroko stubbornly continues the search. Moments later, Kuroko returns with Pero on her arms. Shaei tearfully reunites with his old friend and endures Kuroko's teasing.
Chapter 077: Following the fire incident on the local park, Kazari and Kuroko talk about their findings. The ampules are confirmed as the main cause of the fire, and the people who are responsible have admitted their wrongdoings. In their testimony, the ones behind the fire have said that they learned how to make the substance through Indian Poker cards after wanting to see cherry trees blossom year-round.
The two Judgment girls soon meet up with Shaei in the park where the fire had occurred. Here, Shaei was reading a letter from her former schoolmate Ookawachi Megumi, who wants to apologize for her mistreatment of Shaei in the past and her consent to take care of Pero for the meantime. In their conversation, it is revealed that the park suffered little damage after the fire, and that Shaei has decided to give Pero to someone else and that he has decided to not use his powers anymore. Kuroko, however, remains optimistic that Shaei will eventually learn to use his powers without suffering any harm.
Meanwhile, Ruiko boasts her new-found kendama skills to Mikoto and she reveals that she acquired her skill through Indian Poker cards, which she also plans to use in learning how to expertly twirl pens around. Ruiko explains that Indian Poker cards aren't only available from exchanging between friends, but also from traders that exchanges cards of a certain rank from multiple cards of a lower rank or directly sell them using cash.
After parting ways with Ruiko, Mikoto encounters a street peddler selling Indian Poker cards. Here, Kinuhata Saiai is a customer looking for a particular kind of card. This girl immediately recognizes Mikoto, but Mikoto instead proceeds to ask the Indian Poker card trader about any S-rank cards on sale. The trader eventually shows that only S-rank card he has, and introduces it as the product of a scientist considered as eccentric even for Academy City standards: the Bust Upper.
Chapter 078: The two girls want the Bust Upper card all for themselves, with Saiai wanting it as revenge for Shiage seemingly mocking her for her body by bringing her Musashino Milk. As the girls pull the card, all courtesy drops and they would have soon fought each other if not for the fact that vendor saying that the girls have removed the film of the card and making it useless. Startled, the girls drop the card and scattering the rest of the vendor's cards. Though he could not tell the difference between the cards, Mikoto solves this by buying all of the cards. Saiai however tells Mikoto that she will pay for half of it. Finally, the girls come to an agreement.
In an internet lounge, they realize their folly as they see that they need only to share the information of the Bust Upper with the other. With that, the girls begin their trial of finding the Bust Upper from the cards they bought. Mikoto ends up in a dream of being trained by Hattori Hanzou, though she's pretty bad at it.
Chapter 079: Still using the Indian Poker cards to find the Bust Upper, Misaka Mikoto jumps into Yoshikawa Kikyou's dream where she measures her bust and compares it to her friend, Yomikawa Aiho. She later sees her waist measurement and finds that it has increased, much to her horror. Mikoto wakes up and says that she shouldn't assume that she would "grow" eventually lest she'll turn out like Kikyou.
Meanwhile, Saiai is in the dream of Tsuchimikado Maika, wearing a maid outfit. Tsuchimikado Motoharu appears with the Loli Ocean Demon King Bra Maid outfit, which makes Saiai assume that he is a pervert. Motoharu flatters her, and Saiai notices that the Maika isn't all that opposed as she let's on, but still eventually rejects him.
Mikoto meanwhile jumps into a roadside artist's dream and finds Fusou Ayame there, where she later tells Mikoto that she wears her outfit because she wanted to show her audience that she is the real deal, in that she doesn't use pads. Mikoto however points out that she could've used an outfit that hide her body lines. In Saiai's dream of being Kuruwa, she reads the Iga Clan's seduction techniques, much to her frustration as it puts emphasis on breasts. Saiai is however impressed that if one doesn't have ample breasts then they could use their legs, though she gets angry after it states that breasts are still the best. An employee later arrives into their room after Saiai's screams of anger annoys the other customers. Mikoto is in Himegami Aisa's place, decrying her fate in the background while Fukiyose Seiri shines even in a classroom full of colorful characters. Aisa points out Seiri's large breast compared to her meager C-Cup. This ridiculous complaint however angers Mikoto, and she wakes up screaming.
After being forced to leave from the cafe, Mikoto and Saiai make use of an open lounge in a hotel and continue using the Indian Poker cards. As the dream, a crow notices a shiny card on top of their deck and takes it away. Little do they know that that would be the one thing they were searching for all along: the Bust Upper.
Mikoto enters a "dream" which is not like the others as she isn't living out the dream as anyone. Suddenly, a girl with streaks on her hair starts speaking cryptically to her about the future. In the end she speaks to Mikoto of a threat that she cannot ignore, and that if she eliminates it would only lead to another one. The dream ends with the girl asking her what she would do.
As the day winds to an end, the crow that stole the card lands on a tree, where it is scared off by Sphynx the cat, losing its grip on the card. It then falls next to a girl who has bought Indian Poker cards and assumes that is one of her purchases. With the girls using up all the cards, they become frustrated that the card merchant lied to them as the card isn't in the deck they bought. They then both go home. In ITEM's hideout, Saiai meets with Shiage. He apologizes for buying her milk because he assumes that it would help her grow taller, referencing the time she tried to use him to fake her age. Hearing this, Saiai just kicks Shiage for being misleading. Back with Mikoto, she relates the day with Kuroko as the night grows late.
The next day, Ruiko is walking with Kazari talking about her plans about with the Indian Poker cards, at which point they pass by the lady who got the card by accident. The Breast Upper is real as Ruiko notes how large her breasts are.
Rating: 8/10