Touma's father Touya unintentionally a spell known as Angel Fall, a spell that switches the elements and the appearance of everyone around the world...
There were reports of a convict called Hino Jinsaku breakout of a prison...
Touma goes on a holiday with his family Index goes along him, but Index has someone appearance instead of her own...
Motoharu, Touma, and Kaori goes on to undo the spell...
They encountered Misha Kreutzev who was actually a weaken Gabriel who takes the form of Sasha Kreutzev...
They at first though the person was Hino Jinsaku who activated the Angel Fall spell, and then becoming Misha before learning that it was his father...
So Touma goes back and asked his father why, and they undo the spell...
Everything return back to the way it was...
Rating: 8/10