A few hours after Touma returns to the city, there was an Magician named Sherry Cormwell broke into city...
Motoharu notices this and goes and question Aleister who had planned all of this or even foreseen this a long time...
Back to Sherry, she caused injury to many people...
Back home Touma made Breakfast for Index and goes to school...
Index still feeling hungry asked Maika who was Motoharu's 'sister' took care of Index...
Index goes walk around the city and met with Kazakira Hyouka...
They bonded overtime and become friends...
Touma too also bonded with Hyouka overtime, even through they just met not long ago and it only has been hours...
They were in a mall and was attacked by Sherry...
Kuroko was happens to be a member of Judgment fought with her...
Anti-Skill member was also within the area were asked to look for the intruder...
Touma was seen fighting against Sherry and Touma won the battle...
Hyouka disappears and Index was sadden by her disappearance...
Rating: 8/10