Kuroko was called her fellow Judgment friend Uiharu Kazari as Uiharu finds the robbery a little unsual...
Kuroko could care less, as long as she get to spend time with her 'sister' Misaka...
But still did her job, she goes on to look for person who is involve in the robbery...
She goes up against someone with a esper close to her...
It took Kuroko some time found her enemy's ability with the help of Uihara who is very good with technology stuffs...
Kuroko got injury but still goes on fighting Awaki Musujime...
Kuroko learns that she moves thing and not herself unlike herself which is teleporting fron one to the other and to put nields to pin someone down...
Accelerator appears near the end and defeats Awaki...
Awaki puts on a good fight showing no fear at first, but after learning that he is NO.1 esper she kind of fear him...
Rating: 9/10