The sports festival of the whole city starts, it was a series of games with different school going up against each other...
Touma made a bet with Misaka if her school wins he will do anything that she says...
Touma soon learns about the Stab Sword from Stiyl and Motoharu as things gets out of control over time...
Touma's classmate Fukiyose Seiri wants to win and is in high spirit, she later got injury due to the Stab Sword...
Touma goes meets up with his parents for lunch, and Touma and Index met Misaka along side with her mother who Touma
though that she was her big sister...
Touma's sensei Komoe help Index to plan a suprise for Touma...
Touma runs here and there, as he tries to locate the person who is hold the Stab Sword...
Oriana Thomson run into Touma, and she notice that something was wrong...
Oriana calls her Lidvia Lorenzeti to check with her some stuff...
Touma learns that it was the lady that he run into earlier on but she was no where in sight...
Motoharu said that he will locate her and he did...
Oriana was the one who injury a number of people including Seiri, Komoe sensei remembers the heal spell that Index once used, so she try to use it to help her student but no vein Stiyl helps her out and they saved Seiri somehow...
Motoharu also got injury due to the fact that an esper cannot use magic it will cause conflict...
Touma defeats Oriana in the end, the Stab Sword was no where to be found...
Archbishop calls Lidvia and tells her some stuffs, she fells to her seemly 'death'...
There more to this double volume arc as the story goes on in the spin-off manga series...
Rating: 9/10