A year before the events of the Main Series, there was group of people who aren't pro-heroes but still work as a hero the group of people are Vigilantes, and they still do most likely as the series is still on going, and its a spin-off and a prequel to the Main Series...
I will post the whole series not arc by arc as its hard to tell which arc is which, but there maybe 2 or 3 posts to this as it may get long...
Oh yes, there are a few characters from Main Series that will appear in this series, mostly Pro-Heroes, and the same cop that appeared in the main series, I did mention something about him having a sibling, so his sibling is the connection between the story...
Koichi was within the crowd when 'All Might' was out fighting villians, like 'Deku' was a big fan of 'All Might' and like 'Deku', Koichi uses sweater that has 'All Might' vibe all over it...
Koichi's Qurik was Slide and Glide, and he hppened to encounter a gorup of villain, which he was too scare of, he then have a run in with Pop☆Step, her Qurik was Leap it able her to hop and flood on air...
Koichi then run into a mid-age man called himself 'Knuckleduster' he was out looking for villains that has taken a type drug that makes one's qurik more powerful then before...
That drug was known as 'Trigger', meanwhile a man in suit is seen selling that drug to someone...
After this incident both Pop☆Step, and 'Kunckleduster' would go to Koichi house and they would go out protecting the town from villain and found the person who is distributing the drug, and the main reason why Koichi wants to be a hero again...
They encounter some enemies on the way, and they become friends afterwards...
They ran into a girl that can use bees, and the cause of the problem in the town...
Koichi who is now called 'The Crawler' met Tensei, the two fought a vaillian together and Tensei asked Kochi to join his Team Idaten, and goes on telling him that his team has many people and they all play a different role in the team, he also says that he knows his identity as 'The Crawler', Koichi turn down his offer...
After sometime they met with Makoto, Tsukauchi Naomasa's sister...
Makoto help the three at times, they ran into a pro-hero from overseas and did not see see to see at times, but they help him through some issues and they became friends and he is called 'Captain Celebrity'...
They also ran into 'Stain' before becoming 'Stain' he too was a Vigilante, and how he become a villain was also somewhat been explain, he name here is 'Stendaru'...
'Kunckleduster' has a wife who has been the hospital for quite sometime, and her life is ending soon, she tells him to look for their child and that child was the bee girl called Kuin...
He founded her after some awhile and bit the hell out of her and got her back to normal...
A new villain appears to collect the thing that has been inside of Kuin's eye back, and said it is time for the next phrase of their plan...
A few days has past, Koichi and Pop☆Step have not seen 'Kunckleduster' for some time sees him while they were out doing their duty...
The drug has an upgrade to it and is been used, Tsukauchi was discussing this information with some of the
Pro-Heroes namely, 'Mid-Night' and Aizawa and got them to help in the case...
Oh yes, I forgot something Koichi saved Pop☆Step at one point, but Koichi did not know that...
Pop☆Step thinks of Makoto as a Koichi lover, even through it was one sided love, as in Pop☆Step's one sided love for Koichi, and Koichi one-sided love for Makoto...
Well that was it more or less for this spin-off series, I will be doing its review whenever the chapter releases...
Rating for the series: 8/10