At Headquarter, Osamu is stunned to hear that Jin has a Black Trigger, but he is more eager to hear Jin's response to Kido's order to capture Yūma's Trigger.
Meanwhile, Chika takes Yūma to a run-down shrine she uses as her hiding place, and the two share hamburgers as they wait for Osamu. Recalling what Yūma said earlier concerning people being taken by Neighbors and used to fight their war, Chika asks how the kidnapped people are used. Yūma explains this depends on which country is responsible and the situation of each warring country, but it is most likely they are treated as highly valuable assets and Chika would be considered a VIP. Hearing this, Chika feels relieved to know that the abductees are still alive, but when Yūma asks why she wants to know, Chika lies and says that she's just curious. However, Yūma sees through this and calls her a liar, and threatens to ask Osamu later. Chika quickly explains that both her friend and her older brother were taken and blames herself for getting them involved. Yūma says he understands, since he got Osamu and Chika involved earlier that day as well. Chika says its Osamu's nature to worry about other people first. Yūma asserts that he will fight as many Border agents as come for him, except Jin. Chika asks Yūma what he would do if Jin was to pursue him, and Yūma is confident that would never happen.
Back at Headquarter, Jin flatly refuses Kido's order as according to Border's chain of command, Kido doesn't have the right to directly give orders to him. Since Jin is part of the Tamakoma Branch, he only follows orders from Branch Chief Rindō. Not to be dissuaded, Kido simply commands Rindō to give the order. Rindō sighs and orders Jin to capture Yūma's Black Trigger, and to Osamu's shock, Jin quickly agrees. But, Rindō then adds that Jin is allowed to decide how to do it. Jin smiles and gladly accepts. He then tells Osamu, who is relieved that his faith in Jin was well founded, that they should go. Kinuta demands that Shinoda should dispatch a unit as well, but Shinoda says that Kido's decision to leave it to Jin should stand.
As Osamu and Jin are leaving the room, Karasawa asks Osamu if he knows the reason Yūma came to their world, adding that knowing someone's purpose allows you to negotiate with them. Osamu replies that Yūma came to find his father's friend in Border. Seeing that both Kinuta and Netsuki aren't satisfied, Karasawa then asks Osamu for their names. Osamu says he doesn't know Yūma's father's name, but when he tells them Yūma's name instead, Rindō, Shinoda, and Kido are all visibly shaken and repeat the name: Kuga.
While waiting for Osamu, Chika asks why did Yūma come to Japan, which the latter simply says that because his father died. He then adds that before his father died, he told Yūma to go to Japan and find his friend in Border. Yūma's father believed that Border could be the bridge connecting this world and the Neighbors. Once here; however, Yūma found that Neighbors attack people all the time and Border agents hate Neighbors in return. Chika inquires about Yūma's father, and Yūma tells her the three lessons he was taught when he was six years old: protect yourself by yourself, there isn't just one answer, and don't think your parents are always right. As they leave the shrine, Yūma wonders if his father's friend is still at Border.
At Headquarters, Netsuki and Kinuta ask about the name Kuga. Shinoda explains that Yūgo Kuga was one of the founding members of Border, a senior to Rindō and himself, and a colleague to Kido. Osamu recalls that when they first met, Yūma had denied that his father had anything to do with Border. Shinoda then asks Osamu where Yūgo is now, and Osamu reports that he is dead. Shinoda says that if that is the case, there is no need to send troops out after Yūma. Kido seems relieved, but is skeptical if Yūma is truly Yūgo's son. Shinoda asks Jin and Osamu to take care of the situation with Yūma, and they are dismissed. Again, Netsuki and Kinuta are displeased and concerned about Yūma and his Black Trigger falling into the hands of the Tamakoma Branch. Kido is not actually concerned with whether or not Yūma is truly Yūgo's son, but states instead his intent to seize the Black Trigger.
In the hallway, Jin explains that there are three separate factions within Border: those who will never forgive Neighbors follow Kido, those who don't hate Neighbors and simply want to protect the city follow Shinoda, and those who want to be friends with Neighbors are in the Tamakoma Branch. Although the Kido group is currently the largest faction, if Yūma were to join the Tamakoma Branch, the balance of power would be thrown off because of his Black Trigger. Jin finishes by saying Kido will do anything to get the Black Trigger.
Back at the meeting room, Kido and the others strategize how to get the Black Trigger. Kido asks for Karasawa's opinion, and he suggests they wait until conditions are in their favor. Kido agrees, stating their top A-Rank teams will return in a few days and alongside Miwa Unit will all seize Yūma's Black Trigger.
Jin and Osamu meet up with Yūma and Chika. Osamu informs Yūma that Border will most likely come after him, and Jin suggests that the simplest solution would be for Yūma to join Border.
Osamu and the others are shocked at Jin's suggestion of inviting Yūma to join Tamakoma Branch. In order to persuade Yūma, Jin invites him for a visit, whom accepted the offer on the condition that Chika and Osamu are allowed to come along.
Upon arriving at the base, Osamu notice that the base is essentially an abandoned building in the middle of a river. Jin then remarks that most of the agents are out and wonders how many people are inside, to which Osamu begins to fret over the high caliber individuals he is about to meet.
When they enter the base, they are shocked to see a small boy riding a fat Capybara, whom rudely greets them. Next the group is greeted by a flighty Usami, Tamakoma Branch's operator, whom offers them Dorayaki. Osamu is dumbfounded at the obvious differences between laid-back Tamakoma Branch and Border HQ when he sees Yōtarō attempt to steal Yūma's Dorayaki and proposes to Chika. Usami then says that with only 10 peoples, Tamakoma Branch is considered small but, they're distinctively stronger than HQ.
Upon learning that Shiori is one of the few have went to the Neighbor world, Chika asks how people are chosen to go to the Neighbor world. Shiori explains they are chosen from the A-Rank agents, and Osamu wonders if Chika wants to go to the other world. Just then, Jin walks in and informs them that he receives a call from the branch chief that they'll spent the night.
Jin then escorts Yūma and Osamu to Rindō's office, who apparently wants to meet with them. Rindō greets Yūma and assures him that they have no intention of capturing him. He asks Yūma if he knows the name of his father's friend, and Yūma replies Sōichi Mogami. Rindō explains that Mogami was a founding member of Border and Jin's mentor. He adds that Jin's Black Trigger is actually created by Mogami, who died five years ago. Yūma barely reacts to this news. Rindō shares that he owes Yūgo a great deal, and invites Yūma to join Tamakoma Branch so Rindō can protect him openly but Yūma refuses, confusing Osamu.
Later, Jin asks Yūma to tell him the story of his and his father's past. At the same time, Replica tells Osamu that it is time for him to tell the reasons why Yūma came to Japan.
Replica tells Osamu that four years ago, the Kuga's joined the wars in their world as a favor to Raymond, the leader of their country's defense and Yūgo's long-time friend. Yūma tells Jin that he was well-trained and did well as a rookie, but Replica explains everything changed on the day Yūgo died.
Replica explains to Osamu that four years ago, after their fortress was attacked, Raymond and Yūgo told Yūma to stay out of the battle, since the attackers most likely had a Black Trigger. The enemy's forces suddenly attacked, and the Calvarian Trigger controllers were outnumbered. Yūma decided to join the battle, disregarding his father's orders. A strange Neighbor with claws appeared and attacked Yūma, leaving him fatally wounded. In order to save his life, Yūgo created a Black Trigger, sealing off Yūma's dying body inside and replacing it with a Trion body, turning his hair white. When Yūma woke up, he watched his father turned to dust, crumbles and dies.
As Yūma mourned for his father, the military pressured him into using the Black Trigger to seek vengeance for Yūgo's death, not knowing that Yūma also inherited his father's Side Effect, enabling him to see through lies. Regardless, Yūma decided to finish the fight the two of them started and fought in the battle for three years, getting stronger in the process, until the war ended in reconciliation. After the war, Replica suggested that Yūma find Border and his father's friend, hoping that someone there could help Yūma get his old body back.
Replica explains to Osamu that Yūma has not grown since he was 11 years old, because he has a body made out of Trion. He adds that inside the Black Trigger, Yūma's original body is still slowly dying, and once it completely dies, Yūma's Trion body will also die. While Replica wanted someone to help Yūma gain his original body, Yūma actually hoped to find a way to resurrect his father. After hearing the news about Mogami, Replica knows that Yūma no longer has any plan for his life. At the same time, Yūma informs Jin that he have decided to go back to the other side. Replica then implores Osamu to help Yūma find a new purpose.
At Tamakoma's office, Yūma admits to Jin that he may no longer have a purpose in life, but the last few days have been fun. Jin assures Yūma that there will be more fun things in the future. At the same time, Osamu ponders on helping Yūma finds a new purpose and doubt his ability to do so.
As Osamu figuring things out, Shiori asks for him and informs that Chika has decided to join Border in order to look for her brother and friend who were abducted. Osamu attempts to dissuade Chika in order to keep his promise to Rinji. Chika understands the near impossibility of finding her brother, but is surprisingly persistent in her desire to join. Shiori explains that it is unlikely for a newcomer, such as Chika, to join Tamakoma right off the bat. Instead, she has to enlist at the HQ and form her own team before transferring to Tamakoma.
Osamu relates Chika's decision to Yūma and invites him to join them, saying that they need a strong leader such as Yūma. However, Yūma is reluctant to join, but surprises Osamu by noting the similarity between Osamu and his father. He then asks Osamu why he fights, even by risking his own life, for others. Osamu explains that if he runs even one time, he feels he may run when he really needs to stay and fight. Yūma stands up and declares he will help them out. They then meet up with Chika, who is waiting downstairs, and Yūma informs her that he will be joining their team, but adds that he will only join on the condition that Osamu becomes the leader, which Chika agrees. Then, they head to Rindō's office and find the applications already prepared. Yūma asks Jin if he saw this with his Side Effect, and Jin reminds him that he said there would be more fun things in the future. Rindō officially welcomes the team to Tamakoma Branch as they prepare to aim for A-Rank.