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World Trigger Arc by Arc Review (2/5) Part 2

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

At Tamakoma Branch, Osamu, Yūma, Chika, Jin, and Shiori meet to discuss how Osamu's team can achieve A-Rank. Shiori explains that participation in defense missions or ranking tournaments against other teams will allow them to move up to a new rank. However, since new initiates are only brought on three times per year, Yūma will have to wait until then in order to join the ranking tournament. In the meantime, Yūma will need to learn how to use Border Triggers, since his Black Trigger is automatically classified as S-Rank and therefore disqualifies him from joining a team with the others.

Then, when Shiori asks Chika whether she wants to be an Operator or combatant, Yūma suggest that she should be a combatant, which Chika also agrees. Next, Shiori asks Chika to decide between three different positions; attacker, gunner, and sniper. In order to know which position suits her best, Shiori asks Chika few questions regarding her attributes. This only ends up demotivating her, thinking that she has no redeeming features. However, Osamu refutes this by saying that Chika has great endurance, patience and flexibility. As Shiori about to say Chika's suitable position, Jin interrupts her by saying "a sniper", which irritates her.

Suddenly, a girl bursts in the door, crying about her dorayaki. She then shakes the half-asleep Yōtarō, demanding to know if he was the one who ate them. Shiori quickly apologizes for feeding the pancakes to their guests. Meanwhile, two more people walk in and notices the newcomers. This however, annoys Konami as she didn't know anything about them. Jin then introduces the new recruits and falsely claims that they are his younger brothers and sister, which shocks Konami. She turns to Kyōsuke whom confirms this, but Reiji admits Jin is the only child, leaving her confused. Shiori then introduces them as Kirie Konami, Kyōsuke Karasuma and Reiji Kizaki.

With the next recruitment day only three weeks away, Jin requests that each of the three A-Rank agents offer one-on-one training to their new recruits. Konami refuses at first, but when Jin informs them that it is an order from Rindō she immediately picks out Yūma as the strongest. Chika is assigned to Reiji, the only agent with sniper experience. Osamu is left with Kyōsuke. Jin gets away, saying that he cannot mentor anyone since he has a lot to do. At Headquarters, Kido is informed that the Expedition Force will return from Menoeides in about three days.

At Tamakoma Branch, Kyōsuke and Osamu enters Training Room 1, which surprises the latter that such facility exist below the base. Kyōsuke then tells Osamu that the Branch Chief once told him that Triggers were not merely weapons but the foundation of Neighbor civilization. They activate their Triggers, and Kyōsuke orders Osamu to attack him with everything he's got.

Meanwhile, in Training Room 3, Reiji observes Chika as she fires a shot at a target. Reiji teaches Chika that if she aims well, she'll hit the target. Since he must leave on defense duty, Reiji instructs Chika to continue shooting until her Trion runs out, which will be the end of the training session. Reiji then admits to himself that although Chika is motivated and obedient, she isn't cut out for combat.

In Training Room 2, Konami orders Yūma to pick a Trigger and attack her. As he's choosing his Trigger, Yūma asks whether it's okay if he go all out. Shiori confirms that it is fine if he fight with everything he's got. She explains that since they're in virtual battle mode, they won't run out of Trion. As they about to begin, Konami insults Yūma by calling him a midget to which he refuses to use honorifics when addressing Konami unless she beats him. In turn, Konami agrees to call Yūma by his name if he beats her.

At the end of the day, Kyōsuke asks an exhausted Osamu if he is really B-Rank. Then, Konami exits Training Room 2 in disbelief which follows by Yūma, whom exits looking sorely beaten and claims he won, but only the last of ten matches. Osamu is shocked that Yūma only once against Konami, who challenges Yūma to another match. Kyōsuke asks if Osamu can also continue, and not to be outdone, he agrees. When Reiji returns, he is shocked to learn that the others are still training. He then asks Shiori whether Chika has went home. When she says that Chika hasn't leave the Training Room, Reiji rushes towards the room only to find that Chika is still shooting, leaving him wonders about her Trion volume.

Three days later, as a gate opens inside Border HQ, Commander Kido and the others welcome the arrival of the Expedition Force, which consist of Border's top teams, from their away mission.

At Border HQ, Border's Top Teams returns from their mission to Menoeides and present four unknown triggers to Commander Kido. Kinuta comments that with the new Triggers, Border's engineering will progress even further.

Kido then brief them that there currently is a new Black Trigger at Tamakoma Branch and ask Miwa Unit to explain in detail. Narasaka relates the details of Miwa Unit's encounter with Yūma, Jin's intervention, and Yūma's subsequent acceptance into Tamakoma Branch. Kazama; however, is not surprised by this information, recalling that Tamakoma's previous engineer was a Neighbor. Kido immediately orders them to retrieve the Black Trigger by using any means necessary to obtain it. Narasaka fills the group in on Yūma's daily schedule, and Tachikawa surprises everyone by saying they should attack later that night. Miwa cautions them not to underestimate Yūma, but his warning is brushed off, leaving Miwa to reflect on how he has never liked Tachikawa.

Back at Tamakoma, Chika's Trion level test reveals that she is at super A-Rank, or Black Trigger level, which impress both Kirie and Shiori. Both Reiji and Kirie praise their students Chika and Yūma, the latter who takes the chance to say he could surpass Kirie's level, but Kyōsuke only says they should have hope for Osamu's future. When Kirie says they don't need weaklings at Tamakoma, Kyōsuke says that Osamu called her cute, causing her to blush happily while saying that she doesn't care about the compliment. Kyōsuke quickly retracts and says it was a lie, and Kirie pounds on Osamu in retaliation, although Osamu tries to explain to no avail that it wasn't his fault.

Elsewhere in the Forbidden Zone, the HQ teams are speeding toward Tamakoma Branch. Again, Miwa thinks he has never liked Tachikawa, realizing it's because he and Jin are very similar. They pull up suddenly when Jin appears in front of them and casually asks where they are headed.

At Tamakoma, Yūma exits the Training Room and once again looks frazzled, but won three rounds against Konami. Yūma then asks for a match to Karasuma, whom he calls senpai which irritates Konami. Outside, Reiji and Yōtarō take Osamu and Chika for a run, in order to improve his ability to use his Trion body.

Meanwhile, Jin and Tōma exchange friendly pleasantries, but are cut off by Kazama. Jin asks the group to leave Tamakoma's new recruits alone. In return, Tachikawa says that it's impossible, which leaves Jin having to fight. But Kazama reminds Jin that it is against Border's rules for agents to fight one another. Jin turns this back at him, stating that Yūma is also a Border agent now, so their mission is also against the rules. This infuritates Miwa, but Tachikawa counters by saying that Yūma cannot be considered an fully-authorized Border agent until the recruitment date in a couple of weeks. Until then, he is simply a Neighbor. At this point, Miwa realizes that the reason he doesn't like Tachikawa is because of his similarity to Jin. Kazama tells Jin that Kido will do anything to obtain Yūma's Black Trigger, and they will eventually succeed. Jin replies that it isn't just a Black Trigger, but more important to Yūma than life itself. Seeing Jin's determination, Kazama reminds him that he's facing Border's top teams that were chosen to be part of Expedition Force. Jin also admits that at best, even his Black Trigger would be an even match against their strength, that is, if he is alone.

Just then, Arashiyama Unit shows up, under orders from Shinoda to assist Tamakoma Branch. Arashiyama says he owes Osamu, and Jin says that with Arashiyama Unit on his side, even his Side Effect says they will win. Tachikawa draws his Trigger, and decides he wants to prove Jin's Side Effect wrong.

At Tamakoma, Shiori teaches Osamu and Yūma about Border Triggers. Border stores Triggers inside small handheld holders. Triggers are actually small chips, and each holder can house up to eight different kinds of Triggers, allowing a user to employ both hands and switching between kinds. Shiori continues by describing different kinds of Triggers for Attacker which are Scorpion and Kogetsu.

Meanwhile the battle between Border's top teams and Jin/Arashiyama Unit wages on with Jin deftly outmaneuvering his opponents. Tachikawa takes a moment to confer with Kazama, who notes that Jin hasn't used his Fūjin yet. Narasaka wonders about Arashiyama's sniper, and Kazama rejects Kikuchihara's suggestion to go after Yūma, since the rest of Tamakoma First is still at their base. Tachikawa decides to spilt their forces where Tachikawa, Kazama Unit, and the three snipers will go after Jin, while Izumi, Miwa, and Yoneya stop Arashiyama Unit. Correspondingly, Jin and Arashiyama Unit also confer, deciding to preemptively split up to draw out their attackers.

Miwa confronts Arashiyama , demanding to know why they joined Tamakoma. Arashiyama explains that some people fight differently, and he believes Jin must have a good reason. Izumi activates his Trigger, and Kitora mentions that he is in attack mode. Seeing this as an opening, Satori fires a shot, but Izumi, whom anticipated this, activates his Shield. With his position known, Satori withdraws from the scene. Miwa then orders Yoneya to deal with Satori, which Arashiyama follows by sending Kitora to intercept him. The two clash in midair, and Kitora is knocked into a nearby building.

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