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World Trigger Arc by Arc Review (4/5) Part 2

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Osamu, Karasuma and the C-Class trainees head to HQ's doors when they are attacked by several Rabbits. They are initially outnumbered and forced to run until Yoneya, Izumi, and Midorikawa arrive and subdue them. Osamu is pinned down by a Rabbit who can use Lampyris' magnetic shards and cannot deliever an attack strong enough to even slightly damage the Rabbit. Chika then gives Osamu her Trion so he can shoot more powerful Asteroids, and demolishes the Trion Warrior. Seeing how easily a Rabbit was destroyed, Hairein decides the situation has gone out of hand and joins the battle himself.

Hairein makes a flashy entrance to the battlefield to lure powerful opponents to him. He easily takes care of Midorikawa due to his Trigger's ability to cubify anything made of Trion, and manages to cubify some trainees. Izumi distracts him to allow Osamu and Chika to flee, but Osamu attempts to take down Hairein with Chika's Asteroid. The attack fails due to its lack of skill, and Hairein cubifies Chika. Osamu takes Chika's cube and runs to HQ when he is attacked by two Rabbits. He is only saved by the timely arrival of Replica, who had been sent by Yūma.

Enedra's Trigger has been analyzed by Border. It allowed him to liquefy and gasify his body, immunizing him to attacks. The gas could be used to enter someone's body and attack them from the inside. However, this left his Trion vitals exposed in shells. To make up for this, he had dummy shells. In order to counter this weakness, Shinoda himself goes to the training room and attacks Enedra so quickly that he has no time to create dummies, and all the dummies are destroyed. This allows Suwa to tag the shell with the Trion vitals. The AC is also turned on to nullify Enedra's gas, however, he shifts position and comes upwind, so that Shinoda would breathe in gas and attacks Shinoda from inside. While it appears he has the advantage, Kikuchihara and Utagawa attack him, having been hiding inside the training room with Chameleon the entire time. Since his weak spot was pinpointed, he is defeated and reverts to his normal body. Mira appears, seemingly to retrieve him. However, she dismembers his hand and takes his Trigger, explaining that he was no longer necessary, and kills him. Shinoda orders Kikuchihara and Utagawa to inspect Enedra's corpse to see if any information could be gathered.

Izumi and Yoneya continue to battle Hairein. They deduce that his Trigger only affected Trion-based objects, so he could not defend against rubble. This revelation is seemingly meaningless since he can endure non-Trion attacks, which included Izumi dropping a building on him. However, this is revealed to have a secondary effect of giving Snipers on the top of HQ a clear line of fire. Tsukimi instructs the Snipers to shoot Hairein as his Trion was being lowered by Izumi. Hairein gets Mira to send Rabbits to them to distract them, but Fuyushima teleports the Snipers out of harm's way while Kazama Unit and Suwa Unit came up to fight. When it seems like they've defeated him, Hairein reveals that he can also absorb Trion. He attacks Izumi, and Izumi is forced to Bail Out, much to Hairein's disappoinment. With Izumi gone, Karasuma must fight Hairein. He uses Geist to quickly defeat the Rabbit he was fighting and attacks Hairein. Using his Trigger, he uses his significant offensive boost to outmaneuver Alektor bullets. It is revealed that before the invasion, Jin had informed him that he would be defeated by someone during the invasion, and that he would not be able to save Osamu and Chika. Due to his limitations, he can only use Geist for 3 minutes, which was enough time to allows Osamu and Chika reach the base. Mira then joins Hairein, though, and uses her gates to have Alektor's bullets hit Karasuma in the back, forcing him to Bail Out, and now Hairein seemingly has nothing standing in his way except for Osamu.

Osamu and Replica are about 120 meters from the base when Hairein appears before them. Replica sends an extension to the base's entance to analyze the lock and force it open. Replica has Osamu run through buildings to avoid Hairein's bullets. Mira uses the marker in Osamu's arm to open gates near him and send Alektor bullets after him, managing to partially cripple him. Replica's extension is destroyed by Mira, and Osamu is in the open right in fron of Hairein, putting him into an ordeal. Just as things are getting difficult, Miwa shows up, as per Jin's prediction. Osamu begs Miwa to take Chika's cube, but Miwa kicks him, insisting that Osamu do it himself. He also makes it known that he wasn't there to save Osamu but to defeat Hairein due to his hatred of Neighbors. Miwa attacks Hairein with Lead Bullet, against which Hairein cannot defend. While Miwa fights Hairein, Osamu shoots Asteroid at Hairein, but they are cubified. Having apparently fulfilled something, Osamu runs to the entrance when he is confronted by Mira. To counter her, Replica summons its Rabbit to fight her. As the Rabbit was to large for her to defeat, she is put at a disadvantage, similar to Hairein, who could not cubify Mira. She proceeds to bisect Replica. Replica continues to function, but Hairein sends some animals to partially cubify the Rabbit, decommissioning it. As Replica was bisected, most of its functions were lost, but it still retained the ability to unlock the door.

Yūma continues to fight a losing battle against Viza. The latter's experience is far greater than his own, and so was his strength. All of his attacks were in vain as they could not reach their target. In spite of this, Yūma perseveres. As long-range attacking was hopeless, Yūma takes a different approach, attack him head-on. He uses Chain as a bungee and Boost to throw himself towards Viza. Viza cuts him, destroying his Trion body, but he reverts to his normal body, which happens to be a Trion body. He uses this to use Boost right at Viza, destroying him and defeating his opponent. Soon after this, he rushes off to help Osamu.

Osamu runs towards the base, only to be impaled by Mira's spikes. Hairein sends some Alektor bullets to cubify Osamu, but he deactivates his Trigger and returns to his regular body to neutralize the capabilities of Alektor. Planning to go after Osamu himself, Hairein attempts to use the same tactic he used against Karasuma to defeat Miwa. However, Miwa is aware of this and uses Viper to shoot Hairein and Mira through the window through which they planned on sending Alektor's bullets. With the significant Trion loss, Mira teleports Miwa away so that Hairein would be undisturbed. Osamu continues towards the base, when he is once again impaled by Mira, only this time the damage was to his flesh body and therefore more lethal. Osamu puts his plan into action, which was to throw Replica into the Neighbor's ship. Yūma and Miwa use Replica to find Hairein's location relative to their own while they use their Black Triggers (the Ring and Fūjin, respectively) to attack him. Osamu does what he planned to, and Replica overrides the system and sets it to auto-retreat in 60 seconds. Hairein takes the cube Osamu was holding only to find out it was a substitute that he took when he purposely had Hairein cubify his bullets. With no time to go back for Chika, he has Mira retrieve Viza and the Organon, and heads to the ship himself. He orders Mira to leave Hyuse "as planned". The ship leaves, signifying the end of the invasion, while Osamu lies unconscious in a pool of his own blood.

Osamu is quickly rushed to the hospital.

Rating: 9/10

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