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World Trigger Arc by Arc Review (5/5) Part 11

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Note:The chapter is narrated as a flashback.

Somei vists Katori's house to play, where Katori is playing video games. Katori's mother acknowledges that Somei is the hard worker while Katori slacks off. Katori retorts by saying that her marks are fairly high despite not studying. Somei simply responds that Katori is benefitting from the situation, therefore she cannot change when Katori's mother asks how Katori can change. Somei's father then arrives, telling Katori's family that Somei will no longer visit because she was unable to be top of the class. Later, Katori changes rooms with her brother to be beside Somei's room. Katori asks Somei why she only studies. Somei responds that the world changes so often, it's best to keep up with it.

During the First Large-Scale Invasion, Katori's house is demolished. Katori is under debris, but is rescued by Somei. Somei takes Katori to the hospital, despite Katori's family seemingly being still under the house. At the hospital, Katori's family is reunited with Katori; however, Somei's family was killed. When asked by Katori why she didn't choose her family, all Somei says is that it had the higher probability of success. Following the invasion, Somei decides to remain in Mikado City and decides to join Border. Katori decides to join too, believing her genius combined with Somei's abilities can make them rise to number one easily.

While in the present, Katori is enraged by Osamu's desire to help people.

Osamu and Yūma fight Katori while Teruya reveals herself and moves head-on towards Chika. Chika fires a shot, but Teruya uses a piece of debris to block it. Chika deactivates Lightning and activates Hound. She shoots the Hound bullets, which are fused with Lead Bullet, and hits Teruya. Teruya is pinned down, but she manages to fire Hound bullets, taking out Chika. Teruya then voluntarily Bails Out to avoid becoming prey for the other teams. Meanwhile, Katori, realizing that defeating both Osamu and Yūma will end the match with a tie, decides to try and do it. She appears as she is heading towards Yūma, but she rotates by using Osamu's Spider and decapitates him instead, giving her team one point. It is now Katori vs. Yūma, but Katori is restrained by a wire Osamu attached to her when she attacked him. Yūma uses this opportunity to stabs her with Scorpion, causing her to Bail Out.

The Round 5 Rank Battle ends with the score being 7-1-1, Tamakoma Second's victory. When commenting on the battle, Tokieda remarks that Tamakoma Second's victories were based on tactics at the end of the battle. Izumi explains that the wires served a crucial role; rather than trying to strengthen himself, Osamu used the wires to strengthen Yūma. Tokieda also points out Chika's role: distraction. Her shield-bypassing shots caused Kakizaki Unit to have to shift its focus, allowing Yūma to strike them. Kakizaki apologizes to his team for being too cautious, but is assured by his teammates that it was the right thing to do. Izumi says that Katori Unit was impeded because they were too dependent on Katori, who was unable to go all-out. Yōtarō asks Hyuse what Osamu's trick with Spider was. Hyuse responds that Osamu likely made some wires more visible than others, so that the more visible wires would deter attention away from the less visible wires. Tamakoma Second rises to #4 in B-Rank.

In Katori Unit's operation room, Katori decides to quit Border as a result of the overwhelming loss. Miura tells Katori they just have to get stronger. Katori argues that she is unable to work hard, but Somei affirms that Katori's regret would make Katori stronger. Jin asks Hyuse for his opinion on the match. Hyuse admits Tamakoma Second has improved slightly, and Jin says that Osamu will now have a lot of work allowing Hyuse to join his team.

The members of Tamakoma Branch celebrate Tamakoma Second's overwhelming victory in the Rank Battle. Hyuse announces that he will agree to join Tamakoma Second if they take him to Aftokrator. Konami reminds them that shortly ago, Hyuse was their enemy and tried to capture Chika. Hyuse assures them that he has no intention of taking Chika. Hyuse points out that Tamakoma Second's key flaw is their overdependence on Yūma, so Hyuse will become theirs second ace. Osamu asks how Hyuse will hide his horns, as well as the fact that some would recognize Hyuse, to which Usami replies that Hyuse's trion body can be rendered without horns, and the C-Rank trainees that did see Hyuse saw him from far enough that they could not make out his face. Yūma asks how Hyuse's Neighbor identity will be hidden, and Jin explains that they can easily fake it, citing Tamakoma Branch's Neighbor engineer: Mikhael Cronin. Hyuse continues to refuse to leak information about Aftokrator, maintaing that this mission is about loyalty to his master. Regardless, Osamu decides to try, and goes to Border's upper echelons the next day.

Before Osamu goes to the upper echelons, he asks one thing from Rindō. Hyuse asks Jin to find another way to get him to Aftokrator should Osamu fail, but Jin is confident in Osamu.

At HQ, Osamu asks to allows Hyuse to join Tamakoma Second. He is immediately countered with the fact that Hyuse was an enemy at one point. Osamu argues that the circumstances have changed, but when Kido asks if Hyuse will divulge his previously concealed information, Hyuse continues to refuse. Netsuki finds this completely outrageous, but Osamu goes on to say that Hyuse will cooperative when it comes to non-Aftokrator affairs, alluding to Galopoula's Invasion. Kido is still reluctant to allow Hyuse because one action does not speak for all. Osamu continues saying that Hyuse will be a powerful asset on his team, but Karasawa points out that Osamu's arguments are too personalized. When asked his opinion, Rindō answers that he woul not bring Hyuse along is he was a leader, stating that the numerous stops along the way make it risky for an expedition with an outsider. Osamu then rebutts that Hyuse will actually be helpful, providing information about the nations. Unlike Enedra, Hyuse possess internal information, and Hyuse himself asserts that he has sufficient knowledge. And because Hyuse wants to return to Aftokrator, he will have no choice but to support Border. The decision to let Hyuse join or not rests in Kido's hands.

Kido approves of Hyuse's enrollment, but he has conditions, the first being to permit Chika to go on the expedition regardless of whether the rest of Tamakoma Second is on it or not. Kido plans on using Chika's massive trion as a power source for the ship, allowing for more travel and larger capacity. Kinuta is worried about Aftokrator hunting down Chika again. Kido assures him if that is the case, Chika will rest in the ship, which means that she would not be able to learn anything about Rinji. Chika agrees to this, since it is necessary for Tamakoma Second to join the expedition. Kido tells them of the second condition, becoming at least B-Rank #2 in 3 matches. He plans on having the expedition test earlier, and will allow some B-Rank teams to apply. The meeting ends, with Hyuse vowing to bring Tamakoma Second to their goal. Karasawa asks Rindō if Osamu planned the change in conversation, to which Rindō confirms. On February 22, Hyuse enrolls into Border, which coincides with the Round 6 matches.


After the meeting, Tamakoma Second returns to Tamakoma Branch. Konami is outraged by Kido's deal, accusing Osamu and Yūma of using Chika, but Kizaki notes that it was Chika's desire to go on the expedition. Konami apologizes, but reminds everyone to work hard.

Flashback end

Tamakoma Second looks at the rankings in the operation room. It is currently in 4th with 26 points. Osamu reveals that Hyuse is unable to participate in this match, against Ikoma Unit and Ōji Unit, because of enlistment day. They look at their opponents' data, comparing their compositions (2 Attackers + 1 Shooter). Ikoma Unit attacks from many angles, and their powerful player is Ikoma, who is the greatest Senkū Kogetsu user in Border. On the other hand, Ōji Unit specializes in a more concentrated formation, with all 3 members being heavily utilized. Ōji is the one to watch out for because of his irregular Trigger usage.

Like Tamakoma Second is doing, its opponents are examining it. Ikoma Unit is in awe of Tamakoma Second's strength. Ōji Unit, having the right to choose the stage, chooses City A, which would favour Osamu's Spider. Ōji reasons that if they used a more open stage, Chika would pose a bigger threat. In other words, a non-gimmicky stage would mitigate losses. Ōji assures them if they stick to plan, they will succeed, and begins to explain the plan.

Ōji announces that the team strategy will be to target Osamu, reasoning that leaving Osamu loose would allow him to set up wires, giving Tamakoma Second the advantage. At the same time, Osamu predicts that he will be targeted by the other teams due to Spider. He decides to use Bagworm while setting up Spider, while ordering Chika to hide and snipe while Yūma supports her. Meanwhile, Ikoma Unit talks about the cafeteria's expanded menu. Kashio asks what to do if Osamu uses Bagworm. Kurauchi responds that they should go to different places to see where Yūma would get defensive, and that's where the wires would be located. If Yūma uses Bagworm, then nothing changes. Yūma asks if he should defend Osamu should Osamu be found. Usami instructs him not to because that would reveal his location. Ōji tells his teammates that if Osamu cannot be taken down, then they and Ikoma Unit would pincer them. Kashio decides that no countermeasures against Ikoma Unit would be needed since they have fought them multiple times before.

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