With Hiura's position exposed, Yūma chases after her. Sensing danger, Kumagai orders Hiura to bail out but she chooses not to. As Yūma come closer, Hiura shoots her preset Meteora and changes to her Ibis in order to finishes the job. However, seeing through her plan, Yūma uses his severed arm as a diversion and take her out by severing her trion supply.
Round 3 of B-Rank Rank Battle between Tamakoma Second, Suzunari-1 and Nasu Unit continues with Tamakoma Second managed to score a point when Akane Hiura bails out, who was eliminated by Yūma.
Meanwhile, Kaho Mikami asks for opinion from Kei Tachikawa and Jin about the battle's possible outcome as Kumagai is facing off against Murakami. Tachikawa mentions that Yūma's movement is hard to read and it's possible he's aiming for an opening while Kumagai is fighting Murakami and takes down an easier target, which Tachikawa thinks is Kumagai. Tachikawa also thinks that there's a possibility that Yūma will just ignore both of them and cross to the other side of the river.
In the meantime, Kumagai gets into intense fight with Murakami. As she tries to attack, Murakami deflect the blow and manage to cut off her left arm. As her fighting style requires both arm, Kumagai are force to change her tactics by using Meteora, which Jin commented as a good move, as he thinks that it is important to be flexible in a fight. He also added that it is good that she could keep up her spirit despite being in tight situation, which Mikami agrees. However, when asks for his opinion, Tachikawa disagrees as he thinks a person's feeling has nothing to do with the outcome, believing that power, strategy and luck are what matters.
As the fight intensifies, Murakami pushes Kumagai back towards the river. Keeping her distance, Kumagai shoots her Meteora, hoping to break Murakami's Raygust. However, Murakami activates the Raygust's thruster and sends the Meteora back, eliminating Kumagai in the process when the Meteora explodes.
When he tries to retrieve his Raygust, Murakami notices a trap left behind by Kumagai and kicks it away before it explodes. He then turns around and is surprised to see Yūma was there the whole time, waiting for his turn to fight him.
Murakami and Yūma finally meet each other in battle, with Mikami pointing out that the confrontation was rather calm. Tachikawa explains that Murakami probably saw Yūma with Radar and tried to lure him into the open. In the end, Yūma used a face-to-face approach to deal with Murakami.
Meanwhile, Nasu begins a series of maneuvers in order to gain points to make up for the ones her fallen comrades could not obtain. She uses "Birdcage", a Viper technique, to little-by-little take out Kuruma. Kuruma has Betsuyaku to help him defend, but Nasu changes her attack to "Full Attack" to break through the shield. Osamu uses her distraction to try and attack her, but she easily dodges it. Tachikawa elucidates that he was simply trying to be a nuisance.
Back on the west shore, Yūma and Murakami continue their battle, with Murakami seemingly having the advantage. Tachikawa notes that it was uncommon for someone to not be immediately taken out by Murakami. He praises Yūma's use of techniques, though he states that they were too simple for Murakami, as Murakami has much experience with various opponents. Even Jin admits that Yūma only has a 20% chance of winning. Despite this, he bets on Yūma's victory.
Flashback start
Yūma voices his frustrations of not being able to sleep with Replica during the war in Calvaria. The latter suggests reviewing information in the mean time.
Flashback end
Yūma uses Grasshopper to try and confuse Murakami, though it does not work. Meanwhile, Nasu attacks Kuruma and Betsuyaku, managing to get the latter to Bail Out. Mikami and Tachikawa explain that using the attack caused Osamu and Kuruma to retreat. Yūma imagines conversing with Replica, and "Replica" gets him to describe the opponent, and then suggests using a new attack pattern or Trigger. "Replica" also gets Yūma to recall Yūgo's words; to fight where he is at an advantage. Yūma uses Grasshopper to get Murakami to step on it, and then get flung into the lake. Murakami tries to land on a remaining part of the bridge, but Chika destroys it. They both fall into the river, where Yūma manages to get under Murakami and stab him, causing him to Bail Out.
Nasu and Kuruma are locked in a firefight. As noted by Mikami and Tachikawa, she was using more maneuvers and obstacles to dodge and defend, respectively. With Kuruma crippled, he was slated to be defeated. Hyuse gave his opinion: Nasu Unit's victory. He said that if he were Osamu, he would have Chika break the dam to cause flooding. Osamu does just this, since the water would decrease maneuverability, and if she tried to ascend to the building tops, Chika could easily snipe her. Nasu attacks Kuruma with Tomahawk and he Bails Out. However, before he Bailed Out, he shot Hound bullets to pursue Nasu. Osamu attempts to attack Nasu at this point, but his attack fails. However, Kuruma's Hound attack works, severing Nasu's arm off. Osamu goes in for the kill with Thruster, but Nasu points out that he was still inexperienced, and uses Tomahawk bullets that she purposely did not have hit Kuruma hit Osamu, having anticipated his movements. Osamu uses Bail Out, but it is revealed that Yūma survived the river. Out of Trion, Nasu can no longer fight and is forced to Bail Out, giving Tamakoma Second the victory. Commenting on the outcome of the battle, Jin and Tachikawa praise the captains, but Tachikawa specifically points out Osamu as being a ruthless character due to his shrewdness.
Nasu mourns her team's loss but is comforted by her comrades. Kuruma is cheered on by Betsuyaku, and Tamakoma Second is pleased by their victory. While doing a post-battle analysis, Tachikawa notes that his predictions were far wrong, in contrast to Azuma. He explains that the battle's turning point was when the bridge was destroyed. Despite the fact that two members of Nasu Unit were taken down, they managed to stall for long enough that the tide of the battle changed and Nasu was able to take down 3 other combatants. During Yūma's battle with Murakami, the latter most likely got distracted by his comrade's defeat as well as Yūma's taunts which led to him being caught in a trap and eventually taken down. As for Nasu's side, Osamu's strategy was to drain Nasu of all her Trion. He also manipulated the landscape of the battle zone. Overall, it was the splitting of teams that caused them to lose, but at the same time, so their individual abilities.
In the backstage, Izumi comments to Ninomiya that Osamu had a pretty good strategy, though Ninomiya disagrees. He said that Osamu and Chika couldn't do anything on their own, and they just lucked out, criticizing Tachikawa's comment on them. He argues that they were just purely strategical and had no true strength or raw power, necessary skills to win.
Osamu internally expresses disappointment over his loss and inability to fight very much. He then receives a text message from Usami, who notifies him that Tamakoma Second is now B-Rank #6, and that they would be fighting Ninomiya Unit, Kageura Unit, and Azuma Unit on February 15.
Tamakoma Second celebrates their victory in the recent Rank Battle at Tamakoma Branch. Their next Rank Battle was to take place 6 days later. Rindō enters, asking for Yūma to help him with something at HQ. Yūma goes with him, and Osamu accompanies them. Hyuse is in Rindō's car, and it is revealed that he will be interrogated at HQ. Hyuse displays visible anger, referring to Osamu as a brat. Rindō notes that Hyuse and Osamu had the flooding strategy in mind in the Rank Battle.
At HQ, Hyuse refuses to answer any questions, angering Kinuta. Shinoda chides him, asking Yūma to explain how interrogations happened in the Neighborhood. Yūma explains that a single source of information is unreliable, especially if the source was tortured, since they would often give false information just to end the pain. They key to getting accurate information was to find information from multiple sources. Shinoda makes it known that he bore no ill-will against Hyuse, but informed him of the implications that Mira had planned to murder Enedra from the very beginning, and Hairein had planned to abandon Hyuse. Kikuchihara notices that the first statement causes his heart rate to alter slightly. He communicates this to Kido via his shared auditory information, and the interrogation is ended. Yūma, Osamu, Kikuchihara, and Kinuta go to the laboratory, where a Black Rad is powered up, to reveal that it has Enedra's persona.
Yūma asks Kinuta about how they were able to get Enedra's memories and personality in the Rad, to which Kinuta replies that the horn technology had some memory information due to being rooted within the brain. Curiously enough, Enedra was more willing to answer Border's questions than Hyuse.
Kinuta begins the interrogation, asking Enedra the purpose of the invasion, and why there were so many powerful Trigger users sent. Enedra revealed that Aftokrator was in a time of crisis. The country is built around a giant star, which itself was a Trigger (Queen Trigger, or Mother of Triggers). The star is fuelled by people with large Trion capacities called "gods." The god powers the star for centuries until they die, in which case, a new god must be found. The god in Aftokrator was nearing death, and a suitable replacement could not be found in Aftokrator, forcing them to scour other nations for substitutes. Enedra recalls a particularly worthy candidate, but Kinuta changes the subject to why Enedra killed the operators. Enedra claims that it was a diversion tactic, but Yūma notices that this was a lie. Kinuta tells Enedra not to lie, claiming that he had information from another source. Enedra rightly noted that it was a lie since the source had to be Hyuse, and he would never divulge information about Aftokrator. He also offers to guide Border to Aftokrator to rescue their kidnapped trainees if they so wished, and had a ship to do so. He says that he would do it purely out of revenge against Aftokrator, Yūma notes that this was a partial lie, meaning he had something else in mind. Kinuta decides to end the interrogation there.
At Border's cafe, Kikuchihara talks to Osamu one-on-one. He expects that the expeditionary team would be chosen in mid-March. He doubts that Tamakoma Second would be able to make it since they had only one truly powerful member. Tokieda notes that it was rare for Kikuchihara to have a one-on-one talk with anyone outside of Kazama Unit which leads him to believe that Kikuchihara has a special view of Osamu.
Back at Tamakoma Branch, Usami welcomes them back and announces that they have a visitor; Masataka Ninomiya, who asks Osamu and Chika if they knew Rinji Amatori.