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World Trigger Arc by Arc Review (5/5) Part 8

Writer's picture: Book_ReaderBook_Reader

Karasuma and Kizaki continue to fight the invading Idras. Karasuma notes that it was a good thing the Rank Battles weren't cancelled. Kizaki concurs, but points out that if the ship is destroyed, it would all be for nothing. Karasuma assures him that Border sent its best team (the top 4 Attackers) to defend it. Suwa orders the two to go at full force, so Karasuma and Kizaki activate their personal Triggers: Geist and Full Arms, respectively. They easily wipe out the onslaught of Idras heading their way. Reghindetz, frustrated by the outcome, decides to join the battle himself.

Karasuma and Kizaki use their Triggers to eliminate the swarm of Idras heading their way. Ninomiya orders Inukai to support them after they've run out of Trion, when he detects the enemy shifting. It is revealed to be Reghindetz, who is heading towards the town. Yomi reminds him that it was against the captain's orders, but Reghindetz states that he has no intentions of attacking; rather, he would get Border to spread its defenses, and attack at the weak spot. However, several Border agents realize that it's probably a distraction tactic, and Arashiyama reasons that since Jin did not predict any civilian casualties, it most likely is. Fuyushima mentions that he can teleport agents to the town if need be. Reghindetz is angered when no agents come after him.

Tachikawa and Konami continue their battle with Gatlin, while Kazama fights Ratarikov. Kazama teleports, and Ratarikov informs Gatlin of this. It does not prevent Konami from successfully employing the same tactic, and uses it to launch a surprise Meteora attack and distract Gatlin. Tachikawa attempts to use Senkū, but Gatlin throws a piece of debris at him. At the same time, Ratarikov attacks Kazama while both are in mid-air. As Kazama blocked the attack, Ratarikov deduces that Kazama could not teleport in air. Tachikawa uses Senkū once more, and Murakami attacks him from behind. Konami uses Meteora again to augment the attack. It is to no avail, as Gatlin comes out unscathed. Konami says that they would be unable to beat him head on. Gatlin analyzes each of the Attackers and their role; Konami uses powerful attacks to leave openings for others, Murakami foremost defends the ship and sometimes comes into attack; Tachikawa uses attacks between the attacks of the other two, controls the battle, and uses long-range attacks too; and Kazama supresses Ratarikov. Tachikawa predicts that Gatlin will get serious as his two of his comrades were defeated. Kazama prioritizes being the sole opponent of Ratarikov. Gatlin decides to use a certain attack to end the battle.

Tachikawa decides that he and Konami would prevent Gatlin from using his cannon. He decides to use the "shwoop" strategy. Konami points out that the plan was reckless, but Tachikawa reminds her that it corresponded with Jin's prediction. Gatlin orders Ratarikov to try and remove Murakami. He also informs him that the teleport had fixed locations, so knowing where the teleport areas are and predicting their next location are instrumental to defeating them. Ratarikov attacks Murakami, so Kazama draws Ratarikov's attention to him by using Chameleon. However, the smoke from Kazama's wounds reveal his location, so Ratarikov uses that to cut him, though it turns out to be only his arm. Kazama uses the opportunity to slash through Ratarikov. Ratarikov realizes that Kazama used his arm as a distraction. Before he is out of commission, he attacks Murakami again, though as before, the attack fails. Gatlin prepares to use his cannon, and Tachikawa orders Konami to support Murakami. Gatlin uses his mechanical arms to hold Tachikawa. Murakami frets over not being able to predict the cannon's trajectory, as well as Tachikawa being destroyed as well. However, Tachikawa reveals that this is as planned, and Konami bisects both of them.

Reghindetz is in a park when Hyuse approaches him, revealing his Aftokrator identity, and asks him if he is from Galopoula. Reghindetz is shocked.

Hyuse introduces himself to Reghindetz and asks him to take him to their ship. Reghindetz recalls Ratarikov's order to not allow Hyuse to join them. During Reghindetz's shock, Yōtarō shows up on Raijinmaru.

Gatlin attempts one last shot at the ship, though Murakami easily blocks it. Gatlin,and Ratarikov soon after, retreats into a gate in a similar fashion as Border's Bail Out. When Sawamura reports that the other two also did the same, Kinuta points out that it's not surprising that Galopoula has technology similar to Border, since they also copies them from Neighbor's technology. Most of the Trion Warriors are on the retreat, but Masafumi Shinoda orders that the ground troops continue to defend while not chasing them too far. Tachikawa expresses his joy on the overwhelming victory, and he manipulated Jin's prophecy to his advantage.

Yōtaro returns Lampyris to Hyuse. He recalls discussing Hyuse's desire to return to Aftokrator with Jin. When Jin asks how Yōtarō would feel about Hyuse joining Tamakoma Second, Yōtarō said he would be happy. When asked how he would feel if Hyuse returned to Aftokrator, Yōtarō states that he would want him to go back if the latter felt that way. Jin then gives Lampyris to Yōtarō, who in turn gives it to Hyuse in the present. Hyuse thanks him. Yomi informs Reghindetz of the defeat of his comrades, and the failure of the mission. Reghindetz is unsatisfied, and refuses to let Hyuse come unconditionally. He accuses Hyuse of giving information to Border. He explains that if Hyuse wants to prove himself, then he has to take Yōtarō hostage. Jin is watching from the roof of HQ.


A young Reghindetz is sitting in the midst of a battlefield; his left arm (of his Trion body) being dismembered. He is approached by Hairein and his team. Hairein orders Viza to secure the Mother Trigger. Lamvanein asks Hairein what they should do with Reghindetz. Hairein tells him to let Reghindetz be as he had lost his will to fight.

Flashback End

Reghindetz demands that Hyuse take Yōtarō hostage, and states that his reason is to prove Hyuse's loyalty. The real purpose; however, lied in that Gatlin and Ratarikov both believed that Aftokrator's true purpose was to direct Border's attention towards Galopoula. By having Hyuse kidnap Yōtarō, he would besmirch Aftokrator and redirect Border's anger. Hyuse brings out his Scorpion, much to everyone's surprise. He then motions towards Yōtarō, and he appears to stab the boy, though in reality, he simply had the Scorpion bend around Yōtarō's body. Reghindetz is horrified by the act, and Hyuse asks if that proved his loyalty. Reghindetz lambastes the cruel measures taken by Hyuse, and reveals to Hyuse that Aftokrator told them to disregard the prisoner, or even kill him if necessary. In essence, they abandoned Hyuse. Yōtarō asks if that means Hyuse can't return. He gets up unscathed. Reghindetz is enraged at the trick, and activates his Trigger. In response, Hyuse activates Lampyris. He uses the magnetic shards to bring Reghindetz down, and thanks him for the information. Reghindetz can only be awed at the sheer power of Aftokrator's Trigger. He is decapitated by Hyuse, and he retreats. Jin shows up, and Hyuse reminds him of the bet they made concerning Tamakoma Second's success in their Rank Battle against the top B-Rank teams. He declares his favour: get him back to Aftokrator no matter what. Jin agrees to it, and tells him that there is a team that would help Hyuse reach that objective.

Sawamura reports that there are no more Trion responses, though Shinoda orders that the units still be vigilant. Kinuta points out that Galopoula would still be near Earth for another month. Fuyushima reminds them that they would have Jin's Side Effect in case, and declares victory.

Meanwhile, the Border agents are celebrating their victory. Inukai plays with Koskero's slime. Miwa explains that he and Yoneya would be returning to HQ in their state to have the slime analyzed. Ninomiya asks Miwa why he worked with Jin despite hating Tamakoma Branch. Miwa responds that he simply did it because it would be the best way to complete the mission.

As the celebration goes on, all the Galopoula Expedition Force regroups inside their ship. Wen Sō chides Reghindetz for appearing to attack the town, since that would earn Border's vexation. Koskero states that it seemed like their moves were anticipated, and Ratarikov elaborates by saying that it was too precise to have come from Hyuse. Yomi tells Gatlin why Vasilissa broke. It had been hit in the same place twice. Gatlin admits that Border is indeed formidable, but they still have time to strike again.

Tamakoma Second's fifth Rank Battle is about to begin, with Izumi, Tokieda, and Taketomi as commentators. Taketomi is ecstatic since Ebina Unit has finally entered the middle group. They begin talking about the teams: Tamakoma Second, Katori Unit, and Kakizaki Unit. Izumi explains that Katori Unit had been in the upper group for a while, but Taketomi reveals they dropped after suffering several losses. Kakizaki Unit, on the other hand, dropped, but rose again. Sakurako mentions that they are known for being overly cautious, but Tokieda reasons that it isn't a bad thing, as they had no Bail Outs during the Second Large-Scale Invasion. Taketomi reveals that Kakizaki was once part of Arashiyama Unit. Tamakoma Second had enjoyed three consecutive victories, but suffered a tremendous loss against the upper B-Rank teams. She says that their weakness is that only Yūma could get points, but Tokieda assures her that she might be wrong. However, he refuses to explain details. With that, the Round 5 Rank Battles begin.

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