Time passes again...
This time a new Makai Priest who made the Makai Tool that was in the movie appears...
They called him the Genius Makai Priest called Fudo Leo...
They will given to the order to stop a mysterious guy...
He put a destruction seal on all Makai Kinght and wants all of them to die...
As many Makai Knight has fallen into the fate, due to the fact that their life will be rise...
A Makai Knight called Wataru, Thunder Knight Baron appears...
Wataru's wants to stop the mysterious no matter what and cost...
During a fight with the mysterious guy, Koga found out his identity, as the mask that his was using to cover his face has been removed by force...
Rekka come to look for Koga asking him for help to defeat a Horror that she is after some time...
Rekka and Kaoru has a cat-fight for a moment because of Koga...
In the end Rekka understands why Koga cares so much about Kaoru and vise-verse...
It was also here that Kaoru found out that Koga has little left to live...
Kaoru was every worried about him, and she feels sad that was not not there for him when he needed support...
Kaoru has been very busy to get her picture book published...
Koga tries to learn more about Leo, and why the mysterious has the same face with Leo...
Koga asked the watchdog for information on Leo, only to told to trust him...
It was due to this fact that has been a conflict between the Makai Prist and Makai Knight...
The mysterious guy plans to kill Koga off, only to be stop by Leo...
Leo will this time has been a Makai Knight without Koga knowing, and he was the Flash Knight Rudo...
Koga, who was there learns that the mysterious was Leo's twin brother called Sigma...
Both Sigma and Leo were were in training to become Makai Knight to take over the title of Flash Knight Rudo from their father, who was the previous user...
Sigma was suppose to take over the title as he was more powerful then Leo, their father decided to have Leo take over the title much to Sigma disagreement, so he left the house...
Leo asked his father why did he do that, only to learn that he himself is more suit to be a Makai Knight as he has a good heart...
Sigma came back a few years later along with his girlfriend Mio, who is a Makai Priest...
Both Sigma and Mio wanted to use Horror as a source of energy to generation the idea source of energy...
Soon Sigma and Mio has a fall out due to Mio not agreeing what Sigma is doing...
Mio dies soon after, while trying to stop Sigma...
There was a split between the Makai Knight on who to give up their armor and who not to give up their armor, as Sigma told the Makai Knights as long as they give up their armor he will not kill them...
As time passes more, the final battle draws near...
Leo got on a Makai Train to confront his brother, Koga made and agreement with Gajari to get him only the Makai Train as he and Leo got separated...
Leo survives and Koga got trap by Sigma and has plans to use Koga...
Sigma uses Ganon's power to registration his arm which got cut off during their last battle...
Both Rekka and Jabi then when to save Koga along with Kaoru as Rekkai knows that Kaoru is the only one that can reach him...
The Makai Priest then joins forces to stop Sigma...
Everyone who is close to Koga appears to aid in saving Koga...
That includes Zero, Leo, Rekka, Jabi, Kaoru and his housekeeper Gonza...
Leo and Zero fought off an army Gouryuujin which did appear earlier on, with Wataru coming to their aids...
Rekka, Jabi, and Kaoru when to save Koga and their defeated the horror while Kaoru tries reaching for Koga...
Kaoru manage to save Koga with her father's help...
Shiguto also appears to aid in the fight...
Leo, Zero, Wataru goes to fight Sigma only to be stop by Horrors that comies out of nowhere...
Koga then joins the fight...
Tsubasa too joins the fight...
At this point Ganon awakens and ate Sigma only to reveal this ture form...
More Makai Prist joins the fight in order to the retual of Ganon...
They fight got more hated...
Leo then tells Jabi a way to defeat this enemy in-front of them...
With the help of the Makai Priest, The Makai Knight won the battle...
Some time later...
Koga when to look for his friends, we also what they have been up to...
Sigma has survive once again and took Kaoru and Gonza as hostage to koga fight him once...
Koga promised Kaoru that he will be back very soon, as he will away for awhile, and will not be able to see her...
Koga then goes back to Gajari to do the exchange for him to enter the Makai Train earlier on...
Koga goes on to The Promised Land to looks for Gajari's body...
The Rating for this series: 9.5/10