The episode shows the Lupin team the whole time in this episode the Pato team only appear a little at the end of the episode after Noel tells them that he has solved the case...
They knew he when to the Lupin team for help, Keiichiiro for once did not complain at all, he calmly asked Noel to tell them more information about the new Ganglar that has escape...
Noel goes to Tooma and asked him to help him in solving this case, as the Ganglar this time targets cooks and cooks only for some unknow reason and Tooma agrees to help only on one condition that Tooma is the want to take the Lupin Collection, Noel agrees to it too...
They fought against the Ganglar and the other two escapes was I have mention earlier at a later time...
Tooma looses and his transformation devices got damage, Noel wanted to repair it for him but Tooma said no at first...
Of course he will agrees to letting him repair it, he repaired it and they fought that Ganglar together with Kairi and Umika...
Rating: 9/10