The episode kick-started where we last see the battle was about to for the fate of Alice is about to start as the door turns falls apart. There are a number of battles to take note and they were animated very well but some of the scenes in between aren’t that great but I understand that it can’t be helped as it would always be the case. Ignoring this fact the episode was still very well done as the mood keeps swaying as the episode goes on. We also finally get to see the new Integrity Knight standing in front of their enemies for the first. There was a slight change in the opening and that was the title part, I will explain later. Dark God Vector was seen giving his speech before the battle begins, as stated the new Integrity Knight was shown like in past episode but this time one of their voices can be heard through there isn’t a line for him. There was also the re-introduction of characters and their position that they are standing at.

Deusolbert was seen as the first line of defense, he also seems to remember his wife whose name he can’t recall at all. He promised to protect the world that they are living knowing that she may have already been dead for some time. Meanwhile, Fanatio too was fighting her battle as she tried to take out the giant's leader but failed to do so. It tried to kill her but failed to do so, as Fanatio’s guard or student Dakira Synthesis Twenty-Two step in and take the hit for her and dead. With only three guards or students left they too fought hard for their fallen friend Dakira. Jeis Synthesis Twenty-Three, Giro Synthesis Twenty-Four, and Hobren Synthesis Twenty-Six shouted protect Fanatio at all cost. Fanatio was so pissed that she kills the giant's leader in order to revenge Dakira. Deusolbert has run out of arrows and can’t his Enhance Armament attack. He was about to get taken down but got help from Golgorosso gave a hand to Deusolbert but as he sees Golgorosso was about to be killed, Deusolbert uses the sword that he was holding on to and took a strike at his enemy as he took out Field Goblin's leader.
There was also a scene where Linel Synthesis Twenty-Eight and Finzel Synthesis Twenty-NIne ran off to see Kirito as they knew that one of the two Integrity Knight the Green Hair dude is called Renly Synthesis Twenty-Seven. There was fear in Renly eyes. One can tell that he is too afraid to fight as ran away with their defeat lines was broken. As for the other Integrity Knight, her expression on her face did not change at all throughout all of this. This Integrity Knight is called Scheta Synthesis Twelve. Beroucoli has been told by a guard that two of ten lords have been taken out all this while not knowing that his long-time rival Dark Knight Shasta is dead. Alice was up in the sky, see all of this unfolding.
There were a couple of soundtracks in the episode that really hits a person hard as all Integrity Knights fought really hard with one of them dying the process. Not only that each scene changes really quickly and the soundtracks were able to keep up with the pace of the battle. Needless to say with the soundtrack the fight was made really awesome but as I mentioned earlier, there are some scenes animation isn’t that great but overall it is still acceptable.
Rating: 8/10
Also another side note I going to keep Dark God Vector as this, the official subtitle was written in another way to that which I don’t know if it was an error in translation or the official translation. Oh yes, there was a change in the title card as in the opening that stated Alicization Invasion that was to reflect what volume that they are currently covering on. But during the first half, Volume 10's title was not reflected in the opening and there was another Volume title was also not reflected. That was the change that I have mentioned. There are some characters' names that I did not put in as I don't if that was its official translation.