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Anime Look Back: D.Gray-Man S3 Episode 52-64 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 52: Exorcists Suman Dark, Chalker Laboun and Kazaana Reed from General Zokalo's team fight the Noah Tyki Mikk in India, but only Suman Dark survives. In China an injured man is helped by a family, but he transforms into a Fallen One (咎落ち Togaochi), a towering white headless torso topped by a halo. Allen, the Exorcists and their allies set sail for Japan, but are confronted by a massive hoard of Akuma. However they are not the intended target and the Akuma pass by until some recognize the Exorcists on board and attack the ship. The Black Order fight valiantly, but Allen is captured and Lenalee goes in pursuit. She rescues him just as they see the Fallen One which seems to be the objective of the Akuma. The Akuma all attack the Fallen One and Lenalee sees the face of Suman in its heart, and he says that "he failed in the eyes of God".

Episode 53: In the past at Black Order headquarters, an experiment is carried out where a young boy is implanted with a fragment of Innocence, but he fails to synchronize and he becomes a Fallen One. The experiment is witnessed by a very young Lenalee. She realizes that this is what happened to Suman. The Suman Fallen One generates a massive amount of power, destroying not only the Akuma, but everything in the area. Lenalee desperately carries Allen towards Suman to stop Suman's Innocence from insanity and try to save him, however but Allen is drawn inside the heart as he tries to draw a child from within. Allen realizes that Suman made a deal with the Devil and betrayed his Innocence which is now trying to kill him. Cursing everything, the Suman Fallen One drifts downwards towards a town.

Episode 54: Allen falls to the ground while the flailing energy from the Suman Fallen One continues to destroy the nearby town. Allen tries to reason with Sulman and stop him by increasing his Innocence's synchro rate to its maximum power, but without success. Lenalee talks to Komui by phone who tells her that Suman is destined to die as his Innocence has judged him for betraying the Order and God by giving information about the Black Order to Tyki in return for a chance to live and see his family again. Allen decides to extract Suman's Innocence and to save him however the strain causes intense pain and depletes his left arm.

Episode 55: Suman’s Fallen One body begins to disintegrate as it cuts a swathe of destruction through the landscape, destroying the town below and killing its people, commencing its final stage of decomposition. In a last desperate effort, fighting extreme pain and exhaustion, Allen separates Suman's Innocence in his arm from his body, and extracts him from the Fallen One, but although Suman's body is alive, his mind is dead. Tyki appears and takes what remains of Suman as his body transforms into strange black butterflies, although Allen still holds Suman's Innocence.

Episode 56: After watching Suman crumble away in front of him, Allen meets the sadistic Noah, Tyki Mikk who explains his ability to pass through anything and control the devilish butterflies known as Teez. Cell Roron in the card Tyki holds identifies Allen as Tyki’s target and to be deleted. Tyki rips off Allen's left arm and destroys his Innocence, with Allen to weak to resist and screaming in pain. Fearing that he is near his final moments of life, Allen orders Timcanpy to escape with Suman's Innocence and Timcanpy reluctantly does so. Tyki orders the surrounding Akuma to chase and catch the golden golem. Tyki then orders a Teez to tear a hole in Allen's heart to kill him slowly, and then removes a button from his coat.

Episode 57: As Lavi and Lenalee travel through the air with Lavi's hammer they see Timcanpy being attacked by Akuma and save the golden golem. Timcanpy leads Lavi and Lenalee follow Timcanpy back to the bamboo forest. Allen is gone so Timcanpy shows them what happened causing leaving them distraught. When they return to the port, a man from the Asian Branch named Won explains that Allen was found and is being held at their headquarters but is not clear if Allen is dead or alive and that the Exorcists are to continue their journey to Japan immediately, without seeing Allen. They are introduced to his replacement, Miranda Lotto, who uses her anti-Akuma weapon, Time Record, to restore the badly damaged ship to its original condition and the Exorcists finally depart China. Meanwhile Allen, thinking he is dead, sees an unreal world with a lake that reflects a black moon, the Black Order in ruins and Lenalee crying alone with what appears to be Allen's corpse, only to awaken in the Asian branch, still alive.

Episode 58: Allen finally opens his eyes and wonders how he is alive. Komui learns from Asian Headquarters Chief, Bak Chan, that it was Allen’s own Innocence, which although was destroyed, lingered on as a cloud of particles that actually filled the hole of his damaged heart, saving his life. Allen meets Won, who is Bak's assistant; Fo, who carried him from the forest and is the guardian of the Asian Headquarters; and three division workers: Rikei, Shifu, and Lou Fa who assist in his recovery. Determined to rejoin his companions, get to Edo, and fulfil his promise to Mana, Allen vows to restore his Innocence at all costs. However, he discovers it has been dissipated into a mist and must be re-formed into his anti-Akuma weapon but it is not as easy as he thinks.

Episode 59: While trying to restore his Innocence Allen discovers that Bak Chan has a crush on Lenalee, but Bak also explains the difference between Allen’s Parasitic-type Innocence and the Eqiip-type. Still unable to restore his Innocence by himself, Allen begins his special training by doing battle with Fo trying to activate his Innocence. Meanwhile, Generals Klaud Nine and Winters Sokaro return to the Black Order upon news of the deaths of their Exorcist units.

Episode 60: Allen and Fo continue training and Allen is able to regenerate his left arm for short periods. Back on the ship en route to Edo, Lenalee finally decides to accept the fact that Allen had to be left behind and she puts on one of the new Exorcist uniforms. However, the ship is attacked by Eshii, a powerful Level 3 Akuma, who was once a Japanese painter and uses the word "Title" before he names every attack. Lavi, and then Bookman fiercely fight against Eshii, but they are no match for him. They are saved temporarily by Miranda's power although Bookman receives a serious injury. Realizing that everyone is in serious danger, Lenalee leaves the ship to confront Eshii alone.

Episode 61: Lavi continues to fight Eshii fiercely in the air and risks leaving Miranda's zone of influence. Meanwhile, the ship comes under attack from Akuma hiding up high in the clouds. Many crewmen are struck by the blasts and killed, only to be revived temporarily by Miranda's Innocence. Lenalee tells Lavi so to protect the ship while she continues the fight against Eshii. Lenalee and Eshii's battle reaches the ocean surface where Eshii reveals his most powerful ability. He uses his dark matter to create chains around Lenalee and the ship, increasing the gravity around them and dragging them underwater. Lenalee struggles to stay afloat, but Eshii pushes her down and she disappears into the ocean depths.

Episode 62: Allen’s Akuma-seeking eye wakes him and he hears Lenalees's distant voice. Lenalee, floating in darkness, remembers Allen and what she said to him concerning her view of the world - caring more about her friends than the real world. She decides to make one last effort and pushes herself and her Innocence to the limits to achieve full activation and even exceeds it, defeating Eshii in the process but disappearing once again.

Episode 63: The Exorcists and sailors and on board the ship struggle to protect it from the Akuma hidden in the clouds far above them. However, with Eshii's destruction, Lavi is able to clear the clouds and send Krory upwards towards them. Krory finds only three large Akuma and infects them with his own blood, poisoning and destroying them. The Exorcists now anxiously wait for Lenalee's return, but Lavi can't wait and he uses his hammer to search for Lenalee. Suddenly, he sees a yellow Akuma above the ocean holding Lenalee in a crystal-like shield created by her Innocence to protect her. The level 2 Akuma reveals that it was converted by Cross Marian.

Episode 64: Lavi returns to the ship with Lenalee in a crystal-like shield and Chomesuke the yellow Akuma. Bookman can't understand why Lenalee's equip-type Innocence acted on its own to save her. Chomesuke delivers a warning from Cross and explains the dire situation in Japan where he is now attempting to destroy an Akuma factory in Edo. The crystal begins to melt, and Lenalee is freed, but she is unable to walk. Nevertheless, the group of Exorcists with three surviving sailors decide to push forward. To achieve this, Miranda must deactivate her Innocence, causing the ship to revert to real time with Anita, Mahoja and its crew willingly sacrificing themselves, and they all disappear into the sea. Chomesuke propels a lifeboat with the survivors towards Japan.

Rating: 8/10(Average)



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