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Anime Look Back: D.Gray-Man S4 Episode 91-103 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 91: Tyki is gaining momentum while Allen and Lavi are weakening. Meanwhile the rogue Skull approaches the glowing orb and throws one of his own kind into it and reveals that he has been taught by a disciple of the ancient magical arts. Back at the Ark, the battle rages on. A hole opens up under Allen and he falls through, but is he is saved by the rogue Skull who Allen recognizes as his master, General Cross Marian accompanied by Timcanpy. After berating Allen and Lavi for being disheveled, Cross prepares the Grave of Maria and the Magdala Curtain. Tyki is confused and attacks, but Cross counter-attacks with his Judgment bullets and other anti-Akuma weapons. Allen and Lavi realize how much more powerful Cross is than themselves. Just as Cross is landing the final blow, the Millennium Earl interrupts, taking Tyki. More of the Ark crumbles with Lavi and Chaoji falling into the abyss. The Earl and Cross face each other.

Episode 92: The Earl and General Cross share a brief conversation, and when the Earl mentions all of the Exorcists who "disappeared", Allen becomes enraged and attempts to fight the Earl, despite the fact that he is seriously wounded. The Earl comments that Allen's new Innocence is just like his own sword, but after trading a few blows with Allen, he decides to take the unconscious Tyki and escape the crumbling Ark. The General then takes both Allen and Lenalee to the location of the Akuma Egg, and orders Allen to control the Ark. He sends Allen and Timcampy into the "secret room" of the 14th Noah, where Allen faces a dark apparition in the mirror who calls Timcampy "My Timcampy." Cross tells Allen to play on the white piano in the room, using a mysterious set of symbols projected by Timcampy as the music. Elsewhere the Earl is seen playing a piano in his black Ark with Road, Lero and Lulu Bell, seemingly affected by the reappearance of the 14th Noah. Meanwhile as Allen plays the white piano, the Ark begins to reform itself, reversing its destruction and reviving the Exorcists who perished within it.

Episode 93: Allen manages to repair the Ark, so that it is reconstructed with all the Exorcists who perished within it coming back to life and reunited. However the Noah are nowhere to be seen. Also, the Akuma Egg "factory" was only half downloaded due to General Cross's spell, so it can not function and will not be delivered to the Earl. When Allen and the Exorcists accidentally fall through a bottomless door, Chaoji regains his Innocence in the form of two interlocked bracelets attached to his left hand and saves them. They suddenly realize that General Cross, who is a womanizer, is alone with Lenalee and the unconscious Krory. They hurry back only to discover the General and Lenalee appear to be in a passionate embrace.

Episode 94: Allen and all of his comrades catch up with the Exorcists in Edo and return safely to the HQ with the Ark to a huge welcome. Miranda deactivates her Innocence, making the injuries the Noah inflicted on the Exorcists to reappear. While the Exorcists recover in the hospital of HQ, Bak and other scientists study the Ark's ability to teleport people anywhere in the world. Allen goes into the piano room with Tim and ponders on how the symbols he and Mana created years ago were the song to move the Ark. Elsewhere, the Earl becomes enraged by the fact that the 14th Noah has somehow helped the Exorcists obtain the Ark and the Akuma Egg.

Episode 95: Special Inspector, Malcolm C. Rouvelier convenes an inquest with Komui, Bak, other Branch heads and the four Generals. Rouvelier and his assistant, Howard Link outline all the events that started in Edo, and propose severe punishment for Cross because of his unorthodox handling of his mission to eliminate the Akuma factory, including being out of communication for four years. Because of his success he is forgiven, but Komui and the Exorcists realize that they are only pawns in the war between the Black Order and the Earl. Rouvelier also proposes putting Allen on trial for heresy, because he and Cross clearly have ties with the enemy, and Allen appears to be the successor left by the 14th Noah. Cross is alarmed that Rouvelier knew about the 14th, but is confident that nothing would be turned up in an investigation. Rouvelier orders that Cross is to remain at headquarters and that Howard Link will be assigned to supervise Allen's every movement.

Episode 96: Howard Link greets Allen in the cafeteria, while notifying him that he will be under surveillance. After overhearing this, Lenalee goes to talk to her brother to understand why, and finds him with Inspector Malcolm C. Rouvelier, the man who traumatized her in the past. He informs her that she will also be under observation. Howard tells Allen learns that he is suspected of being related to the 14th Noah and he is banned from having contact with Cross. The Inspector tells Komui that the will of the 14th is continued by multiple people, including General Cross. As Howard follows him, Allen sees the shadowy smiling figure from the piano room again. Later, Allen discovers that the science department of the Order removed the Akuma Egg from the Ark to study it. Hevlaska temporarily removes Lenalee's Innocence for observation because it’s so weak. The Black Order branch heads offer to help with the study of the Egg, but they are rejected by Johnny Gill, a science department junior. He is suddenly stabbed by Branch Head of Oceania, Andrew Nansen who is the Noah Lulu Bell in disguise and then hundreds of Akuma appear behind her.

Episode 97: The Noah Lulu Bell leads her army of Akuma to attack the Lab 5 of the Headquarters, where the Akuma Egg is being studied. The army injures almost the entire science department, preparing to turn them into Skulls; Tapp is the first to be transformed. Allen and Bookman arrive through the Ark just as Reever is about to be the second. Lulu Bell orders the Akuma to hold off the Exorcists until she has retrieved the Egg, throwing Allen immediately into battle. Lenalee and Lavi attempt to reach Allen, but they are stopped by Komui and locked into the infirmary. Lenlee begs Komui to let her go so she can see Hevlaska and re-synchronize with her Innocence. But Komui refuses, saying he cannot lose her. Meanwhile, Allen and Bookman still struggle with the endless army of level 3 Akuma. Lulu Bell opens up a gate, and prepares the Egg for retrieval.

Episode 98: Allen and Bookman are still fighting the Akuma, but Lulu Bell has already secured the Akuma Egg and opened a gate to the Millennium Earl. With nobody to help them, Allen and Bookman struggle to keep up against the hoards of Akuma. Some of the researchers are transformed into Skulls as Bak and the rest of the survivors attempt to make a protective Talisman. Outside, Komui arrives and Rouvelier criticizes him for being slow and suggesting the worst-case scenario. Inside Lab 5, with Bookman defeated and Allen captured, the scientists succeed in making a talisman to save Allen. At that moment, Miranda Lotto, Noise Marie, and the Generals arrive just as the Egg is being transferred and Allen is kidnapped. The assembled Akuma transform into a group of giant Combined Akuma, but the Generals take them down with surprising efficiency.

Episode 99: The Exorcists emerge victorious although many of the staff are dead or dying. Meanwhile the destroyed Akuma start to release poisonous gas. Komui orders the Egg destroyed but Rouvelier wants it kept. Lulu Bell comes back transformed into a liquid form and forces Miranda to stop her time activation so time begins to flow again. Meanwhile, Johnny goes looking for Tapp, who is already a Skull. Tapp does not recognize Johnny and tosses him aside. Johnny is then swallowed up by part of the only remaining Combined Akuma. Lulu Bell captures the Egg and the Generals are unable to stop her or damage the dark matter Egg. With Miranda trapped inside her liquid form Lulu Bell prepares to escape with the Egg. The Generals use their Anti-Akuma weapons against Lulu Bell, despite Miranda being inside her. Suddenly the Egg begins to crumble and break apart and Allen emerges. He recovers Miranda but his Akuma-seeing eye detects something and he hears some ominous childish laughing.

Episode 100: A new Akuma emerges from the remaining Combined Akuma, appearing as a pale pregnant woman with the number 4 on her belly. The Akuma evolves and again tries to absorb Johnny, but the scientists manage to retrieve him and stop the Skulls from taking Bak. The Akuma then attacks the scientists with its tentacles. It appears to die, but gives birth to a Level 4 Akuma, in humanoid form with wings. Allen is stunned at the sight of the Level 4's soul and comments on its terrible state. Seeing his comrades injured, Allen attacks the Level 4 but is unable to harm it and is easily blasted away by a beam. The Level 4 screams loudly, causing Allen to lose synchronization and unable to move. Then, the Level 4 destroys the floor of Lab 5 causing the floor to change into a fiery pit. Fortunately, the people are transported to a safety by General Cross' Maria's Carte Guarde. The Skulls ask to be released from the Talisman, but the Level 4 heartlessly fires at them and looks for humans to kill. It removes the barrier to the lab and enters the headquarters to resume its annihilation. Allen loses consciousness with Howard by his side.

Episode 101: The Level 4 Akuma starts its attack in Central Headquarters. It is about to target Komui as the supervisor but is deflected by a blow from Kanda although his sword breaks. The Finders trap the Akuma in a shield using many talisman together and Hevlaska contacts Komui to take the Innocence from her body and out of headquarters to safety using the Ark. Rouvelier wants the Innocence be used to fight the Akuma but Komui orders everyone to the Asian branch for evacuation. However Rouvelier insists Lenalee synchronize with her Innocence to fight the Akuma, saying that it's her choice, and they head towards Hevlaska with Lavi. When Komui and Kanda go down the elevator to intercept them, the Level 4 attacks them. As Hevlaska tries to force the Innocence into Lenalee's body, the Level 4 suddenly attacks Hevlaska, leaving her seriously injured. Lenalee tries to reach her Innocence but the Level 4 steps on her head and she is unable to move.

Episode 102: Trapped by the Level 4 Akuma, Lenalee recalls her life before the Innocence forced her to live at the Black Tower. Just then, Allen attacks the Akuma from above, using his Innocence to move his badly injured body. This gives Lenalee the chance to reach her Innocence. On seeing Lenalee struggle, Komui recalls how he joined the Black Order to be with her. Lenalee's Innocence turns to a liquid and she drinks it, but then blood pours out of her legs. Allen continues to distract the Akuma with Kanda and Lavi's help. Meanwhile, the Innocence uses Lenalee's blood to materialize into new boots, avoiding the need to become parasitic. She then attacks the Akuma, joining forces with Allen which intensifies their efforts and they end up pushing Allen's sword through the Akuma.

Episode 103: The Level 4 Akuma appears to be defeated so Komui cancels the evacuation. Suddenly the Akuma moves and attacks Allen and the battle is renewed, however, now with the help of the Generals, the Level 4 is finally destroyed. In the aftermath of the battle, rescue teams are dispatched to gather the survivors and they learn that many were protected by Miranda's Time Out and the Generals, but Johnny cries bitterly as Tapp dies and turns to sand. Cross is sent to the Central Office for debriefing while everyone prepares for the relocation of the Black Order's Headquarters. Krory regains consciousness, much to the joy of his friends. As the Exorcists ponder the significance of Lenalee's evolved "Equip Type" Innocence into the "Crystal Type", Allen declares that they must become stronger in order to defeat the Earl. Bookman wonders what the Earl’s real end game is. The scene changes to show that the Noahs are attending a ball. The Earl is shown in the shadows with a humanoid shape, saying that he is making a new Akuma Egg and ponders why he did not kill Allen when Mana died. The end credits show the Exorcists fully recovered and continuing their duties, reunited with their Innocences and sporting new outfits. The post-credits reveal the Earl buying flowers from a poor girl. Allen vows to destroy the Earl.

Rating: 9/10(Average)



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