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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 1-12 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

This was supposed to be post last week but due to me trying to catch up on my show hence the delay to this.

Episode 1: Six months after the defeat of Kid Buu, peace has returned to Earth once more, and Majin Buu has been wished to be erased from the Earthlings' minds. Sometime has passed since then and Chi-Chi makes Goku get a job since the Ox-King has been running low on money to support them, so he starts working as a radish farmer, although he really wants to train. On a far away planet, Beerus is having a ravish dinner hosted by the planet's residents. He likes a drink made by them, but finds the food too greasy, so he blows up only half the planet.

Back on Earth, Mr. Satan is in a press meeting at Satan House where he declares to be the strongest in the universe and offers the Earth his protection. Majin Buu interrupts the meeting because he is hungry and Mr. Satan explains to the public (whose memories have been wiped of Buu's existence) that Buu is a space soldier who came to Earth to become his disciple.

Meanwhile, Gohan is married to Videl, and Goten wants to give Videl an wedding present. He asks Trunks for advice and they go off searching for a present. They eventually decide to get her a bottle of fresh spring water that they got right near a hot spring that can be used to make her skin soft. While scooping the water they were attacked by a giant snake and fought it while trying to keep the bottle of spring water safe.

Goten and Trunks arrive at Gohan and Videl's new house to bring Videl her wedding present which she rubs on her face and thanks them for it. Later on as the sun is setting, Goten comes back to the farm where Goku is working. Feeling guilty for taking credibility for defeating Buu, Mr. Satan arrives in a limo driven by Miss Piiza to bring a large amount of money worth 100 million zeni to help Goku's family. Goku politely declines but eventually relents, realizing it is an opportunity to take time off from his job and go off training. Right after Goku leaves, Master Roshi busts into their house telling Goku that he heard about the money and that he knows of a bunch of interesting DVDs that he can buy with it but Chi-Chi kicks him out saying that their money isn't going to be used to buy his perverted things. The episode ends on the Sacred World of the Kai with Kibito Kai and the Old Kai sensing that another planet was lost.

Episode 2: King Kai is driving on his planet with Bubbles and Gregory in his car. Goku suddenly appears using Instant Transmission and causes King Kai to crash into his house. While King Kai is rebuilding his home, Goku is eating and when he finishes he tells King Kai he went to his planet to train under 10 times gravity, King Kai becomes furious and starts to explain he is the most important Kai there is.

Vegeta goes out with Bulma and Trunks to a resort area for their first family vacation. When asked by his wife why he suddenly took time off from training to go on vacation with them, he replies that he is keeping a promise to Trunks, which is when he promised to take Trunks to the amusement park if landed a punch on him during their training before the tournament. Bulma points out that something about Vegeta has changed since the battle against Buu, and how he has been spending more time with the family and, although he doesn't deny any of this, he brushes it all off. The vacation goes well before Vegeta finally gets annoyed enough that he runs back to Capsule Corporation to get started on his training and vows that, although he has accepted that Goku is stronger, he will surpass him one day.

On a prehistoric planet named Mogina, a dinosaur attacks several inhabitants of the planet. The leader of the aliens appears and defeats the dinosaur. Whis appears and asks for the dinosaur so Beerus can eat it. Since the alien does not speak the common language so him and Whis talk in his own alien language. The alien refuses to give the dinosaur and then Beerus appears. The alien transforms into a larger form and furiously attacks Beerus, who parries all his attacks with his finger. The alien uses Fire Breath on Beerus but with no avail. Beerus then decides to no longer want to eat dinosaur meat anymore, and destroys the planet he is on with a small attack. Old Kai and Kibito Kai are drinking tea when Old Kai sense a planet disappearing and tells Kibito Kai it's the God of Destruction Beerus' work. As Beerus watches the planet's destruction, he remembers about his dream and desires to know more of the Super Saiyan God.

Episode 3: As Beerus and Whis head back home, Beerus continues to remember the name of the figure from his dream. He becomes hungry after thinking for so long and Whis says that there's something special for them in the fridge. Beerus questions Whis' speed and to Whis' response, he claims to be the fastest in the universe.

On the Sacred World of the Kai, Old Kai explains the roles to Kibito Kai as there are Gods of Creation, to balance them out there are also Gods of Destruction like Beerus. Kibito Kai assumes there must be some reason behind which planets' destruction by Beerus, but Old Kai explains that there is no reason for the destruction as he does it for his will. They decide they must prevent anyone of challenging Beerus, like Goku who seems to enjoy battle. Old Kai tells Kibito Kai that only gods can sense Beerus' ki. At that moment, King Kai telepathically contacts the Supreme Kais to inform them that Goku is training on his planet. Goku overhears his name being mentioned, but King Kai successfully distracts him by complaining about the time Goku teleported Cell to his planet.

Back at Beerus' Planet, Beerus summons the Oracle Fish and asks about her prophecy. Thirty nine years ago she predicted that in 39 years time a formidable foe would appear for him to fight. At first the Oracle Fish can not remember the name, but then Beerus suggests they reduce her daily meals from three down to two. After hearing this, she starts to remember and calls it Super Saiyan God. Beerus assumes after hearing this that Super Saiyan God is a deity, while Whis tells him it that it simply does not exist. Beerus reminds himself that he told Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta. Whis catches Beerus up to speed on how Frieza was defeated by Goku, which amazes Beerus. He also tells him that the remaining Saiyans, like Vegeta, are living on Earth, to which Beerus claims to have exterminated all of the dinosaurs. He decides to head for King Kai’s planet to ask Goku about the Super Saiyan God.

On Earth, Krillin, Android 18, and Marron are stuck in traffic driving to the cruise ship where Bulma's birthday party is held. Fed up with traffic, Krillin puts his car into a capsule and they fly the rest of the way themselves, with Krillin holding Marron in his arms. On the way over there, they encounter Yamcha and Puar, then Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu. A cruise ship is set at the beach, and on board preparations are wrapping up for Bulma’s party. The super bingo tournament’s top prize is strictly under wraps. Gohan, Videl, and Chi-Chi arrive, and Gohan shows Piccolo some of his wedding photos where he blinks in one. Master Roshi and Oolong lust over some women on the beach, but Chi-Chi prevents them, and Mr. Satan likewise has to keep Good Buu from eating all the food ahead of schedule. Bulma is angry to know that both Vegeta and Goku are off training on her birthday, and so she sets sail without them.

On King Kai's Planet, Goku suddenly drops his training weights in alarm. For a moment, King Kai thought that Beerus had arrived, but Goku has just remembered Bulma’s party was that day. Back at Beerus’ temple, Whis has finished making packed lunches, which they plan to stop and eat along the way. Whis explains that it will take about 26 minutes to reach King Kai's planet, which upsets Beerus but exclaims he would watch an anime episode on the way there. On the Sacred World of the Kais, Old Kai fears about Beerus heading towards King Kai's planet where Goku resides.

Episode 4: While Beerus and Whis are flying towards King Kai's Planet, King Kai is desperate to prevent Goku from meeting Beerus. He suggests Goku leave to Bulma's birthday party, Goku refuses. Meanwhile, Bulma's friends and family are enjoying the party on the luxurious ship. Bulma is upset that Goku and Vegeta had not come, and gets even more annoyed when Krillin asks her age. Android 18 is obsessed with the bingo tournament prizes, which include a plane and a castle. Below the deck, Goten and Trunks run through the ship's kitchen and come to the enormous room where the tournament prizes are kept. Goten is amazed at the prizes, but Trunks goes on to show him the secret top prize, which is protected by a high-tech security system invented by Bulma. Trunks simply unplugs the security system, revealing the Dragon Balls.

On a small desert island, Emperor Pilaf is fishing while Shu and Mai dig for buried treasure. They ask if there is really a treasure there, and Pilaf shows them the treasure map, but Mai claims that it being an obvious fake map, and their boat is in poor condition, meaning they can not go back. Bulma's cruise ship happens to be nearing Pilaf's island, and with the security system deactivated, the Dragon Balls suddenly appear as blips on Pilaf's handheld Dragon Radar, right as Pilaf gets a big fish on the line. In his excitement and confusion he drops the radar into the sea, then loses the fish too. Trunks reactivates the security system, so by the time Pilaf manages to retrieve the radar, it no longer detects the Dragon Balls. Shu and Mai think Pilaf was simply imagining things, but he insists they set out for the approaching cruise ship. Their small boat begins filling with water halfway there, and to make matters worse a shark suddenly attacks. The trio manage to grab on to the side of the cruise ship and hang on for dear life, before Goten and Trunks notice them and toss a rope ladder their way. Now on board the ship, Pilaf keeps quiet about his search for the Dragon Balls, and even turns down any offer of food despite the trio's extreme hunger, but he finally succumbs before too long and they all eat happily.

At Capsule Corporation, Vegeta continues his training in the gravity chamber; even 150x gravity now provides little challenge for him. The gravity suddenly reverts to normal as a secretary comes in to inform him that there is a message from Bulma for him. Vegeta is still uninterested in the party, and Bulma chews him out over the phone.

Back on King Kai's planet, King Kai repaints his damaged house, while Goku fires a Kamehameha which quickly circles around the planet and comes straight back at him. He successfully blocks his own Kamehameha, but the impact causes King Kai's house to collapse. Exasperated, King Kai says that this endless obsession with getting stronger is precisely why Goku can't be allowed to meet Beerus. Goku gets curious on who Beerus is. Having slipped his tongue, King Kai has no choice but to explain: though Beerus governs destruction and is therefore necessary to maintain the balance of the universe, he fickly destroys whatever annoys him. King Kai hastily hides Goku inside his house, but it is too late; Whis and Beerus arrive on his planet.

Episode 5: At last, Beerus has arrived on King Kai's Planet. Beerus starts socializing with King Kai as Goku, hiding behind a wall, questions his strength. King Kai offers to bring Beerus food, but he says that if it is as bad as last time, he will have to make King Kai's planet even smaller. Goku accidentally reveals himself and introduces himself to Beerus. Beerus asks if he has heard of the Super Saiyan God, but neither he or King Kai know what it is.

Beerus is confused on how Goku could have beaten Frieza, since his current power isn't as high as Frieza's, but then remembers that Goku can become a Super Saiyan. He decides to go to Earth to ask Vegeta about the Super Saiyan God, stating that if he is in a good mood, he would not destroy it.

Goku wonders if Beerus is as strong as he claims, and challenges him to a fight. King Kai does everything to stop the fight, but Beerus is interested anyway. As he has never heard such a thing before, even though he has lived for hundreds of millions of years. Goku becomes a Super Saiyan, and confidently asks Beerus if he should not be powering down to avoid hurting the god.

Beerus effortlessly dodges every one of Goku's blows, shocking him. Beerus admits that maybe Goku could have beaten Frieza, but that he was stupid for expecting Goku to be truly strong. Goku goes Super Saiyan 2 and declars that he would not be so easy on Beerus anymore, still, Beerus is still dodging every hit from Goku. Goku prompts the god to attack, Beerus replies to not need to. Goku foolishly thinks Beerus could not be able to handle a Kamehameha, and keeps trying and failing in melee until he goes Super Saiyan 3.

Beerus is actually a little impressed by this power, and exclaims that maybe the fight will be worth it. He tells Goku that he will attack once he sees Goku's new power. Beerus decides to block Goku's rush rather than dodging, and is completely unaffected by the attack. A Kamehameha meets with similar results, and Goku charges again. Strangely, Goku's body flies backwards on its own mid-charge, and though Beerus thinks Goku flew back himself, Goku is confused to what happened. Beerus thinks maybe Goku is still hiding some power, but he easily dodges another rush and Kamehameha from Goku. King Kai is devastated, since this blast blew through his planet.

Beerus finally decides to end it, and flicks Goku so hard it sends him flying. He appears behind Goku and shoulder taps him hard into the ground, ending the fight. Whis and Beerus depart to go to Vegeta, who has finally arrived on Bulma's cruise ship. Bulma begins to talk to him, but Vegeta is contacted by King Kai, who tells him about Beerus. Back on King Kai's world, Goku wakes up, still excited by the idea of someone that powerful existing, and he wonders if he can really become a god by training. King Kai tells him about his talk with Vegeta, and Goku hopes he can handle it.

Episode 6: After learning from King Kai that Goku fought and lost to Beerus in just two shots, Vegeta becomes very worried and rushes to Bulma's birthday party to warn everyone but never tells them why he is there. Goku excitedly gears up to return to Earth to face Beerus one more time but King Kai is worried, as he knows how dangerous Beerus is. While Bulma is irritated that Vegeta won't show excitement for her birthday, he is angry and scared that even Goku was easily beaten by Beerus.

He hears Beerus' presence at the party and when confronted by the god, he recalls a flashback from when he was a child; Beerus had visited Planet Vegeta and crushed King Vegeta in his head as the God requested the softest pillow in the universe. Vegeta became scared for his father's well-being and tried to defend him, and Beerus paralyzed him with his same powers. Beerus surprisingly recognizes Vegeta and asks him if he knows about the Super Saiyan God, and Vegeta replies that he knows nothing about it. Beerus and Whis notice that there is a party going on and meet Bulma, who introduces herself as Vegeta's wife to them. They introduce themselves to her as Vegeta's good friends and accept her invitation to join the party, much to Vegeta's dismay.

Vegeta hides out to make sure Beerus stays in a good mood and reacts with anxiety to anything that the God may consider disrespect, such as Yamcha roughly patting him on the back, or Trunks and Goten accidentally spraying water on him in a water squirt gun fight. To remedy this, Vegeta catches and cooks an octopus. Beerus finds the food, particularly the taiyaki meatballs and octopus delicious, and Vegeta casts his pride aside to cook for him, which surprises the guests on why he is acting strange. Having grown tired of the other food after eating so much, Beerus wants to eat some pudding. However, Good Buu refuses to share the pudding, which angers Beerus and he decides to confront Buu. They square off and Buu releases a barrage of punches at Beerus, which do not seem to hurt him at all. Beerus easily disposes of Buu and turns to face Vegeta, who has a look of fear and worry.

Episode 7: Beerus decides to destroy the Earth out of extreme rage that he could not have any pudding, due to Good Buu having eaten all of it. Vegeta falls into despair due to Beerus' monstrous strength and Goku is still on King Kai's Planet, getting ready to return to Earth to fight Beerus. Sensing how powerful and dangerous Beerus is, Piccolo and the others decide they will all have to fight him in order to stop him from destroying the planet. Majin Buu, irritated at Beerus, engages him in battle but is easily defeated and left badly beaten up, to everyone's surprise. Beerus powers up and everyone is made fully aware of how strong he truly is. Trunks and Goten perform the Fusion Dance and fuse into Gotenks but they, too, are no match against him and are defeated, not to mention hitting his arm with his fingers as a fitting punishment for a child. Tien Shinhan, Android 18 and Piccolo all charge at Beerus, but he subdues them without so much as touching them. Gohan decides to fight him next but he is also easily defeated, which shocks Piccolo the most, as Dende speculates that Beerus may be a god.

Having grown tired, Beerus decides to go ahead and blow the planet up since he found no Super Saiyan God or pudding. He decides to kill Vegeta first, who finds it a proud event if he dies at the hands of a God of Destruction. However, he is shocked when Bulma walks up to Beerus and smacks him across the face. She berates him for his behavior at her birthday party, however, Beerus smirking at her, smacks her back, which leaves her unconscious. Vegeta, who had pleaded for Beerus to not hurt her, is overcome with rage at the sight of her injured and knocked out. In his rage, he condemns Beerus for hurting his wife and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2, vowing that he will suffer for what he had done.

Episode 8: Vegeta as a Super Saiyan 2 challenges Beerus, unleashing a continuous blast of punches. Beerus easily blocks them all, but Vegeta catches Beerus off-guard and sends him flying off of the ship. The two continue fighting in the surrounding sea, exchanging blows. Vegeta uses the Continuous Energy Bullet with little effect. Then, even after Vegeta nails Beerus head-on with his Galick Gun, Beerus is still unharmed. Beerus states that he had not used even a tenth of his power in a long time. Vegeta who is nervous at the moment, gets flicked by Beerus, sending him back to the ship deck. Descending toward Bulma's ship, Beerus decides to destroy Earth, however, Beerus originally did not intend to destroy Earth because the Earth had the most exquisite food in the universe. Bulma tries to take advantage and bribes Beerus not to destroy it, so that he could have more Earth delicacies.

Beerus decides that he will give the Earthlings another chance to save Earth. Meanwhile, Pilaf, Mai, and Shu are trying to get away from the Princess Bulma, but they left their leftovers from the party due to being rushed by Pilaf. They hardly decide whether or not to go back and get them. Back on Bulma's ship, Beerus scouts the attendees and chooses Oolong as his opposer because he feels, mistakenly, that Oolong and Good Buu are of the same race. Oolong loses after three attempts and before Beerus destroys Earth, Goku appears, asking Beerus to give them all one last chance to save Earth. This is when the Z-Warriors summon Shenron in order to find the Super Saiyan God that Beerus was looking for.

Goku asks Bulma for the Dragon balls and she complies due to Beerus' actions towards her. Goku then informs her of Beerus being the God of Destruction which surprises her and causes her to understand Vegeta's previous behavior.

Episode 9: On Bulma's cruise ship, Goten and Trunks bring out the Dragon Balls. Beerus remarks that those must be the "wishing spheres", though he thought they were supposed to be bigger. Whis explains about how the God of Earth is a Namekian, and that the "wishing spheres" of Earth are indeed smaller. As Shenron is summoned, the Pilaf Gang see him as they row away from the Princess Bulma, and realize that the Dragon Balls were on board after all. Shenron is summoned, upon looking at Beerus, he instantly cowers in fear, recognizes, and anxiously greets the God of Destruction. Later, Goku asks Shenron to bring them Super Saiyan God, in which Shenron explains that Super Saiyan God is a figure from Saiyan myth, and does not currently exist. However, Shenron does know the method for producing Super Saiyan God: according to a Namekian Book of Legends, if five pure-hearted Saiyans hold hands and pour their hearts into another pure-hearted Saiyan, the god of the Saiyans will be born. With that, Shenron bids a very respectful farewell to Beerus and departs. Piccolo thinks things are hopeless because they only have four pure-hearted Saiyans, and Master Roshi tells him that Vegeta is no longer evil, only pride had not departed from him. Chi-Chi also defends him by saying Vegeta took the family on vacation and he is a good father. Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, and Trunks hold hands and attempt to turn Goku into a Super Saiyan God. Vegeta complains about Goku getting the honor, and Goku requests to make Vegeta one next.

Though Goku's ki grows higher than before, he still does not feel like a god. Whis interjects that according to Shenron's instructions, the Saiyans need to infuse their "hearts" rather than their "ki". What is more, since five Saiyans must share their hearts with one more, a total of six righteous Saiyans are needed. Things seem truly hopeless now, and Beerus begins charging another attack to destroy the Earth, but Videl interrupts, revealing that she is pregnant with Gohan's child. Everyone celebrates, while Chi-Chi suggests that they name the baby "Gomen".

Though nobody is sure if it will work, the group tries the hand-holding ritual once more, this time with Videl added to the mix. At first nothing seems to happen, and Goku retorts that perhaps Vegeta or even Gohan's baby were not pure-hearted, but after the group concentrates more a light begins shining out from Videl. Golden clouds begin swirling around the cruise ship, and the seas become violent, creating a whirlpool that starts sucking in the Pilaf Gang’s rowboat. Goku says his body is starting to hurt a little, and now a blue light surrounds the group. A huge pillar of light shoots out from them and pierces through the clouds, and the group begins to shake. Goku glows red, and when the glow fades, he has transformed into a younger-looking, thinner form with bright red hair. Dende seems to offer confirmation that Goku is now a god. Beerus is reminded of the figure from his dream. As the others, especially Chi-Chi, speculate about his new appearance, Goku feels very excited, ready to fight Beerus.

Episode 10: After successfully completing the ritual and becoming a Super Saiyan God, Goku challenges Beerus to another fight. They rise far above the ship, so as not to risk harming the spectators below. Nobody, most notably Gohan, can sense Goku's energy due to their inability to sense godly ki, which Whis explains only deities can do. At first, Goku is unable to land a single blow due to his inexperience with the form. Goku is shown flailing around in the air due to his body's newly reduced weight, as a result of his Super Saiyan God transformation. Gohan suggests that Goku's current state is not the true power of a Super Saiyan God.

Further into the fight, Goku excitedly suggests trying a Kamehameha while in this form. He launches the Kamehameha, which misses Beerus and rips through the sea, causing the Princess Bulma to violently shake. Eventually, Goku and Beerus fly up too far away to be seen, deciding to take the battle to the stars, so Bulma gathers nearly all on the ship into her Capsule Corporation aircraft to get a better view. Meanwhile, Pilaf, Mai, and Shu are all starving, and desperate to find the Dragon Balls, until they realize the Balls are no longer on the ship. Pilaf starts bawling and Mai and Shu try to comfort him. Whis then finds them and informs them that he has had the chefs cook more food, and asks them to join him.

As Goku gets used to the new form, he is still not fully able to control his movements and fight on par with Beerus. Beerus finally takes Goku seriously, charging a yellowish energy sphere from his finger, and tossing it at Goku. Goku manages to catch it, and push it upwards, but the force of the wind knocks Bulma's spaceship out of control and it falls into the water. Goku unleashes his new powers and charges at Beerus, unleashing a barrage of punches at him. Beerus blocks all but one, and rushes at Goku. Before he can land the punch, Goku jumps behind Beerus, grabs him, and proceeds to mock him by flicking his forehead and chopping his neck, the same set of attacks that Beerus used on him on King Kai's Planet. Beerus proclaims that he and Goku are just like one another in that they each enjoy returning the favour. He asserts that the real battle between the two gods will commence, suggesting that they were warming up, and Goku agrees, revealing that he had not been using his full power; the real Battle of Gods is about to commence. Pilaf, Mai, and Shu are shown sleeping, huddled up against each other before the episode ends.

Episode 11: After crashing into the water from the force of Beerus' mini Sphere of Destruction earlier in the fight, they struggle to keep up with Goku and Beerus due to the engine failing. Gohan and Goten tell Bulma to go faster, and she responds by asking them that why they cannot fly, to which they respond by answering that they ran out of Ki during the ritual. Vegeta observes Goku and Beerus' fight, with them trading blows. As the fight goes on, Beerus charges another mini Sphere of Destruction, this time bigger, and tosses it at Goku. Goku stops the blast by crushing and compressing it with his hands. As Old Kai and Kibito Kai watch the fight, Old Kai notices that Beerus is not using his full power, to Kibito Kai's shock. Beerus clutches Goku's face and pushes him downwards at such a high velocity that it appears as though Goku is a meteor crashing down to Earth. After Goku crashes on a nearby island, Beerus stands over him, and is highly disappointed with him. Goku stands up and gets a few good hits in, and Beerus is not affected by it.

Beerus knocks Goku up into the stratosphere, while Goku lays there floating looking lifeless. Beerus launches an attack that he exclaims that Goku would not be able to stop from colliding with Earth. Goku destroys it with a one-handed Kamehameha. However, Beerus, as a further challenge, forms hundreds of them and releases them at Goku. Goku charges a Limitbreaker Kamehameha and obliterates every single one. Beerus is amazed at Goku's strength, but although impressed, Beerus makes it clear that Goku is no match for him. Worn out from the Kamehameha he released, Goku is helpless to defend himself, and Beerus claims "My mistake." and charges towards him at an incredible speed, and forces his hand through Goku's chest by stunning him. Goku slowly falls back to Earth and drifts away under the sea. Goku is amazed at how strong Beerus is, but finds a motivation to keep fighting, and heals himself of his injuries. He springs out of the sea, ready to keep fighting Beerus. Goku warns him that he will use his full power, and for Goku having such a powerful will, Beerus rewards him by using his full power as well.

Episode 12: As Bulma and everybody in her plane try and catch up with Goku and Beerus’ battle, their plane has engine trouble due to the effect the battle is having on the atmosphere. Back down on the cruise ship, Vegeta continues to stare up into space, trying to watch the fight. Whis appears and offers to show him the battle with his staff, but Vegeta refuses. Up above the planet, Goku and Beerus decide to start up their battle again, this time without any tricks. Both sides power up and charge each other, punching at exactly the same moment. As their fists come together, they produce strange shock waves that radiate outward. Off in the Sacred World of the Kai, the Kais are worried. Old Kai explains that since the destructive force of these shock waves increases the further away they get from their point of origin, the universe itself will only be able to endure Goku and Beerus clashing together two or three more times. After that, the entire universe will be destroyed.

Kibito Kai telepathically contacts Goku to try and stop the fight, but is ignored. Instead, Goku and Beerus power up once more and punch each other the same as before, producing even more shock waves. Down in Satan City the shock waves knock people over like a strong wind, and out in the depths of space whole planets are destroyed. Due to the panic in Satan City, the media contacts Mr. Satan, who claims to be at an auction for stolen goods, cleverly disguised as a birthday party. After claiming a bad connection and hanging up, Mr. Satan angrily demands to know where Gohan is at a time like this. Just as he is talking, Bulma’s ship comes plummeting straight down toward Mr. Satan, thankfully however, Whis stops it at the last moment. He explains that Beerus promised not to destroy the Earth if he lost, and since the fight is not finished yet, Whis cannot let anything on Earth get destroyed until then.

Back up in space, Beerus and Goku unleashed another yet massive power upping some more, this time, producing enormous dragons made of pure godly ki from their auras which briefly roar and battle against each other, before enter both of their combatants' bodies, seemingly maximizing their powers. For a third time, Goku and Beerus charge each other, and trade blows many times, and yet surprisingly, the universe remains intact. Old Kai explains that Goku erased Beerus’ attack by matching it with a punch of exactly the same speed and angle. Goku had actually intended to perfect this technique on the second punch, but Beerus made things too tough for that. When one of Goku’s punches scraps Beerus’ face, drawing blood, Beerus produces another atom-like ki ball. Goku counters with a Kamehameha, and as Beerus pours more and more power into the ball, the two ki attacks struggle against each other, producing more shock waves. With more planets being destroyed by the shock waves, Old Kai anxiously thinks that the universe may be destroyed after all.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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