Episode 101: As Goku prepares to fight Jiren, Top suddenly ambushes him with Justice Flash. Toppo and Jiren decide to retreat and conserve their stamina. This leaves Goku to be dealt with by Casserale and their fellow Pride Troopers Tupper, Zoiray, Cocotte, and Kettol. The five declare their intent to defeat Caulifla and Kale to avenge Vuon's defeat. The two are forced to form a temporary alliance with Goku. Meanwhile, Master Roshi and Tien team up to defeat Universe 3's The Preecho. They regroup with Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Frieza, where he has defeated Mulithim. The Pride Troopers push Goku, Caulifla, and Kale to the brink, but Android 17 and Android 18 rescue them. No. 18 and Goku defeat Tupper, while No. 17 easily overpowers Kahseral. The remaining Pride Troopers regroup and focus their assault on the wounded Caulifla and Kale. Cocotte seals them in a separate dimension to ensure that Goku, No. 17, and No. 18 do not interfere. As the four beat Caulifla, Kale's self-hatred causes her to return to the Legendary Super Saiyan form, but she remains in control of herself this time. Caulifla and Kale use an extremely powerful combination ki blast to defeat Kahseral, Zoiray, and Kettol. Cocotte seals herself in a mini-dimension to avoid the blast, but No. 18 simply throws it off, eliminating Cocotte. Goku allows Caulifla and Kale to retreat so he can fight them at their full strength after they rest. The group is unaware that Brianne de Chateau is observing them.
Episode 102: Zeno scrolls through the universes on his GodPad and notes that amount of fighters has decreased. Brianne de Chateau calls for her female companions, Sanka Ku & Su Roas, to get ready to fight. Goku thanks Android 17 and Android 18 for their help as they run in different directions, with Goku wondering where Jiren is so he can fight him. Brianne de Chateau gains the attention of the remaining fighters as Universe 2 undergo a recital, much to the annoyance of Beerus and Champa. Jerez gracefully announces her fighters, as Brianne, Sanka and Su begin transforming. However, before they can finish, they are immediately blasted by Android 17. The girls confront 17 on his vulgar actions, and Top comes to their defense, saying that a warrior assuming a pose is justice and should not be interrupted. Goku convinces 17 to let them transform, and he complies. Every warrior notices the girls' change in appearance, and most of the male warriors are infatuated with their looks. Goku, 17 and Vegeta prepare to fight them so they can demonstrate their power, and Brianne de Chateau unleashes a love attack with a sweet aroma that would brainwash those who inhale its scent. Old Kai is impressed by the attack, and Whis points out that the Universe 7 fighters will be fine, pointing out their stoic nature, also pointing out that Master Roshi, the one that they would be worried about the most, is also unaffected. Gohan tells his comrades that due to the fighting stage getting more and more destroyed, they should begin to fight independently. Piccolo and Tien agree and they all separate, telling each other not to get knocked off too easily.
Beerus and Champa note that the Universe 2 warriors, despite their bizarre looks, changed the atmosphere of the tournament. Vegeta fires a blast that blows away the pink-colored gas shading the entire tournament ring, disappointed in Universe 2's minuscule increase in power. Brianne de Chateau calls Vegeta impatient, saying that the attack was just a greeting and the real fight starts now. She proudly orders her comrades to fight, wishing them good luck. Brianne and Vegeta fight an equal battle, and Vegeta is impressed that their transformation isn't just for show. Brianne does an attack where she turns into a ball and launches herself at Vegeta, and Vegeta prepares to punch her, but instinctively dodges the attack due to her gross face. Piccolo prepares to fight Jirasen, however Brianne ends up knocking him out of the ring.
Goku casually blocks all of Su's punches, while Su demonstrates her Yacchaina Fist, firing energy blasts at Goku that manages to push him back. 17 effortlessly dodges all of Sanka's attacks, but he is bitten, showing Sanka's wild animal instincts. Sanka begins using the ruined fighting stage to her advantage, increasing her speed by jumping off the walls. Before she lands another attack, Sanka is blocked by 17's Android Barrier. Sanka is shocked that 17 pretended to be weak, and 17 laughs that she fell for it. 17 tries to knock her off, but she is saved by Vikal, who launches her back towards 17, knocking him down. 18 asks if 17 needs any help, and 17 says he'll get serious, immensely increasing his speed and knocking Vikal off. 17 tells Sanka that he knocked Vikal off because her wings were a nuisance, and fights an even battle with her. 17 shows off a new attack, creating an energy blast that he stands on in mid-air as footing. Both Zenos and the Grand Minister confirms that this is allowed and is not in violation of the rules, and with another attack, 17 knocks off Sanka. Goku is impressed, noting that 17 was hiding some powers when they fought on the island. 17 confronts Brianne, who is enraged that her comrades were knocked off. There are 39 minutes left until the end of the tournament.
Episode 103: Ribrianne and Android 17 fiercely attack each other, while Rozie begins to overwhelm Goku's defenses. She surrounds him with ki balls and attempts to blow him up, but No. 17 protects him with a barrier. Goku, who has studied Rozie's techniques, hits her with a powerful ki blast. As he and No. 17 corner Rozie and Ribrianne, Jimeze arrives and rescues them with Instant Transmission. Elsewhere, Botamo challenges Gohan on Champa's orders. As Piccolo and Goku observe, Gohan attacks with a flurry of blows, which apparently have no effect. However, Gohan's attacks begin to lift Botamo off the ground and renders him unable to defend himself, allowing Gohan to knock him off the stage. Universe 10's Obuni and Rubalt appear to challenge Gohan and Piccolo. Jimeze defeats Universe 10's Jilcol. With 8 warriors eliminated, Gowasu accepts his imminent demise, while Rumush remains defiant. Obuni shifts his ki away from his body to render himself impossible to detect and wounds Gohan. Rubalt initially has the upper hand against Piccolo, but Piccolo uses his Hellzone Grenade to knock out Rubalt, leaving Universe 10 with only Obuni. Obuni begins to overwhelm Gohan, which makes Gowasu want to cling to life again. Gohan powers up to his Potential Unleashed and powers through one of Obuni's punches. He counterattacks Obuni's moves by locating and hitting Obuni after he gets hit. Obuni pauses the fight to show his respect for Gohan, but refuses to lose for the sake of Universe 10. Gohan battles and defeats Obuni with a Kamehameha. All of Universe 10's fighters have been eliminated. Right before Universe 10 is annihilated, Gohan discovers a locket containing a picture of Obuni and his wife and child. Gohan and Universe 10's angel, Kusu, mourn Universe 10's destruction.
Episode 104: Dispo introduces himself to Hit, saying he will defeat his Time-Skip for the sake of his universe. Watching from the sidelines, Kale asks Caulifla if they should help Hit, and Caulifla says that Hit will be fine. Dyspo charges at Hit, and before Hit can utilize his Time-Skip, Dyspo notices and lands a clean hit, much to everyone's shock. Hit realizes that Dyspo wasn't bluffing. Champa remarks that it was a lucky shot, and Vados tells him not to get too angry as his blood pressure will rise. Champa points out that Dyspo looks like Beerus, but Vados jokes that this would mean Dyspo also looks like Champa, however Champa immediately denies this. Beerus and Shin are shocked that Hit of all people is struggling against another opponent.
Dyspo and Hit charge towards each other again, but Dyspo's speed increases as he knocks Hit down. The gods of Universe 11 discuss Champa being flustered as Hit is getting pushed back, realizing that Hit is their ace warrior and if he goes down, the rest of Universe 6 will follow suit. The two Zenos whine about Dyspo's attack being too fast to see, and Grand Minister tells them he added a new recording function to their GodPads that allows them to see the attack in slow motion. Hit remarks that it feels like Dyspo is using Time-Skip on him. Top comments that through repeated battles, Dyspo's speed has surpassed the speed of sound and light, calling him their blitz captain.
From their last exchange, Hit concludes that the moment before he uses Time-Skip, Dyspo suddenly increases his speed to counter it. Dyspo is impressed at his analysis, further explaining that for an instant, he can increase his speed thousands of times. Hit attacks again, this time not assuming a defensive fighting stance, but Dyspo lands another attack on him. From this exchange, Hit realizes that Dyspo is aiming for the one moment Hit's body tenses up before he uses Time-Skip, using his hearing to listen for Hit's muscles vibrating. Hearing this, Champa tries to counter this by creating more loud noises, but Vados says that Dyspo is able to pick out the particular sound. Knowing that his Time-Skip is countered, Hit attacks Dyspo directly, but gets overwhelmed. Watching the two fight, Toppo comments that Hit is slowly adapting to Dyspo's speed, purposely trying to defend against any attacks to his vital areas. Realizing Hit is up to something and that he may be setting a trap, Toppo orders Kunshi to jump in.
Hit is immediately knocked to the edge of the ring, and he is cornered. When Dyspo tries to knock Hit off, Hit evades his attack by making his body intangible, as a surprised Dyspo phases through him and falls off the edge. Before Dyspo falls too deep, he is saved by Kunshi's energy whips. Not wanting Dyspo to be defeated, Kunshi prepares to help him fight Hit. Hit manages to hold his own against Dyspo's speed, but he is captured by Kunshi's whips and attacked by Dyspo. Watching this, Caulifla prepares to jump out and help Hit, ignoring Kale's concerns, but everyone is interrupted by Goku, blocking Dyspo's attack in his Super Saiyan God form. Hit says he doesn't need Goku's help, but Goku replies that he isn't there to help him, he just wants to fight. Whis explains that Super Saiyan God has greater power and speed than regular Super Saiyan, and it consumes less stamina than Super Saiyan Blue.
Hit tells Goku that Dyspo is his opponent and Goku should not interfere, and Goku tells Hit to try and stop him as he attacks. Dyspo speed-blitzes Goku and knocks him back, but before Hit can attack him right after, he is caught by Kunshi. Goku compliments Dyspo's speed and prepares to use Instant Transmission, but Dyspo proves to be too fast for even that. When Dyspo attacks again, Goku turns into Super Saiyan Blue to defend against his attack, saying that while Dyspo may be fast, his movements are too linear thus easy to predict. Whis comments that Goku is maximizing his speed and power by turning Blue for the instant he attacks and defends. To counter Hit's Time-Skip, Kunshi surrounds himself with his whips, saying that if Hit touches them, they'll explode, thus preventing Hit from getting close to him. Hit says he doesn't intend to get close, using his Flash Fist Crush to attack Kunshi from a distance.
Hit tells Goku to switch places with him, immediately attacking Dyspo. Hit lands a clean attack on Dyspo, explaining that he pretended to use Time-Skip by fooling Dyspo's ears with the same muscle tensing to counter Dyspo's attack. Goku turns Blue again and attacks Kunshi, ignoring his exploding whips, landing a clean blow. Hit lands another attack on Dyspo, gradually overwhelming him as he is forced to wonder if Hit is actually using Time-Skip or is pretending to. With Dyspo defeated by multiple Time-Skip attacks, Hit tells him to either jump off himself or Hit will throw him off. Dyspo refuses to surrender, and Hit picks him up and throws him, but he is once again saved by Kunshi's whips. Kunshi tells Dyspo to retreat as he prepares to take Hit with him and attacks, but Hit Time-Skips behind him and knocks him off. With Kunshi knocked off, there are only 3 Pride Troopers remaining, but Cae does not worry as two of them are Toppo and Jiren.
Dyspo vows to exact revenge on Hit but when he begins speaking of justice, Toppo interrupts lectures that they are done playing the hero as there is no longer justice or evil, but only either survival or erasure. Goku compliments Hit for getting stronger again, but then says once Dyspo recovers, he'll be the one to defeat him. Hit is uninterested, and when Goku asks if they're gonna fight, Hit decides to walk away in response to Goku helping him out. Goku says that if he survives until the end, they should settle their score.
There are 35 minutes left until the end of the tournament.
Episode 105: The two Zenos are counting how many fighters are left, in the Tournament of Power, having difficulty counting. They come to the conclusion that there are a lot of fighters left. Meanwhile, Master Roshi is walking around the arena alone and observing the ongoing fights. He is then attacked by Universe 4's Caway, who can create weapons out of Ki. She creates a hammer to attack Roshi, however, he dodges it.
Master Roshi states that Caway cannot defeat him with her strength. Roshi then reveals that he has been observing everyone ever since the Tournament began. Caway reveals her other power: Seduction. Krillin states that it won't work on Roshi as he suppressed his desires, however it works on both Roshi and Old Kai. Master Roshi jumps at Caway, she creates an energy spear and almost hits Roshi with it, however, Roshi snapped out of it and dodged the attack at the last second. Roshi then catches the spear with his fingers and breaks it, knocking down Caway. Master Roshi then states that he has always lived by his desires and that now he has suppressed them. Master Roshi then starts powering up and moves to touch Caway who is scared and runs off the arena, and she is declared out of bounds, annoying Quitela.
Beerus then compliments Roshi. Master Roshi then detects Dercori behind him, who reveals herself. It is revealed that Dercori uses talismans which create illusions as her ability. Dercori spreads talismans across the arena, revealing that her talismans consist of 79 attacks and 129 illusions. Dercori then flees. Master Roshi dodges Dercori's illusions and in the end, is trapped by her in a shadowy place, it is revealed that Dercori's power grows in the shadows. Master Roshi, in order to take out Dercori, pulls out a jar and then uses the Evil Containment Wave to seal her inside the jar, which he then throws out of the arena. Dercori is declared out of bounds. Beerus once again compliments Roshi, and Quitela accuses Roshi for "cheating". Beerus and Quitela then get into an argument, however they are stopped by the two Zenos, who allowed the jar because it was neat. Krillin is worried that the Evil Containment Wave has taken a toll on Roshi, however, Roshi is fine, having lost no stamina from using the technique.
Master Roshi is then attacked by Ganos, who wants revenge on Roshi for taking out two of his teammates. Roshi mocks Ganos, to which Ganos becomes angry and transforms. Ganos attacks Roshi who easily knocks Ganos away. Master Roshi then dodges all of Ganos' attacks. While Roshi admits that Ganos is stronger and faster than him, Roshi has more experience, and is able to overwhelm Ganos. However, it is revealed by Quitela that, because of the extreme condition of the tournament, Ganos is able to increase his power every second and now is able to overwhelm Roshi. Roshi states that at this rate, Ganos might become a threat to Goku and the others. Master Roshi then tries to use the Sleepy Boy Technique and is almost successful, however Ganos injures himself and is unable to be hypnotized. Master Roshi, in order to defeat Ganos, powers up to Max Power. Goku and Krillin urge him to not do it. Master Roshi then states that Goku and Krillin were the ones who taught him to go beyond his limits. Master Roshi tells Goku and Krillin to enjoy their lives to the fullest as the Kame Style is with them. Roshi then fires his most powerful Kamehameha ever, and knocks Ganos out of the arena which Beerus compliments Master Roshi again for. Roshi then collapses because he used his life force, Goku then turns Super Saiyan Blue and frees himself from Maji Kayo's grip and goes to revive Roshi. Goku is unsuccessful in reviving Roshi, however, a mysterious blue energy from Goku revives Roshi. Goku and Krillin cry out of happiness that Roshi is alive. Roshi then tells Goku that the fight is not over yet and Goku helps him get up. Beerus then asks Krillin his name again, uncharacteristically showing respect to Master Roshi. Goku and Roshi then depart together.
There are 34 minutes left until the end of the tournament.
Episode 106: Master Roshi sits down on a rock, Goku asks him if he will be fine. Roshi tells him that he will be fine with some rest. Roshi then tells Goku to go on and fight for him. Goku then departs.
Meanwhile, Gohan and Piccolo are approached by Universe 6's Dr. Rota. Dr. Rota wants to reveal his ability, however before he can do so, he is taken out by a powerful Ki Blast. Gohan and Piccolo hide. Piccolo throws a rock out in the open which is destroyed by the same Ki Blast that took out Dr. Rota. Piccolo says its an attack that focuses energy in one point like the Special Beam Cannon and is shot from far away. Also, Piccolo cannot sense the attacker's energy. Gohan asks if Dr. Rota is dead, Piccolo says that if he would be dead then the attacker would have been disqualified, meaning he is still alive. Gohan and Piccolo decide to move to an area with rubble without the attacker seeing them. Afterwards, Piccolo's arm is shot off by the attacker, whose Ki Blasts travel through sphere-like drones. Piccolo regenerates his arm, and the two decide to find their enemy. Meanwhile, Prum, a fighter from Universe 2, is unable to find Gohan and Piccolo, and so, he sends out more spheres to search for them. While the spheres are patrolling the area, Piccolo puts his arm out in the open, and is shot, however he dodges it. Gohan saw the direction of the shot and the two decide to head there to take out the attacker. Gohan throws a rock which Piccolo blows up with a Ki Blast, creating dust, which they use as cover. In the dust, Piccolo finds one of Prum's spheres. Piccolo wonders what the sphere does, and the two are attacked once again. Piccolo destroys the sphere, revealing that the sphere had heat.
Meanwhile, the two Zenos wonder why Gohan and Piccolo have not moved, and the Grand Minister reveals that a sniper is lurking. The Great Priest explains what a sniper is and the two Zenos say that snipers are amazing.
Krillin tells Gohan and Piccolo not to do any careless moves, and Beerus says that they are at a disadvantage, as they cannot defeat their enemy if they can't move.
Tien Shinhan investigates Dr. Rota' unconscious body, as Goku and Vegeta arrive. Tien tells Goku and Vegeta to duck as there is an enemy shooting from far away. Vegeta is attacked and the two duck. Vegeta calls the attacker a coward and an annoying enemy.
Meanwhile, Piccolo took a shot that was meant for Gohan, this time, both of his arms were shot off, fortunately Piccolo regenerates. Piccolo reveals that the attacker is looking for their body heat, explaining why the attacker was capable of shooting them even in the dust. Piccolo and Gohan then heat up the entire area with heat in order to trick the attacker. Prum then bombards the entire area with Ki Blasts, cutting off Gohan and Piccolo.
Goku, Vegeta and Tien watch as Gohan and Piccolo are attacked. Goku sees Prum and reveals that one is shooting Ki Blasts, while Prum reflects them. Vegeta goes to take out Prum, Tien tells Goku to go with him, as he will go to help Gohan and Piccolo. Goku then rushes to Vegeta. Gohan and Piccolo are hiding under a rock, as Tien goes to help them, dodging all of the Ki Blasts. Goku and Vegeta both charge up a Kamehameha and Galick Gun, respectively and attack Prum's position. Vegeta fires another Galick Gun at Prum, only for Prum to reflect it back at them. It is revealed that Hermila, a warrior also from Universe 2, is the sniper and Prum is only a mirror. Prum also reveals that he knew Goku and Vegeta would come for him first, revealing that Goku and Vegeta fell into a trap. Tien sees that every time Hermila shoots, he moves to another position. Tien then uses the Multi-Form technique in order to create 4 clones of himself. Shin calls this a wonderful attack and that they will surely win, however Krillin reveals the techniques weakness: the power is split between all 4 clones, making every clone weaker than the original. Vegeta and Goku decide to throw rocks at Prum, if Ki Blasts won't work. Hermila then takes out 3 of the clones, and the last one destroys Hermila's cover with a Neo Tri-Beam, severely damaging Hermila in the process. Tien calls Hermila a worthy opponent. While Tien is about to knock Hermila out with another Neo Tri-Beam, Hermila blows up the ground beneath them and knocks out Tien.
Fortunately, Tien's 3 other clones, grabbed Hermila and dragged him off the arena, signifying a double elimination. Tien apologizes to Beerus, however Beerus praises Tien as he took it to a draw at the very end. Cornered by Goku and Vegeta, Prum decides to run away, however he is tackled by Dr. Rota, who recovered. Dr. Rota wants to reveal his ability again, however he is interrupted by Vegeta, who knocks both Prum and Dr. Rota out of the arena with a Galick Gun. Goku says that they lost 2 members, however Vegeta says it doesn't matter, as long as they take out the rest of the fighters. Goku tells Vegeta to fight to their fullest, for Krillin and Tien, as the two depart together.
There are 32 minutes left until the end of the tournament.
Rating: 9/10(Average)