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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 107-111 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 107: Frost is seen hiding underneath rocks for cover and remembers asking Champa for forgiveness for all of his evil deeds. Champa initially laughs at this, but Frost promises the complete humiliation and destruction of Universe 7 in return. Meanwhile, the Omni-Kings ask for a count of the remaining warriors. The Grand Minister counts 36 for the Zenos: Universe 2 with six, Universe 3 with seven, Universe 4 with four (only two of which anyone has been able to sense the presence of so far which Beerus notices the moment which the Grand Priest mentions Universe 4's remaining number of warriors), Universes 6 & 7 with eight, and lastly, Universe 11 with 3. The two unseen warriors from Universe 4 greatly concerns Team Universe 7 on the bench after Whis notes that Universe 4 warriors are known to have special abilities and that the unseen two might try something at a pivotal moment. Vermoud, Cae, and Marcarita remark that their remaining warriors are also by far their strongest, with Jiren being seen as possibly the most formidable opponent in the entire tournament. It is also stated by Ea, who wants to study Jiren's body further, and that Maji Kayo would be the perfect warrior to do it.

Maji Kayo suddenly attempts to attack Jiren, but Dispo intervenes. Maji Kayo, appearing heavily damaged, exclaims and expresses shock and terror. This ends up being a ploy to lure Dyspo closer, and Maji Kayo instantly regenerates to muscular form, easily overpowering Dyspo. Seeing that Dyspo is trapped, Top offers to intervene, but Jiren steps forward. This pleases Maji Kayo, who states they were after Jiren the entire time, but Jiren quickly ends the fight by blasting Maji Kayo off the stage with only the power of his fist, leaving Ea in shock and disbelief. Goku, having also sensed and witnessed a dust cloud resultant of the attack from a distance, also stands shocked. As Champa and Fuwa debate over Jiren's power, it is noted that the universe with the greatest number of warriors at the end of the tournament will win, making the remainder of the tournament a numbers game. Vados implies that Frost is now putting his plan to take revenge on Universe 7 into action.

Frost is seen ambushing Master Roshi and blasting him into a rock protrusion from the tournament grounds. Goku witnesses this and gives chase, but he is stopped by Ribrianne. Frost tortures Master Roshi, and Master Roshi tells Frost that he thinks Frost is hunting down weaker opponents. Frost retaliates, but Master Roshi turns into muscular form to fight off Frost. Frost easily overpowers Master Roshi regardless, but the resultant dust cloud from combat permits Master Roshi to attempt the Evil Containment Wave. This fails due to Master Roshi's fatigue and inability to control the wave at the last moment. Frost, noticing Vegeta observing the tournament from a distance, puts a second plan into action in response.

Frost begins firing a flurry of pinpoint energy shots at Master Roshi, and then fires one at Vegeta to upset his temperament. This brings Vegeta into the fight, who punches Frost into a rock wall. Frost then pretends to be weak and gives a short monologue in order to buy enough time for Auta Magetta to break through the rock wall and begin fighting Vegeta. Magetta is shown having molten rocks shoved into his ears, making him immune to insults. Seeing Vegeta being overwhelmed by the combined attacks of Frost and Magetta, Master Roshi attempts a final Evil Containment Wave. Frost deflects this and seals Vegeta inside the container instead. An angry Master Roshi attempts to attack Frost, but Frost easily overpowers him again.

As a final attack, Master Roshi fires a pinpoint energy blast while Frost remarks how he has finally gotten his revenge on Vegeta. Master Roshi collapses, but he manages to look up and redirect his energy blast toward Frost's container holding Vegeta. This frees an enraged Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, who blows off one of Magetta's earplugs and insults him, causing him to faint due to low self-esteem. Frost fires a blast toward the ground in order to sneak away, and Vegeta pushes Magetta off the stage. Vegeta tells Master Roshi to retire, who voluntary falls off the stage. Roshi is then given a Senzu Bean by Krillin before he dies; he is also praised by Beerus while Goku is about to face off with Brianne.

There are 30 minutes left until the end of the tournament.

Episode 108: Goku and Ribrianne begin their battle. Goku is impressed with her power, and Brianne is determined to defeat Goku with the power of love. Brianne becomes even more determined as she hears that Jerez is watching her battle, firing her Pretty Cannon and Pretty Love Machine Gun at Goku, who barely dodges. Goku remarks that he feels something tickling him as Brianne keeps up her assault. Liquiir of Universe 8 is impressed with Brianne's power, commenting that despite Universe 6 and Universe 7 having the most remaining fighters, Universe 2 might win the tournament. Ag of Universe 12 points out how powerful Universe 11 is despite them having the least remaining fighters, as Top is seeing knocking Cabba away with his Justice Punch. Universe 1 comments that the winner of the tournament will not change anything, as they are all simply low-level universes.

Frieza watches over the entire tournament from a high spot, deciding to find his next playmate. Gohan fights against Bollarator, clashing his Kamehameha with the enemy's beam attack. When the smoke clears, Gohan manages to conceal himself, thinking to himself that many powerful warriors have made it this far and that he should reunite with Piccolo and the others. Gohan is then suddenly attacked by Jimeze. Jimeze introduces himself as the warrior who protects Universe 2, and Gohan recognizes him as the warrior who can use Instant Transmission, thinking to himself that dropping his guard for even an instant will cost him. Jimeze teleports around Gohan with Instant Transmission, knocking the young Saiyan around by attacking his blindspots. Krillin and Master Roshi recognize this, and Beerus yells at Gohan for not fighting seriously. Jimeze attacks Gohan again, praising his potential as a warrior, and promising to teach Gohan his techniques should they ever meet again. When Jimeze prepares to knock Gohan out, Frieza jumps between them.

Frieza berates Gohan for not being able to defeat Jimeze. While Frieza stands motionless, the others wonder what he is up to, and Krillin speculates that Frieza could be plotting to eliminate Gohan himself. Universe 7 discusses this, and Shin deduces that Frieza plans to last until the end to wish for something that only the Super Dragon Balls can grant, such as killing a god as speculated by Whis. Beerus threatens Frieza that if he knocks Gohan off, he will destroy Frieza on the spot. Jimeze comments that Frieza's soul is the opposite of beautiful, preparing to fight him, however Frieza steps aside, wanting to observe Jimeze fight Gohan until it is his turn.

Jimeze, commenting that Frieza is intentionally abandoning his ally and further saying Universe 7 is "ugly", continues his fight with Gohan, cornering the Saiyan. Before Jimeze can land a decisive blow, he is attacked by Frieza, who comments that his hand slipped. Jimeze then decides to knock Frieza off first, teleporting behind him, but Frieza easily knocks him aside with his tail. Frieza says that as long as he knows Jimeze can use Instant Transmission, then this fight is child's play. Frieza easily knocks Jimeze out and strangles him with his tail to beat on him some more. Frieza then blasts him point-black, severely injuring the Yardrat, and Universe 2 accused Frieza of killing him. Frieza points out that he missed his vitals on purpose, and knocks Jimeze out of the ring. Heles shows disdain for how repulsive Frieza fights.

Gohan is angry that Frieza went to such methods, and Frieza berates the Saiyan for not going Super Saiyan and ending the fight quickly. Frost, who watched from the sidelines, approaches and compliments Frieza. Champa yells that Frost is no match for Frieza, and Universe 6 and 7 soon realize that Frost and Frieza have formed a truce, as they both share a hatred for Saiyans. Frieza and Frost prepare to team up against Gohan, however Frost insists that Frieza fights first. Frieza then attacks Gohan and pushes him back, causing Gohan to power up. Frieza is impressed at Gohan's full power, and he decides to fight seriously as well, turning into his golden form. After exchanging blows, Frieza knocks Gohan unconscious with minimal effort. Champa begins rooting for Frieza.

Frost is impressed with Frieza's transformation, and Frieza tells him that with training, he should be able to transform even further. Frieza demonstrates his 100% Full Power form. Frost, knowing about that power up, also transforms the same way. Frieza offers to train Frost on how to fight in the form, and Frost is excited to learn. However, Frieza tells Frost that the first lesson is to not trust anyone, suddenly attacking Frost and knocking him out of the ring. Gohan suddenly gets up, and Beerus realizes that Frieza was not fighting Gohan seriously on purpose to trick Frost. Gohan felt that Frieza's first punch was not serious and knew about this plan, agreeing to play along. Frost, angry that Frieza tricked him and that Frieza "would never team up with an 'amateur'", tried attacking Frieza from the sidelines, but he is immediately erased by Zeno. Zeno says that attacks from outside are against the rules, and he threatens to erase all of Universe 6 should they do it again to which Champa bows and apologizes deeply for. While Frieza tells Gohan they can continue onto the path to victory, Goku continues his fight with Brianne de Chateau.

There are 29 minutes left until the end of the tournament.

Episode 109: Goku faces off against Ribrianne, who goes on the assault and pushes Goku back, but Goku knocks her aside. Ribrianne and Jerez talk about Ribrianne wishing to win the tournament to obtain the Super Dragon Balls, wanting to wish to become a goddess of love, loved by mortals from all universes. Ribrianne asks for Goku's objective, and he replies he hasn't given it much thought, saying he might let his wife or his sons take the wish, or he might wish to meet someone strong to fight. Ribrianne confidently says one of his wishes have come true, gathering the "love" from her teammates and Helles, becoming Super Ribrianne. Goku remarks he feels amazing power as he prepares to fight, dodging Super Ribrianne's "love arrows". Super Ribrianne attacks Goku with Ribrianne Eternal Love, firing a huge burst of energy. Goku dodges the attack and, as Super Saiyan Blue, kicks Ribrianne through many rock formations to the ground, and she rolls to Jiren's feet.

While Super Ribrianne backs off accusing Jiren of "being too shy to confessing his love", Jiren pays her no mind and sets his sights on Goku. The two have a stare-down while Vermoud telepathically contacts Jiren, who tells him to crush Goku with his power. While Jiren walks towards Goku, his presence catches the attention of every other fighter, with Android 18 noting that the entire Null Realm is shaking. Top tells Jiren to fight to his heart's content to obtain the Super Dragon Balls. As Goku confronts Jiren, Jiren lets off a shockwave that shakes the entire tournament, with Beerus shocked that someone like him with his power even exists.

Goku commences the battle by firing a Kamehameha, which Jiren casually blocks with the force of his enormous energy creating a wall in front of him. Shin asks why Goku isn't becoming Blue, and Krillin tells him that Goku wishes to test his own power against Jiren's. Goku immediately goes Super Saiyan and attacks, but his punches have no effect. He then goes Super Saiyan 2, but Jiren is still unfazed by his attacks. Krillin explains to Shin that master-level martial artists wish to draw out their opponent's full power for ultimate battles. Master Roshi agrees that Jiren is interested in Goku being a worthy opponent, having been observing him all this time. Goku then goes Super Saiyan God and forces Jiren to block his attacks, however he does so with a single finger. Goku then realizes Jiren can't get serious like this and goes Super Saiyan Blue.

Cae explains to Belmod that this battle is important, as he points out every remaining fighter stopping their fights to watch Goku fight Jiren. Khai notes that if Jiren beats Goku at full power, the other warriors will lose their will to fight, realizing that standing against Jiren is futile. Belmod further says that Jiren is a being who will never lose no matter who he's up against.

Goku attacks by knocking Jiren away then following him, exchanging attacks. However, Jiren immediately gains the upper hand and knocks Goku around, forcing Goku to continuously use Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, however this does not change the tide of the battle at all. The two fight all over the tournament ring, casually passing the other fighters, and Goku is easily knocked down. Jiren, remarking that it's over, blasts Goku away and poses. Goku barely manages to save himself going Kaio-ken again. Goku charges again, but Jiren swats him aside with a swift energy attack that the others couldn't even see. With Goku cornered, Krillin realizes that Goku should be able to withstand a x20 Kaio-ken as Super Saiyan Blue. However, Beerus and Whis realize that Goku was already using x20 Kaio-ken. Goku prepares to show his trump card, preparing a Spirit Bomb.

Goku asks for energy, and Gohan, Piccolo, Android 17, Android 18, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Master Roshi and Frieza give him their energy (with Frieza laughing and noting that the attack gives him bad memories). Goku realizes it takes too long to gather the energy, and Jiren tells him that he'll wait and to come at him with all of his strength. Khai and Belmod realize that Jiren intends to wait and shut down Goku's trump card. When Ribrianne notices that Goku is distracted and tries to attack him, she is blasted aside by Vegeta. The gods from the exempt universes are impressed with this fight as they anticipate what will happen next. With the Spirit Bomb fully charged, Goku fires it, saying this is Universe 7 Spirit Bomb.

The attack collides with Jiren, but much to everyone's surprise, he pushes it back with one hand. Goku goes Super Saiyan Blue to push the attack back, but Jiren pushes it again with two hands. Goku then goes X10 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, however Jiren continues to overpower him. Goku then goes X20 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken, forcing Jiren to let out more power to push the attack right back. As the Spirit Bomb about to collide with Goku, he screams as he tries as hard as he can to resist.

Episode 110: Goku, while in his x20 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken state, struggles to push his Universe 7's Spirit Bomb against Jiren's immense power. It appears that Goku was swallowed by the Spirit Bomb, and Cae notes that with Goku's defeat, the rest of Universe 7 will crumble. Goku emerges from the attack, revealing that he barely managed to stop it from colliding with himself, and attempts to push it back. Jiren puts his arms down and pushes the Spirit Bomb back with a glance. The exempt gods realize that neither warrior achieved their level of power through normal training, most particularly Jiren, who is in fact hiding an even larger power.

The force from the energy from both sides causes the Spirit Bomb to expand and contract, creating shockwaves throughout the tournament ring. Whis notes that while Goku has reached the limit of his limits, Jiren has yet to come close to his full power. Whis says that Jiren has long since reached the level of power as a God of Destruction, revealing that the rumor about a "mortal that even a God of Destruction cannot defeat" is in fact true. Vados points out that the expansion of energy colliding with the opposing force is reaching its limit. The Spirit Bomb contracts, creating a black hole, and Goku falls in it, exposing himself to the large energy of the Spirit Bomb and he is swallowed by its immense explosion that shakes the entire Null Realm.

Top notes that Jiren is victorious. After the explosion clears, the Grand Minister remarks that it is over and he is glad that the tournament ring managed to hold out, however he points out that Goku is nowhere to be found. Krillin tries to remain optimistic by saying Goku has not been teleported to the spectator seats yet, but his ki cannot be sensed. It is assumed that Goku has been vaporized by being exposed to such a huge explosion in close range. Champa points out that Jiren should be disqualified for killing, but he is corrected by the Great Priest, who says that it was Goku's own attack that destroyed him, which is in-turn a form of self-destruction, so Jiren receives no penalties.

Khai and Vermoud are confident that with Goku's defeat, Jiren will go on to finish off everyone else and Universe 11 will survive. Toppo and Dispo gather around Jiren as the remaining warriors all surround them, with Vados pointing out that despite Jiren showing how formidable he is, not a single warrior lost their will to fight. Champa yells at his Universe 6 warriors to fight, and the Great Priest reminds everyone that not even half of the 48-minute time limit has passed and that they should continue fighting. As the two Zenos prepare to count Goku as eliminated on their GodPads, a shockwave that shakes the entire ring and everyone senses a wild flow of power. Universe 7 immediately realizes who this is coming from, and a large pillar of light appears, with Goku emerging from it in his newly acquired Ultra Instinct -Sign- form.

While everyone is shocked to see Goku is still alive, they begin to wonder why he is so different. Tien and Master Roshi realize that while his body is emitting a tremendous amount of heat, his ki is calm. Goku directs his attention to Jiren, and after a single footstep, immediately attacks him with a kick. Goku moved so fast that Toppo and Dyspo did not realize he moved until he already did, however Jiren was able to dodge the attack. Goku attacks again, but when Jiren tries to punch him, Goku suddenly dodges and collides his fist with Jiren's. Jiren attacks again but Goku dodges his attack once more, managing to scrape Jiren's face. Piccolo and Gohan realize that Goku's attacks are able to affect Jiren, but his movements are different than his usual movements. Vegeta wonders what happened to Goku as his movements feel "unreal".

Toppo and Dyspo both try to attack Goku, however they are easily countered and thrown aside. Toppo tries to use Justice Flash, but Goku casually dodges the attack by walking towards Jiren. Jiren shows Toppo a hand signal, informing him that his help is not needed. Goku attacks Jiren again, accurately dodges his attacks while attacking himself, however Jiren manages to block them. The two begin colliding attacks while the spectators wondering what is going on. Piccolo notes that with every attacks and every block, Goku's power is increasing and his attacks become quicker, sharper and heavier. Khai and Belmod are shocked that Jiren is being pushed this much. After thinking for a bit, Whis expresses with glee that Goku is utilizing the godly ability of "reacting without thinking" (named by Beerus as "Ultra Instinct").

Hearing this, the other Gods are shocked that a mortal could grow to this level, fighting in a state that is not easy to attain even by other Gods. The Great Priest is also observing this phenomenon, impressed that Goku has developed so much. Beerus wonders how Goku reached that level so quickly, and Whis explains his assumption on how Goku achieved this state: the energy of the Universe 7's Spirit Bomb is acting as a temporary source of power for Goku's depleted body, and when the huge power of the Spirit Bomb entered Goku clashed with Goku's own power to resist it, causing Goku to break through the shell to the deeper potential within himself. While Whis is impressed about this, he is also concerned about Goku's body emitting a large amount of heat. Goku and Jiren continue to collide attacks that shake the entire tournament, and Goku manages to land two clean blows that knocks Jiren down.

When Jiren stands his ground, Goku charges and tries to attack with his remaining strength, causing a huge explosion. When the smoke clears, Jiren appears to have blocked his attack, calling Saiyans interesting, but he comments that Goku has reached his limit as the Ultra Instinct form runs out. Jiren blasts Goku away, and he is suddenly attacked by Hit. Hit tried to attack Jiren in this moment as warriors typically are most open when finishing their enemies, but Jiren does not have this weakness as he casually blocks Hit's attack. Jiren asks what he wants, and Hit says that he's working.

Vegeta confronts Goku, who says he has run out of power and is lying on the floor, and asks him what he did. Goku replies that he himself doesn't know. Ribrianne appears, and Vegeta sets his sights on her, but Goku suddenly disappears when he's not looking. It is revealed that Goku was swiped by Frieza, who charges an attack against him, saying this brings back memories of Planet Namek.

Episode 111: An exhausted Goku is cornered by Frieza, who points a Ki Blast at him, also pointing out they are in a blind spot and no one can see them. Frieza fires his attack, which is revealed to have been him transferring some of his ki to Goku, which allowed him to move well enough despite his condition. By doing this, Frieza repaid his debt when Goku gave him some ki in their fight in the Frieza Saga. Frieza points out that he wishes to avoid fighting Jiren, calling him a monster, as well as informing Goku about his earlier power being named Ultra Instinct by the gods. When Frieza leaves, Goku wonders if he can beat Jiren if he can access that power again.

Meanwhile, Hit is fighting against Jiren, who is easily responding to Hit's speed even with the use of Time-Skip. Jiren asks if Hit intends to beat him, and Hit responds that it's his job. Hit tries to attack Jiren from behind with the use of his Parallel World, but Jiren reads this and counters the attack, much to Champa's surprise. Hit is overwhelmed as Jiren easily reads through his repeated usage of Time-Skip. The spectators of Universe 6 and Universe 7 wonder why Hit continues to use Time-Skip when it doesn't work on Jiren. While Goku is watching the fight from the sidelines, Saonel and Pirina approach him from behind without the Saiyan noticing. The two Namekians attack him from behind, but they are intercepted by Gohan and Piccolo. Saonel and Pirina are surprised their opponents are another Namekian. The two parties then prepare to attack each other.

Vegeta is fighting against Ribrianne, and pushes her back. When he attacks again, he is kicked aside by Rozie. Vegeta fires more energy blasts at them, and when the smoke clears, they have escaped. As Vegeta tries to look for them, they are seen hiding under some rubble. Ribrianne expresses her lack of confidence, pointing out that Universe 2 has the disadvantage, and wonders if they can win the tournament, but Rozie slaps her, questioning her amount of love. Ribrianne thanks Rozie and regains her confidence.

The battle between Hit and Jiren continues, and Hit is gradually overwhelmed. Cabba, Caulifla and Kale are watching from the sidelines, and Caulifla prepares to jump in and help Hit, but Cabba tells her to wait, pointing out that Hit has a plan in mind. Since Hit has been blocking against Jiren's attacks, his damage should be minimal. Hit comments that he memorized the timing of Jiren's attacks, and fires his Flash Fist Crush, but it is blocked by Jiren. Hit then Time-Skips behind Jiren, and before Jiren can attack him, Hit fires another point-blank Flash Fist Crush at the same spot on Jiren's chest as he did for the previous one, attacking him from both sides. Jiren is knocked towards the edge of the ring, but stops himself, however Hit has trapped him in a Cage of Time, paralyzing the Pride Trooper. This attack is revealed by Vados to be Hit's trump card. With Hit keeping Jiren's movements restricted, he instructs his Saiyan teammates to leave Jiren to him and go do the job they're meant to do: defeat the other opponents and lead Universe 6 to victory. Vados also reveals Hit's plan: to keep Jiren at bay until time runs out, as long as his teammates reduce the number of warriors from the other universes. Vados sense Hit's unwavering resolution and the conclusion he came up with that involves his teammates, despite being a solitary assassin that usually does his jobs alone.

Jiren manages to power through this technique, and Hit realizes that his power won't last long enough until the end. In response, Hit decides to gamble and put all of his power in one final attack, revealing that his "job" is to ensure Universe 6's victory, but Jiren blocks the attack with his "Glare". Powering through the cage of time, Jiren completely breaks Hit's technique. Surprised, Hit tries to attack Jiren, but Jiren lands more blows on Hit, knocking him to the other side of the ring. Jiren then finishes off Hit by knocking him out with a Power Impact. With Hit eliminated, Vados points out that Universe 6 is in a bind. Champa tells Hit he did a great job and his work should have had an impact on his teammates. Cabba is determined to not let Hit's sacrifice go in vain.

Grand Minister points out that half of the 100 taks have passed, and in order to signify the Tournament of Power's halfway point, he creates a green shade in the atmosphere around the tournament ring. Jiren tells Top and Dispo that the rest is up to them, and resumes his meditation, since the two warriors he was needed for (Hit was eliminated and Goku ran out of energy) have been beaten. Viara and Katopesla approach Team Universe 11, attempting to knock off Jiren, but they are easily repelled. Goku realizes that as of now, he is no match for Jiren, and thinks to himself about regaining the power he used.

With half the time passed, there are 24 minutes left in the Tournament of Power.

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)


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