Episode 112: Goku silently watches as Jiren continues meditating and says he can still continue fighting. Beerus asks if Goku is alright, and Whis says that despite being exhausted, Goku's fighting spirit is still intact. The two Zenos asks the Grand Minister what happens when time runs out, and he answers that the universe with the most remaining warriors win. Ea resolves to eliminate Goku now while the time is ripe, and Mosco commands its warriors to attack Goku. Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator immediately assault Goku, and Shin comments on how unfair this is while Goku is still recovering. Beerus says they have no choice but to believe in Goku.
Piccolo notices Goku having trouble, and tells Gohan to go help him. Gohan believes Goku will be fine, and suggests that the two of them concentrate on their current fight, as they face Saonel and Pirina of Universe 6. Pirina assaults Gohan with a homing Mouth Energy Wave that Gohan deflects, but Pirina knocks the Saiyan down as he's distracted. Meanwhile, Piccolo fights Saonel, and before Saonel can land a Energy Blade slash, the attack is caught by Gohan. Before Saonel can retaliate, he is blasted away by Piccolo. Piccolo is excited to learn that other universes have Namekians that are this strong. Champa orders his warriors to lessen Universe 7's numbers and to flee, saying that they are no match for Jiren and they should aim to have the most numbers by the time the tournament is over.
Elsewhere, Caulifla and Kale discuss the fight between Goku and Jiren, which excites Caulifla, as she aspires to get stronger. The two female Saiyans are then assaulted by Monna of Universe 4. Quitela realizes Monna is on the offensive in order to take advantage of the opportunity since Hit, Universe 6's strongest warrior, has been eliminated. Caulifla prepares to fight Monna and tells Kale not to interfere, but Cabba appears and tells them he will fight Monna while they go somewhere else and recover their stamina. Monna tells Cabba to stop showing off in front of girls and challenges all three Saiyans to attack her, but Cabba says that he alone will be enough, which angers Monna. While Cabba and Monna engage in a power-lock, Caulifla tells Cabba not to order her around, but eventually agrees to leave this to Cabba and the two leave. Cabba believes that Caulifla and Kale will be the secret weapons for Universe 6's survival, and is willing to fulfill his role as much as he can.
Cabba transforms into a Super Saiyan and fights with Monna, knocking her back. This only angers Monna even more as she exclaims Cabba's attack hurt, and she expands her body, becoming a human bowling ball, landing a huge blow on Cabba. Monna then jumps in the air and lands on a grounded Cabba, hurting him and causing him to revert to base form. In order to dodge Monna's next attack, Cabba fires a ki blast to propel himself out of the way, but Monna chases after him and hits him again, this time towards the edge of the ring. Cabba baits Monna's next attack and dodges at the last moment, hoping she would roll off the ring, but Monna quickly reacts and turns to Cabba's direction, knocking him off the ring. Cabba curses himself for not being able to drain the opponent's stamina at all, but he believes he was able to buy Caulifla and Kale enough time. Before falling off completely, Cabba is caught by Vegeta.
Cabba is relieved that his "master" saved him, and Vegeta throws Cabba back in the ring. When Monna approaches Vegeta, angry at his actions, the Saiyan prince blasts her away without a word. Whis is gleeful at Vegeta and Cabba's master-student relationship. Vados tells a happy Champa that they were once again saved by a warrior from Beerus' universe, and Champa says he will repay the debt since he's honorable like that. Cabba thanks Vegeta for saving him, but Vegeta knees him in the stomach, saying he didn't save him, he just couldn't stand the sight of a weak Saiyan. Vegeta asks Cabba if he plans to lose without fulfilling the promise he made, referring to Vegeta wanting to visit Planet Sadala, and Cabba gloomily responds by saying one of their universes will be erased and the promise cannot be kept. Vegeta resolves to use the Super Dragon Balls to revive Universe 6, should Universe 7 win the Tournament of Power. Cabba is delighted to hear this and promises the same if Universe 6 wins, but Vegeta boldly states that he will not lose. Vegeta tells Cabba to fight without regret as a Saiyan, and leaves. Frieza overhears the two's conversation, calling their bond "repulsive".
Cabba prepares to fight Monna again, who attacks him, saying that once she defeats Cabba, she will go on to defeat Vegeta, along with Caulifla and Kale. As Cabba is pushed to the edge by Monna's relentless assault, she insults him and calls him weak, wondering if all Saiyans are as weak as him. Monna calls Vegeta a coward who hits her with a cheap shot and runs away. Cabba, enraged by her words, resolves to defeat her here, attaining his Super Saiyan 2 form. Monna is unimpressed, but Cabba suddenly lands a huge blow on her, angering her as she tries to crush Cabba. Cabba stops her aerial attack with a ki blast, strengthening it enough to knock Monna out of the ring.
Vegeta silently compliments his student in his victory, and prepares to fight Jiren as the Pride Trooper continues to meditate. Top then confronts him to fight, and Vegeta remarks that he is not interested in the second strongest. Toppo remarks that Vegeta is also the second strongest, which angers Vegeta as he goes Super Saiyan Blue, engaging the Pride Trooper leader in battle. Cabba wonders where Caulfila and Kale went, but he is confronted by Frieza, who snidely challenges Cabba to a fight. Cabba complies and attacks Frieza, who easily blocks his punches and corners the young Saiyan. Frieza tells Cabba that even though he loves strong opponents, he has a strong dislike for Saiyans, saying that once he beats Cabba he'll go "play" with Caulifla and Kale. Cabba angrily goes Super Saiyan 2 and fires his Galick Cannon, but Frieza emerges from the smoke as True Golden Frieza, torturing Cabba with many Death Beams. An injured Cabba shows that his Saiyan spirit has not been wavered, and Frieza fires a huge blast that knocks Cabba out of the ring. While Champa curses Frieza for going after Cabba while he was exhausted, Frieza silently reveals his plan to obtain the Super Dragon Balls in order to gain control of all the gods.
Vegeta continues his fight with Toppo, approaching Goku and stands against him back-to-back. Vegeta notices Goku being pushed back by trash, and Goku says he's trying to fight as he recovers his stamina. Vegeta is aware that Cabba lost, and says it doesn't matter as long as Universe 7 wins, saying that Saiyans will live on. Goku agrees and the two continue their respective fights. Goku is attacked by Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator, until he is saved by Caulifla, who knocks them all down. Goku thanks her for saving him, and Caulifla immediately goes Super Saiyan 2, having gained enough rest thanks to Cabba's actions. Caulifla then challenges Goku to fight her.
There are 23 minutes left in the Tournament of Power.
Episode 113: Goku is assaulted by Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator, until he is saved by Caulifla, who knocks them all aside. Goku thanks Caulifla, who transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 and challenges Goku to a fight. Caulfila blames herself, saying she couldn't do anything to save Hit and Cabba from getting eliminated. Vowing to get stronger, she asks Goku to teach her how to become Super Saiyan 3. Goku agrees, but advises her to beat him first. Caulfila asks Goku why he won't transform, and Goku says he's too tired from his fight with Jiren, but he'll slowly pick up the pace as they fight. Champa cheers for Caulifla to beat Goku while his stamina is drained, and Beerus yells in retaliation, asking who will beat Jiren if Goku loses. Champa is still determined to win via the number of remaining warriors.
Goku and Caulifla begin fighting, and Caulifla cannot land a hit on Goku, who easily outmaneuvers her. Champa wonders why this is happening, and Whis explains that while Caulifla is more powerful since she's transformed, Goku is a much more experienced fighter, being able to conserve his stamina while depleting Caulifla's. Caulifla lands a hit on Goku, and Goku takes this more seriously, using the Afterimage Technique. Caulifla is confused by the technique and Goku knocks her aside, saying that if she can't figure out his Afterimage technique, she will never achieve Super Saiyan 3. Goku then begins to speed-blitz Caulifla using Instant Transmission until she begins to adapt to Goku's movements, and the Universe 7 spectators are surprised by this. Whis points out Caulfila's immense potential, and this fight is steadily unleashing it. Caulifla advises Goku to transform before he loses. He complies, and goes Super Saiyan 2. Caulifla asks why Goku won't go Super Saiyan 3, and Goku responds saying he hasn't recovered the stamina for that yet. Caulifla is pushed back, and fires her Crush Cannon which Goku manages to barely block. Goku decides to get serious and asks if Caulifla can keep up for Round 2.
Shin is worried that taking on two Super Saiyans would be too much for Goku, but Krillin says that pushing himself to the edge to further himself is who Goku is. Goku manages to defend himself against both of them, and Master Roshi asks if Goku managed to achieve Ultra Instinct again. Whis says this is impossible, as the state is extremely difficult to achieve even for a God of Destruction. This is merely Goku's senses being sharpened by Caulifla and Kale's attacks. Goku is pushed back, and Caulifla and Kale fire energy blasts at him, but Goku blocks the attacks with his aura, becoming Super Saiyan 3, shocking Caulifla and Kale. Goku thanks Caulifla and Kale, saying he can feel power boiling inside of him, and Caulifla and Kale are amazed with the form's immense power. However, Goku immediately reverts to Super Saiyan 2, saying he hasn't recovered the stamina to sustain Super Saiyan 3.
Caulifla is determined to defeat Goku alongside Kale and become Super Saiyan 3, and Kale is also determined to get stronger herself, powering up to become Legendary Super Saiyan, worrying everyone watching. An excited Goku takes a fighting stance as Kale stares him down.
There are 22 minutes left in the Tournament of Power.
Episode 114: While Kale is transforming into her Legendary Super Saiyan form, Goku recognizes the form as the form she took earlier in the tournament. The level of Kale's energy is enough to make Jiren flinch during his meditation, as well as distract Vegeta and Top from their battle. While Toppo comments that Saiyans are not to be underestimated, Vegeta remarks that among the Saiyans, he is at the top, punching Toppo away. Caulifla, amazed at Kale's power, goes up to her and tells her she finally made that energy her own, extending her hand. Kale grabs it, but forcefully grips it, enough to partially destroy the ring under them. Caulifla asks Kale if she can recognize her, acknowledging Kale as not only her protégé, but her true friend, and saying that together they should pose as the greatest threat to all the universes. Hearing this, Kale suddenly gains full control of her power, attaining her Legendary Super Saiyan 2 form, which surprises Goku.
Goku realizes that his body cannot stop shaking, saying it must be Kale's Saiyan instinct. He says he has to be careful or things could go bad for him. The two sides start their battle, and Goku is overwhelmed by the two's combination attacks. When Caulifla tries to attack Goku, he uses the Solar Flare to blindside her and cause her to crash. With her brute power, Kale pushes Goku back, angry that Caulifla couldn't land her attack on Goku.
Frieza is shown launching random blasts everywhere. Dispo remarks that he can't deal with Frieza and retreats, and Frieza is confronted by Katopesla, introducing himself as a policeman of Universe 3. When Katopesla begins to change his mode, he is knocked aside by Kale and Goku, the latter still struggling against Kale's power. Kale tries to knock Goku off, but she is knocked back by a ki blast shot from Goku's foot. Frieza, still watching, is impressed with Caulifla and Kale, saying he will now be fighting them. Caulifla tries to attack Frieza as revenge for knocking Cabba off, and Frieza tries to retaliate, but he is stopped by Goku. Goku tells him that it's still his turn, and Frieza complies, telling him to lose already, also interested in watching Saiyans pummel each other around. Katopesla finishes his interrupted transformation, assuming his "Whirlwind Speed Mode" which increases his speed 300-fold. He runs away, telling Frieza to follow him, but Frieza ignores him.
Goku resumes his match with Caulifla and Kale, excited to fight them with everything he has. Caulifla creates a smokescreen, causing Goku to focus and sense the attacking Kale's ki, however it is a diversion as Kale grabs Goku and keeps him in place while Caulifla pummels him. Goku flips, causing Kale to crash on the ground and let go of him, and then attempts to use Instant Transmission, but Caulifla uses her senses to attack Goku as he reappears. Goku acknowledges Kale and Caulifla as the perfect tag team, then transforms into Super Saiyan God. Goku attacks with several Finger Beams, which the Saiyan duo dodges, and despite the two's combination attacks, Goku manages to hold his own. Caulfila and Kale try blasting Goku from both sides, but the more experienced Saiyan pushes back their attacks with blasts of his own. While Kale is struggling against her blast, Caulifla tries to run from hers, noticing it's tracking her. Kale deflects her blast, but watches as Caulifla takes a direct hit. Goku compliments the two on their performance, but says they still need more training, opting to fight them again after the tournament.
Caulifla, realizing she's no match on her own, tells Kale to take out "that thing" they received before the tournament. While Goku fires a Kamehameha, he shatters the ring around them, but the two are enveloped by a strange glow. With the birth of a new warrior, Kefla, she makes her way back to the ring. Champa is ecstatic that the two used their last resort, the Potara, revealing he gave them the earrings before heading to the Tournament of Power. Kefla powers up, exclaiming she feels great, and Goku comments on her power, saying it's so massive he cannot sense a limit to it. Kefla decides to attack Goku, but she's so fast Goku cannot follow her movements. After a brief scuffle, Kefla easily overpowers Goku, calling his attacks "lame".
There are 21 minutes left in the Tournament of Power.
Episode 115: Super Saiyan God Goku is being pushed back by Kefla. Goku comments that he did not expect a Potara Fusion, and Kefla powers up, exclaiming that her bubbling power is out of this world and that nobody can stop her. After hitting Goku twice, Goku comments that Kefla is far stronger than Caulifla and Kale individually. Beerus is furious that Champa is cheating, exclaiming that fusion should be against the rules. Champa advises Beerus to use Potara himself, and Beerus says he won't subject to cheating to get disqualified. The Zenos says that fusion is amazing, and Grand Minister declares that fusion is no longer against the rules. Beerus happily snatches the Potara off of Shin's ears, while some of the other Gods proclaim that they don't need to use Potara.
Vegeta is continuing his battle with Top, and he's getting pushed back because he's too distracted by Goku and Kefla's battle. Toppo says he can observe them as much as he wants from the sidelines, before appearing behind him and catching him with Justice Rear Naked Choke. Gohan and Piccolo continue to fight Saonel and Pirina, and Pirina catches Piccolo by the leg. Before Saonel can blast him, Gohan counters the attack with his Masenko, also smashing Pirina's arm to free Piccolo. Pirina regenerates his arm.
Shin suggests to allow Android 17 and Android 18 to use the Potara, and Beerus agrees due to them being compatible cyborg twins. Shin jokingly calls them "Android 35", much to Krillin's embarrassment. Whis points out that fusion may pose as a disadvantage, since they pose the risk of eliminating two warriors at once. Jerez agrees to use the Potara, calling fusion "beautiful", and arranges for Zarbuto and Rabanra to fuse. She tosses them the Potara, and while Zarbuto struggles to put his earring on (due to his helmet) they are ran over by a charging Kefla, who also destroys the Potara. Android 18 notices her leg is slightly injured from a previous explosion, and is confronted by Katopesla. The Universe 3 policeman appears behind 18, but she is saved by her brother, Android 17. 17 punches Katopesla in the gut and knocks him away with a blast. 18 says she never asked for 17's help, and 17 says that he was just passing through. Goku continues his struggle against Kefla, and barely defends himself from one of Kefla's blast. When the smoke clears, Goku has assumed his Super Saiyan Blue form.
Kefla exclaims that she was waiting for Goku to go Blue, and decides to also go all-out, assuming her Super Saiyan form. Kefla's transformation shakes the entire tournament ring. Champa comments that even he didn't expect a Super Saiyan Kefla to be so powerful, completely confident that she can defeat Goku, since his stamina still hasn't fully recovered from his fight with Jiren. While Kefla is fighting an even battle with Goku, she asks him if he wants her to also become Blue, and Goku snidely asks if she can. Kefla is determined to reach that form and surpass Goku. Kefla fires another Fist Cannonball at Goku, who is forced to go Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken to deflect it. The blast narrowly misses Frieza, who exclaims that their battle is worth watching. Beerus realizes that in Goku's current condition, using Kaio-ken will be too much for him.
The two continue to power up, and Goku ends up landing a clean hit on Kefla. Champa is concerned, and Kefla emerges from the ground. Beerus says that Goku should only be able to use one more attack before he runs out of stamina. Goku counters one of Kefla's blasts with a Kamehameha, but Kefla appears behind him and kicks him hard enough to knock him aside, making him revert to base form. Kefla says he fought a good fight, but prepares to eliminate Goku. Goku struggles to stand, exclaiming he can still fight. When Kefla fires an energy barrage attack at Goku, the Saiyan suddenly deflects every attack, having regained Ultra Instinct -Sign-. Whis realizes that Goku once again broke through his shell while he was cornered. Staring in Goku's silver eyes, Kefla is surprised and concerned.
There are 19 minutes left in the Tournament of Power.
Episode 116: Goku regains his Ultra Instinct -Sign- form, and also gains a new control over the form, being able to freely exert his energy and talk normally, telling Kefla she cannot beat him anymore. Whis speculates that Goku once again attained the form due to being pushed into a corner by Kefla's power, which rivaled the Spirit Bomb that broke through Goku's limits. Champa is worried and orders Kefla to beat Goku before he masters Ultra Instinct. Kefla powers up to Super Saiyan 2, and charges an energy attack, believing her power can destroy a whole universe. Gohan and Piccolo are shaken by their power, with Piccolo commenting that while one's power increases, that in turn incites the other's power to increase. Piccolo also speculates that Kefla's Super Saiyan 2 power surpassed Goku's Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken.
Goku takes on a battle stance, noting that this is enough for him, and Kefla attacks, only for Goku to easily dodge. Goku then easily dodges all of Kefla's attacks from behind, along with every other direction. The intensity of their fight causes Fuwa to abandon his usual meek disposition and show a more aggressive and determined demeanor as he cheers Kefla on. While Goku continues to dodge Kefla's attacks, Vegeta, who is watching the fight, realizes that Goku's body is reacting on its own, remembering what Whis told them during training: to learn how to have each of their body parts react on its own as their speed is severely limited when they think before they act. Kefla cannot land a single hit on Goku, who casually glides on the side of a mountain while eyeing a pursuing Kefla upside down, managing to knock her away with an Invisible Eye Blast. Kefla then regains herself, saying that while Goku's reaction time is impressive, his damage output is too weak. Goku says he's getting the hang of Ultra Instinct.
Jiren senses Goku's power and awakens from his meditation, reuniting with Top and Dispo. Goku ignores Kefla's taunting, immediately charging behind her and knocking her away with a barrage of fast punches. Goku dodges Kefla's attack and kicks her away, further knocking her back with a Soaring Fist. Whis speculates that even though Kefla has impressive endurance, Goku cannot fully utilize Ultra Instinct when he's attacking, and this next hit should be his last or his stamina will give out. Goku silently thinks this same thing, and Kefla grows angry and her energy begins to swell even more.
Kefla decides to power up and use everything she has, creating large lasers with her energy that spreads around the entire tournament ring. Goku dodges the lasers, however a couple of them manage to graze him. Master Roshi says that even Goku would not survive if he took those hits head-on. Goku begins charging a Kamehameha while moving closer to Kefla and dodging all of her energy attacks. When Kefla fires her final energy beam, noting that Goku cannot dodge in mid-air, Goku skates on top of it with his Kamehameha to catch Kefla off-guard, and fires the attack, sending the fused Saiyan crashing into the ring and sending her flying out of bounds. While she is hit, the Potara shatters, and Kefla separates back into Caulifla and Kale as they re-appear on the sidelines. Kale apologizes to Champa and Fuwa as Caulifla curses Goku and swears she'll beat him next time. Champa and Fuwa begin to panic with Saonel and Pirina as their remaining warriors, and the two Namekians vow to defeat Universe 7.
Whis commends Goku for his smart thinking, choosing the Kamehameha as his final attack, which he could focus on charging as his body would instinctively dodge any attack. Master Roshi and Tien say that Goku would not be able to use that same tactic again, unless he could attack on instinct. Whis says this is a lot harder to execute, as everyone always thinks about what attacks are effective. Goku's thoughts were focused on his attacks while in Ultra Instinct, which explains why his attacks were inadequate against Kefla. Whis wonders if Goku will be able to learn how to leave both attacking and defending to instinct in the time they have left.
Toppo, Jiren and Dyspo discuss Goku getting stronger and stronger as time passes. Goku collapses from his stamina drain and returns to his base form, as Frieza continues to observe him from afar, saying that he needs Goku to continue to work for him. Vegeta says that he should also be able to use Ultra Instinct just like Goku, vowing that he'll master it before Goku does.
There are 17 minutes left in the Tournament of Power.
Rating: 9/10(Average)