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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 117-121 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 117: Gohan is impressed that Goku defeated Kefla, but Piccolo can see he needs help. They go to help him, but are interrupted by Saonel and Pirina. Champa yells at them to take out Universe 7 and they're confident they can win too. Meanwhile, Katopesla tells Vegeta his luck has ran out and switches to Raging Battle Mode, which increases his power 300x his normal strength. Vegeta tries to unlock Ultra Instinct like Goku, but gets hit by Katopesla. Whis figures out what Vegeta was trying to do and says it will be very hard, if not impossible for Vegeta to attain Ultra Instinct due to that he always has to be thinking. After repeated hits, Vegeta gets annoyed and goes to back to his fighting style, sending Katopesla flying.

Android 18 wants to go help Goku, but Android 17 help fix her leg first. He's gotten good at this now that he has a family and that job on the island. 18's is fine by now, but 17 tells her not to overdo it. The remaining fighters from Team Universe 2 show up to beat Goku, just like love can appear suddenly, without warning. Ribrianne and Rozie fire their Love Symphony at Goku, but 17 and 18 repel it. Rozie is annoyed at the android's interference, but Ribrianne says love must overcome obstacles like this. Rozie wants to fight 17 to avenge Kakunsa. While 17 and 18 take on Rozie and Ribrianne, Goku is surround by Rabanra, Zarbuto, and Zirloin. Beerus doesn't think he's in good shape to fight. Rabanra, Zarbuto, and Zirloin wonder how to take Goku out.

Ribrianne yells at 18 to stop running away and fight her head-on. 18 says she came to win, and says she has a husband and daughter. Ribrianne is shocked to realize Krillin is her husband. Ribrianne aims Max Love Cannon at 18 when she's in midair and can't dodge, but she and 17 manage to take out Rozie instead. Ribrianne powers down into her normal state, but even like this she manages to imprison 18 with her Big Amour and absorbs "love" from her teammates. Lovely Love, Love Ribrianne prepares to rain down her fist on 18, but thoughts of Krillin and him shouting at her inspire her to break free. 17 arrives to help, after defeating Viara and together they go after Lovely Love, Love Ribrianne. 18 punches a hole through Lovely Love, Love Ribrianne and it dissolves as Brianne falls out of the arena. While in the spectator bench, Brianne cries while the Great Priest announces her defeat.

Shin says that the power of love has prevailed, namely the love of 18 and Krillin until 18 shoots a Finger Beam at Shin and threatens him. Defeated, Brianne realizes that there is love in other universes as well. Jerez tells the remaining Universe 2 warriors to prevail, even if its not beautiful.

There are 15 minutes left until the end of the tournament.

Episode 118: The people of Universe 2 panic after Ribrianne was defeated, but she assures them that it’s not over yet and asks them to keep cheering on their remaining warriors. Indeed, at that moment Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra fight three-to-one against Goku, who is still tired come constant battles. On the sidelines, Champa gloats that with their ace gone, Universe 2 hasn't got long to live, though he also recognizes that his universe is in the same boat. With two warriors left, they've actually got fewer than Universe 2, so they can't even try to wait until the tournament time runs out and win by numbers.

Caulifla yells at Saonel and Pirina, threatening to beat them up if they lose, even though if they lose she will be destroyed along with them. Still, her words manage to raise Saonel and Pirina's fighting spirit, though there's something else different about them. Fighting against the two Namekians, Piccolo and Gohan can sense that something has suddenly changed in their opponents as they're growing faster and stronger. Meanwhile, Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra are powered up by the love of Universe 2's people, and transform the same way as Ribrianne, Kakunsa, and Rozie did, right down to now wearing the same sort of costumes.

The miraculously transformed Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra vow to punish Android 17 and Android 18, but the androids remain undaunted and brag about being the ones who eliminated Ribrianne, Kakunsa, and Rozie. Together with Goku, they now begin a three-on-three fight with Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra. At the same time, Piccolo finally figures out that Saonel and Pirina assimilated other Namekians to power up. With the survival of their universe on the line, the Universe 6 Namekians selected Saonel and Pirina as their representatives and many assimilated with them. The two avoided fighting too hard until their powered-up bodies stabilized, so that they could serve as reinforcements in the second half of the tournament.

Gohan recognizes that after assimilating so many Namekians, Saonel and Pirina must have incredible life force. Since there's no need to hold back for fear of killing them, Gohan fights at full power to hold them off while Piccolo charges up a Special Beam Cannon. As the fight continues, Whis wonders if Beerus is feeling conflicted about Champa's erasure if Piccolo and Gohan win. However, Beerus claims to have no mixed feelings, and loudly cheers his team on. While the Zenos are excited to see Goku and his son both fighting hard, the Grand Minister notes that Universe 7 has kept on winning against all the other universes, but as a result they're worn out. On the other hand, Teams Universe 2 and 6 are facing erasure and gained new power out of desperation. Saonel stretches his arms to grab Gohan, but when Pirina moves in to attack, Piccolo nails him with a Special Beam Cannon. However, the attack fails to pierce through Pirina, who retaliates with a mouth blast. Unconscious, Piccolo is greeted by Kami and Nail who point in front of him to see Gohan shielding him. Gohan apologizes for letting his guard down before Piccolo could finish fully charging his attack. Pirina likewise apologizes to Saonel for not being able to finish, and the fight recommences as Piccolo vows that he and Gohan will fight to their fullest no matter their opponent.

Meanwhile, Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra acknowledge that Goku, 17, and 18 are also warriors of love, and resolve to use their full powers against them. Together the three create a point of concentrated love, a gigantic black heart that sucks other attacks in. This is the legendary "Pretty Black Hole", which even Ribrianne and her team couldn't master. The Pretty Black Hole bears down on Goku, 17, and 18, threatening to sink them straight down through the bottom of the arena and out of bounds. Its weight is even greater than Bulma's Gravity Room and prevents Goku from using Instant Transmission. However, while he's amazed at the Universe 2's warriors, Goku says that for him fighting spirit is better than love. He goes Super Saiyan Blue and fires a Kamehameha, while at the same time Gohan likewise fires a Kamehameha against Saonel.

Pirina counters Gohan's Kamehameha with a mouth blast, allowing Saonel to try and grab Gohan with his stretching arms again. But Piccolo fires his now fully charged Special Beam Cannon through both the Universe 6 Namekians, weakening them enough to allow Gohan's blast to knock them out of the ring, just as Goku's Kamehameha breaks through the Pretty Black Hole and does the same to the Universe 2 warriors. Still observing Goku's battles from afar, Frieza notes that he didn't display Ultra Instinct -Sign- this time. Whis thinks that as Goku grows accustomed to fighting in extreme conditions, it will take more and more to trigger it. The Great Priest officially announces that Universe 2 and Universe 6 have lost, and the Zenos begin to erase them. Brianne and her team give one last message of love before they vanish, and Vados tearfully bids farewell to Champa with a bow (from afar). Though, impressed by Saonel and Pirina's fight, Caulifla still tries to follow through on her promise to beat them up for losing, and chases them around while Cabba wishes Vegeta good luck. Champa calls out to Beerus and sticks his tongue out at him moments before vanishing, though Beerus wishes his brother would have said something to him instead. Still fighting against Katopesla, Vegeta tells his opponent to get ready, since he's in a bad mood now.

There are 13 minutes left until the end of the tournament.

Episode 119: As Vegeta and Katopesla continue to battle, Katopesla changes into his "Ultimate Mode", increasing both his power and speed 300 fold. However, Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan and attacks him before he can finish explaining about this form, forcing Katopesla to use Katopesla The Final Mission. Vegeta counters with a Final Flash, which he offers as a superior example of a "final" technique. Vegeta's blast pushes Katopesla to the edge of the arena, but he just barely manages to stop himself before going over. Suddenly though, Katopesla is knocked over the edge and rings out. As Katopesla materializes in the bleachers, Mosco (via Camparri) asked him what happened. However, Katopesla wasn't sure himself as he felt like something attacked his feet. At that moment, something nearly knocks Vegeta and Gohan, who is rescued by Piccolo, out of the arena.

Android 18 is the next to be attacked by this mysterious opponent, and when Quitela laughs, Beerus realizes this must be another one of his tricks. Master Roshi wonders if they might be dealing with an invisible person, and while Beerus can't believe it would be something so old-fashioned, Quitela confirms that this is indeed the case. Still, knowing this doesn't help 18 as she is unable to attack or defend. Piccolo jumps in and unleashes a Hyper Explosive Demon Wave to hit his enemy without aiming. However, the invisible enemy still manages to get away an Quitela's plan is to wear them down like this and then ring them out. Remembering the last time he encountered an invisible man, Roshi recommends that Gohan cover the enemy in blood. Gohan however opts to fire a series of Ki Blasts to create a cloud of dust, thus revealing the vaguely lizard-like outline of their opponent, Gamisaras. Now able to see his opponent, Piccolo wastes no time in defeating him. In the bleachers, Gamisaras apologizes to Quitela, and Beerus brags that such tricks won't work against Universe 7, but Quitela thinks to himself that they are just getting started.

Quitela orders Shantza to get going, who creates a strange red zone around Team Universe 7. The defeated warriors from the erased universes appear, claiming to be back for revenge. Though Piccolo recognizes these as illusions, they are apparently still solid enough to attack him and the others, though their own attacks simply pass through their phantom opponents. While the phantoms themselves have no ki to sense, Piccolo can still sense two people nearby: one moving, and one still. Gohan realizes that the still one must be creating the illusions, while the other uses the illusions as cover to attack them. Indeed, Piccolo soon spots Shantza hiding nearby and very easily blows him out of the arena, much to Quitela's annoyance. The illusions and red zone vanish, but the second fighter still remains and continues his attack. Universe 4's final fighter, Damon, is apparently another invisible person, but unlike Gamisaras he is unable to suppress his ki, and Piccolo confidently attacks him. For some reason though, none of Piccolo's attacks connect and in his confusion he is caught off guard and knocked from the arena. Materializing in the bleachers, Piccolo wonders what happened as Damon is not only invisible, but has no physical body.

Android 17 is attacked by Damon and was almost eliminated until Goku saved him. 17 soon figures out Damon's secret and stands still with his eyes closed, taunting Damon to come attack him. Not distracted by sight or ki-sensing, Android 17's attacks zero in on Damon and finally reveal his true nature: a tiny bug person. Since everyone incorrectly assumed Damon was invisible, the discrepancy between the ki they sensed from him and his tiny size prevented any of their attacks from hitting. Knowing Damon's secret, it is still difficult for Goku and 17 to manage to hit such a small and fast opponent. Knowing that Damon has no wings and must always jump to attack, Goku repeatedly punches the arena to throw him off enough for Android 17 to capture him within a tiny barrier and kick him out of the arena. With Team Universe 4 defeated, the Zenos prepare to Erase them as Quitela refused to accept this and tries to take everyone else down with him, but before he could, he and the rest of Universe 4 ceased to exist.

There are 12 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 120: The Omni-Kings review the current status of the tournament, seeing that many warriors have been eliminated and only three universes now remain. Though the tournament will soon be over, the Grand Minister assures them that the truly exciting part is still ahead, now that only the top warriors from each universe remain. Following the loss of Piccolo, there are now only six members left on Team Universe 7. Goku is certain that Jiren and co. over in Universe 11 will be their final opponents, but out in the bleachers Piccolo thinks they shouldn’t overlook Universe 3. Mosco declares that with so few warriors remaining, now is the perfect time for them to finally get serious. Following Mosco's orders, Paparoni assembles the other four remaining Universe 3 warriors, and together they go after Team Universe 7. While 17 and 18 struggles against Viara, Vegeta finds that Bollarator can anticipate his movements thanks to Koitsukai's analysis. Whis can tell that their team won't have such an easy time defeating warriors who have managed to survive for this long.

Continuing to analyze Team Universe 7 from afar, Koitsukai directs Panchia and Bollarator to defeat Goku and Vegeta with coordinated attacks. But, Gohan protects Goku and Vegeta from the Universe 3 warriors and is determined to take out these opponents on his own, so that Goku and Vegeta can conserve their stamina. Gohan manages well against Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator, anticipating their movements much as they did with Vegeta. Meanwhile, 17 and 18 use their infinite stamina to gradually wear down Viara's defenses with an endless barrage of ki blasts. Viara collapses after cracks form in his armor, and 18 knocks him out of bounds. With only four Universe 3 warriors left, Mosco commands them to begin "Plan X". At Paparoni's instructions, Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator merge into Koichiarator. Ea explains how Paparoni modified those three so that they could combine into the ultimate warrior. Observing events from afar, Top thinks that Universe 3 has been keeping a rather troublesome ace-in-the-hole, while Frieza looks forward to watching how things play out. Gohan's initial barrage of ki blasts has no effect on Kochiarator, who despite his large size proves to also be faster than before. As Gohan struggles to block one of Kochiarator's attacks, Goku and Vegeta suddenly rush in and knock Kochiarator away. Goku assures Gohan that thanks to him, he has recovered his stamina.

Goku and Vegeta transform into Super Saiyan Blue and manage to push Kochiarator back, but with Paparoni's encouragement Kochiarator manages to counter their blasts in the end. Paparoni declares victory, but in fact Goku and Vegeta were merely buying time so that Gohan could charge up an attack of his own. Now that they’ve created an opening, Gohan nails Kochiarator with a Kamehameha that eventually breaks through the merged warrior's guard. It seems that Gohan has defeated Team Universe 3, and Beerus is so impressed that he finally calls Gohan by name. Though Kochiarator is nowhere in sight, Paparoni has managed to remain in the arena. As Gohan and co. go to drop him out of bounds, he vows to unleash Universe 3's true final tactic and Koichiarator suddenly appears behind him.

There are 10 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 121: Vowing to defeat Team Universe 7 even at the cost of his own life, Paparoni unleashes Universe 3's final tactic and merges with Koichiarator to become the gigantic Anilaza. The Omni-Kings are impressed with the size of this fusion, while Mosco is confident they can now win. Anilaza fires ki blasts off at every remaining warrior in the arena, forcing 17, 18, and Frieza to dodge, while Jiren simply counters with a blast of his own. Super Saiyan Vegeta tests Anilaza out with a Big Bang Attack, but Anilaza easily swats it aside and charges at Team Universe 7, making it clear that his power and speed have both greatly increased. After managing to evade Anilaza’s assault, 17 and 18 join up with Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta, while Goku declares that their only option is to attack Anilaza together. Following Gohan's advice, the group moves quickly to confuse their giant opponent with Goku powering up to Super Saiyan God, and each go after a different limb. However, Anilaza not only manages to track all five of them, but proves fast enough to knock them each away before they can attack.

Goku wonders if Anilaza is quickly tracking their ki, but 17 points out that he and 18 don't have ki like the others. Instead, 17 speculates that Anilaza is emitting a sonar from his tentacle-like ears to instantly locate them. Anilaza next begins using his immense power to warp space, punching his fist through wormholes to directly attack distant opponents. One of these warp punches sends Goku flying, but Frieza kicks him back into the arena before he can fall out of bounds. Goku thanks Frieza for saving him, and asks for his help against Anilaza, who soon launches another attack against the entire Universe 7 team. This time Anilaza starts grabbing at warriors, eventually getting hold of 18, who he tries to swallow. Though Goku manages to save 18 at the last moment, and Anilaza begins firing off a barrage of homing blasts. 17 blocks these with one of his energy shield, but the continued assault manages to push him off the edge of the arena.

As 17 falls, 18 jumps down and kicks him back up into the arena, effectively sacrificing herself in his place. The Grand Minister announces 18's elimination, and as she materializes in the bleachers she tells 17 not to lose. For his next trick, Anilaza grows wings and begins to fly, then forms an enormous energy ball to take out Team Universe 7 together with the arena. The five remaining Universe 7 members power up to counter this attack, with Goku and Vegeta going Super Saiyan Blue, Gohan unleashing his potential, and Frieza charging up into his Golden form. All five fire blasts to hold off Anilaza's energy ball, but are gradually pushed back. Changing tactics, 17 surrounds himself in an energy shield and jumps straight through the energy ball to attack the crystal sphere in Anilaza's forehead. Though 17 is knocked back by Anilaza's energy, he has achieved his goal in destroying Anilaza's energy reactor, throwing him off-balance enough for Goku and co.'s blasts to overtake him with one final push.

Defeated, Anilaza defuses back into Paparoni, Koitsukai, Panchia, and Bollarator, who materialize in the bleachers. Though Paparoni apologizes for their loss, Ea says he did a great job. The Grand Minister announces Team Universe 3's defeat and the Omni-Kings begin to erase Universe 3. As the Universe 3 gods and warriors start to vanish, a red devil-like creature named Mule pops out of a hatch in Mosco's mechanical stomach, and thanks Camparri for all his support. With Universe 3 eliminated, Goku thanks 17, who explains that it was his instincts as an android that led him to guess the location of Anilaza’s energy reactor. Goku also thanks Frieza for lending a hand, and Frieza insists Goku still owes him one. The group is then interrupted by Team Universe 11 and Jiren assures them that this victory will be their last.

There are 9 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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