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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 122-126 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 122: With the destruction of Universe 3, now only Universes 7 and 11 remain. As the Omni-Kings wonder which will win, the Grand Minister notes that the bleachers look a bit desolate with only two teams left. He uses his powers to shrink them down so that the gods and defeated contestants from the two universes are all now sitting side-by-side. Marcarita asks why Vados is sitting with the Universe 7 team, and she replies that with Universe 6 gone, she plans to stick with them. In the arena, Goku powers up into Super Saiyan Blue and begins trading blows with Jiren, rather to Vegeta's annoyance. Goku is impressed as ever at Jiren's power, and Jiren asks Goku why he seeks greater strength but Goku isn't sure why, he just does. He asks if Jiren wants to grow stronger too, but Jiren says he wants something more than strength. While the Grand Minister says Goku and Jiren's battle will be key to the tournament's outcome, Vegeta suddenly barges in and starts fighting Jiren himself, demanding that Jiren show him his power. Elsewhere, Dispo dodges Frieza's Death Beams while he brags about being the fastest fighter in any universe. Frieza dismisses Dyspo as simply being good at running away, and Dyspo replies that Frieza must want to die again. Meanwhile, Gohan and Android 17 go up against Top, with Gohan warning that they need to steer clear of Toppo's big arms as they even gave Goku trouble.

As Vegeta battles Jiren, he knows that he's never seen anyone with such tough, heavy ki before. Nevertheless, Vegeta vows that he will defeat Jiren and obtain the Super Dragon Balls. When Jiren knocks Vegeta away, Goku rushes in to fight him, though he is likewise overwhelmed by Jiren's rapid-fire punches. Vegeta seizes the next opportunity to take Goku's place fighting Jiren again, and this time he manages to successfully dodge Jiren's punches and close in to land a punch of his own square on Jiren's chest. Everyone is amazed that Vegeta broke through Jiren's ki to land an attack. Piccolo realizes that Vegeta observed Jiren's attack pattern when he knocked Goku away (and so used that knowledge to dodge Jiren's attacks the next time around). Cae isn't too concerned though as it just makes things a little more interesting. Vegeta goes on to attack Jiren again and again, impressing the Omni-Kings. Shin think Vegeta may even have the upper hand, but Khai asks if he's blind.

Watching Vegeta's movements, Whis wonders if he is trying to test out Ultra Instinct against Jiren. Meanwhile, Vegeta can tell that Jiren was stronger and faster when he fought Goku. Jiren suddenly nails him with a Power Impact that sends him flying far off into the distance. Vegeta struggles against the blast and it explodes just as it reaches the edge of the arena, enveloping everything in a cloud of dust. Meanwhile, Dyspo tries to trip Frieza up by using his speed to create a series of afterimages, but Frieza doesn't fall for such an old trick. Frieza uses his tail to grab hold of Dyspo, but Dyspo turns the tables by throwing Frieza around by his tail. Gohan and 17 struggle against Toppo, with even Gohan's Kamehameha proving ineffective. Toppo tells the two to prepare themselves for his own attacks now, and Vermoud laughs at Beerus that his own universe is clearly superior.

Whis though is certain Vegata isn't out of the game yet as Jiren's blast probably only served as his trigger. Sure enough, when the dust from Jiren's blast clears, Vegeta is still in the arena. Jiren assures Vegeta that there is no way for him to win, and that his fighting style is arrogant, conceited, and impure. While Vegeta agrees that he is arrogant, he says this is simply his Saiyan pride. Charging his Final Flash, Vegeta says that he will leave Ultra Instinct to "Kakarot" and defeat Jiren in his own way. The gods watching the fight are surprised that Vegeta ki is raising up even higher than before and that through Vegeta's own pride Jiren has awakened Vegeta's dormant power. Vegeta taunts Jiren into taking his Final Flash head-on, and he lands a direct hit. When the dust clears, Vegeta is thrilled to see Jiren flat on the ground, but Jiren suddenly appears right in front of him. Jiren compliments Vegeta on the force of his attack, then blasts him at point-blank range. As Vegeta goes down, Khai boasts that Jiren always surpasses his opponents, while the Omni-Kings are amazed to see that Vegeta's attack had no effect against Jiren.

There are 8 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 123: In the aftermath of Jiren's overwhelming defeat of Vegeta, everyone is amazed at Jiren's power. While Vegeta struggles on the ground, Jiren tells the warrior to rest. In the bleachers, Vermoud and Cae note what an honor it is for Jiren to acknowledge Vegeta as a "warrior"; he is praising Vegeta's bravery in facing him with everything he had. The Omni-Kings are impressed with Jiren too, and amuse themselves imitating him. Struggling to his feet, Vegeta says he can tell Jiren still hasn't used his full power. Taking over from where Vegeta left off, Goku powers up to fight Jiren once more. Meanwhile, Dispo is still throwing Frieza around by the tail, and delivers what he believes to be a finishing blow. He brags about his power as a member of the Pride Troopers, but Frieza is both unimpressed and seemingly unhurt by his attacks, and begins firing back.

Elsewhere, Gohan and Android 17 continue their tag team fight against Top, but 17 soon realizes that they are unable to pull off combo attacks, since they have never fought together before. He suggests a new, simpler strategy: he will go stop Toppo from moving, allowing Gohan to ring them both out. 17 goes and fights Toppo one-on-one for a while, but before long Toppo grabs him by the arm. Though, this is exactly what 17 wanted as he forms an Android Barrier around them both and Gohan fires a Kamehameha at them. The blast pushes the barrier with the two inside towards the edge of the arena, but before they can be ringed out, Toppo punches 17 so hard that he drops the barrier. Gohan breaks off the attack out of concern for 17, allowing Toppo to get away.

As Goku stands directly in front of Jiren, his teammates in the bleachers question his strategy. They've already seen that long-range attacks such as the Spirit Bomb and Final Flash don't work against Jiren, which means he can only be defeated by a direct assault. However, going toe-to-toe with Jiren is risky too. Goku will probably try to create an opening with which to attack, but how. He starts teleporting around Jiren, but always backs off before too long. In fact, Goku has set down a series of landmine-like ki blasts around Jiren, and they go off as soon as Jiren steps on them. However, Jiren jumps up right as the mines explode, appearing in the air above Goku, who fires off a barrage of Destructo Disc Hexa Blade at him. Jiren seemingly destroys all of them though, and begins pummeling Goku atop a large piece of rubble sticking out over the edge of the arena (it fell over when a Destructo Disc sliced through it). Jiren's fist begins to glow as he revs up for a finishing blow, but the ground beneath him suddenly gives way. It turns out that Goku has used the one remaining Destructo Disc to slice up the piece of rubble they're standing on, the same strategy Krillin used against him back during their sparring match. He teleports behind Jiren and kicks him down off the edge of the arena.

Goku goes and rejoins Vegeta, who says that while he may have caught Jiren off-guard this won't be enough to defeat him, but Goku knew that already. Indeed, Jiren uses the small pieces of rubble in the air around him as footholds to jump back up into the arena, and begins walking straight towards Goku, completely unfazed by the ki landmines he continues to set off. After knocking Goku around for a bit more, Jiren powers up, impressing Khai with his intense ki. Even Belmod says it's been a long time since he's seen Jiren like this. Goku and Jiren begin trading blows once again, but Jiren quickly overwhelms Goku with the same sort of glowing punch he had begun to use earlier before being interrupted. The impact from Jiren's punch blasts through the arena, and although it only grazes Goku's cheek, he reverts from Super Saiyan Blue to his base form. Khai and Belmod can tell that Jiren has begun showing a bit of his full power. Krillin asks what sort of technique this is, but Khai explains that for Jiren, these are nothing more than ordinary punches. Goku says he's never been hit by such strong attacks before, but he can't turn back now. Vegeta agrees; they know well enough that Jiren is strong, but he must still defeat him and get the Super Dragon Balls. The two power up, with Goku using X20 Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken once more. Beerus sees that Goku is unleashing every scrap of power he has; if even this doesn't work, then they've had it.

Vegeta meanwhile remembers his promise to Cabba, that he would win the tournament and resurrect him and the others of Universe 6. In order to keep that promise, Vegeta resolves to overcome his limits in his own way and defeat Jiren. As he powers up, a change comes over Vegeta's ki, and he becomes a more sparkly version of Super Saiyan Blue. The Grand Minister explains that Vegeta seems to have broken through his shell (much as Goku did earlier) and has collected power within himself greatly surpassing what he previously had as a Super Saiyan Blue. Vegeta tells Jiren that this is everything he has, and he and Goku begin fighting Jiren two-against-one, finally working together for a change. Jiren can feel that their attacks are sharper than before, but he still counters with more of his trademark glowing punches. The two of them together start to push back against Jiren, who seems thrown off his game. While the action pauses for a moment, Whis explains that Goku and Vegeta's coordination isn’t perfect, yet this actually helps them out by confusing Jiren.

There are 7 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 124: Goku and Vegeta have both powered up to face Jiren, and though so far Jiren has been unfazed by their attacks, Vegeta says that their fight is just beginning. Beerus cheers them on from the bleachers, saying that Universe 7 can't win unless the two defeat Jiren. The duo push Jiren back with a series of coordinated attacks, finishing with a Kamehameha and Final Flash. Though Jiren takes these attacks head-on, he emerges seemingly undamaged.

Seeing that Jiren is raising his game, Dispo decides to do likewise in his match against Frieza. Even Frieza thinks it's time they stopped playing around. Though Dyspo is certainly fast, Frieza repeats Goku's criticism from earlier, that Dyspo's movements are too straightforward and therefore easy to predict. However, Dyspo starts moving even faster, leaving Frieza unable to follow his movements. He pummels Frieza and then uses his Circle Flash attack to finish him off. When Dyspo rushes in to knock Frieza out of bounds though, Frieza stops him with his tail. Frieza still seems more than fine, though he says that attack did have him worried. He points out that if they continue fighting they will just wear themselves out, and even if Dyspo wins Universe 7 will still hold the numerical advantage (which will give them the victory once time runs out). Jiren may be strong, but there is no guarantee that he will be able to defeat Goku and Vegeta within the tournament's few remaining minutes. Frieza therefore offers Dyspo a deal: he will cooperate with Universe 11, so long as Universe 11 promises to resurrect him with the Super Dragon Balls once they win the tournament.

In the bleachers, Beerus is outraged to see Frieza once again being underhanded, though Krillin and Piccolo think this might be another trick. Regardless, Dyspo turns down the offer and can tell that the evil Frieza simply wants to use him to ensure his own survival. Frieza responds by transforming into True Golden Frieza and now has no choice but to use his full power to defeat Dyspo. Golden Frieza tells Dyspo to come at him from any direction he wants, and Dyspo considers this a good opportunity to test out his speed. Though he lands a punch on Frieza's face, it seems to have no effect, and Frieza is unimpressed by his power and speed. As Frieza turns the tables on Dyspo, in the bleachers Cae is shocked to see that Frieza is apparently the faster of the two. Frieza confidently announces that Dyspo is simply no match for him, but he is surprised by the ki Dyspo suddenly starts to emit.

Indeed, Dyspo increases his speed even further and begins to counterattack, regaining the upper hand. Vermoud explains that this is Dyspo's final secret technique, Super Maximum Light Speed Mode. Dyspo is now moving too fast for even the Omni-Kings to see, and though they try the slow motion replay footage on their GodPads, Dyspo is still far too fast for even that to work. The Grand Minister says he will have to upgrade the GodPads next time. Dyspo continues to beat up on Frieza, knocking him closer and closer to the arena's edge. Gohan manages to break away from his battle against Top and come to Frieza's rescue, knocking Dyspo away with a kick. Frieza is surprised that Gohan of all people would save him, but for Gohan it was simply a matter of helping out a teammate. Frieza taunts Gohan that he might betray him later, but Gohan promises to ring Frieza out if he does. Frieza decides that he and Gohan will have to face Dyspo together, and he asks Gohan not to be dead weight. Dyspo vows to knock both of them out of bounds, and while Frieza and Gohan fire volley after volley of ki blasts at him, these attacks are too slow to hit him. Gohan soon realizes that the only way for them to win is to limit the range of Dyspo's movements; he will go create an opening to allow Frieza to cage Dyspo in. Frieza agrees to follow Gohan's plan since he is the leader of Team Universe 7, after all. While Gohan trades blows with Dyspo, Frieza surrounds the two in a cage of ki beams. Now Dyspo has nowhere to run, but the same goes for Gohan, who is prepared for this and resolves to face Dyspo in a head-on battle.

With Dyspo hemmed in, he is no longer able to dodge Dyspo's attacks, and Shin thinks Gohan can't lose like this. Belmod likewise sees that if Dyspo tries to use his Super Maximum Light Speed Mode inside this energy cage, he will simply hit the bars and damage himself. Frieza tells Gohan to hurry up and finish Dyspo off, since maintaining the energy cage uses up a lot of energy and his stamina can't hold out for long. Just as Gohan goes in for a final blow, Frieza finally gives out and the cage collapses, allowing Dyspo to dodge Gohan's attack. Gohan doesn't miss a beat though, and immediately grabs Dyspo from behind. Picking up on Gohan's strategy, Frieza doesn't hesitate to "put him out of his misery", blasting Gohan and Dyspo with Death Cannon that knocks both out of bounds. The Great Priest formally announces Gohan and Dyspo's defeat, and Gohan apologizes to his teammates as he materializes in the bleachers. Piccolo though says Gohan did well; if he had let Dyspo get away, they might never have beaten him. Goku is likewise pleased at the job his son did.

There are 6 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 125: Goku and Vegeta continue to tag-team Jiren, but despite all the attacks the throw at him, Jiren still shows no signs of being affected. Over in the bleachers, Krillin is freaked out by this, but Gohan trusts Goku and Vegeta will manage to win. Beerus then congratulates Gohan for doing well and actually calls him by name for a change.

While the fight against Jiren rages on, Top and Android 17's battle continues as well, with 17 using his Android Barrier to block Top's Justice Flash. Seeing that only about six more minutes remain in the tournament, 17 starts blasting Top with an endless barrage of small ki blasts. Although these attacks don't have much effect on Top, they still keep him preoccupied, and in the bleachers 18 explains that 17 plans on using his infinite energy to stall Top like this until time runs out. Realizing 17's strategy, Top breaks away and vows to defeat him quickly to protect his universe, firing a tremendous ki beam towards 17, who counters with a beam of his own. The two beams struggle against each other, but before long Top's beam starts pushing 17 towards the edge of the arena. Before 17 can be pushed off, True Golden Frieza appears and blasts Top from behind. He thinks 17 has been playing around too much, and steps in to finish Top off himself. Frieza continues to fire at Top, who is still stuck in his beam struggle against 17 and unable to counterattack. Growing bored with his defenseless opponent, Frieza prepares a finishing blow, which damages Top so much that he finally loses the beam struggle and is enveloped by 17's blast. It looks as if Top has been defeated, but Whis sees that he has not materialized in the bleachers, meaning he's still in the game.

Indeed, Top has remained inside the arena, but he collapses and Frieza mocks him as trash that needs to be thrown away. Before Frieza can "gently" knock Top out of bounds though, Top gets back up on his feet, with his uniform in tatters and his bare chest exposed. Top declares that he no longer needs justice and has resolved himself. He begins emitting a gigantic ki very similar to a god's ki, and Vermoud says it's time Top showed them "that" power. Top's eyes glow purple, he is veiled in a purple aura, and a crest appears on his chest (identical to the one Belmod wears on his clothing). Frieza is unimpressed by Top's transformation, and tests him out by firing off a Golden Death Beam. However, the beam is completely nullified by Top's purple aura, and in the bleachers, Beerus recognizes this as the Power of Destruction, a power which only a God of Destruction is supposed to have. Cae points out that Top is the candidate to be Universe 11's next God of Destruction, and Belmod says now that Top's resolved himself, he is no different from a God of Destruction. Marcarita likewise tells Top it's time to show off the fruits of his training under her.

Regardless, Frieza maintains that even a God of Destruction means nothing to him now that he's Golden Frieza. While Top fires off Energy of Destruction at him, Frieza remembers dealing with this energy prior to the tournament (when Universe 9 sent its assassins against him) and thinks one hand should be enough to block it. But the blast steadily overwhelms him despite his struggles, resulting in an explosion that cracks the arena in pieces. With Frieza out of the way, Top next goes after 17, who was trying to hide. Top uses his Justice Flash, and while 17 blocks with another energy barrier, this time his barrier is destroyed by Top's attack, demonstrating that even Top's regular ki attacks have greatly powered up. Beerus explains that Top surrounds himself in Barrier of Destruction energy, thus preventing 17 from directly damaging him. Top next fires Energy of Destruction at 17, who manages to deflect it out of the way and nearly hitting the bleachers in the process.

From this latest attack, Beerus can tell that Top needs time to charge before he can fire off the Energy of Destruction. However, even while charging, he can still surround himself in Energy of Destruction, so it seems like there's no way for 17 to win. Top keeps firing away at 17 with his Justice Flash, then prepares another Energy of Destruction, just as 17 has nowhere left to run. However, a rock comes flying out of nowhere and crashes into Top's blast, nullifying it. It turns out Frieza withstood Top's earlier attack, though he has reverted to his final form and is injured head to toe. Vowing to destroy Top, Frieza forms a Golden Death Ball, but Top obliterates it with a tiny spark of Destruction energy, then rushes in close and begins thrashing Frieza with close-range physical attacks. Although Top could easily destroy Frieza now, this would get him disqualified, so he merely throws the thoroughly battered Frieza out of bounds. As Frieza flies through the air, 17 throws a rock at him, changing his trajectory so that he lands just on the edge of the arena (though 17 claims he was trying to hit Top). Top praises 17's ability to have survived so long, but says there's nothing he can do. However, 17 refuses to give up until the end.

There are 5 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 126: Android 17 refuses to give up, despite Top's overwhelming powers. The two fire blasts at each other, but Top's Energy of Destruction quickly nullifies 17's blast, and he follows up with a volley of Justice Flash. 17 runs and tries to hide behind some rubble, but Top quickly tracks him down, using his Energy of Destruction to clear a path straight through the rubble. Seeing how the rest of the rubble crashes down afterwards, 17 hides again, but this time manages to bury Top beneath a pile of rubble as it comes crashing down. However, Top wastes no time in using his Energy of Destruction to blast his way out, and attacks 17 with a flurry of regular ki blasts. In order to avoid destroying 17 himself and thereby getting disqualified, Top charges up a large regular Ki Ball to finish him off, but Frieza suddenly reappears and blows up Top's ki ball before it can hit 17. In return for the rough treatment he received from Top earlier, Frieza uses his psychic powers to stop Top from moving and then hurls rocks at him. Top though remains unharmed and breaks free, forcing 17 and Frieza to shower him with ki blasts.

Even this is no use against Top, who assures them there is no way they can win, now that he has the Power of Destruction. Top prepares to knock the two of them out of bounds, saying they should be grateful for not being destroyed. Suddenly, Top is hit by a few stray blasts from Goku, Vegeta, and Jiren's fight. Still in the heat of battle, the three have coincidentally drawn near the spot where Top and co. stand. Jiren fires another blast, and while Goku and Vegeta manage to dodge, it hits Frieza and 17 head-on. Jiren and Top wordlessly come to an understanding, and Top goes after Vegeta as his next opponent, overwhelming him with a barrage of Justice Flash. In the bleachers, Team Universe 7 is concerned about Goku and Vegeta being split up, now that they're no longer able to team up against Jiren. Vegeta fires a Final Flash at Top, but he nullifies it with Energy of Destruction. Vegeta may have powered up, but Top remains unimpressed. For his part, Vegeta can tell Top is far stronger than he was before, but he is still determined to win and keep his promise to Cabba and the others. Vegeta points out how Top has switched from talking about "justice" all the time to now talking about "destruction". Top says he doesn't need justice if it can't protect his universe, and laughs at Vegeta's promise to his fellow Saiyans. He claims Vegeta will never win without casting aside such pointless things, and hurls a large ki blast at him. As the attack bears down on him, Vegeta reflects on how he cannot cast aside his family, Cabba and the others, his promise to Cabba, or his pride as a Saiyan. With new determination, Vegeta beats back Top's blast and begins a fierce counterattack. In the bleachers, Dispo and Vermoud are shocked to see Top getting knocked around. Belmod tells Top to just start destroying all of Vegeta's attacks, as long as he avoids killing him. Top fires away, but Vegeta continues to dodge his attacks and beat him up, saying he won't lose to someone who couldn't protect their own pride.

Vegeta promises to hit Top with an attack too powerful for him to destroy, and begins charging up a tremendous amount of ki around himself. Piccolo recognizes this technique as the same one Vegeta used when he sacrificed his life against Majin Buu. Top counters by charging up a gigantic Destruction Ball and the two attacks struggle against each other, but in the end Vegeta's energy is indeed too much for Top to destroy, and he is overwhelmed by the explosion. Top materializes in the bleachers, where Dyspo and Khai can't believe he lost. Belmod remains silent, while Marcarita thanks Top for a job well done. The Grand Minister formally announces Top's elimination, while the Omni-Kings chatter about how much they enjoyed the fight.

Piccolo thinks that Vegeta has truly sacrificed his life to defeat Top, but they soon see that he is still alive and well inside the arena, although he has reverted to his base form. With Super Saiyan Blue and beyond, Vegeta has grown vastly stronger than he was back when he died using that same technique against Buu, so his body is now able to withstand it. However, Beerus points out that while he may have survived, Vegeta has used up all his power and can barely remain on his feet. 17 emerges from some rubble, and everyone is glad to see that he survived too. Jiren is disappointed in his teammates, and congratulates Vegeta on defeating Top. He's impressed Vegeta could be so powerful without casting all else aside. As the others look on, Jiren begins powering up to unleash his hidden power.

There are 4 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)


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