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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 127-131 Suumary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 127: As Jiren powers up, he is surrounded in an intense, fiery energy. The Omni-Kings are amazed that Jiren seems to be on fire, while Goku and 17 are likewise impressed that he was hiding such monstrous strength. Vegeta on the other hand mocks Jiren for only getting serious now that all his teammates are gone. He cockily charges Jiren, forcing Goku and 17 to join in the attack. Even in a 3-against-1 fight though, Jiren still proves too much for them to handle. As Jiren closes in to kick Vegeta, 17 knocks him out of the way, taking the brunt of the attack himself. Rather than be thankful though, Vegeta is annoyed at 17's "unnecessary" action while Jiren is his to defeat.

More fighting proves equally ineffective as Jiren blocks Vegeta's punch and he compliments it as being good enough to defeat Top, but not enough to beat him. Jiren retaliates with one of his own fiery punches, then follows up by erasing Goku's Kamehameha with a mere uppercut. However, Jiren is caught off-guard by 17, who hits him with a point-blank range from behind. 17 is caught up in the explosion from his own attack and injured, but he still manages to wound Jiren in the back. Angered, Jiren counterattacks, but 17 retreats and joins back up with Goku. While 17 is only barely OK, this last exchange has demonstrated that even Jiren can be damaged if hit unguarded by such a large attack. If they use coordinated attacks to create an opening and then attack Jiren with an even bigger attack, they might be able to win. Goku and Vegeta will go draw Jiren's attention, leaving 17 to prepare another attack. As Goku and Vegeta furiously tag-team Jiren, 17 fires off a blast, but Jiren won't fall for the same trick twice, and easily counters. Jiren rushes at 17, who creates a series of barriers to block him, but he smashes through them all and attacks.

As Jiren blocks a beam from 17, Goku tells Vegeta that the three of them should attack him all at once. While 17 continues his beam attack, Goku and Vegeta fire their own beams at Jiren from different directions, but Jiren blocks all three beams with his fiery aura. With the rest of the team knocked to the ground, Frieza suddenly reappears and attacks Jiren, determined to kill him regardless of the tournament rules. Though he becomes True Golden Frieza once more, Jiren wastes no time knocking him off into the distance, where he passes out again. With Frieza beaten, Jiren is blasted by 17, who's back on his feet. Jiren wonders what 17 can do on his own, but 17 refuses to give up and is confident Universe 7 will survive. Vermoud however asks 17 what he will do if his universe survives and use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for. 17 explains that he wants to wish for a cruise ship so he can travel around with his family, and he asks what Jiren wants to wish for. While 17 had assumed Jiren was solely interested in being crowned the strongest fighter, Jiren admits that he does indeed have a wish in mind. Hearing this, Cae seems surprised, but Belmod understands. He decides it's time to explain how Jiren came to be so obsessed with strength.

It turns out that when Jiren was a small child, his parents were killed by an evil-doer. Jiren himself was rescued by a man who went on to become his martial arts master. As he trained under his master, Jiren gained a number of comrades, and they fought together when that same evil-doer returned. However, the enemy was still too strong for them, and many of Jiren's comrades were killed, including his master. Even his surviving comrades abandoned Jiren, causing him to view trust and emotions as worthless and place his faith in strength alone. It was Jiren's thirst for strength and his solitude that attracted Belmod to him. 17 thinks he's figured out what Jiren's wish must be and had thought Jiren was nothing more than a killing machine, but in fact he has his human side. However, 17 thinks that Jiren ultimately was just using his comrades for his own ends; he is obsessed with the past, and probably thinks that if he wins he can return things to the way they were. Jiren responds that strength is absolute, and forgives everything, even the past. Telling 17 to lament his own weakness, he launches a giant blast towards Team Universe 7.

17 does his best to hold back the blast and protect the immobilized Goku and Vegeta, but he is clearly not strong enough. Goku and 18 both urge 17 to run and save himself, but he refuses. He tells Goku and Vegeta that he's giving up on the cruise ship. Instead, he's going to sacrifice himself for others, a pleasingly human action. Placing a pair of barriers around Goku and Vegeta, 17 creates a large explosion that rocks the arena. The Omni-Kings wonder if Goku and co. have lost, but when the dust clears they can see that Goku and Vegeta were protected by 17's barriers. Jiren tells the two that they should be thankful 17 sacrificed himself for people as weak as them. As their barriers burst and they topple down to the arena floor, Goku and Vegeta realize that 17 planned this so that the two of them would have time to recover their stamina. Old Kai explains how in that last moment, 17 not only put up barriers but also self-destructed in order to erase Jiren's attack. Since 17 self-destructed, the Grand Minister announces that Jiren will receive no penalty. While 18 is overcome with grief, in the arena Vegeta struggles back to his feet, claiming that he's more than enough to handle Jiren.

There are 3 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 128: Android 17 has sacrificed himself to rescue Goku and Vegeta, but Jiren remains unimpressed; he is fully confident that the two are far too weak to possibly defeat him. With Goku still on the ground, Vegeta challenges Jiren on his own, but he's no longer able to even become Super Saiyan. Undeterred, Vegeta still takes on Jiren in his regular form, but is clearly outmatched. Jiren even tells Vegeta to go drop out of the arena, but he refuses to give up. Pummeled by Jiren's blows, Vegeta is knocked over the edge of the arena, but manages to hold on with one hand. Though he should be out of stamina, Vegeta remembers his family and his promise to Cabba, and manages to pull himself back up into the arena and return to the fight. Though he claims Jiren's punches don't hurt, as he continues to be knocked around, Vegeta feels like his body is going to be pulverized. Still, even if he can't win, it's fine as long as Universe 7 does. He even tries to pull off one of Jiren's arms, with predictably unsuccessful results.

Jiren's attacks knock Vegeta out of the arena once again, but this time by sheer chance his boot catches on a floating piece of rubble. As Vegeta hangs there by his foot, Vermoud asks the Grand Minister if this counts as a ring-out, but the Grand Minister explains that the rubble counts as part of the arena, so Vegeta is still in the match. Before he can rest too much though, Vegeta hears Bulma's voice urging him on, and he once again returns to fight Jiren. Jiren can't understand what it is that keeps driving Vegeta to fight, but Vegeta says a blank-faced guy like Jiren could never understand what it means to fight for others. Hearing Bulma's voice one last time, Vegeta fires off a Final Flash, but it fails to harm Jiren, who is if nothing else impressed by Vegeta's pride. Jiren sends Vegeta flying out of the arena once more, and with no way out this time, Vegeta curses himself for being unable to keep his promise and sheds tears while apologizing to Bulma and Cabba for his failure. Still, he donates his remaining energy to Goku before falling out of bounds. Revitalized, Goku gets back on his feet, ready to fight for those Vegeta loves.

As the Grand Minister formally announces Vegeta's defeat, Vegeta materializes in the bleachers, where Krillin feeds him a Senzu Bean. Beerus congratulates Vegeta for doing so well, and Whis is happy Vegeta is safe. In the arena, Jiren still can't understand the point of Vegeta leaving things up to Goku, still doubting the trust of others. Goku wonders if that's what Jiren really thinks and begins to fight, but even as a Super Saiyan Blue with Vegeta's energy, he is still quickly overwhelmed by Jiren. Jiren says Goku has reached his limit, but Goku knows he can't lose now that everyone has entrusted things to him. While Jiren continues to beat up on the helpless Goku, Iwne and Liquiir can see that the gap between the two fighters' powers is obvious. At last, Goku is one punch away from defeat, but as Jiren closes in for the finishing blow, Vegeta yells his encouragement, and Goku reflects on how 17, Vegeta, and the others have put their faith in him. Suddenly, Goku dodges Jiren's punch and has returned to the Ultra Instinct -Sign- form as when he fought Jiren and Kefla before. Not only does Goku effortlessly dodge Jiren's next few attacks, he even manages to land a heavy blow of his own. Whis is amazed that Goku would show this form once more at the eleventh hour, while Beerus has been looking forward to seeing Ultra Instinct once more. On the flipside, Belmod is annoyed at how Goku repeatedly tries to break through his limits, while Cae thinks it might be troublesome for him to have activated this form so close to the end of the tournament. Even Anat thinks that Goku might master Ultra Instinct this time around, while the Omni-Kings are happy to see this cool-looking form again.

There are 2 minutes until the end of the Tournament of Power.

Episode 129: Having awakened to Ultra Instinct -Sign- for the third time, Goku starts fighting back against Jiren. In the bleachers, Whis notes that this latest appearance of Ultra Instinct is without a doubt their last chance; breaking through his limits to reach the level of the gods takes a heavy toll on Goku's body, and he has no more allies or means of recovery left. While Goku's movements have grown sharper than before, he is still unable to deal Jiren a decisive blow. This is the same problem he had before when battling Kefla: he can't help but think while attacking, which interferes with Ultra Instinct. To cope with this weakness, Goku adopts the same strategy as before and charges up a Imperfect Instinct Kamehameha as he draws closer to Jiren. Goku fires his blast at close range, but Jiren blocks it with a Power Impact, and counterattacks Goku. Top notes that Jiren has managed to get a handle on Goku's movements and the depth of his power through their previous fight and by observing Goku's battle with Kefla. Goku drops to the arena floor, but it turns out he avoided a direct hit by using the flow of his Kamehameha as a barrier.

Despite Goku's persistence, Vermoud remains unfazed. However, Vegeta points out that calling it "incomplete" implies that there remains something even greater beyond what they see. All of the Saiyans that participated managed to break through their limits repeatedly throughout the tournament, so it’s too soon to declare Goku's defeat now. Belmod seems disturbed by Vegeta's words, and orders Jiren to ring Goku out immediately. Vegeta reminds Goku that he has entrusted him with his promise to Cabba and the others, and his pride as a Saiyan, so Goku can't lose. Goku pauses to breathe deeply before taking Jiren on again, and while at first, it seems like he's corrected himself, he still fails to turn the tables. While Tien Shinhan and the others worry that Goku is about to lose to Jiren as before, Whis assures everyone that there's nothing to worry about.

Cae and Toppo are amazed that the heat radiating from Goku's body is even reaching them out in the bleachers, and Belmod again urges Jiren to finish Goku off at once. Jiren responds by showering Goku with an incessant barrage of rapid-fire punches. Not only does Goku have his hands full blocking these countless blows, but the attacks are causing the ground beneath him to crumble away, meaning that he will drop out of bounds before too long. Piccolo and the others worry about Goku's chances, but Beerus simply tells them to shut up and watch. Though Belmod thinks that Beerus has resigned himself to fate, Toppo notices sparks as Goku's fists begin to clash against Jiren's. Soon Goku lands a powerful blow to Jiren's chest, knocking him back. The Omni-Kings are amazed as Goku's white-hot ki lights up the arena. Breathing deeply again, Goku gathers the ki around him into his body. Watching this, Jiren realizes that he must respond in kind, and powers up even further, giving off tremendous heat of his own. Jiren concentrates his ki into a single ball that he fires at Goku, but Goku appears behind him holding the ball in his hand. Crushing the ki ball, the now shining Goku moves towards Jiren, dodging his punch and landing a few attacks of his own. The Omni-Kings continue to be impressed at Goku's newfound power, and the Grand Minister declares that this is indeed a super turn of events. Beerus and Whis can tell that, incredibly enough, Goku has managed to reach the completed version of Ultra Instinct. As Goku goes on knocking Jiren around with ease, the glow surrounding his body clears to reveal he now sports radiant silver hair and silver eyes.

Episode 130: Goku has finally achieved the complete form of Ultra Instinct and tells Jiren that their true battle begins now as Jiren is frustrated by the setback. In the bleachers, Anat is interested to see how Ultra Instinct Goku will fare against Jiren, and how their battle will conclude. As Goku begins his counterattack against Jiren, Piccolo is impressed by the completed Ultra Instinct's speed, but Vermoud still believes that Jiren cannot possibly lose. Jiren himself tells Goku not to get carried away simply because he's powered up, but Goku soon proves his decisively superior might, easily outclassing Jiren almost entirely. Shin thinks Universe 7's victory is assured, while Cae worries that Goku has vastly surpassed Jiren's power. Jiren is furious by this and declares in a rage that he will win: strength is justice, strength is absolute, and he won't allow himself to be defeated and lose everything like he did before. Jiren powers up with an explosive storm of fiery ki, and Vegeta realizes that being overwhelmed by Goku has caused Jiren to recall his past trauma, thereby awakening his hidden power.

With his heightened ki, Jiren seems to gain the upper hand on Goku, knocking him around and finishing off with a big blast that leaves him flat on the ground. While it looks like the match is over, Krillin still believes in Goku as he always turns the tables when things get tough. As he yells for Goku to get back up, Goku does instead struggle back to his feet. Jiren is amazed that Goku still has any stamina left, and Goku explains that he can't back down now since 17 and the others have left things up to him. Jiren insists that such sentiments are meaningless in the face of his power, but as he and Goku start to fight again, Goku is even faster than before. Piccolo says this is because Goku is fighting for the sake of others, while Roshi further explains that Goku and co. have come this far because they mutually support one another. Krillin and Tien Shinhan say that though they all started off as Goku's enemies, now they have entrusted their fate to him; Goku has the mysterious ability to draw his opponents over to his side.

Goku continues to fight Jiren with what he describes as "their" power and eventually defeats him, but Jiren still refuses to accept the importance of friendship or trust; doing so would mean denying all that he has stood for up until now. Jiren claims he will easily wipe out the power Goku believes in and aims a blast at the stands which Goku quickly deflects. Angered, Goku says that he might not be a hero of justice, but he won't forgive those who hurt his friends and attacks Jiren with a fist full of rage. Then both savagely exchange several blows and blasts, until Goku takes the upper hand and finishes off Jiren with a full power Kamehameha. Now Jiren is the one on the ground, apparently immobilized by Goku's blast. Though Goku seems reluctant to finish him off, Jiren says the match is over and tells Goku to knock him out of bounds. As Goku prepares a final blast though, he suddenly collapses. Whis realizes that the strain of surpassing his limits with the power of the gods has taken a heavier toll on Goku than even Whis believed it would. Belmod screams for Jiren to take this chance to defeat Goku and obtain the Super Dragon Balls.

Though Jiren is unhappy with winning in this fashion, he assures Goku that he will always live on in his memory. While Jiren sends Goku flying, Goku is suddenly attacked from behind. It turns out that Frieza is still in the fight… as is 17! Krillin wonders if 17 didn't actually self-destruct earlier, and 17 explains that while it was a gamble whether he would survive or not, it seems to have worked out; 18 happily praises her brother for being so amazing. Belmod tells Jiren to knock them all out before time is up while 17 tells Frieza that with Goku in such bad condition, it will be up to the two of them to win to which Frieza response that he's well aware of. Elsewhere, Goku has reverted to his normal form and landed on a floating piece of rubble.

Only a little time remains in the Tournament of Power.

Episode 131:With Goku out of commission, Frieza has appeared again to challenge Jiren, bringing Android 17 with him. Jiren thinks this is a futile display of trust, but Frieza assures him that his only goal is to obtain the Super Dragon Balls; he's only brought 17 along as insurance. Frieza doesn't think Jiren seems as strong as before, and vows to defeat him. After the three of them battle for a little while, Frieza reaffirms that Jiren has indeed grown physically and mentally weaker, terrified at the possibility of returning to the weakling he once was. This spurs Jiren to fight back harder, but 17 intervenes and blasts Jiren at point-blank range. Jiren falls to his knees, panicking Vermoud and the others of Universe 11. 17 in on his knees too, having been caught up in the explosion from his own blast, but he knows that Frieza is there to finish the job for him. "Honored" at 17's trust, Frieza steps forward to finish Jiren off. Pointing his finger at Jiren's head, he charges up a Golden Death Beam. Jiren seems to lack the spirit even to look up, much to Frieza's regret (he had wanted to see Jiren's pathetic face at the end). From the bleachers, Top shouts out for Jiren to stand back up, saying he believes in Jiren's strength even if Jiren himself doesn't.

While Toppo's sentimental speech makes Frieza feel sick, it motivates Jiren to indeed stand back up. Shrouded in a fiery aura, he counterattacks Frieza, forcing him and 17 to desperately combine their power to hold back his blast with Frieza reverting from his Golden form to regular form in the process. As the two struggle, Goku returns to his feet and comes to their aid. 17 is surprised Goku can still move, but Goku thinks 17 is in the same boat; he tells 17 to watch their backs while he and Frieza go confront Jiren head-on. Frieza asks if Goku should stay back too, but Goku says all three of them need to cooperate to prevent Universe 7's destruction. Seeing that Goku has once again arisen to face him, Jiren gathers more energy. Goku is amazed that Jiren became so strong on his own; even the three of them together might not be enough to defeat him. Still, he assures Frieza that he'll keep his promise so long as Frieza upholds his end of the bargain. Indeed, it's that naïve aspect of Goku that makes Frieza so sick, though he's grateful for it at the moment. Goku, Frieza, and 17's combined blast breaks through Jiren's wall of energy, and Goku and Frieza rush forward to fight him together.

In the bleachers, Krillin and Vegeta are both surprised at the sight of Goku and Frieza fighting side-by-side against a common foe. While the two of them engage Jiren in hand-to-hand combat, 17 supports them from behind with a volley of energy blasts. Jiren finally breaks through Goku and Frieza's assault and goes after 17, so Frieza has Goku throw him at Jiren. Frieza tackles Jiren and flies downward, trying to ring them both out, but Jiren overcomes him. Goku catches up with them and joins Frieza in pushing Jiren out of the ring, while flickering in and out of Super Saiyan at the same time. As Beerus and Team Universe 7 cheer them on, the combined might of Goku and Frieza at last succeeds in pushing Jiren out of bounds. Goku, Frieza, and Jiren all materialize in the bleachers. While Goku tries to thank Frieza, Frieza says that all he wants is for Goku to keep his promise. With Jiren eliminated, the Grand Minister formally announces the defeat of Universe 11. As they prepare to be erased, Toppo thanks Jiren for all he did, though Jiren can't understand why; after all, he treated Toppo and the rest of the Pride Troopers with contempt throughout the tournament. Goku expresses his desire to fight Jiren again; he thinks they both got stronger by fighting one another and is eager to meet Jiren again sometime. Jiren looks shocked, but smiles just before he vanishes.

Now only 17 remains in the arena, and the Grand Minister descends to ask him if he has decided on a wish. The Super Dragon Balls appear in the sky above, and the Grand Minister speaks the Divine Language to summon forth Super Shenron. While 17 hesitates at first, he looks over at Goku and then wishes to restore all the destroyed universes. The Grand Minister repeats this wish in the divine language, and Super Shenron departs. In the newly restored Universe 6, Caulifla and Kale rejoice to find themselves alive again, while Cabba sees that his master Vegeta kept his promise. Caulifla forces Cabba to help her and Kale train to reach Super Saiyan 3. Off on his own, Champa refuses to thank his brother. Universes 10, 3, 2, 9, 4, and 11 are likewise restored. In Universe 11, Jiren reflects on Goku's desire to meet again, but believes himself too hung up on his past to ever form a bond with Goku or anyone else. However, Toppo wonders if Jiren is really so cowardly; in the tournament when Jiren rose to his feet that final time, he was doing it in response to the hopes of all the Pride Troopers, forming a bond with them for the first time. His confidence restored, Jiren vows along with Toppo that they will triumph the next time they battle Goku and the others.

Back in the Null Realm, Android 18 asks 17 if he's OK with this wish and not his own. 17 though is happy to have saved multiple universes; he can surely take care of his job and family on his own. Goku thanks 17 for restoring the Universes to which 17 states that may be to all of Goku and his friends to which 18 says that 17 and Goku are becoming more like one another. After she does so, Frieza asks to be taken back to Hell. His time hasn't run out yet, but he'd rather be in Hell than stick around and watch everyone else's happy ending. In response, Whis gives Frieza something to be happy about, using his staff to bring Frieza back to life. This is a present from Beerus, in return for Frieza's fine performance at the end. While Frieza says he will continue his evil ways, Goku vows to defeat him if he tries anything. The Omni-Kings fly down and greet Goku, saying that the tournament was a lot of fun. Shin says that 17's wish was unexpected, but the Grand Minister explains that the Omni-Kings had foreseen that the warrior left out the end would be virtuous enough to consider the other universes. On the flipside, if the last warrior standing had made a selfish wish, the Omni-Kings would have erased everything. Whis thinks that this perhaps shows that the Omni-Kings expect Goku and the others to change things. The Omni-Kings ask Goku what they should do next, but Beerus and Shin panic and say that they will have to be heading home now. The Grand Minister congratulates Universe 7 on their splendid fight and wish, and Goku promises to come back sometime and see the Omni-Kings again.

And so, the Tournament of Power concludes, and everyone returns to the daily lives. The gang all celebrate Bulla's birth some more, and Bulma even lets 17 use her cruise ship to travel around the world. Frieza returns to the remains of his army out in space, while Goku and Vegeta spar against each other in the wastelands on Earth. The two both use their Super Saiyan Blue forms, since it turns out Goku is unable to activate Ultra Instinct at will; it seems that it was something that only happened accidentally in the harsh conditions of the tournament. Hearing this, Vegeta vows to obtain an even greater power. Goku says they can both get stronger and stronger, and Vegeta agrees that a Saiyan's strength has no limits. Goku and Vegeta continue to challenge their limits, but their adventure will begin again once a new powerful opponent appears. Until then, a brief parting. See you all again!

Rating: 9.5/10(Average)

P.S. I still did have the chance to Broly, so I will be doing its summary and review of Broly once I have seen it. Also it seems that Dragon Ball SUper will return but no confirmation has been made or a date, it was only hinted at. Let look forward to its return.


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