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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 13-20 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 13: On the Sacred World of the Kai, Kibito Kai is surprised to see that the universe is still intact, Old Kai saying that the clash between Beerus and Goku’s power is just getting started. In space, Goku’s Kamehameha against Beerus’ energy ball, with Goku getting pushed back. Old Kai explains that the clash of the two’s power is creating “super high-density energy” which will destroy the universe if it gets out of hand. The destructive shock waves from the clash continue to spread throughout the entire planet. On the cruise ship, the Princess Bulma, Mr. Satan watches the images of the battle Whis is projecting from his staff, and wonders if this is the end of the world. Whis exclaims that he did not expect Super Saiyan God to be this powerful. Even if Beerus destroys Goku’s energy, the Earth and several neighboring planets will suffer collateral damage.

Hearing this (and thinking of Videl and his unborn grandchild), Mr. Satan begs Whis to use his “magic” to protect them, or at least to try and stop the fight, but Whis says he cannot do either. Satan quickly draws up a pass to eat anywhere in the country to try and bribe Whis into helping them, but although Whis is sorely tempted, he ultimately refuses. Out in space, Goku and Beerus’ beam struggle finally results in a gigantic explosion. Seeing this down on the cruise ship, Satan and Gohan both rush to protect Videl. The explosion produces a blinding flash of light, but when it clears everything is still fine. Satan is confident that his “power of love” produced a miracle that saved the world. No sooner after he says this he receives a phone call from his manager, Piiza.

Back in the Satan House, Miss Piiza, Caroni, and Pirozhki are being flooded with calls. Satan tells them he has saved the world and that they should prepare a press conference, and an autograph signing session as well. Meanwhile, Whis thinks to himself that Beerus must have chosen “that method”. Up in space, Goku is breathing heavily while Beerus is fine. Beerus explains that he “nullified” all the energy present, which required him to use 100% of his power. Goku realizes that, this means Beerus had still been holding back his full power up until then. Beerus explains that he had continued to hold back because it would look bad for a god to use his full power against a mere Saiyan, but at this point he would rather go all-out than lose the fight. Even if it means looking bad, he will use his full power to prove beyond a doubt that he is indeed overwhelmingly stronger than Goku. Despite this declaration from Beerus, Goku still seems awfully calm, with Beerus asking if he still has something up his sleeve, or some sort of strategy, and Goku answers that he got absolutely nothing.

As the two unleash another power-up and take the fight up a notch, Goku is amazed that Beerus’ punches are far more powerful than they were just five minutes ago. Beerus replies that Goku is more powerful now too, and both declare that they are fighting at "100%". After a while though, Beerus notices a change in Goku, and thinks to himself that time is up. Goku has reverted to being a regular Super Saiyan, though he unwittingly not noticed it yet. Down on the cruise ship, Piccolo, Goten, and the others can now sense Goku’s ki, and realize that this means that he is no longer a Super Saiyan God. Though Whis thinks and assumes the battle is decided, Piccolo insists that Goku has not lost yet, Vegeta proving this by firing an energy blast at the two while they are arguing. Back in the fight, Beerus becomes surprised when Goku is still able to land a few blows. He points out to Goku that he is no longer Super Saiyan God, to which he finally noticed and to his surprise, but remarks that he was not getting weaker at all, as if he is still fighting in his god form. Beerus explains that Goku has “fully merged” with that power and made it his own, and now that this raw physical power now forever burns within inside him like a flame. Goku is confused about Beerus' explanation, but however, retorts that it does not matter, and what matters is the battle itself, and also proclaims that he is still him, no matter what, and the two once again continue the battle.

Episode 14: As Goku continues to battle against Beerus as just a regular Super Saiyan, their fight moves from space back down to the ocean. Beerus starts to overwhelm Goku, nullifying his Kamehameha and even seeming to split into multiple bodies that blast him all at once. Beerus declares victory, but a resilient Goku gets a second wind and pushes Beerus all the way back up into space again. However, the effort exhausts him and he reverts to his base form. With Goku apparently out for good now, Beerus compliments Goku on forcing him to use so much power. For a second there, he even regretted listening to his prophetic dream, but in the end he still won, as expected. He finger-flicks Goku on the head, the same move that began the fight, and so a fitting way to end it. As Goku falls down and begins burning up in the atmosphere, images of his friends and family flash before him, and, in yet another display of resilience, not wanting his planet destroyed in vain, he shoots back up, a Super Saiyan once more, much to Beerus' dismay, outraged that Goku could not just let the fight end at such a perfect spot, ruining his ending. Goku proclaims that he will never give up until he has hit Beerus with the last few remaining scraps of power he has left. Goku charges another Kamehameha which Beerus counters with another small energy atom-like ball, but when the two attacks hit each other they combine into a single enormous mass of energy, a Sphere of Destruction. Beerus sends this mass at Goku, who struggles against it and manages to destroy it with a single all-or-nothing punch in the end, but at the cost of his remaining power. He once again reverts to his regular form and plummets down through the atmosphere, this time his energy truly exhausted. Thankfully, Vegeta catches him at the moment before he crashes down onto the Princess Bulma, though disappointed that Goku managed to lose despite all that power everyone donated to him.

Following close behind, Beerus lands on the ship, now that Goku had lost, and that what is a deal is a deal, as promise, Beerus is going to do what he will do once Goku loses the battle: destroy the Earth, and now everyone braces themselves for a fight, now that all hope is seemingly lost, and they are the last remaining standing. Before Beerus prepares to destroy the planet as he had promised with an energy attack, it was briefly interrupted when Mr. Satan’s cellphone suddenly goes off: it was Piiza, calling about the press conference Satan requested earlier, not aware that the planet is about to be inevitably shattered. Satan yells at them that this is not the right time for it, and Piiza answers that the reporters could not wait and headed over there on their own. At that moment, the reporters’ helicopter flies above the cruise ship and they begin filming, with Gohan commenting that the world really is ending with a whimper. Whis congratulates Beerus on his victory and suggests they go home, and Beerus notes that he promised to destroy the Earth if he won. Goku tries to beg him to stop, Beerus is not swayed, and charges up an energy wave attack, fires and misses. It turns out, Beerus has fallen asleep standing up, to everyone's surprise and confusion. Whis explains that Beerus has gone a bit soft due to spending most of his time sleeping, watching anime, and various other things. Using his full power without warming up first was apparently too exhausting for him. He explains that Beerus probably will not wake up again for a while, and takes him back home, thanking Goku for “playing” with Beerus and advising them all to prepare an adequate supply of pudding for when Beerus returns. As Whis carries Beerus home through space, he asks him how long he intends to pretend to be asleep. Beerus protests that he really was sleeping, though he does admit that when he told Goku he was fighting with 100% of his power, this was simply a lie in order to help draw out Goku’s true power. Off on his planet, King Kai comments that despite how Goku loves to fight on his own, his circle of friends keeps expanding, and now he has made friends with even the God of Destruction.

On Earth, Goku is chowing down on a well-deserved meal, when Gohan formally announces to him that he and Videl are having a child. Goten congratulates his father on becoming the second best in the universe, and Goku tells Vegeta he will get to become a Super Saiyan God next time. However, Vegeta is not interested in a transformation that is only going to get him to “second best”, and vows to surpass Goku, Beerus, and Super Saiyan God all through his power alone. When Goku notes how powerful Vegeta became after Bulma was slapped, Piccolo realizes that Goku had actually already Intantly Transmissioned there there early on and was watching secretly to see how things played out. Goku apologizes, claiming that he did this in order to try and formulate some sort of strategy by observing Beerus even though nothing came out of it. Meanwhile, Pilaf, Shu, and Mai row off into the sunset, with Pilaf vowing to get the Dragon Balls next time.

Episode 15: At Goku's house, Goku begs Chi-Chi to go back to King Kai's Planet to train, but Chi-Chi forbids it, saying they are already out of money again. She also informs Goku that they’ve got a grandchild on the way, and Goku needs to be a good grandfather, and not just fight all the time. At Gohan's house, Videl is about to make dinner, but Gohan insists on making it instead, since he does not want Videl to be overworked. Out in the mountains, Vegeta stands alone, thinking about how he will surpass Super Saiyan God, Beerus, and Kakarot too. Meanwhile, out in space, a spaceship is quickly approaching Earth.

Mr. Satan heads off to a press conference, where he explains the true cause of the mysterious shock wave phenomenon that shook the world to the public. He makes up a deliberate lie to keep Goku and his family's identities secret and claim the victory for himself, also for the sake of not giving Goku the credit, as he does not want it. In his fake re-telling, Mr. Satan claims that he had learned that Earth was being targeted by the God of Destruction, "Beavis” and hurried to confront him. At first, even the mighty Mr. Satan was no match for the god, but all of a sudden a miracle occurred; he became a god himself and triumphed. The crowd falls for the lie and cheers, but are soon sent running as a spaceship lands. Out of the spaceship emerge a race named Snackians. The ambassador's secretary asks him to proceed and introduce himself. Upon the crowd settling down, the ambassador explains that they simply come to extend their greetings to the hero who defeated the God of Destruction. They display their ultimate sign of respect, a ridiculous looking-greeting dance (causing Mr. Satan and the crowd to collapse in embarrassment) and ask where this hero is. Mr. Satan identifies himself as the one who defeated the God of Destruction, and the ambassador presents him with the Hero's Medal, but the Snackian hero, Galbee is not content. He wants to spar with Earth’s hero to see what he is really made of; otherwise he will not acknowledge Satan as a true hero. Mr. Satan continuously tries to get out of the situation by faking pain and getting assistance from Gohan and Vegeta, unfortunately, no one was able to answer.

Just as things are looking bad for Mr. Satan, Goku flies by, carrying his tractor. It turns out he was trying to get his broken tractor fixed at Bulma’s, but nobody was home, and he wonders if Mr Satan can fix it. Instead, the champ gets Goku to fight Galbee in his place. Galbee and the other Snackians are unimpressed by Goku’s appearance, and to make matters worse, Chi-Chi happens to be walking around town with Piccolo at that moment. She is carrying a huge load of food over to Gohan’s house in order to help ensure Videl and her soon-to-be baby get plenty of nutrition, and having Piccolo help carry the groceries as payment for always eating at their place for free. Goku panics, and in a vain attempt to prevent Chi-Chi from seeing him out fighting, he asks Mr. Satan to hit him, with him dubbing it the "Satan Punch", then pretends to be sent flying by the blow.

As the match starts, Satan desperately runs around avoiding Galbee’s blows, causing the crowd to be unimpressed by his performance. Realizing he has to do something, Mr. Satan imagines how he tried to protect Videl during the battle with Beerus. He stands firm before Galbee, who seems to punch him square in the face, but in reality, he has stopped just short of making contact. Galbee is completely paralyzed with fear, because he has just spotted Bee, who had jumped out of Mr. Satan's limo to see the fight better. Galbee makes a run for the ship, and the other Snackians follow behind, but not before doing their ridiculous dance of respect one last time. Leaving Earth, they sadly think that it will be many thousands of years before they ever manage to conquer their mortal enemies (dogs, or canine-like monsters or race). Bee presents the Hero's Medal to the champ from his mouth. That night at Goku's house, Goten remarks that Goku is out late, and Chi-Chi promises to give him lots of rest once he gets back (a heavy-duty punishment that is). Meanwhile, Goku is lurking around outside, starving, but too scared of his wife to go inside.

Episode 16: At the Sacred World of the Kai, Old Kai and Kibito Kai are wondering about the recent mysterious disappearance of some planets, as if they disappeared by magic. When Old Kai suddenly gets distracted, Kibito Kai assumes that he is using his divine sight to peep on women or something equally perverted, but he turns out to be watching two beetles wrestle. On Earth, Goku is driving his tractor out in the field again when Krillin comes by to visit. Krillin had thought Goku might have gone off to King Kai's to train again. Seeing that Goku is still set on continuing his training, Krillin reminisces about how the two of them used to train together under Master Roshi. Now, Goku has grown strong enough to be a match for even the God of Destruction Beerus. Curious to experience for himself just how strong Goku has become, Krillin asks Goku to hit him. After some persuading, Goku does, sending Krillin flying across the countryside. Goku instantly transmits ahead to try and catch him, he however, misses, so Krillin crashes straight into a large boulder, much to Goku's regret. Back at Goku's House, Android 18 treats Krillin's bruise. Back on his own out in the field, Goku makes sure that nobody was around, transforming into a Super Saiyan and start training again. In a desolate wasteland on top of a mountain, Vegeta is still standing by himself, thinking of how he will surpass Goku and everyone else. After enduring a powerful thunderstorm, he endures a massive Super Saiyan power up, yet still disappointed at being still at this level, he flies off later.

At a tempura restaurant, Whis is trying tempura for the first time with Bulma there beside him. It turns out that Bulma has been taking Whis out to various restaurants ever since that destructive event, in order to convince him through bribery to save her family’s lives if Beerus ever tries to destroy Earth again. As Vegeta returns home to Capsule Corporation, he is surprised to run into Bulma and Whis, who have just returned from the restaurant. Vegeta demands that Whis take him there so that he can show Beerus the true power of the Saiyans. Vegeta tries to force Whis to take him to Beerus, but he quickly changes his mood when he senses an unknown power coming from Whis. When Vegeta demands to know who or what he is, Whis explains that he is Beerus’ martial arts teacher, to his surprise. In order to get Whis to train him, Vegeta promises to feed Whis the tastiest food on Earth.

He first takes Whis to a tempura restaurant, yet it turned out to be exactly the same one he and Bulma just ate at. In fact, Whis and Bulma have already been to every restaurant Vegeta can think of, leaving him with no choice but to cook something of his own for Whis. Vegeta’s attempt at cooking is a complete disaster however. Due to his strength, stemming from his lack of strength control, he cannot touch an egg, otherwise, it easily cracks no matter how gentle he is with it. After trying to crack all the eggs open, and failing at it, causing them to spill on the Saiyan prince's body, to add a final insult to injury, one of his eggs hatches into a chick (later, if one looks closely, he is seen imitating Vegeta's gestures in a comical fashion). Vegeta, who came up with an idea, claims that Bulma has been hiding the tastiest food of all from Whis, which is revealed to be instant ramen. Vegeta claims that Bulma cannot go for more than a week without eating some, and that it is the tastiest food on Earth, to Whis' growing curiosity. When Whis finally tries some, he is at a loss for words, becoming delighted for what he ate. He finally agrees to take Vegeta with him to Beerus' Planet. While they are traveling to Beerus' planet, Vegeta is shown in a flashback getting new Battle Armor from Bulma to wear because of his old armor being scuffed up, and Bulma not wanting her husband to be the laughingstock of the universe.

Episode 17: It has been over half a year since Vegeta left to train with Whis. Gohan and Videl’s daughter Pan has been born, and Mr. Satan comes over to play with her, making plenty of silly faces to keep her entertained. Gohan returns home from work and transforms into his “Great Saiyaman” costume, likewise putting on a show to entertain Pan. He promises to defeat the evil Satan who is trying to “steal her heart”, and he and Mr. Satan playfully spar, tossing Pan around as they do. Just then Chi-Chi comes over, and is horrified to see the rough and tumble way they handle Pan. Though Gohan assures his mother that Pan, being part Saiyan, should be more than fine with a little roughhousing, Chi-Chi is adamant that they raise her as a gentle girly-girl, so that she will not end up as another “battle-loving idiot”. Mr. Satan protests that he dreams of raising Pan to be a great martial artist who can serve as his successor and have over a hundred disciples, Chi-Chi still does not budge on the subject.

Driving in the city, Bulma is stopped at a light when a pair of robbers zip by, pursued by a police officer. The robbers scratch Bulma’s car as they pass, out of anger, she chases them, after taking them down successfully with a police officer, this officer is none other than Krillin, although thanking, he still gives her a ticket for speeding. Just then his phone rings. He and Bulma are summoned over to Gohan’s house to try and help deal with the situation, with Goku and Goten showing up at the same time too. Bulma promises to help calm Chi-Chi down if Krillin gets rid of her ticket. She assures Chi-Chi that she should look on the bright side: Gohan has successfully become a scholar, and even Goku is working now, as opposed to Vegeta, who has been off training with Whis for half a year without coming back home. When Goku overhears this, he freaks out and come crashing through the wall. Wanting to train with Whis too, he asks Bulma to tell him when he will stop by next. However, Chi-Chi is opposed to Goku going off to train. Krillin whispers to Goku that he should just search for Vegeta’s ki and teleport after him. Sadly, Goku cannot sense Vegeta's ki at all… he must be too far away.

Desperate, Goku starts following Bulma around badgering her about Whis: at home, at work, and even when coming out of the shower, Finally, Bulma gives Goku a cellphone and promises to call him the next time Whis turns up. Chi-Chi oversees this, Goku covers by claiming that he and Bulma are planning a surprise party for Pan and need to keep in touch. Much to her thrill. Goku now spends his time sitting around waiting for his phone to ring, Gohan suspiciously watching. When Chi-Chi happily assures him that he will “find out soon enough”, Gohan just becomes even more suspicious. Following his father around, he hides nearby when Goku finally gets the call that Whis has arrived on Earth. Goku changes into his gi and blasts off, arriving in front of Bulma and Whis as they are heading off to eat. Seeing this, Gohan’s suspicions are confirmed. Goku begs Whis to train him, but tells Goku that he must wait until he has finished eating with Bulma. Whis and Bulma sit down to eat, Goku constantly interrupts, asking if they are done yet, making Whis increasingly annoyed. After the meal, he sternly tells Goku that such impatience might be a problem when it comes to his training.

Before Goku can leave with Whis though, Chi-Chi arrives, having been tipped off by Gohan (who meekly apologizes to his father). Goku claims he will just be gone for a little bit, Chi-Chi still forbids it, having heard the line dozens of times. Later, Gohan and Chi-Chi argue about Goku's upcoming. Bored with all this, Whis starts to leave, and Goku runs after him, grabbing onto him just before he rockets off into space. Surprisingly, with Goku gone, Chi-Chi calms down, finally seeming to accept the situation. While she and Bulma are wondering what party they will throw for Pan, Looking up into the sky, Gohan wishes his father good luck with his training.

Episode 18: In the middle of space Goku travels with Whis to Beerus’ home. Vegeta is now able to sense the presence of a deity and greets Whis as he arrives and is not surprised to see that Goku tagged along. Goku is impressed by Vegeta’s ki as he comments on his significant growth in power that rivals his own. He is wearing a pink apron, which Goku makes fun of, because he has been assigned housework before training as daily routine. Vegeta prepares for his next chore and is ordered to take Goku with him. Whis and the Oracle Fish proceed on to eat their sweets from Bulma. Vegeta and Goku enter Beerus’s bedroom, which is very huge in open space. Many explosive hour glass alarms are gathered here.

Their first chore is to change Beerus’ bed sheets without waking him up, which is extremely difficult as it takes intense patience to wait for the right moment. Beerus even attacks them in his sleep, whipping Goku with his tail and kicking Vegeta. Both had close calls with the hourglasses, Vegeta kicked Goku away from one as he was whipped and Goku teleported the one Vegeta touched to Whis. Despite the trouble they patiently accomplish the daunting task by Beerus grabbing onto Goku and levitating him up. Goku asks Vegeta if he does this hard training every single day. Vegeta reveals the entire thing to be household chores, not real training.

They continue to do more chores, scrubbing tree branches, cleaning hundreds of Oracle Fish’s fish bowls, and cutting the entire grassy lawn that grows back in a day. After this is finished, the training finally begins.

Whis gifts Goku with his own traditionally colored and uniquely stylized outfit to look just as good as Vegeta. He then initiates their training regime by having them pick up weighted blocks on the ground with their arms. Goku has a hard time lifting his, and Vegeta has his weight doubled than last time. The Saiyans manage to lift up the weights, and now they are ordered to out run the disappearing road behind them, or else they will fall into an inescapable dimension. This scary training pushes Goku and Vegeta to try their best. They keep running until the Orcle Fish appears and informs Whis to stop. Whis then sends Goku and Vegeta in front of Beerus, who is having a dream and lashes out at the terrible food he dreamt about. Beerus spouts an unrestrained ki attack on Goku and Vegeta. It knocks them out and dazes them both. Whis then concludes the training for today as nighttime approaches.

Goku and Vegeta share a room to sleep in, after a few complaints, they sleep. Meanwhile, Whis and Oracle Fish converse about their training. Meanwhile, as Oracle Fish complains about the Saiyans' training, Whis explains that training in their normal state is best. This will allow them to get stronger without relying on becoming a Super Saiyan for strength, which hinders any real growth. Whis figures they already realized this because they never became Super Saiyans while training. He compares a small tree to the gigantic castle as a way of symbolizing how long of a way they have to go in learning the power of gods.

During the next morning Whis mixes up the training with something new, telling them to fight him this time. Goku and Vegeta launch a flurry of assaults and Whis instinctively dodges every single one and stops them. Whis points out that they think too much instead of having their body muscles think for them. It takes time for information messages to be sent into the brain. They must learn how to master independent bodily reactions which is something not even Beerus has mastered yet, but Whis has, except for when he steps in poop accidentally, which Goku points out.

Over in space one of Frieza Force’s spaceship travels the cosmos. Sorbet deals with a rebellion on Planet Frieza 448, being in charge of the military operations ever since Frieza’s death. Tagoma and Shisami remain silent as he stresses over having little troops to get anything done, so he orders to withdraw from the rebellion. Suddenly his ship is struck by an unknown force that stops exactly in front of an planet. Two beings named Champa and Vados hover above a planet. Champa makes Vados destroy the planet, something she complains about and would rather have him do for once. She complies and with a tap of her staff, the planet instantly explodes. Turns out it was the wrong one according to the two, and they move along looking for the right planet.

Episode 19: In Earth's Hell, a cocooned Frieza continues to receive the endless torture of being surrounded by a parading band of fluffy stuffed animals and the gleeful Angels of Hell.

Elsewhere in Space, Sorbet is informed that they have lost 60% of their soldiers after the planets residents fought back. Realising that they can not afford to suffer anymore losses, Sorbet decides that they must bring Frieza back to life. However unable to find the location of the Namekians, Sorbet instead sets his sight on Earth. Despite being told about the dangers of going to Earth where the ones who killed Frieza reside, Sorbet still decides that they must go.

Goku and Vegeta continue their training under Whis on Beerus' Planet, still unable to land a single blow. After Whis stops them, he gives the two Saiyans some advice, telling Vegeta that he is wound up too tight and must learn to relax more like Goku does whilst telling Goku that he is actually too relaxed and let's down his guard too often and becomes too over confident.

Back on Earth, Piccolo babysits Pan while waiting for Gohan and Videl to show up. Piccolo suddenly senses an evil energy in the distance though is unable to determine what the source is.

Meanwhile, Sorbet and his assistant Tagoma depart their ship and head for Earth in order to find the Dragon Balls. They run into the Pilaf Gang, who had collected all seven Dragon Balls just before their arrival. Sorbet coerces Pilaf into summoning Shenron. At first, Shenron refuses to revive Frieza because he sees it as pointless given his current state, where Frieza was cut in pieces just as he was when Future Trunks killed him. Tagoma suggests using their advanced healing technology to make Frieza intact again and Sorbet has Frieza resurrected. Far away Goku suddenly has a bad feeling though Vegeta tells him that he's just trying to get out of doing his chores.

Shenron tells them that they have two more wishes remaining but before they can make another wish, Shu asks for one million zeni and Mai asks for the world's best ice cream. Sorbet and Tagoma collect all of Frieza's pieces and return to their ship. Frieza is completely renewed shortly afterwards.

Episode 20: On Sorbet's Spaceship, Frieza doesn't remember his staff members, so Sorbet and Tagoma reintroduce themselves to him. Sorbet explains that he, along with Tagoma, went to Earth to use their Dragon Balls. Frieza goes on and says that Earth's Hell was torturous for him and it took them a long time to revive him. When Sorbet was asked about Frieza's father, he says that they were reviving later, but Frieza doesn't like the idea because his father is too full of himself. Frieza declares revenge on the Saiyans that put him through Hell but Sorbet and Tagoma recognizes the danger and suggest that they ignore them. Frieza shoots Death Beams at Tagoma for this statement and simply mocks him. After hearing that Goku has beaten Majin Buu, Frieza calculates that he'll surpass them if he trains for four months, due to being a prodigy.

On Beerus' Planet, Whis is watching Goku and Vegeta spar with each other. Whis gives them tips to keep their ki inside of them so their opponent can't sense their ki. After clashing blows, Goku and Vegeta sparked a blue aura from within them, outside. Beerus is up, walking toward them. He smells a butterfly which triggers him to sneeze and shoot a ki blast and destroy a planet. Whis doesn't find the need to "redo" anything at the moment. Beerus wonders why Goku and Vegeta are present on his planet and they say that they were brought there by Whis to be trained.

Four months later, Jaco arrives on Earth, at Capsule Corporation, and seemingly Goten and Trunks are present. Jaco is in a rush to speak with Bulma so he sends them to get her. When she shows up, Jaco is curious if she's friends with the one who killed Frieza. Bulma states there are two who defeated Frieza but the one he's looking for is on Beerus' planet. Jaco has grave news that Frieza is coming to Earth and he's bringing a thousand soldiers. Bulma tries to get in contact with Whis by messaging him with a strawberry sundae to get Goku and Vegeta to go to Earth. With no luck, she, instead, contacts the other Z-Fighters.

Krillin is on duty when he gets a call from Bulma that Frieza is coming to Earth. He contacts Android 18 to bring his gi and also to give him a haircut. Krillin takes off and gets Master Roshi so he could help too. Before going to North City, Master Roshi and Krillin stop by Korin's Tower to retrieve Senzu Beans. While heading to North City, they encounter Tien Shinhan, Gohan, and Piccolo. All of a sudden, the sky darkens as Frieza and his army are approaching Earth quickly.

Rating: 9/10(Average)

P.S. The remanding episode will be post tomorrow as am still trying to clear my backlog of anime, novel and manga.


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