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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 21-24 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 21: As Frieza and his army are landing on Earth and leaving the space ship, Tien Shinhan tells everyone that it was too dangerous for Chiaotzu. Gohan replies by saying Goten and Trunks weren't brought along is because they would've done something reckless. Krillin is expecting to see Good Buu but Gohan says that he is asleep and it will be difficult to wake him up. Master Roshi tells everyone that he has possession of Senzu Beans and asks Gohan if he has been keeping up with training, Gohan states that he hasn't but he can probably still go Super Saiyan. All of a sudden, Jaco and Bulma arrive in Jaco's ship. Bulma feels that she's safe being around them and forces Jaco to fight along with everyone.

Frieza recognizes Jaco and Piccolo first, then Krillin. Bulma smack talks Frieza and claims that Gohan can beat him. Gohan tells her that he could beat his soldiers but not Frieza himself. Bulma pleads Frieza for more time for Goku's arrival. Frieza agrees to give him more time but only ten seconds for him to show. After ten seconds have passed, Sorbet orders Frieza's army to fight the Z-Fighters. Sorbet is sure that the army could hurt the Z-Fighters but Frieza doesn't think so.

Frieza is watching the Z-Fighters fight against his soldiers when he eyes Gohan and starts to recognize him. Frieza says that Gohan has become like Goku and he could wipe out his army in an instant if he so pleased, though he is disgusted. Frieza flicks Sorbet for giving orders that isn't helpful for the soldiers. Krillin is isolating himself form battle because he doubts his power. Frieza offers his soldiers a planet of their choosing if they killed Krillin. Frieza's soldiers rush to Krillin to try to kill him. Gohan, Piccolo, and Tien Shinhan try to help Krillin but there're too many soldiers for them to get to him.

On Beerus' Planet, Vegeta and Goku are sparring with each other when Whis ceases their session. Whis says that there's no point of Goku and Vegeta just throwing blows at each other when the could've done it anywhere else. Beerus wants to fight Goku or Vegeta (didn't specify) but Goku says that Beerus is still immensely stronger than they are. Beerus orders Whis to send Goku and Vegeta to "That Place" so they can get stronger and Beerus could have peace.

Back on Earth, Krillin is getting bullied by some of Frieza's soldiers. When he gets attacked, Krillin is surprised to see his movements even though, pointed out by Master Roshi, that he's seen battles against Cell, Majin Buu, and Beerus. Krillin gets more confident in his fighting skills and engages in using a spiral energy attack. Master Roshi fires a Kamehameha at his soldiers, Tien Shinhan, Piccolo, and Gohan follow against theirs.

Shisami is then ordered by Sorbet to kill every single one of them. Gohan takes on the challenge of Shisami. Shisami charges Gohan even though he's firing the Gekiretsu Madan at him. Gohan gets caught himself in a Bear Hug from Shisami. Gohan isn't struggling at all and tells Shisami that he wants people like him to be away from the Earth while he raises his daughter.

When Gohan is about to attack Shisami, Tagoma fires a ki blast and it goes through Shisami and Gohan. Shisami is dead but Gohan's received a hole in his chest and his heart stops beating. Piccolo restarts Gohan's heart by using a kiai and Krillin gave Gohan a Senzu Bean to full recover. Sorbet notices that Tagoma's personality has changed because he is being rude to him. Tagoma is glad that Sorbet has chosen him to be Frieza's training partner. Tagoma would get beaten by Frieza until the point of death. Tagoma would use the regeneration machine to recover so he wouldn't die and Frieza could beat him more without killing him. This routine has gotten Frieza and Tagoma stronger in the four-month span.

Tagoma is offered by Frieza commander of his army and a planet of his choosing if he killed the Z-Fighters. Sorbet scans Tagoma and says the he's surpassed the Ginyu Force but Tagoma has gone even beyond them. When Tagoma raised his ki, Trunks and Goten sense his power and goes to see what it is. In Jaco's ship, Ginyu is seen popping out of it.

Episode 22: Piccolo is amazed by Tagoma's power. Krillin says that he's on a different level than the other soldiers they've fought. Gohan states that Tagoma has hidden power comparable to his at his best. Bulma and Jaco are in hiding and Bulma wonders if Tagoma can be defeated. Jaco says that it's five-on-one and Bulma realizes that he excluded himself from the equation. Tagoma is prepared for his first fighter so Piccolo steps up. Piccolo charges and punches him in the head but Tagoma is unfazed by the attack. He then rips off part of Piccolo's arm and gets several blows on him until Gohan aids Piccolo.

Tagoma explains that he's been Frieza training partner for four months and has endured the pain Frieza inflicted on him, gaining a body as hard as steel. He also says that their elegant attacks have no means to harm him. In the distance, Gotenks arrives and drives into Tagoma and hits him in the crotch. Bulma is mad that Gotenks showed up by he says that he joined because he was sitting out while everyone else was having fun. Gotenks notices Frieza as their leader an challenges him to a battle. All of a sudden, Gotenks defuses which makes Frieza realize that Goten and Trunks are the offspring of Goku and Vegeta and they look similar to Goku and Future Trunks. Goten and Trunks run towards Bulma and Jaco where they felt safe.

Frieza demands that Tagoma gets up and kill Goten and Trunks along with the rest unless he would like to be killed. While Tagoma is still in pain on the ground, all of a sudden, Ginyu shows up and writes "change" in an alien language on the ground. Tagoma reads that alien word and changes bodies with Ginyu as a frog and he takes on the frog body and runs off. Captain Ginyu is relieved to be reborn again and approaches Frieza. Captain Ginyu explains to Frieza his struggles as a frog after being changed into one by the hands of Goku. Ginyu goes on to say that he's been awaiting for Frieza's return.

Frieza is pleased to see Ginyu back in his forces. Ginyu then approaches the Z-Fighters and powers up and recognizes Gohan because he was with Vegeta on Namek. Ginyu first attacks Tien Shinhan then unleashes blows to Master Roshi, Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan. Ginyu is pleased with the body he's in because of Tagoma's abilities. Piccolo realizes that Ginyu has drawn more power than before and says that he can't be beaten. Gohan takes on Ginyu as his challenger. While this is transpiring, Bulma, Trunks, and Goten spent time trying to contact Whis with the strawberry sundae.

Meanwhile, on Beerus' Planet, Beerus is devouring pizza which is too his liking because of its greasy feel. Whis asks him if it was too early to send both Vegeta and Goku to that place but Beerus counters saying that he needs them to get strong faster so he could use them as playmates. In That Place, Vegeta and Goku are struggling to move. Vegeta realizes that to move, they shouldn't let their ki leak out of their body. The pressure Vegeta realizes comes to the terms of god ki. Also, the heat reminds Goku and Vegeta of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku says that since time is faster than Earth's they have to find food but without knowing where to go, they go to Whis' staff as a guide.

Back on Earth, Gohan challenges Ginyu but is connecting hits to him because he slacked off training. Ginyu takes control of the fight quickly and delivers several attacks to him. Gohan, out of desperate needs, transforms into a Super Saiyan which surprises both Frieza, Sorbet, and Ginyu as well. Ginyu is pleased that Gohan has more power and is ready to fight more. Gohan and easily overpowers Ginyu in two hits. Gohan's conversation with Ginyu sends Frieza into sheer rage because it reminded him of his conversation with Goku on Namek. Frieza fires Death Beams into Gohan, leaving him in the dust. After Frieza fires off his last Death Beam to Gohan, Piccolo decides to take the beam instead of Gohan.

Episode 23: Bulma is waiting for Piccolo to get up but Trunks and Goten state that Piccolo's ki can no longer be sensed. Everyone is sad of Piccolo's death but Gohan takes it more deeply than everyone else. Frieza is pleased to hear Gohan scream the way he did because that's what he was looking for. Jaco says he warned Bulma that taking on Frieza and his army was too dangerous and wishes that he never looked over Earth again. Bulma, Goten, Trunks, and Jaco are waiting for Goku and Vegeta's return to Earth because of desperate needs.

In That Place, Goku and Vegeta are sparring. Whis is watching them from Beerus' Planet while Beerus continues to eat pizza. Beerus is hungry for more pizza but Whis' staff is currently being used for Vegeta and Goku to be in That Place as of Beerus' request. Whis finally brings back Goku and Vegeta because Beerus is getting frustrated and wants more pizza, which is currently in Whis' staff. Upon returning his staff, all of the pizza has been eaten because Goku and Vegeta needed to eat or they would've starved and died. Beerus is furious with them so he chases them into the woods.

Whis sees on his staff that he's received a message and recognizes Bulma. Her request is taken with consideration by Whis, seeing the expression her face. Both Whis and Beerus are pleased with the parfait she has shown them so Whis contacts her telepathically. Bulma tells Whis that Frieza has come back and she needs Goku and Vegeta. The time it'll take for Whis to get Vegeta and Goku to Earth will be 35 minutes so Goku finds an alternative method.

Back on Earth, Ginyu returns to Frieza's side. He requests to kill the rest of the Z-Fighters, so Frieza allowed him to because of the situation. Gohan gets up but he is disappointed in himself for not training to keep up with Goku and Vegeta. Gohan begins to power up but it is unsure that he could damage his body. Goku is trying to use Instant Transmission to get to Earth but he can't sense anybody's ki. When Gohan fully powers up into a Super Saiyan, Goku is able to sense it. Goku holds out his hand for Vegeta to grab hold but Vegeta grabs a hold of his shoulder. Gohan loses all of his power, with leads Frieza to shoot Death Beam at him but to only be flicked away by Goku when he arrives. Frieza is excited to see Goku again.

Everyone is pleased to see Goku and Vegeta return. Goku speaks with Gohan to congratulate him for summoning them so Goku could use Instant Transmission. Goku also tells him that he'll wish Piccolo back with the Namekian Dragon Balls. He then instantly teleports Piccolo to the Lookout for Goten and Trunks to explain to Dende what transpired. Goku wonders how Frieza was resurrected and was told by Vegeta that the Dragon Balls have been used. Frieza begins to explain his torturous times in Hell, which has no meaning to Goku. Ginyu decides to take them on, only to be blasted away by Vegeta. He says he only got rid of him because he would've or could've interfered with their match with Frieza.

Frieza claims that Vegeta has gotten stronger but he would kill him after he's finished with Goku. However, Vegeta says that he would kill him before Goku would. Frieza then leaves his hover pod to further power up to combat Goku, who has gotten stronger over the last years. Frieza transforms into his final form and in the process, he kills the rest of his army. Goku wishes that he goes first against Frieza because Vegeta has wiped out Ginyu. Frieza is waiting for Goku to transform into a Super Saiyan but Goku says that that power is not needed yet.

Episode 24: Goku and Frieza are in their fighting stances. Frieza decides to land and he suddenly powers down. they both simultaneously walk towards each other so they both could deliver blows and begin a power struggle. At the same time, Goten and Trunks are flying to The Lookout to see Dende. Jaco asks Bulma to remind himself if Goku is the individual that defeated Frieza so the question was confirmed to be true by Bulma. He then points over to Vegeta whom Bulma says is her husband and Jaco recognizes him as the prince of Saiyans. Jaco is scared to be there at the moment but stays because it's his mission to protect Earth. Bulma then examines Jaco to see that he looks like Frieza, the others agree to this. Goten and Trunks are disappointed that they couldn't see the battle but Trunks has an idea to travel to Dende's quickly and get back. On The Lookout, Dende and Mr. Popo are watching over Piccolo and Dende wants Goku and Vegeta to avenge Piccolo.

The power struggle eventually explodes. Frieza is glad that he made an effort to train and see a different light. However, he is disgusted by Goku: his face, voice, and everything else about him. Goku wants Frieza to stop talking so they could continue fighting. Frieza agrees then he throws a ki blast in Krillin's direction. Goku blocks this attack but Frieza rushes him and lands several punches. Goku and Frieza are moving at intense speeds that even Gohan and Krillin can't keep up. Bulma is surprised that Jaco could keep up with their battle. Frieza fires a ki blast at Bulma but Frieza attacks Goku, sending him to the ground, so he wouldn't save her. Vegeta, obviously, intervenes to save his wife.

Goku and Frieza both ram each other with their heads. While Goku is trying to get away, Frieza grabs his leg but Goku grabs his tail. Goku warns him about attacking the others because he's fighting him. Frieza says that playing dirty is part of vengeance and he does whatever he pleases. Frieza mentions the Namekian Dragon Balls and how Goku was looking to revive Piccolo later after he had been defeated. Frieza claims that as long as he's alive, the Earth and the Namekian Dragon Balls will be destroyed. They then clash ki blast at each other to separate. Frieza and Goku continue their match. As Goku and Frieza are throwing ki blasts at one another, Jaco's ship has caught on fire and his picture of him and his girlfriend has gotten burned. Before Goku and Frieza could fight more, Vegeta comes behind Goku to kick him because he's mad that they're not using their full power.

As Vegeta and Goku are attacking each other Frieza thinks that he's returning to be his loyal subject. Tien Shinhan believes that Vegeta is siding with Frieza because he has returned more power. However, everyone else disagrees and Tien Shinhan hopes that they're right. Frieza breaks up their fight to ask Vegeta if he's becoming part of his army again. Vegeta congratulates Frieza for being resurrected and begins clapping. Frieza gets furious and demands Vegeta to stop. Vegeta responds with a comment of Frieza not being existent any longer. Frieza wants to get his revenge on Goku so he wants Vegeta to wait a little longer. He also states that he'll kill Vegeta too, but Vegeta says otherwise.

Goku and Frieza decide to reveal their true power to each other. Frieza lets Goku go first but Goku doesn't want Frieza to lose hope but he still goes first. Goku begins to concentrate his power when Frieza powers up a ki blast to attack him. Goku demands Frieza to not and so he doesn't. Goku unleashes his new power, Super Saiyan Blue. Krillin and the others begin to say that Goku's ki is unsensable and that he's reached a level beyond Super Saiyan God. They also comment on his appearance.

On King Kai's Planet, King Kai notes that Goku has become a Super Saiyan God without the help of other Saiyans. He then begins to wonder what sort of training he has been doing on Beerus' planet. Back on Earth, Frieza is not impressed by Goku's transformation. Goku says he's pretty impressed himself and that Frieza should not act tough. Frieza wonders if he just went Super Saiyan but Goku says that he's a Super Saiyan with the power of Super Saiyan God. Frieza claims that to be a tongue twister. Goku welcomes Frieza his turn to show his power.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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