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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 25-29 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 25: Frieza wonders if Goku became a deity and Goku responds saying he's close to one. Frieza is impressed but not frightened by Goku's presence as a Super Saiyan Blue. Jaco is taking pictures to show his superiors so Earth could get destroyed because it's too dangerous. However, Bulma snatches the camera from Jaco so she can destroy it. Goku is eager to see Frieza transform. As Frieza is prepared to, he vanishes behind Goku to try to attack him but his move was countered by Goku. Frieza says he was trying see if transforming was worth it. Frieza powers up to transform and enters a form Frieza calls, Golden Frieza.

The spectators are surprised of Frieza's outcome. Frieza tells Goku that he could kill Goku in an instant because he never experienced the power he is feeling. Goku however says the match will be close but Frieza continues to say that he will be the victor. The two begin their match by throwing blows at each other and then eventually doing a beam collision. Suddenly, Bulma is telepathically contacted by Whis, notifying her that his and Beerus' arrival will be in four minutes and thirteen seconds. Beerus is mad that Goku left them behind, noting he'll pay for it. Then, Whis quickly stops warping and notices that there's company.

Champa and Vados show up to see Beerus and Whis. Beerus is curious why the God of Destruction of the sixth universe is in the seventh universe. He then suspects Champa trying to steal his food from his universe but Champa declines, claiming the food in his universe is better. He states that he's just visiting the universe. Beerus gets angry and is ready to fight him. Champa accepts but orders Vados to do it because he's lazy. Whis and Vados demand that they have to hurry to their own destinations. Beerus and Whis watch Champa and Vados warp away but Beerus feels that they're being suspicious. While Vados is warping, Champa asks Vados of how many of something they have and she states they've gathered five, which leaves two left. Champa wants to stay hidden so Beerus doesn't suspect what he's doing.

Back on Earth, Goku is struggling to push back Frieza's beam because Frieza is exerting more energy. The beam then shrinks and Goku and Frieza are immediately attacking each other. Bulma is wondering why Vegeta isn't helping Goku fight. Before she could say anything to him, Beerus and Whis show up. Whis immediately asks for the parfait he was offered. Beerus threatens the Earth if the parfait was not delicious. Bulma then goes to get the parfait that was in Jaco's ship. As Goku and Frieza continue to clash, Beerus and Whis eat the parfait.

Beerus starts to comment on Frieza and how powerful he's gotten. Whis says that Goku is having a hard time and that Frieza trained too, not letting his resurrection go to waste. Goku is failing to keep of with Frieza. Goku manages to get away from Frieza to catch his breath. Goku tells Frieza that reaching the level he is at took a long time. Frieza congratulates Goku, saying that even though he's nearly a god, he's still a Saiyan. He goes on to say that he'll kill Goku along with everyone else as he catches eye of Beerus.

Frieza is horrified of the sight of the God of Destruction but addresses him though he's not. Even more horrified, Frieza wonders if Beerus is there to interfere with his revenge on Goku. Beerus however says that Frieza could do whatever he wanted because a God of Destruction doesn't take sides. Bulma is mad that Beerus won't help but Beerus will protect them if delicious food is around. Jaco is curious to know if he was actually the God of Destruction wants to take a picture with him but Bulma says that take it with caution. Frieza is ready to continue his revenge. He then attacks the vulnerable Goku. After some combos, Frieza has Goku in pain on the ground.

Episode 26: Frieza begins to gloat as the fight steadily moves towards his favor. Goku then remarks that the fight isn't over yet with Frieza responding by continuing to beat him up. Gohan and Krillin prepare to jump in but are then stopped by Whis, with Beerus remarking that Goku still has a chance of winning to everyone's surprise. Beerus continues on to say that if both Goku and Vegeta worked together they would definitely be able to stop Frieza. Bulma then yells at Vegeta to join the fight but to no avail. Whis says that the two would never work together due to their pride. The fight continues in Frieza's favor much to Sorbet's delight and everyone else's disdain. After incapacitating him Frieza starts talking about the events on planet Namek and how he would be ruling and conquering the universe right now if Goku didn't get in his way in the most humiliating way possible. Frieza attempts to deliver the killing blow to Goku but fails with an out of breath Frieza saying that he must of held back by accident. Vegeta notices this and tells Goku that if he's not going to take advantage of it he will do so himself.

Goku then realizes Golden Frieza's weakness, but as soon as he does, Vegeta attempts to switch places with Goku in the fight. The argument continues until Vegeta gives up and a confused Frieza yells not to make light of him. Goku then offers Frieza a chance to go back home but he obviously declines thinking the fight is still in his favor. Goku says that if they go on much longer the tables might turn, Frieza denies this, and Goku remarks that he has noticed the weakness of his new form. With how the fight has gone so far, Frieza still thinks that Goku is just talking nonsense and wishes to continue. Goku says that his weakness will become clear to him really soon. Both Goku and Frieza power up and the fight continues with both of them at their full power. As the fight goes on it seems as if Goku is waiting for something and buying time. Frieza gains the upper hand again and attempts to end the fight with a final punch to Goku's head.

Episode 27: Goku, having seemingly won the fight against Frieza, drops out of Super Saiyan Blue. Sorbet, recognizing that Goku's guard is down, shoots him through the torso with Bad Ring Laser, critically wounding him. Frieza briefly gloats about Goku, one of the strongest beings in the universe, being felled by a simple ray gun, before preparing to end his life. However, Vegeta fires a ki blast at Frieza, who is forced to jump out of the way.

Vegeta explains that he saved Goku because Goku is his motivation to keep getting stronger. He orders Krillin to get Goku a Senzu Bean. Frieza fires a Death Beam at Krillin but Vegeta kicks Goku into the air and deflects the beam at Sorbet, killing him. Krillin and Gohan catch Goku, and Krillin gives Goku a Senzu Bean. Goku thanks Vegeta for saving him, and Vegeta orders him not to interfere in the fight from then on. Frieza proclaims that there is no way Vegeta is stronger than he is, but Vegeta begins powering up into Super Saiyan Blue. Frieza attempts to hit Vegeta with ki blasts, but Vegeta deflects each one with no effort. Vegeta reminds Frieza that he isn't forgiving, like Goku is, and promises to send Frieza back to Hell.

Frieza attempts to fight Vegeta but is unable to land a single blow, and Vegeta proceeds to pummel him with little effort. After a very short battle, Frieza, having insufficient energy to maintain his Golden form, drops back into his final form. Vegeta prepares to deliver the killing blow, but Frieza, knowing he has lost the fight, destroys Earth. Vegeta and everyone else on Earth is killed, save Beerus, Bulma, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Tien, Master Roshi, and Jaco, who are protected by an Energy Shield created by Whis. As Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin mourn the loss of their families, Whis tells them Frieza is likely still alive. Goku expresses guilt that he made the fight longer than it had to be, and could have finished Frieza off.

Whis informs everyone that he has the ability to turn back time by a maximum of three minutes, and offers to do so to allow Goku to kill Frieza before he has a chance to destroy Earth. Whis reverses time to several seconds before Earth is destroyed, and Goku immediately charges towards Vegeta and Frieza and fires a God Kamehameha at Frieza, disintegrating him. Vegeta then accuses Goku of stealing his glory but Bulma calms him down and explains what had just happened, and what would have happened if Goku hadn't intervened. Beerus says that a God of Destruction saving a planet was not very fitting. Bulma asks Jaco how he would respond to Whis manipulating time, which is against galactic law, and Jaco says that he didn't see anything.

Goku goes to New Namek to revive Piccolo with the Namekian Dragon Balls, and everyone attends a celebration at Capsule Corporation. Trunks enthusiastically proclaims that he will cut Frieza to pieces if he returns, making everyone except Goten laugh, as that is exactly what Future Trunks did to Frieza. Gohan, blaming himself for letting Piccolo die again and regretting being unable to help, asks Piccolo to retrain him, and he agrees. Goku and Vegeta talk about training together, each saying that they would rather die. Frieza is shown back in Earth's Hell.

Episode 28: Champa and Vados are traveling through space. Goku and Vegeta are training on Beerus' Planet, after the defeat of Golden Frieza. They are ordered to wear heavy gravity suits by Whis and do 50,000 push-ups. Both are struggling due to how heavy the suits are, which Vegeta says are as heavy as the gravity from Bulma's Gravity Machine, but they succeed in completing the push-ups. At that moment, Champa and Vados violently land and wake up Beerus from his nap but he believes Goku and Vegeta are responsible for the noise and attacks them with energy blasts. Champa and Vados walk to the entrance of Beerus' castle, despite Champa clearly being exhausted from the walking due putting on too much weight.

Beerus is too occupied with punishing Goku and Vegeta that he nearly attacks Champa, who berates him for his recklessness. The two bicker with each other while Whis and Vados solemnly acknowledge each other. Goku notes how Beerus and Champa look similar and Vados says they are twin brothers. She also explains Champa is the God of Destruction from Universe 6. Vegeta is confused that there are more than one than universe, so Whis explains to him there are a total of 12 universes and the universe where they reside is Universe 7. Goku is more interested in the revelation of there being powerful warriors from other universes. Beerus wants an explanation for Champa's sudden visit and Champa gives everyone eggs from a newly discovered bird from his universe. Vegeta says it tastes like a regular egg but Goku finds it delicious.

Champa believes his universe has more delicious food than Beerus'. Beerus is unimpressed and has Whis prepare instant ramen noodles, which Champa and Vados find to be delicious. After Beerus explains the delicacies of Earth, Champa has Vados locate Earth in Universe 6 but she and Whis learn the planet had been destroyed after the Earthlings were eliminated from a civil war. Beerus mocks Champa, who challenges Beerus to a fight. They two engage in fist fighting and the ground below them turns into dust. Whis and Vados interrupt them because a battle between Gods of Destruction will destroy the two universes. Champa suggests the universes have a 5 on 5 tournament where the winner will get Earth as a prize.

Beerus says switching Earth between universes is impossible but Champa says he has collected six planet-sized orbs that will grant any wish. Goku realizes he is talking about Dragon Balls and suggests Bulma can create a device to find the last one. Vegeta agrees but is more concerned of a catastrophe if the Super Dragon Balls are used. Goku pleads for the tournament to be held and Beerus asks for Vegeta's opinion, and Vegeta agrees to participate. Beerus agrees to hold the tournament with Champa, much to Goku's delight.

Episode 29: In Beerus' castle, Champa decides that the tournament should be held on the Nameless Planet, sitting in neutral space between Universe 6 and Universe 7. However, Vados states that the planet is nearby a little sun and the planet has no atmosphere. Champa tells Beerus he will deal with the planet because Beerus points out, it is his problem. Champa also wants to decide on the rules ahead of time. Goku suggests that they use the rules from the World Martial Arts Tournament: a person loses if they surrender, killing is non allowed, and whoever falls out the ring is counted out. Vegeta also suggests that enhancements and weapons are not allowed also, and he even says that a simple test would be permitted because he doesn't want idiot fighters participating. Both Beerus and Champa agree to the rules. Champa says that the tournament is one week from then at 7PM on the 8th solar calendar, which is five days. Before Champa leaves, he tosses Goku a Don Don egg as a gift, but Goku struggles to attain it.

While Champa and Vados are traveling through space, Vados asks if Champa is sure about the tournament because if he loses the Super Dragon Balls he worked hard for will be handed over to Beerus. Champa is sure that he will win and he comments on how Goku's movements are dull and slow because he struggled to get the egg he gave him (unaware that Goku and Vegeta were using gravity suits). The thought of getting Universe 7's Earth excited him. Goku and Vegeta leave Beerus' castle to take off the weighted suit Whis gave them. Vegeta starts to say that the tournament is a step of him beating Champa, Beerus, Whis, and Vados. Goku agress saying that they can't lose to them any longer. Goku wonders if Beerus will choose the remaining members of his team but Vegeta says it doesn't matter because he's going to beat everyone on the Universe 6 team. Goku then chooses himself to go first in the tournament. Beerus and Whis suddenly appear and tell Goku and Vegeta to hurry because they're going to Earth.

On Earth, Bulma is informed by Vegeta and Goku about the tournament. Whis tells Bulma that the Dragon Radar is needed to search for the last Super Dragon Ball. Bulma says she could change the sensitivity of the Dragon Radar to find it but Bulma suggests that they should call Shenron to help look for it. Everyone agrees with this idea but when Beerus is saying how Bulma is not as bad as he thought she was, Bulma smacks Beerus. Beerus lets it slide because Bulma came up with a pleasant idea. Beerus then orders Vegeta to look for Earth's Dragon Balls.

In space, Vados and Champa are traveling to the Nameless Planet while taking the Super Dragon Balls there too. When they arrive, Champa gives the Nameless Planet an alternative name which is the Nothing Planet. Vados says that a God of Destruction like Champa could think of a name like that. Vados goes on to talk about Champa's weight, saying thinking hard enough can consume calories. She then gives Champa juice from the Niga-Niga vegetables from Yago. Both Champa and Vados then think about decorating the Planet of Nothing. Giving it an atmosphere that's similar to the atmosphere from Zorert, adding an arena that's 50 meters, concessions, and portraits of the Gods of Destruction next to the stands.

Back on Earth, the Dragon Balls are gathered quickly by Vegeta and Shenron gets summoned by Bulma. When Shenron appears, he is frightened again by the sight of Beerus and asks him why he's been on the planet recently. Beerus tells him that Earth is important at the moment between Universes 6 and 7. Shenron is asked by Bulma to located the Super Dragon Ball but he can't because the universe is vast and it requires more power which is a limit of the Dragon Balls. Bulma goes with the original plan and sets off to create a Super Dragon Radar. Shenron asks if there are more wishes to be granted so Beerus tells him to go away, which is his wish. Goku wonders if he forgot to do something and he realizes that he didn't revive King Kai. Though, Bulma doesn't think it's important at the moment.

Back at the Nameless Planet, Champa is eating while he exclaims that having Beerus disappointed will have him pleased like having ten meals. Vados asks Champa if he has decided on picking his fighters and he says that since Beerus has two Saiyans, he should get one but after Vados fixes the portrait of him because he thinks he's slimer than the portrait shows.

On Earth, Beerus and Whis are eating and then they leave to head home. Whis says that he has to inform Monaka about the tournament. Goku curiously asks Beerus who Monaka is but starts to annoy him. Beerus states the Monaka is the strongest guy he has fought and says Goku is the second. Goku is obligated to fight him but Beerus says he can't because his opponents are the fighters from Universe 6. Goku then says that if they do lose, the Earth will just be transferred to another universe so nothing will change but Beerus yells at him for thinking this and says Earth still exists because of his kindness but insists on taking away his kindness if they manage to lose. Goku then says to do his best.

Early the next morning, Bulma is working on a new Dragon Radar called the Super Dragon Radar and finishes it. Bulma says she rushed it at the present time they are in. Bulma then reminiscences about what Beerus said the night before. Whis says that he pick them up the in five days for the tournament. Bulma thinks that Champa is a fool because if he were to use the Super Dragon Balls, he could wish for Earth to be restored and have an endless amount of food. Beerus tells Bulma she smart but doesn't think like a god and goes on to say that the Super Dragon Balls are an excuse for gods to fight. Beerus goes on to say that if universe 6 have Super Dragon Balls, then universe 7 should too because they are twin universes. He even jokes about wishing for annihilation of the world but Goku and Vegeta talk the down side about it. Beerus and Whis then leave but Beerus gives Bulma a smirk.

In present time, Bulma is scared of what Beerus might wish for. However, Goku and Vegeta try to calm her down because he could be joking and he's the God of Destruction so he goes by his own principles. Bulma wants to gather the Super Dragon Balls so Beerus could not make a wish. Though, Bulma says she doesn't care if they don't help he so she will get someone else. Bulma is calling her older sister, Tights, who is on a beach, and asks her to contact Jaco so he could help her. Jaco is an alien world stacking rocks when he gets a call from Tights. Jaco is angry and tells her that he's on an important Galactic Patrol mission and wants Tights to tell Bulma she couldn't get in touch with him. Bulma is still on the line and hears what Jaco said. Jaco knocks over his rocks while in shock and says that took him all day to build. Bulma threatens Jaco by saying Vegeta will destroy the Galactic Patrol headquarters if he doesn't show up and so Jaco rushes to Earth which will take him 50 minutes to reach.

Bulma wants Vegeta and Goku to try the Super Dragon Radar she worked hard on. Goku and Vegeta notices it doesn't get a response but Bulma says to get one, they need to go to the center of the universe because where they are, they're at the edge so finding the Super Dragon Ball will be complicated and getting to the center will increase the range of the ping. Bulma claims she will not let Beerus get the Super Dragon Balls but Goku doesn't want Bulma to interfere with the tournament. Bulma wonders why Goku thinks the tournament is more important than the universe but Goku really wants to meet Monaka.



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