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Anime Look Back: Dragon Ball Super Episode 30-34 Summary

Writer's picture: Anime_FanticAnime_Fantic

Episode 30: Goku and Vegeta meet up with Krillin who believes they are going on to a picnic in Outer Space having been told by Android 18 who had been told by Chi-Chi. However there had been a misunderstanding so the two Saiyans explain to Krillin what actually happened involving the upcoming Tournament.

Goku and Vegeta consider who the last two members of their team should be with Goku first mentioning Buu and then Piccolo. Vegeta imterjects by suggesting Gohan but Goku says that he has grown rusty due to studying constantly.

They go to recruit Buu as the fourth combatant of the Universe Seven Team. Although Buu is reluctant due to his hatred of Beerus, he agrees when Goku promises him a wish from the Super Dragon Balls, which he plans on giving to Mr. Satan.

On Beerus' Planet, Whis discusses with Beerus his surprise that at his recent actions of sparing Earth and now accepting to partake in the competition and asks if this had something to do with his premonition. Beerus however denies it and asks Whis why he let the two Saiyans train there though Whis does not give an answer as to why. After Beerus finishes feasting on the Ramen they head off to fetch Monaka.

Back on Earth, Goten and Trunks try to join, but they are denied by Vegeta because their use of fusion is illegal and that they aren't strong enough of their own. The group finds Piccolo training with Gohan. They recruit Piccolo as the fifth and final member. Gohan considers joining the team, but he cannot participate due to a business meeting on the day of the tournament.

At the Capsule Corporation, Goku suggests that he and Vegeta go and train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for three years and while Vegeta is hesitant at first believing themselves to be near their limits already, he ultimately agrees, not wanting Goku to get ahead of him.

Nearly arriving at Monaka's whereabouts, Whis asks Beerus if it is a good idea to recruit him but Beerus assures Whis he will handle it.

Episode 31: While Jaco heads to Earth to see Bulma, he is informed over the radio of a dine and dasher named Geppuman who is in the vicinity. Annoyed at not being able to have any rest, he takes his frustration out on a nearby asteroid using the guns on his ship but it turns out to be a Galactic Natural Monument which Jaco then blames on Geppuman.

Once Jaco arrives on Earth, he is tricked by Vegeta and Piccolo into helping out Bulma and advises going to see an omniscient alien named Zuno, to ask him about the Super Dragon Balls. After recieving a stern warning from Vegeta to not try anything funny with his wife, Jaco and Bulma head off into space.

After arriving on Zuno's Planet, they are told by Zuno's Attendants that they do not have anything free in the schedule for the next seven years. Dejected they decide to go back but they run into Geppuman who is there to ask Zuno how to get away with his dine and dashes forever.

Jaco apprehends Geppuman and he and Bulma take his appointment spot to see Zuno. Bulma unwittingly wastes two of her three questions, but she does glean information on the radius and other properties of the Super Dragon Balls. This includes the fact that they were formerly scattered across both Universe 6 and Universe 7 and are the size of planets.

Upon returning to Earth, Bulma shares her information with Vegeta who determines that Champa must have been coming into Universe 7 to steal the balls. Jaco tells that he would like to see the upcoming Tournament for himself and takes off back to his headquarters to hand over Geppuman.

Episode 32: On The Lookout, Dende and Mr. Popo are playing an intense game of tennis. Simultaneously, Goku and Vegeta are sparring in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Once they are finished, Goku is heavily exhausted and he expresses how he likes sparring with Vegeta and it helps him find need for improvement. Vegeta notes in his thoughts that he and Goku are improving and he is excited to match against Universe 6. Goku is wondering about Monaka and he is the strongest guy Beerus has fought but Vegeta tells him to focus on the match rather than his own teammate. Though, Goku is unsure if he Universe 6 fighters are strong but Vegeta says that Monaka is used as a trump card for their team so he is strong. Goku is excited to meet the six fighters he has never seen before but Vegeta wants Goku to act his age. Goku questions what Vegeta told him earlier about Saiyans saying young until their 80 but Vegeta was speaking physically instead of mentally. After this talk, they continue their training.

At Capsule Corporation, Whis is there with his Cube to take everyone to the arena on the Nameless Planet. However, they have to go to Beerus' Planet to get Beerus and Monaka. Whis states the ride will take roughly three hours so anyone that needs to use he restroom is recommended before going. Whis wonders where Goku and Vegeta are so Bulma tells him that hey have been training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and have been seen or heard of after going in. Jaco shows of after being late. Bulma notices a being with Jaco and wonders if it's his new girlfriend. However, Jaco introduces the being as the Galactic King. Bulma is not amazed by this and continues to wonder where Vegeta and Goku are. The Galactic King is wondering why Bulma is not amazed seeing him but Jaco tells him that they are acquainted with the Supreme Kai and the God of Destruction.

Goku and Vegeta arrive from training in the chamber and come back with beards and an unpleasant aroma. Bulma demands that they go take showers immediately before going. After some time, everyone is gathered in the Cube and Goku and Vegeta come back showered and have shaved. Krillin comes back and Goku wonders if Krillin was taking a dump but Krillin doesn't want to say things of some sort. They then leave Earth to Beerus' planet. In the Cube, Trunks is amazed by the sight and then smells something. Buu is laughing because he farted. Mr. Satan makes a comical joke, saying he calls it Majin Pew.

They eventually reach Beerus' planet. Everyone is taking pictures of Beerus' planet. Whis is allowing them to but he does not want the pictures put onto the internet because he wants to keep Beerus' planet a secret. Goku notices Beerus and Monaka walking through woods. Goku is notices Monaka walking next to him. Vegeta underestimates his appearance but Goku says they have to keep their guard up. Goku closely examines Monaka and greets him. Beerus doesn't want Goku talking to Monaka casually because he is the team's ace. Goku says he is told by Whis that Monaka means Great Pontas.

Goku is caught off guard when he is told by Monaka that Great Pontas refers to his large nipples. Goku requests for a sparring match with Monaka but Beerus pushes him to the side reminding him his opponents are the Universe 6 fighters. While they are headed to Whis' cube, Goku punches Monaka in the face but Monaka is unfazed by it but he tears up. Goku apologizes for attacking him because he thought he would dodge without being warned and Monaka forgives him for it.

Back in space on Whis' cube, Chi-Chi is grilling meat. Vegeta is given some and he is glad because he hasn't had a decent meal in three years (due to training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for three days). Goku is curious if Monaka wanted any but Monaka says he doesn't eat much meat, which shocks Goku. Near the Nameless Planet are the Super Dragon Balls. Whis gives an our of how big the planetary orbs are. Everyone on the ship is amazed by their size, being the size of planets. After this, Whis lands on the Nameless Planet. Goku wants to know if Champa created the arena but Beerus says he didn't and if he did, it would be tacky. Champa hears this and confronts his brother. Bulma wonders if he was the guy and Vegeta confirms he is the God of Destruction of Universe 6. Champa is glad that Beerus didn't run away but Beerus says he'll be leaving with the Super Dragon Balls and Champa says he'll be taking the Earth. Beerus confronts Champa about taking the Super Dragon Balls from his universe but he lets it slide because he is his brother.

Vados shows up to show the guests their seats but request different ones because they look hard. Whis creates new seats for the guests. Champa whispers to Vados that her seats should have looked as cool but she says she didn't do so because it would have insulted him because he wouldn't understand the art, making them according to his tastes. After this, the fighters for Universe 7 fly off to take their written exam. While flying there, someone calls Goku's name. It is Shin, who has been separated from Kibito after asking the Namekians for permission to defuse because it felt odd. Goku says that's the reason he couldn't sense their ki before. Kibito says they attended because they heard they were participating in the matches. The attendant for Fuwa, the Universe 6 Supreme Kai, notes that Goku acts casual towards gods. Goku notices one of them to be the Supreme Kai of Universe 6 and greets him. Piccolo rushes Goku to do the written exam. Fuwa wonders if Goku is his friend and Old Kai responds saying it's a long story.

When reaching the platform where the exam is taking place, Goku and the others examine the Universe 6 fighters who are there. One of them wonders if Goku and Vegeta are Saiyans. Vegeta is impressed that he could tell. That's because he is a Saiyan too. Vegeta and Goku are shocked that he is, now knowing there are Saiyans in Universe 6. Goku wonders where his tail has gone but the Saiyan is unaware of what Goku is talking about. Vegeta remarks on his clothing, saying it is similar to what the Saiyans wore before getting taken under Frieza. The Saiyan is unaware of who Frieza is, so Vegeta looks at the warrior who looks similar to Frieza, noting that the situation in Universe 6 is completely different from theirs. Vegeta wonders what planet the Saiyans of Universe 6 are based at and so the Saiyan responds saying Planet Sadala. Vegeta is shocked that the planet still exists there and gives the Saiyan a brief run down of what happened in Universe 7 to Planet Sadala. Vados reminds them that the test is about to begin. On he way to their seats, Vegeta asks the Saiyan to go to Planet Sadala and tells him not to worry because they do not steal planets anymore. He gives Vegeta the okay to visit Planet Sadala and Vegeta tells him that he will not show mercy to him in their matches.

The exam has begun. The test is said by Vados to be ten questions to test their basic knowledge and they will be given ten minutes to complete it and having a score of fifty or higher is eligible to compete. After the time is up, Beerus is mad that Buu failed his exam, leaving only four fighters for Universe 7. Goku says they can't do anything because if Buu falls asleep, he cannot be waken up for a while. Vegeta says that's why he didn't want Buu as a fighter but Goku blames him for suggesting a test. Whis tells Beerus that they have to pick the order the fighters will go in. Beerus chooses Monaka to go last because he is the strongest and lets Goku, Piccolo, and Vegeta play Rock-Paper-Scissors to choose their placing. The tournament begins with the Referee introducing the Singer to sing the universe anthem. The first mach of the tournament is between Universe 6's Botamo and Universe 7's Goku. Both Goku and Botamo enter the arena to commence the first match.

Episode 33: The first match between Goku and Botamo begins. Botamo begins bouncing around the entire arena, eventually landing a strong blow on Goku, who barely manages to keep himself from falling out of the ring. Krillin yells for Goku to watch his back. Botamo, chuckling, advises for Goku to make a move, saying that he heard from Champa that he was not anything special. Goku says that he ate too much meat before the tournament, and starts exercising in order to digest the food. Botamo arrogantly says he will assist Goku in digesting his food, firing Ki Blasts from his mouth, which Goku evades, thanking him for the help.

Vados comments that Botamo has not revealed his full potential yet. Goku suddenly jumps behind Botamo's backside and fires a Kamehameha, and Beerus declares that it is over. However, Botamo emerges from the smoke unharmed from the attack. Goku then goes on the offensive, repeatedly punching Botamo in the stomach, but every blow deals no damage. Chi-Chi and Bulma are surprised that Botamo is tanking Goku's punches, and Jaco comments that Botamo is transferring Goku's attacks to a different dimension, where the damage is nullified, however when Bulma says "really", Jaco says "probably". Goku continues to attack, even going for a leg sweep, but every blow deals no damage, and Botamo pushes him back. Vegeta yells for Goku to use his head, and Goku headbutts Botamo. Botamo jokes about Goku actually using his head to attack, but Goku grabs Botamo's legs and forces him to fall. Goku then drags Botamo to the side of the ring via his legs, avoiding every one of Botamo's mouth blasts. Botamo then gets up and tries to attack, but Goku catches his arm and hurls him out of the ring. Goku is declared the winner by ring-out.

Champa demands for the match to be re-done, claiming Goku is a cheater, and Beerus and the audience of Universe 7 boo him. Champa then starts throwing a tantrum, while Vados calms him down, saying they still have four fighters left, as Frost makes his way to the ring, being Goku's next opponent. Goku is excited, calling Frost "the Universe 6's "Frieza". Frost then politely introduces himself to Goku, shaking his hand, and also thanks the Universe 7 audience for their attention. Goku, Krillin and Bulma are surprised that Frieza's Universe 6 counterpart is so nice. The match begins, and Frost uses his speed to quickly throw Goku off-balance. As Frost exclaims that lightweight fighters have their own style of fighting, Goku suggests that he should hurry and transform into his final form, surprising Frost. Goku realizes that Frost had planned to transform bit-by-bit while testing Goku's power. Frost then decides to transform into his final form, however he transforms into his Third Form. Champa is surprised that Frost could transform, while Vegeta is frustrated that Frost is still hiding his final form. Goku, unaware of Frieza's past transformations, says that Frost's form looked different than Frieza's. Frost asked if Frieza was able to defeat Goku, and Goku says he is better off not knowing.

The two then proceed to fight, and it is shown they are more or less evenly matched. The Referee says that Frost's Third Form is known as his Charging Form, and due to his actions in Universe 6, he has been awarded the National Peace Prize three times. Goku says that Frost is hiding one more transformation, as he is saving it for later matches. Frost asks how he knows this, and Goku says he is doing the same thing, transforming into a Super Saiyan. Champa asked Cabba if Saiyans could transform, and Cabba replied that he did not know anything about it. Hit momentarily opens one eye and looks at the match, then closes it. Goku advises Frost to transform into his Final Form, which Frost does, claiming it is difficult to control his power in this form but believes Goku can handle it. The two continue their match, and Frost is completely outclassed, being knocked around several times. Goku says he does not want to beat up a nice guy like him so much, and suggests that Frost surrenders. Frost says he will not surrender, as he must win the competition, and throws another punch, which Goku blocks. However, Goku starts to suddenly feel tired, and starts panting heavily. Frost then knocks Goku out of the ring, and Goku falls on the floor, defeated.

Episode 34: Goku loses to Frost due to a ring out. Everyone is shocked that Goku lost to him but of course, Champa and Cabba are glad he won. Chi-Chi runs to check up on Goku. When Goku wakes up, he is unaware of where he is and eventually realizes he lost. Chi-Chi cries and hugs Goku as she thought that Goku was dead. Frost checks up on Goku to see if he's okay and he congratulates Goku for giving him an agonizing but fun match. He even raises Goku's hand while the audience is applauding them. Goku takes Chi-Chi back to her seat and goes to Whis and Beerus. Beerus is angry with Goku, saying if he could've used his full power and won easily. Goku explains that he thought Super Saiyan was enough to handle Frost. Goku then claims that he will win next time, but Beerus thinks the matches should be his only concern at the moment.

Champa calls out Beerus and taunts him due to his team's recent win. Beerus is angry at first, but laughs it off because Whis wants him to calm himself. The Referee calls the next match: Frost and Universe 7's next contestant, Piccolo. Piccolo asks Goku if he has a chance against Frost, but Goku bluntly assures him that he cannot win, saying the most he could do is lower Frost's stamina in preparation for his next fight with Vegeta. Piccolo then flies down to the arena for his match. Piccolo is curious if Frost is going to continue fighting in his final form. Frost replies he doesn't have enough power to kill him, but he certainly doesn't plan on losing. Piccolo takes off his weighted garments, which fall and land on the referee. Vegeta is contemplates about how Goku lost to Frost, saying Goku could not have gone unconscious to the level of attack Frost let out and feels something is not right. Jaco moves next to Vegeta to see the fight at a better view.

Frost is ready to fight Piccolo and so he immediately charges Piccolo as the match begins. However, Piccolo disappears and commences charging the Special Beam Cannon. While doing his, Frost figures what Piccolo has to do and that's storing an enormous amount of ki to unleash the attack. Frost starts firing blasts at Piccolo but Piccolo evades them. Piccolo attempts to attack Frost several times with the Special Beam Cannon. While Piccolo tries to get closer to Frost to hit him, Frost is firing more blasts and one pierces through his leg but Piccolo keeps his stored energy. He then creates clones of himself to store more energy. Champa is frustrated that Piccolo has not tried to attack Frost, but he ran around. He commands that the referee disqualify him but he denies. Beerus tells Champa that the referee is higher than gods during the matches.

Frost is shooting at the clones of Piccolo, trying to find the correct one. After some time, Frost decides to wipe out the clones and charges the real Piccolo. Piccolo blocks Frost's punches with one hand. At the range they're at, Piccolo not use the Special Beam Cannon as pointed out by Whis and Goku. Frost kicks Piccolo's hurt leg and punches him, which makes him lose the energy he had and then Frost kicks him away, creating distance between them. While Frost is no looking, Piccolo extends his arm to get a hold of Frost. Piccolo says that he had to think about how he would hit him. Frost says he thought he won when he made the ki disperse but this has created an opening for Piccolo to grab him. He has figured out that Piccolo let him pierce his leg to create that situation. While Piccolo is charging his technique, Frost lifts his arm into Piccolo's coiled arm. When Piccolo is ready to fire the Special Beam Cannon, he gets dizzy then he tries to use the move but Frost gets free and blasts Piccolo through his abdomen. The Special Beam Cannon is then fired toward the barrier, creating a hole.

Frost is declared the winner by the referee. All of a sudden, Jaco objects Frost being the winner because Jaco claims Frost is using a weapon. He requests the referee to check his right arm for a needle or other small weapon. He also claims he saw what Frost did. Champa is mad that Jaco would claim false accusations because they lost. He even states that if the referee doesn't find anything on Frost, he would destroy Jaco. The Saiyan says that Frost is a hero because he fought alongside him once on Planet Mayonnai and they defeated space pirates there. Jaco wants to take back what he said when he hears Champa would destroy him but Beerus and Vegeta want the referee to still do it even if Jaco gets destroyed.

The referee checks Frost's right arm. He rubs on his wrist then a needle pops out. He touches the needle then he gets woozy and falls out. Jaco is happy about this but Champa is mad. Frost claims that what he has is not a weapon but is actually biological. However, the referee claims that there are signs of it being artificial. He then disqualifies Frost for breaking the rules, declaring Piccolo the winner. The Saiyan wonders why someone as good as Frost would do something like that but Vados says that's his true nature. She even goes on to say that the space pirates he and Frost fought are part of an organization Frost is the leader of.

Frost reveals his true ambition, saying he starts wars and then concludes them. He then buys the ravaged land for a cheap price and make more off reconstruction and redevelopment. This is all a business scheme Frost has personally created. Beerus says Frieza did a similar method and Whis says he did it to push off his good image. Vegeta says even though he's from another universe, there is no good Frieza. Piccolo says he thought he was the clever one but he fell into Frost's trap, as he regenerates his abdomen. Frost says the reason he lost was because he wasn't aware of his fighting style.

Champa angrily questions Vados picking a warrior like that. Vados defends herself, saying Champa only told her to select someone who would definitely win. Frost is done with his match and decides to find set. Champa is ready to destroy Frost because he embarrassed him, but Vegeta does not want Frost to be destroyed or disqualified because he wants to beat Frost himself. The referee tells Vegeta that Piccolo's loss has been retracted and that he is still in the match. Vegeta then tells the referee that Piccolo is forfeiting. After thinking, Piccolo decides to forfeit and let Vegeta fight. After talking to Vados about obtaining a win because Frost is back in the matches, Champa says that he will forget that Frost put shame upon him and if he wins the next one, Champa will think about providing financial support toward his organization. Beerus wants Vegeta to win the match to end it and make him feel better. Vegeta flies down from his seat for his match. Frost comments how Vegeta is confident letting him back in the matches. Vegeta states that he hates the way Frost sounds, which has Frost confused.

Rating: 9/10(Average)


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